The billionaire’s girlfriend Episode 9 & 10

🌷The Billionaire’s
Girlfriend 🙈
Episode 9
“Yes… But you’ll have to agree to my own terms too” I said coldly.
After crying my eyes out last night, I went throu-gh the stupid file and rere-ad it. I realized that I had no choice but to accept his offer.
Kayla’s life is in danger, I’ll feel bad if anything happens to her.
So here I am accepting to something I don’t want. This few hours I’ve spent Khalid alre-ady tells me that he isn’t a guy that jokes.
He means business, he knows what he wants and he takes it ruthlessly or any way he seems fit the situation.
I took a sip of tea to calm my nerves and waited for him to reply.
“What are your terms dear June” he said in a mocking tone.
I glared at him, took a de-ep clean and started listing mine.
“I would not have s… Erm” I felt my face heating up. Gosh!
I was speaking br@vely just now and can’t pronounce s3x to him. Kayla will definitely sigh at me if she was here.
I saw hisl-ips curl up in a smile and blu-shed more.
“Are you trying to say s3x June?”
❄️ Khalid ❄️
Oh my goodness!!
I can’t believe she can’t say out the word.
I bec@m£ really interested in what she wants to say when I saw her face heating up.
She blu-shed from face to next which I find cute. I’ve never seen a girl who blus-h like her.
She nodded”Yes, that.. I.. I.. I’m not going to have that with you, and I’m not going to stay locked up in this house, I have a business I nee-d to run, my snacks have gone bad”
Ok… So, I wasn’t expecting that, like at all.
What does she mean she’s not going to have s3x with me?
Women throw theirselves at me and she’s refusing?
She shrank back when I growled angrily. I took a de-ep breath and got up. “Your shop will be taken care of but we’ll see about the s3x.”
I glanced at my time to see that I’m alre-ady late for my appointment.”We’ll see tonight”
She nodded.
“Yes, that.. I.. I.. I’m not going to have that with you, and I’m not going to stay locked up in this house, I have a business I nee-d to run, my snacks have gone bad”
Ok… So, I wasn’t expecting that, like at all.
What does she mean she’s not going to have s3x with me?
Women throw theirselves at me and she’s refusing?
She shrank back when I growled angrily. I took a de-ep breath and got up. “Your shop will be taken care of but we’ll see about the s3x.”
I glanced at my time to see that I’m alre-ady late for my appointment.”We’ll see tonight”
She nodded.
As I got into my car, I called Charles.
“You can let her go” I told him before hanging up.
“Where to sir?”
🍀 Kayla 🍀
I gr0@nout loudly for the hundredth time” Aghh gosh my a*s is aching”
The guy sighed”Don’t you ever get tired of talking?”
I scoffed”What do you expect? You refused to talk me so I’m helping out by talking for us both”.
He wanted to reply but his phone rang, cutting him off.
He picked up and listened, after a while he said”Yes sir”
He dropped the phone and turned to me.
“It’s time to go miss”
I glared at him”Don’t call me that!! I told you my name, anyways.. I don’t want to go, take me to your house plea-se, pretty plea-se?”I said giving him the puppy eyes.
He scoffed”You really are a drama queen aren’t you?”
I pouted”Maybe, so what do you say? Can I stay with you? You see.. my friend is no longer with me, she claimed that she was kidnapped by Khalid Black can you imagine that? She should be happy about that. So what I’m trying to say is that, if you don’t want me in your house, you can come stay in mine. We could go down and dirty you know?” I asked twitching my brows”So what do you say?”
Aghh this girl will kill me before my time.
I don’t even know why I’m staying with her, I’m supposed to do other work upstairs but something held me back.
Her mouth.
She has such dirty mouth, I might give in and fv¢k the hell outta her if she offer herself to me again.
I won’t lie if I say I’m attra-cted to her, right from the time I kidnapped her, I even told none of the guards to t©uçh her, I had personally carried her myself.
It’s annoying cause I’ve not felt such reaction towards anyone in a long time, I’ve only focus on my work and that’s why I’m the best in what I do.
“Hey!!!! Are you going to answer me or not?”
I gro-an ed inwardly, this is the first time I kidnapped a girl and she isn’t acting silly, or crying like an idiot. Infact, Kayla is completely opposite from other girls I’ve met which is intriguing.
I ignored her question and untied her.
The moment she was free, she flung herself in my arms and k!$$£d me.
I was so surprised by this, I lost my footing and we both fell down.
She didn’t let up, she found myl-ips and k!$$£d me ha-rd .
My di-ck ha-rd ened in my p@n-ts.
She knows what she wants and she’s taking by f0rç£, just kind of girl I like.
She pu-ll-ed back and gazed at me with a smile on her face”I did it”
I could only stare at her, this girl is definitely crazy.
Episode 10
🦋 Khalid 🦋
My phone rang as I got to work. I rolled my eyes when I saw mom’s number.
I guess she’s confused at the moment. I picked on the second ring.
“Hi Mom”
“Khalid? Oh Khalid, I thought something happened to you, I was getting worried”
“I’m fine mom”
“Are you going to keep pretending you don’t know why I called? When are you coming home Khalid? The wedding is tomorrow!!”
I sighed”Mom.. ”
“Don’t mom me Khalid!! This is important for me! I want you here in New Orleans and that’s final!”she shouted and hung up.
Uh.. okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you mom, you didn’t let me finish.
I’ll surely be in New Orleans tomorrow but I won’t be alone, I’ll come with a surprise of my own.
I alighted out of the car and walked Into the building, going straight to my office.
“Good Morning Master K” The workers greeted as I pas-sed by.
I ignored”Get me my schedule for today Lucie” I said to my PA.
Hours into working, I realized that nothing was working, I wasn’t focused on my work.
My mind was on sweet June, my little man down there has been ha-rd ever since she stepped into my house.
I can’t believe I have her with me now and I’m not doing anything about it. Soon, I reas-sured myself.
Soon, I’ll have her withering beneath me. For now I have no ruin mom’s plans.
🍀 Kayla 🍀
He pushed me off him and got up from the ground. I stood up to, smiling wilding like a clown.
I can’t believe I k!$$£d him!
You won’t blame me tho, the guy is too cute. He could melt your heart just by smiling at you.
“We nee-d to go” he said coming closer with something in his hand.
I nodded”Yeah.. go, you finally decided to come with me right?”
He clenched his fist”No Kayla, you nee-d to go home so I’m going to cover your eyes with this so you won’t know this location”
I sighed dreamily”Oh gosh, even my name sounds S-xy”
He growled”Kayla!!!”
“What? Don’t you get it? I’m not going anywhere, I want to stay here with you till I’m re-ady to go”
He closed his eyes and breathed. Suddenly he made a move towards me but I alre-ady anticipated that.
I moved out of reach and ran towards a door I saw earlier.
It was the bathroom.
I quic-kly got in and locked myself inside. He ban-ged on the door.
“Come on Kayla open up!!”
I shrugged and went to relax in the tub”No! Not until you promise I’ll stay with you”
He didn’t reply, I huffed and closed my eyes suddenly feeling sleepy.
I bec@m£ confused as I watched Khalid left the house.
Why did he sm-irk when I gave him my terms? He had looked at me like I’m crazy for asking that.
Whatever, I can’t give him my b©dy just because he asked for it. Who does he think he is?
After breakfast, I went back to my room to shower. After that, I wra-pped myself in a towel and then searched the wardrobe for something to wear.
There was… Nothing.
Just old dirty clothes and rags.
Oh gosh! And I alre-ady threw my clothes in a trash bin!
What am I going to wear?
An idea c@m£ into my head and I nodded. What if I search for Khalid’s room?, I might be able to get something to wear.
With that thought, I held the towel ti-ghtly around my w@!st and walked out of the room.
I gazed at the long hallway, turning right and then left wondering where to start.
How would I find his room? This house is so damn big. I wonder what he’s using the whole rooms for.
I could check all the rooms in the house surely I’ll be able to see one or two shi-ts there right?
I took the left wing and started opening doors. I found room one and went to the wardrobe only to find towels.
Hm, guess it’s a good start.
I opened the door and wanted to walk out again when I saw a guard pas-sing. I gently closed it back and waited.
Ok.. I guess I have another problem.. the guards!
How are my going to get pas-s them without them seeing me?
Shortly after, I opened the door and dived into the other room. Nothing there.
I kept di-ving into the room after room until finally! I found one that has men clothes.
The clothes were much, I stepped into the closet and found racks of different coloured suit.
On another section was the wrist watches and gold n£¢klaces and many other things.
It took me time to realize that I’m in Khalid’s room. Oh my God! How rich is this guy?
I shook my head and decided to do what I c@m£ here for.
I was searched his pairs of white t-shi-ts looking for a longer one. Then I saw it!
Just as I was about picking it up, I heard someone clearing his throat from behind.
I screamed. And turned to see Khalid leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.
I realized something in my screaming state, he was looking down at my b©dy.
I glanced at myself and saw my towels on the floor.
😊 Someone should guess her reaction?