The badboy pl@ybook episode 11

🔞The Badboy💋 pla-ybook 📖
Chapter 11
Written by: Lee Writes ✍️
Valerie Pov👙
I’m sitting in the living room with bottles of alcohol in front of me and a glas-s filled with alcoholic drinks. I gulp down the whole content and let out a sigh.

I am so tired of what is happening to me, things have gone beyond my control and the truth is that I don’t even know what to do anymore. I don’t know if I should kill myself or run away cause it’s getting too much and the people I thought will stand by me are the same people who are castigating me.
Ava blamed me for all that has happened and blamed me for losing the company. She said I lost focus and now they’ll all pay for my sins.
While Ralph, well, what do I expect? He never cared for me anyway and I hate myself for believing that he’ll come back to me someday.
A few days after the incident happened I went to see him and told him all that had happened and what I heard from him made me hate him so much. He cursed me and told me never to come to him ever again because he’s done with me and that I will never be happy for causing others pain.

And Carl, you know what I’ll get alre-ady…..
Carl has st©pped picking up my calls nor did he return any of my text messages. I also tried to reach Elite Co but they’ve alre-ady blocked my number and access to their website.
I don’t know why I have to experience this ha-rd sh!pwhen all I ever wanted was to be happy.

I poured myself another glas-s and was about to gulp that down too when Ava called my name and I turn my n£¢k towards her.

“I hope you don’t drink yourself to death.” She said. She c@m£ closer and stretch a brown envelop to me.
“It’s from Sofia’s lawyer.” She said. I wondered what she wants from me again after all the company is hers alre-ady.

I stare at the envelope in her hand for some seconds before collecting it from her and when I saw what was written in it, it dropped from my hand.

“She wants to take ownersh!pof this house too as the property my father left for her. She said I should evacuate the building in two weeks.” I said, Ava, bent down and picked up the letter and re-ad throu-gh it.

“I don’t un-derstand, isn’t this house in your name?”

“It is but with this letter it’s no longer in my name,” I said and she sits next to me.

“What are we going to do now? You can’t let her have the house too.” She said and I turn my face to her staring at her.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She asked.

“You know this is all Marga’s fault?! She caused all this.” I reminded her.

“Are you even supposed to be pointing f!ngersright now? You should be thinking about how you’re gonna sue her.” Ava said and I yawned.

“Can’t you see that she has the backing of the law alre-ady? I’ll go confront her in the office.” I said and stand up. Even though I’m feeling a little ti-psy, I still nee-d to do this.

“Okay, am coming with you,” she said.

The way they were looking at me was so annoying as if I was not once their boss.

“Just ignore them.” Ava, said as if she was re-ading my mind,
“Do you want me to come in with you?”

“I think I can do this myself, don’t worry about me,” I said, she embr@ce me and I walk into her office and she was on phone but when she saw me she dropped the phone.

“When your father introduced you to me I thought you’re mannered but I guess I was wrong.” She said and I roll my eyes.

“What are you trying to do Sofia, what’s your problem?!”
She laughed and adjusted her glas-ses.

“Still up till now, you haven’t learned to call me Mom? Am your father’s wife remember.”
It’s my turn to laugh.

“You are delusional Sofia, you’re only married to my father in papers and now he’s gone and you should too.”

“Be careful what you wish for honey because if I die too that only means you won’t have a monger figure anymore.” She said laughing. I feel my blood boiling up and I threw my handbag at her, hitting her on the face.

“Leave. Me. Alone Sofia, what do you want from me?!” I yell at her.

“Everything. I want to take everything away from you including your life.” She said laughing. I blinked my eyes preventing the tears from rolling down then I felt another person’s pres£nce.
“Oh, you’re here,” Sofia said and when I turn to see who it was, it was Carl.
I went and embr@ce him and just now I feel like someone has come to my rescue.

“Thanks for coming for me Carl,” I said on his n£¢k and I heard Sofia’s laughter again.

“Common sweetheart don’t be too naive. I didn’t raise you to be so stupid.” She said and I pu-ll away from the embr@ce looking at Carl who didn’t even utter a word.
Why isn’t he saying anything?

“What is going on here Carl?”
How did he even know this place? I’ve never taken him here before and neither have I introduced him to Sofia, or…… No! It’s not possible.

“I guess you two haven’t been formally introduced.” She walks out of her seat to us.

“Carlos, meet my wonderful, loving, and stupid stepdaughter, Valerie.” She said while my eyes are just fixed on Carl who didn’t even say a word.
“And Valerie, meet my handsome financial manager.” She said and I open my eyes wi-de.
Another betrayer 😭

“Don’t look too sad. Carlos here has been handling all my finances including that of BROOKE’S un-derWEAR.” Sofia added all this while I’ve been waiting for Carl to say something, at least let him deny all that she was saying.

“Did you betray me too!”
He didn’t say a word.