The as-sas-sin I fell in love with Episode 25 & 26

⚔️THE as-sas-sIN⚔️
•[He Captured a Princess]•
❤️⚔️Episode Twenty Five⚔️❤️
••Authoress’s POV••
Leana and Jamal stared at each other without saying a word but just letting their eyes do the talking…
There was still sorrow in his eyes she noticed but there wasn’t scorn…
Her eyes were twi-nkling,he noticed but only a half smile spre-ad across his face…
He didn’t know why he told her he didn’t hate her anymore but it was the truth and nothing but the truth….
He didn’t hate her anymore,but what he was really feeling he hasn’t uncovered the basket yet—Yet…
‘It’s chilly out here’..She finally spoke up breaking the hypnotic gaze that almost swallowed the both of them…
‘Go to sleep’..Jamal replied..
‘Ohhh and what about you?? It’s pretty cold’..She asked and he shrugged..
‘I don’t feel the cold cause I’ve been throu-gh harsher nights’..
‘Hmmm good night’..She murmured…
A p@rt of her wanted to stay with him more than anything but her b©dy anatomy disagreed otherwise….
The cold wasn’t for her even as a kid she hated the cold more than anything…
‘Good night Shadow’..She murmured again and Shadow nodded as he went into the water….
Her legs were heavy with each step taken and she couldn’t help but turn around to view his magnificent b©dy…
His scars were disappearing…
The Barbados petals she put in his bathing water everyday was clearly showing signs of working…
Being a princess wasn’t the only thing she knew how to do and she was going to show him that….
Not that it was really important but she wanted to be closer..
She wanted to know more about him…
She wanted to know why he hated her father and the reason for his complexity….
She wanted to be the wife of the as-sas-sin..
••Jamal’s POV••
The Next Morning🌥️
‘TJ get off my back!!’..i gro-an ed loudly un-der my breath…
‘Come out!!! Come out!!’..He cried out and I gro-an ed again..
‘TJ I’m pretty much tired leave me alone’..
‘Yayyi Leana wouldn’t wake up!!’..He cried out and I jo-lted from the be-d..
‘She what?? What’s wrong with her??’..I asked and he sniffed…
I rushed over Leana’s room and she was pale as a newly la-id egg..
‘Leana?? Leana wake up’..I murmured and she sneezed loudly…
‘Achoo!! Sorry I didn’t notice you there’..She said in a hoarse voice and my brows perked up…
‘You’re not feeling too well are you??’..I asked and she shook her head..
‘It’s just a mere cold nothing much.I told you i hated the cold weather didn’t I??’..
‘Mmmmh well that explains it then.I’ll go to the healer to get you something’..I said turning around but she held me back…
‘Jamal wait!! Can I come with you??’..She asked and my s-en-ses couldn’t help but tingle at the way she pronounced my real name..
‘Fine then,gr-ab a nose veil and put on something less….Less revea-ling’..I replied and shook of the stupid images that crept into my head…
Minutes later❤️
‘One dose of eucalyptus oil in her tea every morning and night would do the trick’..The village healer said as he handed me a small bottle of vague liquid in exchange for some pounds…
‘You heard what he —Leana what are you thinking??’..I frowned seeing that she was no longer paying attention to what I had to say…
‘Leana!!’..I snapped and she was back to reality…
‘Sorry I was just noticing that beautiful horse by the shed’..She murmured pointing at the white stallion…
‘Ohhh baabu?? He’s mine’..I sm-irked walking over…
‘You own a horse?? I thought you stowed away on caravans no offense’..She exclaimed and I snickered shortly…
‘He’s my horse but I keep him in a stable or tied to a post.Horses and c@m£ls are respected in these p@rts cause they cause no trouble and baabu always arrives when I nee-d him’…
••Nevida’s POV••
‘I’m starting a notice a mutual connection between Ivan and that maid mother’..i gr-unted a bit as I plunked down on the mat where mother was meditating…
‘Who?? A maid?? Since when has your insecurity gotten the best of you Kyra’..Mother replied and I frowned…
‘I see the way he looks at her mother, he’s slowly loosing interest in Leana and not gaining any in me even though I keep jilting about knowing her whereabouts.I don’t know how much longer I can keep up with this mother,he’s clearly loosing interest in me’..I said and she smiled..
‘Ivan is a prince of prestige my dear Nevida,he can’t stoop so low to falling in love with a mere scullery maid but if that’s what you’re scared of then not to worry…I’ll make sure the maid is put in her place’…
‘Thank you mother,but seriously how do i keep curbing Ivan’s requests??’..I asked..
‘Keep curbing until he is un-der your control my dear daughter and you’d see…Not even Leana or the maid would re-lease him from your grasp’…
••Leana’s POV••
I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself and couldn’t help but smile at the transformation…
Remembered when i first c@m£ here.Thought i would be a slave and a prisoner against my own will…
Thought my clothes would be taken and given rags instead,thought my would be shaved but instead the vice versa of everything..
I added weight..
My h!ps got curvier..
My hair is back to it’s natural color and I can’t help but feel like a woman..
I always thought my life was perfect—With the perfect father,the perfect mother,the perfect best friend,the perfect fiancee…
The perfect everything and the perfect life but facing a lot of ha-rd sh!ps has made me realize; my life isn’t perfect as i claim it to be…
I feel a s-en-se of true happiness being here in a distant mansion,with a two year old and a village where everyone is contended with what they have…
This is all because of a man who wants revenge and now I’m not sure revenge is what he wants anymore..
I thank it’s time for me to come out with my feelings cause I can’t seem to take it anymore ..
It’s time I st©p denying the fact that I don’t feel anything for him cause it’s killing me real bad…
But I still love Ivan don’t I??…
Ivan has been with me throu-gh everything and it’s like I’m not being fair in anyway possible….
‘Leaya?? Are you okay??’..TJ asked as he walked towards me…
‘I..I’m fine little one where’s your father??’..I replied….
‘The study’..He said and I nodded walking away…
Here goes nothing ..
••Jamal’s POV••
I winced loudly as a gust of dust enveloped me while trying to get an Anthropology book..
‘Don’t leave what do you have to say??’..I muttered sp©tting Leana as she tried to leave..
‘Uhhh I wanted to say something to you’..She said..
‘Okay I’m listening’..My brow furrowed and she locked her f!ngerswalking closer…
‘It’s a shock to me that I feel this way but Jamal I…I don’t know how to put this but I…
‘You what??’..
‘I uhh I…I…I..I nee-d a book from you’..She said and my mouth went open..
⚔️THE as-sas-sIN⚔️
•[He Captured a Princess]•
❤️⚔️Episode Twenty Six⚔️❤️
••Jamal’s POV cont’d ••
‘What kind of a book do you really want to re-ad??’..I asked with a frown on my face as Leana pursed herl-ips lightly…
Still can’t believe she was that restless all because of a book…
‘A..any book you give me would be fine thank you’..She murmured and my eyes darted over to an old Astrology book which was the first book mother gave to me…
‘Here have this,you wanted a book have it’..I murmured and handed it over to her…
‘Than..thank you I really nee-ded the book’..She muttered and turned to leave…
‘A swim later??’..I asked and she st©pped..
‘Yes a..a swim later would be nice’..She said and walled away briskly..
Why do I feel like she wanted to say something else??…
Minutes later❤️
Stood on the window pane of the Prince Ali’s room and as soon as i heard footsteps..
‘Hello your highness’..I said and he j£rked to the other sight in fright…
‘Who are you?!! What do you want from me?! Guards!!’..He screamed and I sm-irked lightly…
‘Twenty years ago a little boy c@m£ to you for help,food and shelter and what did you do??’..
‘What are you talking about?? I don’t know of any little boy’..He replied in a gr-unt and I jumped down to the ground…
‘Let me remind you…You threw him out and s£nt dogs after him’..I whispered and with a strike of my sword his right hand went to the ground…
‘Ahh!! Who are you?!!’..He screamed in pain…
‘I…was…that little boy’..I replied and staked his heart without remorse…
Twelve people down,twelve more to go…
••Leana’s POV••
‘Leaya do you like my yayyi??’…TJ asked and my brows perked up a bit…
‘Why do you ask??’..
‘Cause yayyi says when a woman stares at you too long she yikes you’..He replied and i couldn’t help but chuckle..
‘But I don’t stare at your father for too long do i??’..I asked and seeing the look on his face proved otherwise…
Even a kid notices but his father doesn’t??..
‘So you like my yayyi?? Or you love him??’..He asked and my mouth went agape with shock…
‘You’re supposed to be two years old how on earth are you so smart??’..
‘I’m three years old’ .
‘When did you become three??’..
‘The Perdi festival’..
‘The perdi festival?? TJ why didn’t you tell me we would have celebr@ted it!! And your father acted like it wasn’t important!!!’..I yelled placing him on my l@ps…
‘Yayyi used to say that birthdays don’t really nee-d to be celebr@ted—You added another year that should be a celebr@tion enough’..He murmured and I couldn’t help but blus-h…
An as-sas-sin with a pure heart of gold that’s who Jamal is and I’m so stupid for not realizing that earlier…
He might be a killer of men and he might have anger issues,he might be blinded by rage and sorrow but the people see him as a good man…
And I’m beginning to see what they see too…
‘Why don’t we do something special for your father?? Tell me what he likes’..I said..
‘He likes looking at the yars(Stars) and he loves the water so I don’t see if we can really do anything special’..He said and I nodded…
Maybe special things isn’t what Jamal really likes..
But I’ve got to say something someway or somehow…
I still can’t believe I said I wanted his book when I really wanted to say something else…
‘So Leaya do you like my yayyi??’..TJ asked nevertheless and with a smile on my face I pressed myl-ips to his curly hair….
‘Yes I do like your yayyi??I like him very much’..
••Ivan’s POV••
At Night☄️
‘My fiancee and I discovered at star over there and named it Star Leava’..I muttered pointing at the distant star in the north…
‘So you discovered a star with the princess?? That’s incredible’..Nirvana replied and I nodded..
‘Is she?..Sorry I don’t mean to intrude your personal space cause I’m just a maid your highness so I have to go now’..She added and got up to leave but i was quic-k to hold onto her…
‘plea-se I insist…I enjoy your company’..I said and she sat back down…
‘Well I don’t think the queen would like me here but I’m your humble servant so who am I not to obey you….Do you still wish for the Princess to return??’..She asked and my eyes went downcast…
‘Honestly I don’t know anymore,I really miss her more than any thing in this world but i am also beginning to get tired of waiting,it’s obvious the as-sas-sin that calls himself Shadow isn’t going to return her anytime soon’…
‘So you’re picking interest in Princess Nevida whom everyone wants you to marry??’..She asked..
‘I don’t like Nevida,she’s a bad person and a bad friend to Leana I’m picking interest in someone else’…I replied with a sm-irk on my face…
‘That’s wonderful your highness who is she??’..
‘I’m not so sure but I think it’s you’..I whispered and before she could say anything else myl-ips went down on hers…
••King Lehan’s POV••
‘Prince Ali was killed few hours ago Lehan,there’s a bloody pattern’..My commander in chief said as he brou-ght out a written list of names…
‘What do you mean by a bloody pattern??’..I asked and he frowned…
‘With all due respect your highness I think you know what happened twenty years ago with the Gal family’..He said and then it was my turn to frown..
‘How on earth did you find out about that?? Your job was to find the man named shadow but to go into my past’..
‘I have my sources your highness and I think that’s why he’s killing every single person as-sociated with what happened years ago,you aren’t what you really say you are your highness’..He whispered and a slow sly smile spre-ad across my face…
‘Yes your highness!!’..
‘Take my commander in chief to the slaughter house and kill him’..
••Leana’s POV••
My eyes twi-nkled in admiration as I leaned by the window watching Jamal swim inside the river…
Unable to st©p myself anymore I gr@bb£d a shawl and went ran outside even though the night was a bit chilly and as soon as he sp©tted me I noticed a gleam in his eyes…
‘You c@m£ huh?’..He said after an awkward silence pas-sed between us…
‘Yes’..I replied and joined him in the water..
‘Terin told me you love the stars’..I said swimming closer and he nodded looking up…
‘It was my only source of hope—Still my source of hope’..He said and I pursed myl-ips…
‘Shadow I don’t really know what my father did to you but I’m really sorry…I…I wish you could really tell me about —
‘You’re hiding something Leana,you want to say something then say it’..He cut in a snap..
‘You don’t know that?? I never curve my words’..I lied and his folded his arms..
‘You said you wanted a book from me and you don’t re-ad’..
‘You don’t know that!’..
‘Yes I do and I do know when someone is lying’..He still insisted and the next thing I knew he wra-pped my legs around his w@!st un-der the water…
‘So here I am Leana—Tell me what you really want to say’..He whispered and i gulped ha-rd looking into his eyes…
‘I…I don’t know what to…I don’t have anything…I don’t have to—
‘Fine then if you won’t say anything then I will’..he gro-an ed..
‘Shadow?? What are you talking about??’…
‘I used to hate you Leana,I used to despise you,I hated seeing your face and knowing for a fact that you were living my life but…..but now I realize that you’re not the devil,you’re the woman my son loves and you’re….you’re the woman I think I’m falling in love with’..He said and my mouth opened…
‘Shadow I….
‘You have a fiancee I un-derstand good night’..He cut in and turned to leave but I held onto him…
‘You’re a dumb man if you think I don’t love you back Jamal Gal’..
They have finally confessed to each other guys and I’m blu-shing ha-rd right now..
And more good news??..
Seems like Prince Ivan is falling in love too🥺🥰…
King Lehan seems like a two faced person to me…