The as-sas-sin I fell in love with Episode 23 & 24

⚔️THE as-sas-sIN⚔️
•[He Captured a Princess]•
❤️⚔️Episode Twenty Three⚔️❤️
••Leana’s POV••
‘Hold on TJ,plea-se just hold on’…Shadow rasped and my teeth chattered in fear…
I would never even dream of hurting TJ talk less of poisoning him and I’ve never seen Shadow fear like this…
He carried his son up in his arms and walked away,I tried following him in a bid to help but he turned around sharply…
‘Don’t you even dare try to come over unless you want to get yourself killed you hear me?!!’..He screamed with so much pain and anger in his voice…
‘I…I didn’t do it I swear!! I didn’t poison him!!’..i cried out but he ignored me and just slammed the door ha-rd on my face…
Retracing my steps back i never mixed anything in TJ’s food,no one c@m£ into the kitchen and everything was exactly how i left it so how??..
How on earth is this even possible??…
What have i even done??…
I just hope nothing happens to TJ cause i would never forgive myself and Shadow would make me suffer for the rest of my life…
Few minutes later❤️
As soon as the door creaked i jo-lted from the ground and dusted my clothes.He had worry lines all over his face but relief was in his eyes giving me somewhat a leash of hope to hold onto…
‘How… is—
‘You don’t have the right to ask me how my son is!!! You don’t have the right to ask anything when you’re clearly a murderer!!!’..He yelled as tears streamed down my cheeks…
‘I didn’t do it!! I would never try to kill your son and you know that!!’..
‘I don’t know anything ap@rt from the fact that you’re just like your father!! You’re a pretender,a liar,a user and most of all a murderer!!!’..He screamed and I gulped ha-rd …
No it can’t be…
‘TJ isn’t really…
‘He isn’t dead and if he was i would have cut every single one of your b©dy p@rts one by one’…He cut in again advancing towards me …
‘Shadow i didn’t do anything you have to believe me!! I didn’t try to kill TJ I swear!!’..i cried out and he st©pped dead in his tracks…
‘Go to be-d,we’ll continue this tomorrow’..He muttered and turned around…
••Jamal’s POV••
‘You know I almost thought i lost you’..I muttered as I bent down to k!ssTJ’s forehead…
‘Leaya didn’t do anything yayyi’..He whispered and I frowned…
‘You don’t know that little champ,she poisoned you just to get back at me for bringing her here,you’re a little child so you won’t un-derstand’..I whispered back lifting him up in my arms…
‘She’s a good person and I love her,she loves me too just like ma-ma’..He murmured as i rested his head on my shoulder and remembering his mother was just like reopening another wound entirely…
‘But she’s not your mother and she would never be your mother now go to sleep and let the antidote take it’s full course’..I said after a moment of pause and within a minute he was alre-ady snoring…
I dropped him on my be-d and walked into the study unable to sleep,gr@bb£d a fire torch and feather pen and started writing…
‘Can I plea-se talk to him??’..Leana whimpered from the door…
‘Five feet away whenever you see my son coming near you Leana!! Stay away from him and stay away from me!!’..i replied..
‘plea-se Shadow I beg of you!! Don’t do this!’..She whimpered..
‘I don’t want to see your face,I don’t want to see your shadow,I don’t want to see you anywhere near me or my child anymore.You wanted to be treated like a prisoner and like prisoner you’d be treated like’..I gruffly said..
‘I just want to go home,save yourself the heartache and just s£nd me home Jamal I’ll make sure you never hear of me again!!’..She cried out and in a fit of anger I dragged her outside and flung her into the dark room…
‘Stay there you witch!!!’..
••King Lehan’s POV••
‘You are clearly hiding something like the seer said Lehan!!’..Leah yelled as she barged into the room…
‘And what might that be Leah?! Are you mad or out of your mind??’..i asked with a frown on my face and she scoffed…
‘You called off the search for Leana!! Even you i know would never even do something like that!!’..
‘My decision is my decision Leah!! The search for our daughter is clearly futile what would you have me….what would you have me do??’..i fired back coughing along..
‘I want to you to tell me what that man wants from us!! Leana is clearly our only child and it’s been months Lehan!! It’s been months and she hasn’t returned!! What do you have to say about that?!’..She cried out and I ru-bbe-d my temple in frustration…
‘I don’t know who he is Leah i promise you and i—
‘Wait?? Do you think he’s one of your enemiesl??’..She asked and my heartbeat grew fas-ter…
It’s not possible…
No enemy of mine should possibly be alive…
Not after all these years no Gal should be alive…
‘plea-se leave Leah and call in the general’..
••Leana’s POV••
The Next Morning🌥️
I yawned loudly and opened my eyes only to see myself in the dark room which had only a little window..
‘You will not see her Terin!!’..i heard Shadow yell from outside the door..
‘She didn’t do anything!! She’s innocent!!’..TJ cried out…
‘She’s not innocent!! She’s not innocent Terin now go to your room before I sma-ck your bu-ttocks!!!’…Shadow yelled and the tears streamed down my cheeks all over again…
My life is so miserable…
No matter how optimistic I try to be ever since I got captured my life bec@m£ miserable..
I just can’t take it anymore…
I can’t go throu-gh this anymore…
Suddenly the door opened and Shadow walked in…
‘Come outside’..He grumbled..
‘plea-se don’t kill me!’..i begged and he frowned again..
‘If it was really up to me i would have killed you with no pity,but look’..He replied pointing at TJ who had a knife in his hands…
‘TJ what are…what are you…
‘I won’t let him kill you Leaya,I won’t’..The little child replied and i couldn’t help but cry…
‘Thank you for believing in me little champ’…
‘You’re not off the hook,you have two days to prove what actually happened’…Shadow ch!pped in and I sniffed loudly…
‘i don’t know what to prove anymore Shadow what can I do actually to show you I didn’t do it??’..i said and a wicked gleam glinted at the corner of his eyes…
‘Take this knife,i won’t fight you Leana..This is an opportunity for you,Kill me and run away with TJ’..He said and I gulped ha-rd …
❤️⚔️Episode Twenty Four⚔️❤️
••Leana’s POV cont’d ••
‘Go on.Do it’…Shadow said with anger ma-king his voice grizzled and I gulped ha-rd again for the second time….
Killing Shadow might just end my woes permanently,I might finally go home and meet my parents and Ivan if I eventually find my way…
I can adopt TJ as my own son and everyone would live happily ever after…
But…but it’s not a happily ever after..
‘Kill me Leana what are you waiting for?? Kill me!! I’m the villain Kill me!!’..Shadow yelled and dragged my arm which made me squeal in pain…
‘I can’t kill you!! I can’t kill you!’..I cried out and the pain I saw in his eyes vanished..
‘Why won’t you kill me??’..He asked..
‘I…I…I can’t deprive a child of his parents Jamal!! I didn’t try to kill TJ in anyway possible,I love him more than I love myself and I couldn’t possibly do anything to him’..I replied in tears and his grip reduced…
He paused for a while staring at me and then turned around with the dagger still in his hands and st©pped halfway…
‘You pas-sed the test,bye’..He murmured and walked away..
What test is he talking about??…
••Ivan’s POV••
‘Two days Nevida it’s been two days and I have done whatever you want!! I acted like your fiancee at the tea p@rty and esc-rted you to the herbal market so what else do you possibly want from me this time???’..I asked angrily as Nevida refused giving me information about the whereabouts of her best friend…
‘Relax Ivan,the deal was for you to be mine for 35 days and then I’ll tell you where Leana is’..She replied and angrily I got up from mat..
‘This is highly preposterous and annoying Nevida and I won’t take something like this goodbye!!!’..I yelled and barged away…
My belly churned lightly as I gulped down a glas-s of water and just then Nirvana walked into the room with my freshly clean clothes…
Even for a maid like her she’s beautiful and I can’t help but get irritated over the fact that her face gives me sleepless nights sometimes…
‘Sorry I don’t mean to interlude on your thoughts your highness’..She muttered and dropped the folded clothes in my drawer….
‘Nirvana tell me about yourself’..I replied and her mouth went agape in surprise…
‘Well there’s nothing really much a prince should know about a lowly commoner like me’..She said nervously…
‘No…I insist Nirvana tell me more about yourself’..I muttered and patted the other side of the be-d for her to sit down…
‘I don’t think I should be doing this but since you insist uhmmm…I’m not really from Eastern Egypt but really from Istanbul,I’m an Egyptian by blood but the traditions are not really in my genes as you always say in your meetings’..She said…
‘Me?? Have you been spying on me??’..I chuckled and she shook her head vigorously…
‘No not spying in anyway,I..I just love listening to your astronomy clas-ses and all cause learning new things is what I love’..She muttered and my mind drifted back to Leana…
She used to love my clas-ses and sometimes join in teaching the other royal students about astronomy and Horoscopy…
‘Maybe you’d like to join one of the clas-ses??’..I asked Nirvana..
‘Me?? Your highness I can’t I’m not even a royal or anything and the Queen would obviously be furious!’..She refused..
‘You’re a lot like my fiancee Nirvana,focused,beautiful and eager to learn new things so I insist —Come to my clas-ses no one would bite’…
••Jamal’s POV••
With a sniff of the curry powder I sneezed loudly while covering my nose and advanced to the next spice…
If Leana claims not to have t©uçhed the food then someone might have tampered with the spices she put inside and it can’t be Kyra..
Kyra might do a lot of things but she would never hurt TJ in anyway possible…
My hands lingered over and then picked a little bottle with…
Wait what is my black Axe poison doing here?? And in the pepper bottle…
I remember bringing it into the kitchen to merge with my arrows but i didn’t finish the work that night and instead —Left it in the spice racket…
Ohh this can’t even be happening I have never forgotten about something or made a mistake like this and yesterday —Yesterday TJ almost died cause of my carelessness…
Leana didn’t try to kill him??…
She thought it was black pepper and she poured it into the food…
This was all me and I almost tried killing her today…
A wave of guilt pas-sed throu-gh me and i couldn’t help but frustratingly rake my hands throu-gh her hair…
‘Dammit!!!’..I gro-an ed and gr@bb£d the bottle angrily…
I don’t owe her any apology and I don’t clearly have to say sorry to her or remember her pitiful face…
Maybe a swim in the river would wash my thoughts away from her..
I hope it would…
Minutes later at Night❤️
Keeping my head floating above the water I matched each constellating star with my mind and couldn’t help but smile…
Father used to teach me about the stars and mother used to teach me about the history of how Egypt c@m£ to be…
I miss them and it hurts knowing they aren’t here anymore even after years of demise…
It still hurts knowing that the man responsible for my woes hasn’t figured out who I am yet and when he eventually does I’ll be waiting….
‘Uhhh I know you might not be at an appropriate time and you wouldn’t want to eat my food but just in case dinner is re-ady’..Leana said interluding my thoughts and I turned around…
She was looking like a mess from her de-ep swollen eyes and her face was still dirty from the dark room and knowing for a fact that I made her look like that made my belly churn…
‘Come inside Leana’..I muttered..
‘You’re dirty come inside’..I said and she gulped ha-rd …
‘Turn around’..She said and I turned around even though my eyes darted only a bit…
In a minute she was in the water and inside the river and my mouth opened seeing her beautiful eyes and hair..
‘Do you believe me now?? That i didn’t try to kill TJ?’..She asked..
‘Yes I believe you,you’re clearly doing something to me Leana I don’t know what it is but I don’t like it’…I replied and her eyes glistened..
‘I’m clearly not doing anything Shadow i—
‘My name is Jamal,shadow is my as-sas-sin name’..I corrected…
‘Ohhh sorry I…I’m used to calling Shadow and not Jamal even though uhh….I think I should go now’..she said and I brows perked up…
‘Leana wait there’s something I nee-d to say to you’..i said..
‘Ohh’..She muttered and swam back…
What is she really doing to me?!!…
Is she a witch that has casted a spell on me??…
‘Sh—Jamal you wanted to say something to me’..She asked and i was back from my reverie…
‘Uhhh yes I wanted to say that I…I…you weren’t responsible for anything that happened to my son and that I…I…’..I stuttered with my fists clenching…
‘And??’..She asked again..
‘I no longer hate you Leana’..i replied and she g@sped loudly…

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