The as-sas-sin I fell in love with Episode 11 & 12

⚔️THE as-sas-sIN⚔️
•[He Captured a Princess]•
❤️⚔️Episode Eleven⚔️❤️
••Jamal’s POV••
Still refusing to say sorry TJ left the house with his teacher that lives in the village leaving Princess Leana and I stuck in my study room…
I noticed the bruises on her arm arm and sm-irked seeing that i was responsible for her pain..
Nothing beats the pain I went throu-gh when suffering..
‘You could could have just apologized’..She spoke up after a moment of pause and I frowned de-eply…
‘I’d rather be s£nt to the gallows’..
‘Do you really hate me that much??’..She asked..
‘You shouldn’t ask for an answer you alre-ady know’..I replied and her smalll-ips pursed lightly…
‘Look Ja—Sorry Shadow i know you’re better than thi—
‘You don’t know me to tell me what I’m better than and what I’m not!! You absolutely have no right to question my character princess do not take my leniency for granted’..i cut in sharply and she raised her hands as if in mock surrender…
‘You’re a good poet though’..
‘St©p it’..
‘You’re a good father towards TJ’..
‘St©p it’..
‘You’re a complex man Jamal Gal’…
‘I said st©p it!!!’…i screamed and threw a dagger at her with enough precision that it landed on the wall close to her left ear and she breathed heavily in fear…
‘I..I..I was just saying how good of a father you are and—Do you really hate hearing good things??’…She asked as i brou-ght out a book from the second drawer..
‘I never knew you could re-ad’..she added and my brows perked up..
‘I’m not an illiterate’..
‘Yeah figured that out alre-ady’..she murmured..
‘Has anyone told you you talk too much?!’..
‘Yes a lot of people do—Look Shadow I don’t want to come out as a problem for you so if you want me to do anything I’ll do it’..she said and my eyes wi-de-ned in bewilderment…
What’s with the submissiveness all of a sudden??..
‘I know you hate me Leana you don’t have to hide it cause I’m comfortable with that’..I said..
••Leana’s POV••
Doesn’t he get what I’m trying to even do??..
I’m trying to help him here…
‘I don’t hate you Shadow even though i know you hate me pretty well’..i muttered after a moment of pas-sing silence..
‘I’m a rogue,a thief,a killer of men and oh—A mistake of a human being’…He replied and then i walked over to where he was…
Even though he terrifies me to death I can’t deny the fact that he’s hiding the fact that he’s a kind person…
Seeing how he treats the villagers is proof of that..
‘Fine then I’m sorry for those harsh comments made on my [email protected]’re better than this Shadow’..I said and he glared at me haughtily…
‘No I’m not’..
Minutes later❤️
The door finally opened and TJ c@m£ in with another lady who had a scar at the left p@rt of her face…
‘Hello’..she murmured with a disdainful look in her eyes…
‘Hello’…i replied in a frown and she turned her attention towards Shadow again…
‘Greetings your highness’..She said in a whisper and my eyes wi-de-ned…
‘Greetings Kyra how are you?’..Shadow replied with and gave me a sign to leave..
I walked away but not without hearing the scarred lady’s voice..
‘Why is she here Shadow??’..She asked..
‘It’s no business of yours Kyra’..He replied and I leaned onto the door to hear more of their conversation…
‘You should have killed a long time ago or have you forgotten what her father did to us??’..Kyra or whatever her name was said and this time I noticed the annoyance in her voice…
‘She’s not responsible for what Lehan did Kyra’…Shadow replied…
‘Then why is she here??’..
‘Cause I want to make him suffer and she is his most priceless possession’..
‘You’re not ma-king him suffer enough your highness!!!’..Kyra yelled and I nipped at my bottoml-ip..
‘He alre-ady has a heart attack doesn’t he?? He’s suffering just like i want him to!! I want him to die a slow death Kyra and knowing his daughter wouldn’t return is enough punishment’…Shadow said and when i heard their oncoming footsteps I ran away…
Heart attack?!!..
Father has a heart attack?!..
But why would Shadow keep something like that from me?!…
He’s a monster!!!..
I was totally wrong about him being a kind person now my father is suffering from a heart attack and I can’t do anything about it…
‘You crying’..TJ murmured as he climbe-d on my be-d and I muffled a squeak…
‘It’s nothing TJ i just hurt my foot’..
‘Liar’..He said and wiped away my tears with his little hands…
‘Your father just hurt me that’s all’…I whispered and he frowned de-eply…
‘Yayyi can be bad sometimes’..He said..
He’s father is downright evil!!…
I was so wrong about him before about being kind cause he’s far from anything kind..
I’ll teach him a lesson he would never forget and I’ll make sure he suffers for what he did to my father!!
••Nevida’s POV••
‘Nothing is working mother!! Nothing is working i mean i can’t do this anymore!!’..i gro-an ed loudly barging throu-gh the gold door..
‘You’re a princess Nevida don’t slouch and talk to me with respect!!’..She fired and i adjusted my posture on the chair…
‘Sorry my queen,I’m tired of pla-ying the rejected princess mother…Prince Ivan is clearly in love with Leana and I’m feeling guilty alre-ady’…I said..
‘Guilty?? She should be the one feeling guilty my child…Ivan was yours right from the moment he stepped his foot in Leana’s palace but as usual Leana took everything from you—Ivan is yours my child and I know a way we can break him From Leana’s spell’..She replied and my brows furrowed..
‘You really think Leana charmed him??’..
‘I don’t think my child.I know and that is why I’ll be taking you to the witch doctor tomorrow’..She said..
‘Witch doctor??’..i exclaimed in disbelief…
‘Yes Nevida,we’re going to charm Ivan away from Leana—For good’..
••Leana’s POV••
At Night☄️
My nose twitched as i took off the porridge from the coal stove as a bit of smoke entered my nose…
Dishing out portions of the food I pushed Shadow’s plate separately and then brou-ght out a little vial from my frock dress pocket which i found in his hidden artillery room…
I sprinkled a bit on it and then hid the bottle back inside my pocket as soon as I noticed him coming…
May the gods forgive me for what I’m about to do..
I have no other choice..
‘Leana!!!’..He yelled and i quic-kly placed his food on a wooden tray..
‘Coming!!’..i hollered and then stirred the poison into his prune porridge to infiltrate fully…
With a f0rç£ful smile on my face I placed his food right on his table and turned but he held me back..
‘What’s the problem??’..i asked half-scared..
‘You’re improving’..he commended and I nodded with my other hand quivering by the side…
‘T..thank you..I..I’m glad you approve’…
‘Good now have a bite’..he said..
‘What?? I’m not hungry’…I replied..
‘It’s not a request princess it’s a command,now eat’..He gruffed pushing his plate over to me and I gulped ha-rd …
Really really ha-rd …
❤️⚔️Episode Twelve ⚔️❤️
••Leana’s POV cont’d••
‘Go ahead Leana,you prepared the food didn’t you??’..Shadow urged and I gulped ha-rd delving the steel spoon inside the bowl..
‘Eat’..He sounded more serious this time and tears were on the brink of my eyes…
‘I…I..I’m allergic to prunes’…i quic-kly lied and he sm-irked dangerously and twisted my ankle really bad..
‘Did you really think you could easily kill me?? Huh?’..
‘No!! No i never thought so Ahh you’re hurting me!!’..I cried out in pain and he dragged me to the ground…
‘So you wanted to kill huh?? Kill me and leave my son fatherless huh?!!’..He yelled and dragged me into the dark room…
‘You gave my father a heart attack so you deserve everything I’m trying to do to you!! You deserve everything!!’…I replied in a loud scream and he chained me to the wall…
‘Well then enjoy your new life princess,since you want to be treated as a slave you will be treated as one’ .He said and turned to leave..
‘No!! No don’t leave me here!! Don’t leave me here!!’..I cried out as the little light of the door slowly faded away…
••Jamal’s POV••
She really thought she could poison me after knowing that I’m the one and only Shadow…
I’m un-killable…
(an hour ago)
I walked into my artillery room searching for my black cactus dust which was one of the most poisonous substance in my room…
I gr@bb£d three arrows each specifically for a target cause I never miss..
Going throu-gh my poison rack I searched for Cactus powder but alas it was nowhere to be found…
‘TJ what…’..My voice trailed off as soon as i noticed a gold bu-tton from one of Leana’s dress..
She was here…
End of flashback💨
‘Yayyi let Leaya go’..TJ cried out as he sat next to me on the mat while I tried to meditate..
‘Go to sleep Terin’..I replied in a calm voice…
‘You’re angry yayyi..You only call me Terin when angry’..He replied and I frowned…
‘Go to be-d Terin’..I repeated..
‘I said go to be-d Terin!!!’..i yelled and he bur-sted into tears as he ran away..
‘T—Damn!’..I gro-an ed un-der my breath and began fondling my locket all over again..
Sometimes I wish he was no longer a child so he could un-derstand the things of this cruel world..
I walked into dark room with the leftover prune porridge which she made and placed it in front of her..
‘Eat’..i ordered..
‘I’m not hungry’…She replied and i frowned de-eply..
‘I’m not giving you a choice and I’m not going to poison you’..
‘Why don’t you just kill me and get on with your life?? Just kill me alre-ady?!!’..She cried out with her chains dangling..
‘Cause i want you to suffer’..
‘Am I not suffering alre-ady?!!’..
‘No you’re not! Nothing beats what I went throu-gh princess now eat up cause this is all you’re getting’..I grumbled un-der my breath and walked away..
••Leana’s POV••
The Next Morning⛅
A bright light shone upon my eyes as the door was opened and I yawned loudly rising up from the we-t ground…
Last night was the most uncomfortable night I’ve ever experienced..
‘Get up’..Shadow blurted out in a gruffy voice and i winced at the pain in my calf..
He unlocked my chains and I ru-bbe-d my wrist which was so-re..
‘Get dressed’..He muttered..
‘What for??’..I asked..
‘We’re going to the market’..
‘Aren’t you scared I’d run away??’..I asked as I c@m£ out from the dark room silently grateful to be out…
‘Do you want to go back in there??’..He asked and I g@sped loudly..
‘ I don’t want to go in there!!’..
‘Good now go get dressed’..he ordered..
I went into my room and quic-kly had a clean bath washing away all the dirt and wall algae from my b©dy with disgust..
TJ was alre-ady on my be-d when i c@m£ out and I smiled seeing his bright eyes…
‘Sorry Leaya’..He whimpered and i ruffled his we-t hair with my alre-ady we-t hands..
‘It’s okay,will you come to the market with your yayyi and I??’..I asked and he nodded..
••King Lehan’s POV••
‘We still haven’t been able to find her your highness’..My chief guard said as he walked into my room..
‘You should know better than this!! He’s not in the right state of mind to be hearing such news!!’..My wife,the queen reprimanded him and he bowed down…
‘I’m sorry my queen’..
‘Leave him be Leah..Any development on the as-sas-sin??’..I asked still totally weak..
‘Well he’s ha-rd to find sir,the men and i have contacted the best bounty hunters in east Nile but they all refuse in fright claiming their not re-ady to die for the throne’..He replied and I sighed de-eply..
‘What does this man want from us Lehan??What are you not telling me?!’..Leah asked again and I frowned de-eply..
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about Leah,I…’..My voice trailed off as soon as I began coughing chronically…
‘Get the physician!! Get the doctor you Idiot!!’..Leah yelled as my che-st burned painfully…
••Jamal’s POV••
‘Here put this on’..i said as i handed a scarf over Leana..
‘What for??’..She asked..
‘it’s a nose scarf princess your type adore garments like this don’t they??’…I replied and she pursed herl-ips lightly…
Minutes later we got to the market and just so she wouldn’t do anything stupid i held her ti-ghtly on one hand and held TJ on the other…
‘Baaaaaa!!! Baaaaa!!’..He screamed as he pointed at a goat stand..
He always has a specific name for each animal..
Coo-coo for chicken..
Baa for goat..
Heeee for a horse…
‘You can’t get a goat TJ it’s not a pet’..i murmured and he started crying…
‘Why not get him a goat??’..Leana asked..
‘He has you doesn’t he?’..i retorted and she scoffed loudly..
‘I am not a goat thank you!!!’..
••Leana’s POV••
Calling me a goat who does he think he is??..
I followed suit as he walked towards another p@rt of the market where fruits were sold and then he st©pped..
‘Here have this—Get all we nee-d’..He said dropping a pouch of coins in my hands..
‘Wait you’re trusting me?!’..i asked obviously shocked..
‘I’m not trusting you,i know you wouldn’t run away’…He replied..
‘What makes you think so??’..I asked again..
‘Cause TJ would be going with you’..he said and handed the child over to me..
He’s right..
There’s no way i could possibly think of running—Not with the way he caught me trying to kill him..
‘Apple’…TJ murmured bringing me back from my reverie and when I turned back Shadow was alre-ady gone…
I gr@bb£d his hand holding him very ti-ght so he won’t run away and Carried on with shopping…
‘How much?’..I asked the trader who sold cu¢v-mbers…
‘Twelve pounds’..He replied and I scoffed loudly..
‘Twelve pounds?!! I’m not a rookie so you can’t cheat me!!!’..I yelled and then someone t©uçhed my bu-ttocks as he pas-sed…
I frowned de-eply and went back to bargaining with the trader and then he pas-sed again tou-ching my brea-sts..
‘Uhmmm I’ll be back can you plea-se watch my son for me plea-se??’..i asked..
‘Sure no problem with that’…He replied and I carried TJ to his side..
I followed the black haired man who t©uçhed me and then he cornered into a more open area a little bit far from the market..
‘Hey!!! Hey!!’..I yelled and he turned around..
‘Ohh so you followed me huh??’..
‘Yes!! You absolutely had no right to t©uçh me like that’..I said and then two other men joined him..
‘You shouldn’t have followed me pretty lady,but since you did I don’t see how we can’t have fun??’..He replied and I smiled..
‘You wouldn’t even dare t©uçh me!! My husband would kill all of you!!’..I said aloud and they all bur-sted into laughter…
‘Husband?!! Who is your husband??’..They all asked and the next thing a dagger flew across..
We all g@sped and then turned around only to see Shadow all shaved up and looking extremely handsome…
‘She’s right..I’m going to kill you all if you don’t run away’…He said dragging his sword on the ground and the two accomplices ran away leaving the only the man who t©uçhed my pri-vate p@rts..
‘How should I kill him??’..Shadow asked..
‘I said how should I kill or do you want to kill him yourself??’..He replied holding a dagger out to me..
‘Sh..Sha..Shadow I can’t kill him’..I stuttered in fear and he frowned de-eply..
‘Kill him or I let him kill you Leana,I’m your husband remember??’..He said and I gulped ha-rd …
I’ve never even killed a c0ckroach talk less of a man who t©uçhed my br£@st and bu-ttocks..
What should I do??..
Her husband??🤣🤣
Our Jamal has given Leana the right to br@g🤣..
If you were in her place what would you do??…