The as-sas-sin I fell in love with 2 Episode 1 & 2

⚔️THE as-sas-sIN⚔️
🖤❤️SEASON 2🖤❤️
|•{Pregnant for my Father’s worst enemy}•
❤️🖤Episode One {Thirty Seven}❤️🖤
••King Lehan’s POV cont’d••
‘Did you just call me Lehan?? Leana what has come over you??’..I said out loud as I walked over to where she was standing..
It’s really her!!..
‘Where is my mother??’..She asked again..
‘Leana what has come over you?? You just returned and you’re asking me this?? You look so famished maids take her to her room’…I said and she nodded without saying another word and walled away…
‘What do we tell her about the queen your highness??’…A guard asked from behind me and I frowned de-eply…
‘Figure something out and lie to her and take that little boy into the dungeon,there’s no use trying to kill him when my daughter has returned’..
••Jamal’s POV••
‘Yayyi I miss her’..TJ murmured and I k!$$£d his forehead..
‘I miss her too little one but she’s not coming back’…
‘Why??’..He asked..
‘Well we all make choices TJ even though those choices affects other people,Leaya made a choice and that’s it but let’s forget about her anyway let’s go to the market for meat skewers’..I replied and a smile brightened up his face…
I rolled to the other side of the be-d and then paused as…
Her scent was still on the be-d..
Her sweet scent of rose and incense sticks still remained there and i clenched my fists angrily…
Why did she have to go??..
Why did she have to leave when i nee-ded her the most??..
‘Yayyi she will come back’..TJ murmured from behind me and i smiled…
‘She’s not going to come back little one now let’s go to the market for meat shall we??’..
••Leana’s POV••
My hands glided along the hvge mirror which had gold platings and I couldn’t help but smile…
My room still remained the same..
Nothing was t©uçhed and nothing was tampered with—Just the same..
But nothing can ever remain the same,my life isn’t perfect the way I thought it was and it can never be perfect knowing what I know about father and about the kingdom…
I’m not even a princess I’m the daughter of a mas-s murderer…
‘Your highness it’s so good to see you’..Nita,my personal maid squealed as she ran into my room and I smiled..
‘It’s so good to see you Nita uhh where’s my mother??’..i asked and I noticed the darkness that swifted past her eyes immediately….
‘I’m sorry I have to go my princess’..She said and walked away before I could st©p her..
‘Ohh my darling daughter I never thought I would see you again’..The monster said as he walked throu-gh the door and I tried to keep myself composed as possible…
‘Where is mother Lehan?’..I asked with pure contempt showing in my voice…
‘Leana I don’t care if you’re just coming from captivity but I won’t have you disrespect me for I am your father and your king!!’..He yelled..
More like killer instead…
‘Sorry father’..the words slowly c@m£ out of my mouth..
‘Good now go to sleep my child we have a lot to do tomorrow’..
The Next Morning🌥️
My eyes opened and I stared blankly at the ceiling which had Egyptian Heliogra-phic on it,sighed de-eply and tears slowly dropped out of my eyes…
Coming here and leaving Shadow and TJ alone was the ha-rd est decision I’ve ever made and the most painful too but I nee-d answers..
Answers to questions that even Shadow himself can’t answer and I’m pretty sure he would be hating on me by now for breaking his heart but that was never my intention,I love him more than I love myself and I would never think of doing anything to hurt him…
But TJ…
I never even got a chance to Say goodbye to the child…
‘Ohhh you’re awake my princess’..Nita said as she reeled in a h0t cu-p of herbal tea..
‘Good morning Nita’..I murmured propping myself to sit upright..
‘It must have been an awful experience you’ve been throu-gh your Highness’..She muttered as her hands br@ided my hair and i sniffed loudly…
Well at first it was awful but then i realized that that as-sas-sin was the best man I’ve ever met in my entire life so I wouldn’t depict it as awful…
‘I could have the hair maids to bring in your hair dye for—
‘No thanks i love my hair natural like this’..I cut in and then noticed the surprised look on her face…
‘Okay then your highness I would be taking my leave now and the King wants you in the royal courtroom when you’re —
‘Uhmm Nita??’..
‘Yes your highness?’.
‘plea-se tell the king that I am a little bit un-der the weather,I want to stay here for a while’..
••Ivan’s POV••
I whistled loudly down the hallway all refreshed and energized after the awesome night I spent with Nirvana..
‘You’re in a sharp mood your Highness’..One of father’s royal advisers commented and I smiled..
Of course I’m okay and in a sharp mood!!..
I just had the best night of my life so he I’m refreshed..
‘I heard that Princess Leana is back in the market today’..My ears caught the news and I st©pped dead in my tracks..
I trailed the voice to where the gossip was coming from and when I found two maids I frowned…
‘You should know better than gossiping on a bright morning like this!! Get to work will you?!’..
‘But your highness it’s true Princess Leana has—
‘I said get back to work or do you want to be thrown in the dungeon for defying my orders??’..I cut in with a snarl and she shook her head .
‘No your highness,sorry your highness’…
‘Good now I’m off’..I muttered and resumed with my whistling only for the royal bard to st©p me on the way…
What is it this time???…
‘Your highness the King wishes to see you’..He said and i rolled my eyes..
‘What does he want??’..i asked..
‘Well it has something to do with your marriage to Princess Nevida…He replied and i couldn’t help but snicker…
‘Nevida?? Father seems to be jesting me right now’..i stomped away and into the Royal Chamber only for me to see father and mother smiling broadly…
‘What’s going on??’..i asked..
‘Ohhh my sweet son Goddess Perdi has shown us mercy by restoring happiness into our lives’…Mom exclaimed hvgging me…
‘I don’t un-derstand’..
‘Your fiancee is back Ivan’..Father answered and my eyes wi-de-ned.
Leana is back?!!…
Leana is back?!..
‘She’s..she’s…wait Princess Leana?!’..i stuttered and he nodded…
‘Yes Ivan and her father wants you both to get married as soon as possible’..
‘Really??..we…well then what are we waiting for?!!’..
❤️🖤Episode Two{Thirty Eight}❤️🖤
••Leana’s POV••
With a heavy heart I summoned courage to walk into the royal court trying to keep a straight and neutral face..
‘Her royal highness Princess Leana is here’..The royal bard announced and everyone began cl@pping…
They’re all bloody hypocrites!!..
‘You know I had to pray in the temple everyday so that as-sas-sin could return my precious daughter and now she’s here’.. Father said and I bit my lower l-ips o I wouldn’t sneer…
‘Where is mother??’..I asked and I notice the smile on his face dissapear…
‘Your mother is visiting your cousins Leana, she’s coming back soon’..He said..
But I don’t have any cousins and they’re both the only child of their parents so why would he say she’s visiting my cousins??…
There are a lot of things I want to ask but I can’t cause I just want to pretend for a while before I get the answers I’m looking for..
‘Leana!!! Oh thank the gods Leana!!!’..I heard and when I turned around Nevida was behind me..
‘Nevida!!!’….I cried out and hvgged her so ti-ghtly that even I felt choked…
‘I missed you so so much,I had to pray and give offerings everyday just for your return and now you’re here!! It’s so good to see you again’..She said and I started crying…
I can’t wait to tell her all I’ve been throu-gh…
‘It feels good to see you too’..I managed to say and she smiled..
‘I just wonder what you went throu-gh in your captivity, I’m so happy and someone else would be happy too’..
that captivity made me realize that my whole life has been a sham of a lie!! ..
That captivity made me fall in love with the most wonderful man on Earth…
‘Who??’..I asked instead..
‘Ivan’..She replied…
‘Yes Ivan, he’ll be so happy to see you’..She said and I rolled my eyes…
What am I going to say to Ivan when I see him??..
That I don’t love him anymore??..
That I’m in love with the same man who captured me in the first place???…
How on Earth do I even say something like to him.?..
••Jamal’s POV••
Two Days later
‘Okay I think I’ve had it with you!!’..Kyra yelled as she dropped a basket of fruits in front of me.
‘What’s the meaning of this??’..I asked with a frown on my face….
‘Are you seriously asking me this?? Shadow you’re a shadow of yourself!!! Ever since Leana left you’ve been so miserable and it’s really affecting your son!!! Fine I un-derstand that you’re not in the right state of mind and that you love her but seriously?? Shadow you know I hate her and her father and that you warned me to stay away from your family but I see the way you look at her and I haven’t seen a man look at a woman like that but she’s gone and you have to be strong for your son!!’…She yelled…
‘He’s not my son’..I said..
‘He’s your son Shadow!! He’s your son Prince Jamal Gal!! His name is Terin Jamal!! He bears your name and your sister gave you that paternity role!!! So plea-se don’t you ever say something like that ever again!!’..She screamed and I sighed de-eply…
She’s right..
Shadow isn’t someone who gives up easily??..
Shadow is a heartless man who kills men that aren’t worth living…
‘Thanks Kyra,I really nee-ded that’
••King Lehan’s POV••
‘Something is wrong with her’..I said to my newly appointed chief of command who calls himself BLACK ARROW….
Yes he’s a criminal but a criminal is what I nee-d now….
‘Princess Leana?? She’s just overwhelmed your highness’..He replied…
‘And how is Queen Leah??’..i asked..
‘She refuses to eat and starts ranting about how you’re going to kill all of us’..He said and I nodded and immediately an idea popped into my head…
‘Since Leana knows who Shadow is and where she was taken to then I’m very sure we’ll be able to catch that murderer’..I muttered stro-king my beard..
‘That’s a brilliant Idea your highness!!’..
‘Yes I know,that as-sas-sin won’t know what hit him’…
The sooner I kill Gal’s son the better before my daughter starts getting suspicious of me…
••Ivan’s POV••
I stared at my guilty self in the mirror and breathed heavily as Nirvana walked in…
‘I heard Princess Leana is back’..She muttered..
‘Yes’..I replied..
‘And you’re going over to see her’..She muttered..
‘Yes’..I answered..
‘And your father wants your marriage with her to go on as soon as possible’..She added..
‘Give me a straight answer Prince Ivan!!! Look into my eyes and tell me what’s going on!!!’…she screamed and I pursed myl-ips..
‘Nirvana I…I never wanted it to turn out this way’…
‘Wait is that all you have to say?? That you never wanted our affair to happen?? That you never wanted me to say you love me?? That you never wanted to make love to me?? that you never wanted to promise me that everything was going to be okay and that you wanted to tell the king that it was me you loved?? Is that what you’re saying?? That you never wanted it to turn out this way?!!’..She yelled with tears in her eyes…
‘Nirvana what would you have me do?? I don’t know what to do anymore?!!I never knew that Leana would come so early??At least be considerate of my situation here!!’..I yelled and her mouth opened in shock…
‘Ivan,is this how you’re going to treat me?? After all this??’..She asked and I felt tears pricking my eyes…
‘I’m sorry Nirvana but it’s over,I still l—
‘You know what I think of you Prince Ivan?? Is that you’re a coward!! You’re a coward who doesn’t know what he wants and I feel sorry for Princess Leana cause she doesn’t know she’s in love with a Coward!!!’ .She yelled and walked away angrily…
What am I going to do??…
I can’t tell Leana that I’m in love with someone else??
She would think I betrayed her!!
But here I am betraying the woman I love and it’s hurting the hell out of me…
She’s right..
I’m a coward who doesn’t know what to do..
••Leana’s POV••
what am I going to say to Ivan?? That I’m in love with someone else??..
I miss Shadow so much and the feeling of his arms around me so much that it hurts really badly…
‘The king wants to see you my princess’…Nita muttered from outside my door and I sniffed my nose a bit and adjusted the little copper nimbus that was placed on my head…
it’s okay Leana..
Just act like everything is okay and you’ll not be fine..
Just act like he didn’t take anything from you and you’re going to be fine as always…
‘Your highness’..I bowed as I walked into father’s study..
‘Leana I called you here to say how sorry I am for not finding you and I must say that I miss you’..He said and my brows perked up…
Cool down Leana….
‘But that’s what I called you for,your wedding to Prince Ivan will be taking place in three days’…He added ..
May God not let us have a friend like Nirvana in Jesus name 🙄
Confusion galor!!😅
Poor Nirvana,what should Ivan do and did King Lehan just say wedding??😅😅….