The alpha and the female warrior Episode 21

As produced by Yasminne
Chapter 21
Theme : “Could Have…”
“What the hell!”
A surprised cry broke the moment we were having, ma-king us look towards the source of the sound.
“The last time I was here, the door was attached to the doorway!”
A female in scru-bs walked in with confusion and surprise written all over her face.
My eyes zeroed in on a tag that was cli-pped to her ID badge, it had RN written on it.
She’s one of the registered nurses caring after me.
I felt Theo lean away and let out an exhasperated sigh, looking annoyed by the distraction.
I watched him curiously, wondering what he wanted to tell me. Was it important? It sounded like it was…
The nurse, however, seemed completely oblivious to the change in atmosphere when she busted in. She proceeded to rant about the door and blinds before she made her way to me.
She bowed her head at Theo and greeted him, “Alpha.”
She turned to me with a bright smile.
“Hi, I’ve been your primary nurse. Call me Andrea.”
I smiled at her. “Hi, I’m Elisia.”
This made her laugh, like really ha-rd .
“Of course, I know who you are!” She gushed, giggling a little.
“Ah, right.” I laughed unsurely, taken aback by her personality.
“You’re my patient! I have to know your name!” She continued to explain, nodding happily.
Ooh, that’s quite interesting…
She hasn’t mentioned the whole famous warrior thing, she’s the first person I’ve come across to have done that…excluding Theo.
“And you’re also the famous undefeated warrior!” She added a second after my thought.
And there it is!
“That’s me.” I replied, smiling a little.
“I just c@m£ to check up on you. Are you feeling any discomfort or pain?”
“Nope, I feel fine.”
“That’s good, I’ll get going now. If you nee-d anything, just press the red bell by your side and someone will be on their way.”
I nodded at her as she proceeded to bow to Theo and leave the room.
“So what did you want to tell me?” I asked, wasting no time.
Theo watched me carefully before he opened his mouth to reply.
Another distraction?
I reluctantly turned towards the door and saw Jay standing at the doorway.
“Jay.” I breathed, glad to see him. “Where the
hell have you been?”
Hisl-ips curled up to form a relieved and happy smile. Those green eyes of his were filled with unshed tears.
He just chuckled as a reply and walked to my be-d.
Theo sighed heavily, catching the attention of Jay. Thankfully, he didn’t comment on it and stood on the other side of the be-d.
“How are you feeling?” He whispered, stro-king my hair in a comforting way.
I smiled up at him, “I’m hanging in there, cry baby.”
“These are manly tears! Do you nee-d me to get you something? Like food or ask the doctor to increase the dosage of painkillers?””I actually feel fine, I don’t feel the pain of my injuries anymore.”
“I’m sorry you had to feel it in the first place.”
And with that, he leaned forward and k!$$£d my forehead.
A loud crash made me jump out of my skin in alarm. I looked towards the source of the crash to see Theo standing with his che-st heaving up and down.
He gave us one long look before storming out the room.
I stared after him, sudden guilt rushing throu-gh me. It’s not like that k!ssmeant anything, it was from someone who’s like a sibling. Someone I have a platonic relationsh!pwith and who cares for me.
He didn’t nee-d to be pissed off everytime Jay gets close…
However, you are his mate and any unmated male shouldn’t be that close to you, my wolf added. It’s not fair to him.
I bit myl-ips in thought, while pushing my wolf to the back of my mind. I should take his perspective into consideration, and be more aware of my actions.
“He’s so fv¢king weird.” Jay snarled, staring at the doorway he’d gone throu-gh.
“No, he’s not.” I argued, not missing a beat.
Jay raised his eyebrows at me in surprise, wondering why I was defending him all of a sudden.
Thankfully, he changed the subject.
“Let’s talk about what the hell happened in the cage.”
I gro-an ed, knowing this talk was going to happen sooner or later.
“What the hell happened? You completely changed your style of fighting, it’s the reason why you’re staying on this hospital be-d for days! I’ve never seen you get beaten that much, it was fv¢king scary to watch.”
“I had to, Jay!”
He crossed his arms, as he waited for me to explain. It’s times like this when I’m reminded he’s the son of an Alpha.
“She knew my style, my tactics and my weaknesses. I had to completely change up the way I fight to throw her off.”
Jay, as I expected, appeared confused. “Why do you think she knew how you fight?”
“According to Kobi, she had been to every single one of my matches. Every single one! She has enough information to gather from all those fights to come up with a stratagy to beat me.”
“Yup and I totally forgot about it until the first couple minutes into the fight. She was predicting all my moves and was blocking them seamlessly.”
“I remember that p@rt, I was shocked at how good she was.”
“I was too, until I remembered that she wasn’t necessarily predicting them…she was expecting them. So I had to change up my whole style.”
“Risky, but it worked.”
He let out a loud sigh and scratched the back of his n£¢k. He sat on my be-d near my feet, the mattress di-pping from his weight.
“Have you called Alpha and Luna?” I asked, referring to his parents.
“Yes, I told them that you won and that you were injured.”
I gro-an ed again, and pouted. He laughed at my reaction and said,” Actually, I told them you had ‘a few injuries’.”
I let out a breath of relief. “Thanks, I didn’t want them to worry.””I know, it’s your consideration and kindness that makes you amazing.” Jay said, smiling at me.
Aww, he’s so sweet.
“What? Not my crazy fighting skills?” I asked, pretending to look offended.
“That too!”
We talked for hours on end until Andrea, the nurse popped in and reminded us that, “Visitation hours is coming to an end.”
My happy mood deflated a little after hearing that. “He can’t stay?”
“I alre-ady asked, they seem pretty strict about people who aren’t patients slee-ping in the hospital.” Jay sighed, looking apologetic.
I smiled back at him to show him I was fine. “It’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bright and early.” He added, wi-nking at me. “Sleep well.”
He leaned in to k!ssmy forehead again, this time I stiffened un-der his t©uçh, thinking of Theo. He wasn’t here, yet I still felt guilty.
“I will.” I replied, watching him leave the room.
Once again, I was alone in the sterile looking hospital room. I looked around the room, pursing myl-ips in bordem.
I noticed a black duffle bag by the right side of my be-d. I frowned in confusion as I stared at it longer.
That was my duffle bag.
I, obviously, hadn’t brou-ght it here so someone else did.
It couldn’t have been Jay since he was by my left side the entire time he’d here.
It also couldn’t have been Leona and Julian since they’d also been standing by the left side of the be-d. So that meant…
It was Theo?
I slowly shifted my weight to the right side of the be-d and stretched my hand out towards the bag.
My f!ngerti-ps were ba-rely brushing against the bag. I retracted my arm and let out an exhausted sigh.
I shifted even more towards the end of the be-d and reached for the bag. The exertion had inflicted a little pain in my che-st, but I ignored it.
Once my hand reached the handles, my f!ngerscurled around it and pu-ll-ed it up. Unfortunately, that meant feeling the same sharp pain in my che-st.
I had successfully brou-ght it up to the be-d with a huff and eagerly opened it.
The first item I noticed is my washbag. My eyes wi-de-ned at the fact that he had packed my washbag which contained all my necessities.
My heart warmed at his kind and thoughtful efforts. I was so overwhelmed by his pres£nce earlier, that I hadn’t noticed he’d been carrying this duffle bag.
I proceeded to look further into the bag to find a black hoodie and shorts.
I took out the black hoodie, realising it’s the one he let me borrow back when we were in the lake house.
I had this hoodie tucked away, so it couldn’t have been easy to find. It would’ve been easier for him to gr-ab any of my hoodies, but he’d gone the extra mile to find his.
I, now, had clothes to wear when I leave the hospital. My warrior outfit was probably thrown away because of the blood, dirt and rips it had from the fight.
I was amused to find that he’d thrown in some granola bars and a bottle of water in there too.
This was so sweet and I hadn’t even had the chance to thank him. I wasn’t even sure if he’d visit me in hospital again because I angered him.I repacked the things and placed it onto the floor with a sigh.
It was getting pretty dark and my eyes were straining from the bright light. I pressed the red bu-tton and waited for someone to come.
Another nurse stepped into the room and asked what she could help with.
“Sorry, but could you turn off the lights?” I asked sheepishly, feeling bad to call her all the way here for something simple.
“Yes, of course! Don’t apologise, call whenever you nee-d help.” She reas-sured me, turning off the light. “Wouldn’t it be better if you changed rooms? The light in the hallway would bother you since you don’t have a door.”
“Oh, would that be alright? I don’t want to inconvenience you.” I said unsurely.
“Don’t be silly, I’ll be right back. I’ll double check if we have a room re-ady.”
She left for a few minutes before coming back.
“Good news, the room next door is re-ady to move into.”
“Thank you.” I thanked her as she fiddled with the machines attached to me.
I asked to bring the duffle bag with me into the other room before she pushed my be-d and situated me in the new room.
“Now you can shut the door and not have the hallway light bother you.” She laughed.
She fiddled with the machines once more, checking if they’re properly attached to me before leaving.
I adjusted the mattress with the remote and l@yin the darkness.
I wonder what Theo wanted to tell me…?
I closed my eyes with a sigh.
If only we weren’t cut off by others…
My eyes flew open at the sound as I stilled to hear more.
Scratch scratch
This room is haunted…
Oh God, I’m too young to die from a ghost.
The fact that I couldn’t move my entire torso increa-sed the likelihood of not getting out of here alive.
I was facing the windows, where the sound was coming from. I began to regret leaving the windows open.
I watched the windows with wi-de eyes, praying nothing was going jump out.
I was completely relying on the moonlight to help me see any kind of movement.
Suddenly, a shadow appeared behind the blinds ma-king me supress an alarmed g@sp.
What the hell was that?
It was moving stealthily, trying to make it’s way into my room. My hand slowly trailed along the side of the be-d until I reached a familiar shape of a bu-tton. My heart was ban-ging ha-rd against my che-st from the fear of this unknown creature inviting itself into my hospital room.
I rested my f!ngerson the red bu-tton but didn’t press it, I wanted to find out what it was before I called anyone.
I tried to control my uneven breathing when I focused on what looked a silhouette of a man.
The silhouette had managed to open the window completely, stick one leg out and place it on the floor.
I g@sp escaped from me, causing the shadow to st©p moving completely.
It heard me.
I watched in fear mixed with curiosity as the shadow slowly continued to climb it’s way into the room.Why wasn’t I pressing the red bu-tton?
I couldn’t bring myself to press it, my attention was solely focused on this man or thing climbing into my room.
It was standing on it’s two feet, almost completely covered by the blinds except for it’s feet.
It wore black and white Nike sneakers, the same one’s I have.
Also the same one’s Theo has…
“No way.” I breathed as I took it the shadow’s figure.
The figure moved from behind the blinds and revealed itself.
He wore a sheepish smile as he raised his hand to wave at me.
“Didn’t know you’d be awake.”
I gaped at him in disbelief and shock, wondering why he’d just climbe-d into my room at this time like it was normal.
“Let’s get the obvious question out the way, why are you here?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.
He raised an eyebrow back at me, with an equal amount of sas-s.
“Do you want me to go?”
“No.” I blurted, mentally face-palming myself. I didn’t miss a beat answering that question…I should’ve hesitated or something.
“What I mean is, what brou-ght you here?” I asked, trying again.
He walked towards my be-d, sat down on the chair next to it and looked into my eyes.
“Because I wanted to keep you company.” He admitted, waiting for my reaction.
A ti-ght, happy feeling erupted from my che-st when I heard his reply. I watched him searching my face for clues of what I was feeling.
His blue eyes seemed to glimmer in the moonlight ma-king him look more magical. His dark hair wasn’t styled to perfection like usual, but looked casually groomed giving him a boyish vibe.
He looked so young with the wisps of his hair floating around his face, almost innocent looking.
“Thank you.” I breathed, glad to not be alone.
An amused sm-irk took over his features, once again reminding me of his devilishly handsome looks.
I wanted to see his dimpled smile again…how long before I’m blessed with that visual?
He glanced at the duffle bag next to the be-d, and picked it up.
“I packed this for you, I hope everything you nee-d is in it.”
“Again, thank you.”
We fell into a comfortable silence as he shifted on his seat.
“Wait, how did you get in? Didn’t anyone see you?” I asked frowning.
“I only get caught when I want to be caught.” He replied, shrugging like it was no deal.
“Couldn’t you have just walked throu-gh the front door, the normal way?”
“They’re really strict about having visitors.” He admitted, scratching the back of n£¢k sheepishly.
“You’re their Alpha, they would’ve probably let you throu-gh.” I pointed out.
“My pack, my rules!” I quoted him, imitating his de-ep and husky voice.
“Haha, very funny.” He said sarcastically, a small smile pu-lling on hisl-ips. “I may be their Alpha, but the hospital is one of the few places that has strict policies that I can’t interfere with.”
“Alright, so you had to resort to climbing throu-gh a window. I was in the another room, how did you even know I was in this one?”
“Your scent.”
He shifted in his seat again, obvious discomfort showing on his face. I glanced around the room to see there was not a comfier seat in sight.
“How long are you staying?” I asked, feeling bad he was uncomfortable.
“Until tomorrow…I’m staying the night.” He replied, sounding suprised as though it was obvious.
“You’re telling you’re spending the entire night on that uncomfortable chair?” I sighed, shaking my head at him.
“You could tell?”
I rolled my eyes at this…literally anyone could tell.
“You don’t have to stay, it’s fine.” I reasurred him. “You coming here to accompany me was very kind of you, thanks.”
“No, I made the choice to stay with you the entire night. What if something happens to you during the night? The nurses won’t be checking up on you regularly when you’re slee-ping.”
“Nothing will happen Theo, I’m in stable condition.”
“Well, I nee-d to stay for my sake then.”
I stared at him, waiting for him to elaborate.
“I nee-d to make sure you’re okay.” He finally admitted.
Oh man.
If he kept saying things like that, I might do something I’ll regret.
“Do you want to sleep on this be-d with me?”
The words escaped me before I could st©p them.
I couldn’t take them back nor could I pl@yit off like I meant to say something else.
We both froze at my words and said nothing.
I knew I’d say something I’d regret…
“I would ask if you would mind…but I have a feeling you’re alre-ady regretting your offer.” He started to say. “So I’m accepting your offer before you can take it back.”
He stood up abruptly and starting taking his shoes off as I stared at him in alarm.
Was he really…?
Oh God.
“Hey, you’re the one who offered your be-d.” He sm-irked, putting his hands up. “Your hospital be-d is big enough to fit the both of us…now do you nee-d help scooting over?”
I opened my mouth and closed it again, not sure what to say.
“Elisia, we’re only sharing a be-d. Does that make you feel uncomfortable?” He sighed, sm-irking at my reaction.
Suddenly, he didn’t seem sweet at all and was just a j£rk.
“No, it doesn’t.” I sh0t back. “Jump right in.”
His eyebrows raised in surprise…damn, even I was surpised.
I carefully scooted the left side of the be-d, giving him space to l@yon.
Without taking his intense eyes off me, he slid into the be-d and pu-ll-ed the covers over him.
My b©dy went into a panicked frenzy with him being so close to me. His b©dy heat warmed the cold be-d and gave me shivers.
We were facing each other, staring into each other eyes.
My leg accidently ru-bbe-d against his, causing electrifying sparks of plea-sure course throu-gh me.
My eyes wi-de-ned from the t©uçh, shocked by it’s effects on me. Theo let out of a quiet g@sp when he felt my leg.
Looks like I’m not the only one feeling those sparks.
Both of our breathing were matching, uneven and heavy. This much proximity was obviously affecting the both of us.
How will I survive this night?
Next chapter will be written in Theo’s POV!
Guess ya all have been waiting for that….. 😀
See ya….. 😉