Tenure forever finale




Richa-rd c@m£ to a halt in front of a school,he couldn’t remember when last he picked up his kids from school,that was Tanure or the driver’s responsibility but today she was busy and the driver wasn’t feeling too well so he had to pick them up.

He got down from his car and saw them approaching….all three of them.

Louis ran up to him excitedly, Richa-rd caught him and carried him on his arms.

“How was school today?”Richa-rd asked.

“It was fine”Five years old Catherine replied with a broad smile.

“Why are you picking us up today? Where’s mom?”Max asked as they got into the car.

“She’s busy, and I was excited to see my princess”Richa-rd said smiling at Catherine who giggled.

“What if mom…..”

“Max,you ask too many questions,fasten your seatbelt”Richa-rd snapped.


Richa-rd hurried around the kitchen,he knew if he make one single mistake while preparing this spaghetti,Max was complain and tease him for days.

He sighed,the main reason why he had picked up the kids from school and now cooking was because he didn’t want Tanure to t©uçh anything when she gets back.She had other things to do later that night.

He sm-irked at the thought.She had been so busy this week, because she just opened a new br@nch of her restaurant so she had promised him tonight and the rest of the weekend.

Now,he wanted to get everything done before she arrives.Soon,the spaghetti was re-ady,he served the children dinner.

“How is it.”He asked, curiously.

“You tried but it’s not as good as mom’s”Max replied and continued eating.

Richa-rd sighed.This son of his was an ardent complainer.

“Dad,it tastes really good”Catherine said giving him a thumbs up.

Richa-rd smiled, and this daughter of his was extremely adorable, she was a carbon copy of his Orente

He started eating and at the same time feeding Louis.


Richa-rd stood at the lobby staring at the pictures frames of his wedding pictures hung neatly on the wall,they had gotten married soon after they made up but it still feels like yesterday.He stared at a picture of him and Mr Ojaide.

He must admit,it was damn ha-rd to earn that man’s trust.He ba-rely even smiled at the wedding, but he eventually forgave him after Max’s delivery.

After Max was born, Tanure had studied a p@rt time business course and that time,they didn’t go a day without quarrelling,he always got paranoid seeing her having other men’s contact and when she finally rounded up her course, himself and Lanre had celebr@ted it h0tly, while she thought it they were celebr@ting her graduation,the men were celebr@ting her freedom from all the university boys.Lanre was married now and had a kid.

Richa-rd had realized years back that if Christine couldn’t break them ap@rt, nothing would and nothing could.As Tanure had said,they were inseparable.

“Daddy”Catherine called snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Louis learnt a new song at school today and I think he wants to sing it for you”

Richa-rd picked up his two years old son from the floor and sat on a couch ma-king him sit on his [email protected] sat beside him.

“Come on Louis,sing for Daddy”He urged.

“I’ve been yorking on the yail yord

all the yight and day

I’ve been yorking on the yail yord

to pias-s the time yaway”

Max sat on the floor laughing.

“Max, will you st©p laughing.”Richa-rd ordered.

“Sorry Dad. I couldn’t help it,is that the remix or what?”

“Look who’s talking, when you were at his age,you called food..yood…. water…yoter…b!ow….biow”Richa-rd tea-sed laughing, Catherine laughed too.

Max g@sped.”No, I didn’t”He argued.

Tanure sauntered in.

“Welcome mummy”They greeted running up to her.

Richa-rd leaned back against the couch and when her eyes finally met his,he was giving her the ‘get re-ady for tonight look’

Tanure laughed.”I have to make dinner.”

He stood up.”I’ve taken care of everything, now,you just have to take a shower and eat….eat everything o”He drawled.

Tanure swat his arm.”I have to put the kids to be-d”

“No…no…no, I’m doing that too”

“Oh, thanks hubby”

“You’ll be welcomed after tonight”


Christ! Tanure was really trying, he had managed to make Louis fall asleep,he was now re-ading the third story book for Catherine and she’s yet to fall asleep.

He finished re-ading the book and stared at her eyes still brightly opened,he angrily stood up and started going throu-gh all the books on the shelf looking for the one that would be so boring.

“Daddy,is Grandma still coming tomorrow?”

Richa-rd frozed,he had totally forgotten about that,damn it!He really had to enjoy this night, cause his mother and Tanure had developed an habit of talking and talking about what he regarded as irrelevant things,they would pratically talk till midnight, sometimes both falling asleep on the couch, and then it would be ha-rd to wake Tanure up and perform his right.

His mother was spending the entire weekend…. God! Weekend that he had mapped out alre-ady.Anyway,he wasn’t sure if Tanure would sleep tonight.

“Yes”He replied.

After re-ading one more boring story for Catherine,she fell asleep.

He walked into Max’s room and found him pla-ying Videogames.

“Enough Max, now go to be-d”He said pu-lling out his duvet.

Max reluctantly dropped it and got into the be-d.

“Goodnight,Dad”He said.

Richa-rd smiled and tucked the duvet around him,he turned off the lights and walked away.

He c@m£ by the living room and found Tanure almost throu-gh with her meal.

“This is really delicious”She commented.

“I learnt from the best”He replied sitting beside her.

“You have to hurry up with that”He said letting his hand slide into her go-wn to t©uçh her n-ked th!ghs.”We have some unfinished business to do upstairs”

Tanure smiled.”Will that business ever get finished?”

He replied by sliding a hand into her p@n-ties and stro-king a tiny nub which is not as tiny as before.

She m0@n ed as her wo-mb clenched and her th!ghs went sli-ck.

“Will it?”He growled running his ton-gue over her n£¢k knowing how much that turns her on.


She had always thought couples get used to this and gradually become less excited but Richa-rd has proved her wrong,he keeps ma-king her lose control with different styles….. different positions.

They had ba-rely made it throu-gh the door of their be-droom, still fully clothed,they were enjoying each other up against the wall with a scorching raw-edged pas-sion.

Just when he was about to take off Tanure’s clothes.The door opened, they quic-kly dis£ngaged.

“Dad, I can’t seem to fall asleep, can I sleep here tonight?”Max announced.

Richa-rd ‘s jaw dropped.”No!”He retorted quic-kly.

Tanure laughed.

This was the most difficult p@rt of parenting.Can’t children for once just……

“Hurry up and make him fall asleep nah, aren’t you in charge tonight?”Tanure whispered.

Richa-rd grinned.”Come with me,Max, I’ll make you fall asleep”With that he walked away with his son.


“Max, plea-se sleep, I’m begging you”Richa-rd pleaded, frustratedly.He had been in this room for almost thirty minutes now,this boy was seriously wasting his time.

“If you promise to remain in your room and fall asleep, I’ll do anything you want tomorrow”

Max smiled mischievously.”Anything?”


“You would really do anything?”He asked, again.

Richa-rd gulped,this boy was unpredictable but right now,he had something to do so his ‘creepy anything’ might be worth it.

“Have I ever let you down, buddy?”

Max shook his head.”I would fall asleep right now”He as-sured closing his eyes.

“Good boy!”


Richa-rd walked into their be-droom and locked the door.

He found Tanure on the phone with someone.

“Kayo just c@m£ in, would you like to speak to him?”She asked and turned to face him.

“Maami”She mouthed.

He frowned.”I don’t want to talk to her”He said loudly so that Bisi would hear.

He knew his mother had said something funny about him cause Tanure laughed till there was tears on her eyes.

He stomped his foot on the floor angrily, waiting for her to hang up but that wasn’t happening anytime soon.Aha!Talk that they will still talk till midnight tomorrow, what are they still talking about now,all the way from the village, Maami was spoiling this night from him.

He angrily pu-ll-ed the phone from Tanure’s ears.

“Maami,Kilode?Aha! it’s late nah, weren’t you advised to always sleep early?”

“Kayo, did I call you? give the….”

“Baba is calling you,go and sleep,see you tomorrow,mon’ife e”

Bisi laughed and he hung up.

“You’re really something”Tanure tea-sed.

“Baby, this your endless gist with Maami has to end” He warned.

She laughed.”You won’t un-derstand…Well for now, where did we st©p?”She asked, excitedly.

Richa-rd smiled…this was going to be a long night.

Everyday,he still falls more and more in love with her.They were ri-ding this road to forevermore.This was an eternal bond and no one can break it.Anywhere Tanure leads,he’d follow.It was simply,

Tanure, forever.


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Our next story is titled Mr. CEO. Who’s re-ady?