Tenure forever episode 9 – 11

đź’ž TANURE,


Chapter 9



Sorry oo guys, I couldn’t find the episode 9 and I didn’want to del@yposting. Anyways, here’s a gist of it.

👉After Christine c@mÂŁ to the p@rty, Tanure gave Richa-rd the cold shoulder for the rest of the night even when he explained that he didn’t bring Christine there.

👉Lanre, Richa-rd ‘s friend, flir-ted with Tanure, ma-king Richa-rd jealous. Christine also flir-ted with Richa-rd , ma-king Christine jealous.

👉When Richa-rd and Tanure c@m£ home, he tried to get her to talk but she gave him the cold shoulder. Lane c@m£ to their house asking for a place to stay, claiming that his house is un-dergoing renovation.

Chapter 10

“I’m not lying, Richa-rd , c’mon, what are friends for?”

“Friends don’t…..”

“Lanre?”Tanure called walking in,she had heard his voice.

“Good morning, beautiful”He grinned.

Tanure sighed,what was wrong with Richa-rd and his friend? Beautiful again that same morning?

She stared at his bag.

“Oh,my house is un-der renovation and Richa-rd won’t let me in, how fair is that?”He asked, pitifully.

“I’m not your landlord”Richa-rd reminded.

“There’s nothing wrong if he stays here, right?”

“He’s not staying here”Richa-rd declared.

“Just for one night”Lanre pressed on.

“No…. I can only agree to this morning so that I can make some things clear to you”

Lanre sighed,what was wrong with Richa-rd ?He was spoiling his plan.

“Fine”He agreed.Richa-rd stepped aside,it took all the strength to pu-ll himself together, reminding himself that Lanre was his friend, but he knew he was soon be off his rope if Lanre kept on staring lvstfully at Tanure’s b©dy….b©dy that he has been dying to t©uçh.

Tanure excused herself to prepare breakfast and to her dismay, Richa-rd and Lanre followed her into his kitchen,both sitting on the breakfast bar and watching her cook.

She felt so uncomfortable, but had to act cool with it,she stood on her toes trying to take some plates from the upper cabinets.

“Tanure,let me help you with that”Lanre offered standing up.

Like flash, Richa-rd was by her side handing her the plates.

Lanre eyed him, aren’t friends supposed to be helping each other? Richa-rd wasn’t helping him at all.

Richa-rd sm-irked sitting down again,the only thing that he was focused on was ma-king Tanure love him again,he wasn’t going to be in any competition for his own wife.

Few minutes later, Richa-rd had lost his appetite and was glaring at Lanre who was filling Tanure’s head with lies.They weren’t actually lies though but Tanure was getting too comfortable with Lanre so they were lies to him.

“Oh, that reminds me, I found out something after you left yesterday”Lanre said turning to face Richa-rd .

“What?”Richa-rd asked, nonchalantly.

“Christine’s now working in the company that’s why she was at the p@rty “Lanre announced.

Richa-rd ‘s jaw dropped,he glanced at Tanure who was just staring at her meal, why was it so ha-rd to know what she was feeling? and why the hell did Lanre decide to bring this up right now?

“Are you sure about that?She got employed and I didn’t know about it?”Richa-rd scoffed.

“I was shocked too but then again, with her father’s affluence, the CEO wouldn’t dare turn her down.”

Richa-rd didn’t want to continue talking about Christine,he knew Tanure was affected by it even if she was acting nonchalant, but how could he st©p this parrot from talking.

“Christine can be so funny,she doesn’t nee-d even nee-d the money, maybe she wants to be close to you”

“Christine and I broke up”Richa-rd snapped.

Lanre grimaced slightly.”Really? I thought you wanted to……”

Richa-rd kicked his leg un-der the table to silence him.

“Enough!”He warned.

Tanure stood up taking her plate with her.Richa-rd stared at her plate,he was slightly relieved that she hadn’t lost her appetite like he did,he knew he had to talk to her,he had to as-sure her that nothing was going to happen between him and Christine, whether she believes it or not.

“I’ll just wash the dishes now”She said.

Lanre got up too.”Let me help you”He offered.

“No,we are running late for work and you should go upstairs and change into something appropriate, I’m not leaving this house without you”He declared.

Lanre’s jaw dropped,he had always thought Richa-rd was a good friend but right now he wasn’t sure anymore.


Richa-rd walked out of his be-droom,he stared at Tanure’s door,Lanre was probably outside waiting for him,he had to talk to her before he leaves for work.

He slowly opened her door,his b©dy stiffened seeing her in just a bathrobe.

She turned around and saw him,she quic-kly adjusted her robe and that same time trying to control the urgent beat her heart had taken just registering how rakishly handsome he looked in navy blue suit.

Richa-rd sighed wondering when she would finally see him as her husband.

He walked closer to her.

“I didn’t know Christine got employed in the company”

She frowned.”It’s none of my business”

“Tanure, I know you are affected by it…”

“I’m not”She snapped.

He held her hand tenderly.”Let’s say you’re not, but I won’t do anything to hurt you again, I swear it.”

Tanure met his gaze, the intensity ma-king jo-lt of awareness zing throu-gh her.

She saw his gaze fli-cker to herl-ips and her skin grew h0t.

He closed the distance between them.

“I really think this S-xual frustration doesn’t suit any of us”He said, softly.

“I’m not S-xually frustrated”She argued.

“Let’s see how true that is”With that he pu-ll-ed her close against his che-st.

She shuddered as her robe broke free, cushioning the engorged ti-ps of her brea-sts against him.His mouth settled into a s-en-sual smile that turned her inside out.

He took herl-ips with his… one t©uçh and his heart fluttered with longing for more.

He ran his hand over her soft curves, moving his mouth over hers until she gave in with a low m0@n .

Her br@in melted in a puddle of heat and s-en-sation,she thought her mind went whirling away on the f!ngersof the storm wind that engulfed her…..her bones seem to turn to water….. boiling water.

His hand moved along her h!pto hold her more inti-mately against him as his ton-gue tea-sed herl-ips [email protected] suc¢v-mbe-d to the hunger driving her and savored the taste of him as he de-epened the k!ss.

He stro-ked her h!pand his S-x ha-rd ened against her stomach.The heat emanating from his b©dy to hers ignited a flame inside her stronger than anything she’d felt before with him.

Her breath was su-cked out of her, leaving her p@n-ting un-der the pressure.

“Richa-rd , where the hell are you?We are seriously late”Lanre’s voice sounded throu-gh the hallway.

Reluctantly,he re-leased her and loosÂŁned his grip.

She slumped slightly.A cool breeze separated them as he reached down, rearranged the fold of her robe, ti-ght£ñed the belt and re-tied it.

“There”He said mischievously.

“Wasn’t that nice?”

She wanted to act unaffected,she wanted to argue but she knew it would be the most obvious lie in the world.

“You….you should get going”She stuttered, turning around but he held her hand and was effectively twirled back into his b©dy.

He encirled his hands around her, burrying his face into her n£¢k as her scent intoxicated him.

Her b©dy tingled.”Ri…. Richa-rd …”

“Shhhh,let me hold you for a while, plea-se”He requested.

She leaned into him completely,her breath steading.They were so close that she couldn’t tell which was her heartbeat and which was his.

And she realized that being inti-mate with him again was just a matter of time.


“Rich, what’s the deal with today?why did you have to spoil my show nah?”Lanre asked as Richa-rd drove to work.

Richa-rd eyed him.”which stupid show?Are you a musician?”

Lanre chuckled.”you know what I’m talking about nah.I know I certainly didn’t fool you with the lie that my house was un-der renovation, but coming to your house was the only way I could get close to Tanure, she said she is only staying there for the meantime,so I have to act fast”

Richa-rd ‘s heart seized the moment he heard those words.”She…she really said that?”


His hand clenched over the steering wheel, why does she still want to be away from him?For the meantime?She was probably still waiting for one mistake…. just one little mistake then she would leave.

Well,she would have to realize that he wouldn’t make that mistake.

Now,he had to make Lanre lose interest in her for good.

“Why are you interested in Tanure?”

“I know your fears Richa-rd ,you don’t want me to hurt your relative”

Richa-rd frozed.Relative? Didn’t he tell this lunatic that she was his wife.He quic-kly repla-yed that scene in his head and realized that he didn’t.

“But I plan on taking her seriously, she’s just too……”

Anger radiated throu-gh Richa-rd and he didn’t want to hear the next word that would fall out from Lanre’s mouth.

“She’s my wife”He announced.

Lanre laughed.”Hey,why are so against me and Tanure, I as-sure you, I won’t break her heart, I might even become a p@rt of the Boyowa family.”

“Are you just ins-en-sitive or stupid? Tanure is my wife and you talking about her like this is ma-king me lose my mind!”Richa-rd yelled startling Lanre.

Lanre stared at Richa-rd , shocked beyond words.Was Tanure really his wife? but… Richa-rd isn’t the marrying kind of guy.

“But….you…how come?”He stammered.

Richa-rd sighed and started telling him everything from the start but leaving out the p@rt that Christine was responsible for the death of his child.

Lanre heaved a sigh of comprehension.

“You still don’t know who attacked her?”

Richa-rd gulped.”No”

“This world is getting so scarier by the day”Lanre muttered and try to register the fact into his br@in that Tanure was really Richa-rd ‘s wife.

“No wonder you c@mÂŁ up with different excuses so I wouldn’t come to your house, I thought you were acting strange but the least of the things that could ever seep into my mind was that you were married.Why didn’t you want her before?”Lanre asked, curiously.

“It was my ego. I thought she wasn’t good enough for me,you know,she didn’t complete her education, and I thought she was naive but getting to spend time with her made me realize that I made a big mistake breaking her heart, she wasn’t naive,she just wanted to be with me more than anything,before,she saw me as the best person in her life but now,she wants a good reason to leave me”He muttered, sadly.

Lanre stared at Richa-rd in disbelief,he knew for a fact that Richa-rd didn’t truly love Christine, because while d@t!ngher,he still had alot of flings and didn’t care how she might feel about it.

But now,he couldn’t remember when last he saw Richa-rd in a club and now he was sad over a woman who didn’t want him anymore.

“Well,there might be something she wants,if she doesn’t want to complete her studies,she might have other things she really wants”Lanre suggested.

Richa-rd ‘s eyebrows crea-sed together.That could help,he just had to find out what she wanted.

“I’m sorry for not telling you all these sooner”

“To say I’m shocked and disappointed that I’ve lost my chances with her is an un-derstatement, but I can still be friends with her, right?”

Richa-rd sh0t him a warning look.”Well, when I’m around, you’re permitted to talk to her but if…..”

“Farabale”Lanre cut in laughing.

Richa-rd eyed him.

Lanre stared at Richa-rd really amazed by how bad his jealousy was,it suddenly made him want to find a woman who he could make him feel this way.

“Well, even if I really wanted to get to know more about Tanure, but the last thing I would do is to try and take her from you, especially seeing how much you adore her”

Richa-rd sighed extremely relieved.

“But I’m still very angry at you, imagine, I did not even taste the marriage rice”

Richa-rd laughed.”Ode”He muttered, pla-yfully.


Richa-rd headed towards the conference room,her face popped into his head.

He smiled recalling how she’d stood in front of him, just before he’d k!$$ÂŁd her,her che-st rising and falling.He had never wanted any woman so desperately.He’d been unable to st©p himself from hauling her into his arms.And to feel the way she’d put up her resistant and then melted into him so deliciously…….k!$$ÂŁd him so pas-sionately….it had sÂŁnt some welcome sanity into his h0t and tangled br@in.

He st©pped walking staring at who was walking up to him in the opposite direction, she sh0t him a sly smile which suddenly made him wonder if anyone could ever put up with her as a wife.

“Good morning, Richa-rd “Christine greeted, sweetly.

“Work on your courtesy, it’s Mr Boyowa”He corrected, coldly but she was still giving him that annoying smile.

He walked into the conference room,he knew she had chosÂŁn to work here just to torment him.

How could he possibly put up with seeing her everyday?He loved working here because this br@nch was the biggest in the country but right now,he wished he could be transferred to a small br@nch.

Whilst everyone got seated,the CEO walked in gracefully,he sat down and commenced the meeting.

“We have to secure that deal with JK finance before the end of this month,Mr Boyowa, you’re in charge,so you have to travel to London the day after the tomorrow.”

Richa-rd nodded.”Am I going alone or are there other people going with me?”

“Yes, you nee-d to work as a team with Mr Adams, Mrs Williams and Miss Ekure to secure this deal.”

Richa-rd ‘s jaw clenched and a muscle throbbe-d.Christine?

What the fv¢k!




“I’m not lying, Richa-rd , c’mon, what
are friends for?”
“Friends don’t…..”
“Lanre?”Tanure called walking in,she
had heard his voice.
“Good morning, beautiful”He grinned.
Tanure sighed,what was wrong with
Richa-rd and his friend? Beautiful again
that same morning?
She stared at his bag.
“Oh,my house is un-der renovation
and Richa-rd won’t let me in, how fair is
that?”He asked, pitifully.
“I’m not your landlord”Richa-rd
“There’s nothing wrong if he stays
here, right?”
“He’s not staying here”Richa-rd
“Just for one night”Lanre pressed on.
“No…. I can only agree to this
morning so that I can make some things
clear to you”
Lanre sighed,what was wrong with
Richa-rd ?He was spoiling his plan.
“Fine”He agreed.Richa-rd stepped
aside,it took all the strength to pu-ll
himself together, reminding himself that
Lanre was his friend, but he knew he would
soon be off his rope if Lanre kept on
staring lvstfully at Tanure’s b©dy….b©dy
that he has been dying to t©uçh.
Tanure excused herself to prepare
breakfast and to her dismay, Richa-rd and
Lanre followed her into the kitchen,both
sitting on the breakfast bar and watching
her cook.
She felt so uncomfortable, but had to
act cool with it,she stood on her toes
trying to take some plates from the upper
“Tanure,let me help you with
that”Lanre offered standing up.
Like flash, Richa-rd was by her side
handing her the plates.
Lanre eyed him, aren’t friends
supposed to be helping each other?
Richa-rd wasn’t helping him at all.
Richa-rd sm-irked sitting down
again,the only thing that he was focused
on was ma-king Tanure love him again,he
wasn’t going to be in any competition for
his own wife.


minutes later, Richa-rd had lost
his appetite and was glaring at Lanre who
was filling Tanure’s head with lies.They
weren’t actually lies though but Tanure
was getting too comfortable with Lanre so
they were lies to him.
“Oh, that reminds me, I found out
something after you left yesterday”Lanre
said turning to face Richa-rd .
“What?”Richa-rd asked, nonchalantly.
“Christine’s now working in the
company that’s why she was at the p@rty
“Lanre announced.
Richa-rd ’s jaw dropped,he glanced at
Tanure who was just staring at her meal,
why was it so ha-rd to know what she was
feeling? and why the hell did Lanre decide
to bring this up right now?
“Are you sure about that?She got
employed and I didn’t know about
it?”Richa-rd scoffed.
“I was shocked too but then again,
with her father’s affluence, the CEO
wouldn’t dare turn her down.”
Richa-rd didn’t want to continue
talking about Christine,he knew Tanure
was affected by it even if she was acting
nonchalant, but how could he st©p this
parrot from talking?
“Christine can be so funny,she doesn’t
even nee-d the money, maybe she
wants to be close to you”
“Christine and I broke up”Richa-rd
Lanre grimaced slightly.”Really? I thought
you wanted to……”
Richa-rd kicked his leg un-der the table to
silence him.
“Enough!”He warned.
Tanure stood up taking her plate
with her.Richa-rd stared at her plate,he
was slightly relieved that she hadn’t lost
her appetite like he did,he knew he had to
talk to her,he had to as-sure her that
nothing was going to happen between him
and Christine, whether she believes it or
“I’ll just wash the dishes now”She
Lanre got up too.”Let me help you”He
“No,we are running late for work and
you should go upstairs and change into
something appropriate, I’m not leaving
this house without you”He declared.
Lanre’s jaw dropped,he had always
thought Richa-rd was a good friend but
right now he wasn’t sure anymore.
re-ad more stories or post your stories @:- Pizarena.com
/> Richa-rd walked out of his
be-droom,he stared at Tanure’s door,Lanre
was probably outside waiting for him,he
had to talk to her before he leaves for
He slowly opened her door,his b©dy
stiffened seeing her in just a bathrobe.
She turned around and saw him,she
quic-kly adjusted her robe and at same
time trying to control the urgent beat her
heart had taken just registering how
rakishly handsome he looked in navy blue
Richa-rd sighed wondering when she
would finally see him as her husband.
He walked closer to her.
“I didn’t know Christine got
employed in the company”
She frowned.”It’s none of my business”
“Tanure, I know you are affected by
“I’m not”She snapped.
He held her hand tenderly.”Let’s say
you’re not, but I won’t do anything to hurt
you again, I swear it.”
Tanure met his gaze, the intensity ma-king
jo-lt of awareness zing throu-gh her.
She saw his gaze fli-cker to herl-ips
and her skin grew h0t.
He closed the distance between them.
“I really think this s£xual frustration
doesn’t suit any of us”He said, softly.
“I’m not s£xually frustrated”She
“Let’s see how true that is”With that
he pu-ll-ed her close against his che-st.
She shuddered as her robe broke
free, cushioning the engorged ti-ps of her
bre@sts against him.His mouth settled
into a s-en-sual smile that turned her inside
He took herl-ips with his… one t©uçh
and his heart fluttered with longing for
He ran his hand over her soft
curves, moving his mouth over hers until
she gave in with a low m0an.
Her br@in melted in a puddle of heat
and s-en-sation,she thought her mind went
whirling away on the f!ngersof the storm
wind that engulfed her…..her bones seem
to turn to water….. boiling water.
His hand moved along her h!pto hold
her more inti-mately against him as his
ton-gue tea-sed herl-ips [email protected]
succvmbe-d to the hunger driving her and
savored the taste of him as he de-epened
the k!ss.
He stro-ked her h!pand his sÂŁx
ha-rd ened against her stomach.The heat
emanating from his b©dy to hers ignited a
flame inside her stronger than anything
she’d felt before with him.
Her breath was su-cked out of her,
leaving her p@n-ting un-der the pressure.
“Richa-rd , where the hell are you?
We are seriously late”Lanre’s voice
sounded throu-gh the hallway.
Reluctantly,he re-leased her and
loosÂŁned his grip.
She slumped slightly.A cool breeze
separated them as he reached down,
rearranged the fold of her robe, ti-ght£ñed
the belt and re-tied it.
“There”He said mischievously.
“Wasn’t that nice?”
She wanted to act unaffected,she
wanted to argue but she knew it would be
the most obvious lie in the world.
“You….you should get going”She
stuttered, turning around but he held her
hand and was effectively twirled back into
his b©dy.
He encirled his hands around her,
burrying his face into her n£¢k as her
scent intoxicated him.
Her b©dy tingled.”Ri…. Richa-rd …”
“Shhhh,let me hold you for a while,
plea-se”He requested.
She leaned into him completely,her
breath steadying.They were so close that
she couldn’t tell which was her heartbeat
and which was his.
And she realized that being inti-mate
with him again was just a matter of time.
/> “Rich, what’s the deal with today?
why did you have to spoil my show
nah?”Lanre asked as Richa-rd drove to
Richa-rd eyed him.”which stupid show?
Are you a musician?”
Lanre chuckled.”you know what I’m talking
about nah.I know I certainly didn’t fool you
with the lie that my house was un-der
renovation, but coming to your house was
the only way I could get close to Tanure,
she said she is only staying there for the
meantime,so I have to act fast”
Richa-rd ’s heart seized the moment he
heard those words.”She…she really said
His hand clenched over the steering
wheel, why does she still want to be away
from him?For the meantime?She was
probably still waiting for one mistake….
just one little mistake then she would
Well,she would have to realize that he
wouldn’t make that mistake.
Now,he had to make Lanre lose
interest in her for good.
“Why are you interested in Tanure?”
“I know your fears Richa-rd ,you don’t
want me to hurt your relative”
Richa-rd frozed.Relative? Didn’t he tell
this lunatic that she was his wife?He
quic-kly repla-yed that scene in his head
and realized that he didn’t.
“But I plan on taking her seriously,
she’s just too……”
Anger radiated throu-gh Richa-rd and he
didn’t want to hear the next word that
would fall out from Lanre’s mouth.
“She’s my wife”He announced.
Lanre laughed.”Hey,why are so against
me and Tanure, I as-sure you, I won’t break
her heart, I might even become a p@rt of
the Boyowa family.”
“Are you just ins-en-sitive or stupid?
Tanure is my wife and you talking about
her like this is ma-king me lose my
mind!”Richa-rd yelled startling Lanre.
Lanre stared at Richa-rd , shocked
beyond words.Was Tanure really his wife?
but… Richa-rd isn’t the marrying kind of
“But….you…how come?”He
Richa-rd sighed and started telling him
everything from the start but leaving out
the p@rt that Christine was responsible for
the death of his child.
Lanre heaved a sigh of
“You still don’t know who attacked
Richa-rd gulped.”No”
“This world is getting so scarier by
the day”Lanre muttered and try to register
the fact into his br@in that Tanure was
really Richa-rd ’s wife.
“No wonder you c@m£ up with
different excuses so I wouldn’t come to
your house, I thought you were acting
strange but the least of the things that
could ever seep into my mind was that
you were married.Why didn’t you want her
before?”Lanre asked, curiously.
“It was my ego. I thought she wasn’t
good enough for me,you know,she didn’t
complete her education, and I thought she
was naive but getting to spend time with
her made me realize that I made a big
mistake breaking her heart, she wasn’t
naive,she just wanted to be with me more
than anything,before,she saw me as the
best person in her life but now,she wants
a good reason to leave me”He muttered,
Lanre stared at Richa-rd in disbelief,he
knew for a fact that Richa-rd didn’t truly
love Christine, because while d@t!ngher,he
still had a lot of flings and didn’t care how
she might feel about it.
But now,he couldn’t remember when
last he saw Richa-rd in a club and now he
was sad over a woman who didn’t want
him anymore.
“Well,there might be something she
wants,if she doesn’t want to complete her
studies,she might have other things she
really wants”Lanre suggested.
Richa-rd ’s eyebrows crea-sed
together.That could help,he just had to
find out what she wanted.
“I’m sorry for not telling you all these
“To say I’m shocked and
disappointed that I’ve lost my chances
with her is an un-derstatement, but I can
still be friends with her, right?”
Richa-rd sh0t him a warning look.”Well,
when I’m around, you’re permitted to talk
to her but if…..”
“Farabale”Lanre cut in laughing.
Richa-rd eyed him.
Lanre stared at Richa-rd really amazed
by how bad his jealousy was,it suddenly
made him want to find a woman who
could make him feel this way.
“Well, even if I really wanted to get to
know more about Tanure, but the last
thing I would do is to try and take her from
you, especially seeing how much you
adore her”
Richa-rd sighed extremely relieved.
“But I’m still very angry at you,
imagine, I did not even taste the marriage
Richa-rd laughed.”Ode”He muttered,
/> Richa-rd headed towards the
conference room,her face popped into his
He smiled recalling how she’d stood in
front of him, just before he’d k!$$£d her,her
che-st rising and falling.He had never
wanted any woman so desperately.He’d
been unable to st©p himself from hauling
her into his arms.And to feel the way she’d
put up her resistant and then melted into
him so deliciously…….k!$$£d him so
pas-sionately….it had s£nt some welcome
sanity into his h0t and tangled br@in.
He st©pped walking staring at who
was walking up to him in the opposite
direction, she sh0t him a sly smile which
suddenly made him wonder if anyone
could ever put up with her as a wife.
“Good morning, Richa-rd ”Christine
greeted, sweetly.
“Work on your courtesy, it’s Mr
Boyowa”He corrected, coldly but she was
still giving him that annoying smile.
He walked into the conference
room,he knew she had chosÂŁn to work
here just to torment him.
How could he possibly put up with
seeing her everyday?He loved working
here because this br@nch was the biggest
in the country but right now,he wished he
could be transferred to a small br@nch.
Whilst everyone got seated,the CEO
walked in gracefully,he sat down and
commenced the meeting.
“We have to secure that deal with JK
finance before the end of this month,Mr
Boyowa, you’re in charge,so you have to
travel to London the day after the
Richa-rd nodded.”Am I going alone or
are there other people going with me?”
“Yes, you nee-d to work as a team
with Mr Adams, Mrs Williams and Miss
Ekure to secure this deal.”
Richa-rd ’s jaw clenched and a muscle
What the fu-ck

Chapter 11

“But miss Ekure just started working here, shouldn’t you sÂŁnd someone who’s more……”

“What’s that supposed to mean Mr Boyowa, are you trying to say I’m inexperienced?”Christine sh0t at him, fiercely.

Richa-rd ‘s teeth clenched,he really didn’t like degrading people but Tanure won’t feel good about this, hopefully nothing would happen between Christine and him but Tanure doesn’t trust him and being far away with Christine would worsÂŁn things for him.

“I apologise,Miss Ekure”He choked out.

“Miss Ekure has worked in a multinational company in UK and they are full of praises for her, having her here as one of us is an honour so she shouldn’t be disrespected”The CEO warned.

Richa-rd grimaced.When did Christine work in a company in UK?He was sure that she was shagging this CEO.Honour indeed.

“I’ll make preparation for the trip right away”He said then an idea strucked him.This would cost him alot but it was worth it.

As the employees started walking out of the conference room,he strode towards the CEO.

“May I have a word with you sir… alone”He requested.



Richa-rd shut his car door and walked towards his house.He couldn’t believe the conditions the CEO had given him just because he wanted his wife to come with him.First,it had been so ha-rd convincing him that he was married,it had made him come to a conclusion that when Tanure finally trusts him again,he would want them to have a white wedding.

Damn! Tanure had taken over his heart completely.

After many excuses, the CEO agreed, but he had to pay a hvge fine and as-sured him that he would not be distracted.

Well,he would have to balance work and ma-king time for Tanure there,he was so excited that she would be coming along with him, and he hoped she’ll be too.

He walked into his house and found her in the sitting room,his eyes raked her b©dy taking in how tempting she looked in a shi-t and flared Sk-irt.He could tell that she wasn’t wearing a br@ because he could see the ha-rd points of her n!ppl!s.How much longer could he wait to have her?

She glanced at him and said dryly.


Richa-rd grinned sitting beside her.

“Did you miss me?”

“No”She snapped.

He sighed.”Do you have a dream, Tanure, like something you want to do?”He asked, curiously.

“Well, I wanted to be a doctor…”

“And you would been a drop dead gorgeous doctor”He said and watch her trying ha-rd not to smile.

“But then, since Baba didn’t want to sponsor my education, something else caught my fancy, you know Maami Sade’s restaurant, right?”

“Yeah, I heard her food is great but I didn’t get to visit her restaurant while I was at the village.”

“People are always complimenting her meals and when Sade tasted my meal, she said it was just like her mother’s, so I had thought that if I had the chance to leave my father’s house, I would want to set up a restaurant someday”

Richa-rd smiled.”It really refreshing to have a wife who thinks big, I could help you with that, Tanure, I could set up that restaurant right here in Lagos,you could study a p@rt time business course if you want to”He offered and as soon as he said those last words about her going to school,he wished he could take it back,he realized that she get too social and have many friends then he might be in a competition for her heart again.

He studied the expression on her face,she looked so confused.

“Why would you do all that for me?”She asked.

“Well, someone once said that when you find the right woman,you can never thank her enough for being yours, I know I have alot to make up for, but plea-se Tanure,let me do this for you”He pleaded.

She stared at him as a myriad of emotions threatened to overtake her.Richa-rd was going to make her dream a reality…. Richa-rd just said she was his right woman, should she hold on to him again? could she ride this road with him again?Was there pain waiting at the end?

Right now, she felt both scared and happy.

Richa-rd didn’t like seeing her like this,she seem to be at war with herself.

He slowly held her hand trying to ignore the way he b©dy j£rked at his t©uçh.

“I….I don’t know what else to do to prove to you that I won’t hurt you again, but I really want to do this for you but if you don’t want me to….”

Unable to bear the sadness in his voice,she cut in softly.”I’m grateful that you want to do this for me but wouldn’t it cost you alot of money?”

He smiled and held her jaw, framing her face as though she was as precious as his life.

“I believe it’ll be worth it, to make you less bothered with the money I’ll be spending, just think of it as me investing my money in you, like business p@rtners so you have to make sure it’ll be successful”

Tanure grinned excitedly and his heart leapt.

“Thank you so much, Richa-rd “She muttered, gratefully.

Richa-rd nodded, feeling proud that he was ma-king her happy.”So what do we call it…Tanrich or Richtan”He joked.

She laughed.”We’d would nee-d a better name for it”

‘We’Richa-rd thought.

“I’ll start looking for a promising place when we get back from London”

Shockwaves rolled over her.”London?”

“Yes. I was as-signed to go there with some colleagues for four days, but I didn’t want you to be alone in this house,so I paid a fine so I could take you with me”He explained.

Tanure swallowed the thick lump in her throat.Richa-rd keeps up swirling her br@in with surprises.


“Iyawomi, just say yes, I know you really want to go too, don’t worry I’ll make time for you while there to give you a tour,it’d be so fun,huh”He urged.

“I heard it’s such a beautiful place, have you been there before?”

“Yes, I’ve been to Spain and Paris too,they were mostly business trips though, Would you want us to visit Tayo someday?”

Joy that she tried so ha-rd to tame filled her soul,he was alre-ady seeing his future with her.Should she allow herself picture a life with him too?

She slowly nodded and he pu-ll-ed her closer to his che-st.

“I’ll make sure it’ll be an unforgettable experience for you”He as-sured and they both heard his stomach growled.

Tanure chuckled against his che-st.

“I’ve alre-ady prepared dinner,oko mi”

“Oko mi?”He asked, stunned and she quic-kly stood up.

“I should go and set up the table”She rambled out and hurried away.

Richa-rd chuckled staring at her backside,he was ma-king progress and right now,he felt so happy.


Richa-rd and Tanure got down from his car,he brou-ght out their luggage and refused to let her carry hers.

She reluctantly agreed and carried just her hand bag then they walked into the terminal.

Richa-rd stared at her clad in jeans and a floral t©p,her hair neatly packed in a bun, her feet encased in white sneakers,he had gotten her new clothes yesterday and after a round of pleading,she accepted them.

“O lewa”He told her, appreciatively.

Tanure smiled,he had been telling her that since they left the house and it made her heart flutter each time she heard that.

Once inside,She saw two women and a man waving at Richa-rd , narrowing her eyes,she recognized one of the women to be Christine.

Richa-rd stared down at her, the excitement on her eyes had suddenly disappeared, fv¢k!He should have told her yesterday that Christine was coming along too but he wouldn’t let Christine or anyone spoil this trip for her.

He quic-kly dropped the luggage and turned her around to face him.

“Christine works in the company too, remember.My relationsh!pwith her now is strictly professional, plea-se believe me, Tanure”He begged.

He saw the evidence of doubts in her features but she nodded.

He sighed and they walked up to Christine and the others.

“Good morning,Mr Boyowa”They greeted.

“Good morning”He replied.

“This is my wife, Tanure, I alre-ady spoke to the CEO about her coming with us”

Christine’s heart clenched painfully, Richa-rd was getting too unpredictable,who the hell brings his wife along with him on a business trip?She was sure this had cost him alot.What has Tanure done to him?

“I didn’t know you were married,sir”Mrs Williams said.

“Sorry about that, but I just did the traditional wedding not long ago but you’ll all be invited to the white wedding soon”Richa-rd announced.

Tanure’s jaw dropped as she stared at him in disbelief,he had not only introduced her as his wife but he was talking about a white wedding.Was this really Richa-rd ?

“I would have to hand it to you, your wife is beautiful”Mr Adams commented.

“I know”Richa-rd agreed, proudly.you can hi ishmeal on+233544142683 to be added to his story room to enjoy more stories from the group.

‘And get your dirty eyes off her’He thought.

“Nice meeting you,Mrs Boyowa”Christine said, sarcastically.

Tanure smiled dryly taking in the hateful look Christine was giving her.It suddenly occurred to her that Christine was the only one who might want to hurt her.Was she perhaps……..No!

She quic-kly shook that thought out of her head, Richa-rd would’ve told her, Richa-rd wouldn’t be standing here like this with her.It definitely can’t be Christine.

But Christine being among Richa-rd ‘s colleagues bothered her alot.


Richa-rd fastened Tanure’s seatbelt and did his own too.He stared at her face,she seem so nervous.

“Are you okay?”He asked, concerned.

She nodded.

The plane began to move slowly down the runway and she closed her eyes ti-ghtly.

Richa-rd moved closer to her and held her hands.

When the plane lifts up the ground,she hvgged him ti-ghtly.Richa-rd grinned slowly stro-king her hair.

By the time, the plane is in the air properly,he slowly pu-ll-ed her away from him and stared at her face.

“See,it wasn’t so bad”

“I was not scared”She snapped.

Richa-rd rolled his eyes.”Fine,you just felt like hvgging me”He said sarcastically and she sma-cked his arm.

He laughed and slowly raise the window cover beside her.

He watched her eyes wi-de-ned with wonder as she stared out at the ra-pidly shrinking landscape.

“It’s so…. amazing, everything looks so small!”She exclaimed.

Richa-rd stared at her glowing with excitement,it contagious as hell, hisl-ips curled into a broad smile.

‘Iyawo mi’


