tem-pted Episode 27

💋 tem-pted💋
I don’t bother or care to know why she’s crying.I walked closer to her and cu-mpped her face in my hands, wiping away her tears with my thumbs.
“St©p crying, baby”
“Don’t you really want me any more?”She asked, huskily.
“But you….I thought you have someone…..”
“It’s you.You didn’t let me finish,I was going to tell you that “someone” is you and it was not a mistake,it was never a mistake.Does it make any s-en-se to be d@t!ngsomeone and still be wearing your wedding ring?”She asked.
She has a point.
She sniffed and I’m glad she’s not crying anymore.
“Clara told me the truth.I pushed you to do it.I know you might not want me anymore because I was a bad wife,I didn’t trust you,I didn’t give you a listening ear,I was mean to you…I….I…”She broke down into tears.
“And I said mean things to you.”
“You were angry,you had every right to be,I hurt you badly too”I reminded her.
She should know that it wasn’t entirely her fault.
“I’m so sorry,Dave.I’m so sorry”She cried.
I pu-ll-ed her into my arms and hvgged her, whispering soothing words to her.
“I’m sorry too,Abby.I’m sorry about what happened with Clara”
“I’m sorry for letting her into our home”she apologized.
“I’m sorry for what I said that day,I was drun!k,I didn’t mean them”
“I’m sorry for what I said too…I…”,
“It’s okay, baby.Just st©p crying, plea-se”I begged and we remained like that for some time until she st©pped crying.
“Did you enjoy the food?”She asked wra-pping her arms around me.
“I did but I think they’d been more delicious if I knew who was really s£nding them”
“I thought you wouldn’t want to see me”She said, sadly.
I slowly dis£ngaged from her and held her hands.
“I’m sorry for being cold towards you since you got here,I just didn’t think that you’d ever forgive me”
“I want to be yours again, Dave”
Those words gladdened my heart.
“Am I still your sunshine”She asked.
I nodded.
“Am I still your angel?”
I nodded.
“Am I still…..”
“You’re my everything”I said to her, sincerely.
She smiled and suddenly she is sad again. I tilted up her chin so I could look into her eyes….her beautiful eyes.
“What’s wrong?”I asked.
“Martin hates me now and he’s like a father to you”
Well,I don’t want to lie to her that Martin likes her,he obviously don’t but he doesn’t hate her….hate is a strong word.
“Well,he’ll have to like you because he’ll have no choice and no say in this”
“I love you,Abby.I always did and I always will,I can’t promise that all our days will be blissful, we’ll fight but I’ll still want you, we’ll argue but I’ll still want you.Just plea-se, I know it can be ha-rd at times, let’s maintain good communication because if you leave me again,Abby.I won’t function without you”
She hvgged me ti-ghtly.”I love you.I’ll never doubt your love for me again.I’ll never let anything come between us again.un-der sun or rain, I’ll be by your side”
I am the happiest man on Earth right now.
And just like Maami had said,I now believe that we’re destined to be together.Just like the stars were made to lit the sky,the sun was made for day and the moon was made for night…
I was made for Abby.
And she was made for me.
“Hubby”She called.
My heart fluttered.
“We don’t have to go back to the p@rty, do we?”
I smiled knowing what she has in mind and I swear I can feel the pas-sion between us again.
“We don’t have to”
On our way to my room,we ran into our mothers.
They both stared at us and our locked hands then they smiled.
“The p@rty hasn’t ended”Maami began.
I sighed.”We know”
“Are you sure you two would even be pres£nt in church tomorrow”Abby’s mother asked and both ladies chuckled mischievously.
“We will”Abby replied, smiling.
“Go easy on my Shola o.Anyway,I want a boy”Maami said as the ladies giggled.
I slowly led my wife away.
“They’re the most joyful souls on Earth when they’re together”I heard Maami said.
‘Yes we are’ I agreed.