Teenage mom batch 3


💜💜(The mistake that changed her life)💜💜

💜🤰Episode 11💜🤰



Derek’s POV 💜

Elsa or Tanisha couldn’t st©p me this time as I rushed over to where the football gang were seated and gr@bb£d Fred out of the bunch..

‘Hey what…’..He was immediately interrupted as I punched him ha-rd on the nose..

‘What the hell man?!!’.. Chase bu-tted in and before he knew it I also punched him ha-rd on the face..

‘Y’all think it’s funny?!! You all think it’s funny all of you?!!’..I yelled pointing at everyone in the cafeteria and there was dead silence..

‘You all think that disgracing a poor girl who didn’t do anything is funny??’..

‘She’s a slut and i said it!!’..Fred yelled again and I had to restrain myself from killing him..

‘Call her a slut one more time and I swear to God you’ll end up in a casket and I’ll end up in bars but it’ll be worth it!! For godsakes you drugged her and then R@p£d her!! Now she’s pregnant and you posted a picture of her n-ked??’..I blurted out loudly pointing at Chase and everyone g@sped..

Oh boy I shouldn’t have said that..

Elsa gr@bb£d her bag and walked away angrily before Tanisha followed her..

I’ll deal with her later but first I have to put these bastards in check..

‘You committed three crimes.One,for drugging her.Two,for S-xual as-sault.Three,for defamation of character and trust me you’re so gonna pay for it!! She is just 17 and she did nothing wrong to y’all but yet you decided to get her pregnant!!’..I continued and before Fred could even stand up again I punched him ha-rd ..

‘Next time you’ll think twice before harras-sing a girl like that’..

Elsa’s POV 💜

An Hour Later 💜
‘What’s this pregnancy nons-en-se I heard about?!!’.. Mom asked in a yell as I walked into the house..

‘Oh God you heard too?’..I raked my hands throu-gh my hair and she dragged me over to the kitchen..

‘plea-se tell me it’s not true!! plea-se tell me you’re not pregnant Elsa’..She begged and I sniffed loudly..

‘I’m…I’m sorry Mom but I never sle-pt with anyone intentionally,they drugged me and the next thing I knew I’m preg—

‘You see??! This is why I never wanted you to go to p@rties?! You see Elsa’?? This is the mistake I was afraid of and now you’re pregnant!! What have you done?!!”..
Episode 12💜🤰

Elsa’s POV 💜

‘Mom I’m sorry!! I’m sorry for going to the p@rty but I swear that I never took any drugs or even had any alcohol! I was drugged and taken advantage of mother’..I whimpered in tears and she hvgged me..

‘I know baby,I know but what do we do now?? Who are the people involved in this scandal??’..She asked..

‘Mom i—

‘You are going upstairs young lady and you’re going to give me a list of all the idiots because few moments from now I’ll be calling your principal and there’s going to be fire’..She said and I nodded..

I managed to st©p myself from crying and then also managed to conjure up a rou-gh list of the guys who pla-yed truth or dare with me..

*Chase Ashleigh
*Fred Burkin
*Leonard Rice
*Nico Wilian
*Ashley Turner
*Jerry snow
*Jordan Baker

I handed the list over to my mom and she mentioned the names to the principal who was over the phone..

‘Change your clothes honey, we’re headed back to school’..She said and I nodded..

This is not going to be good and I bet she just called a Parent-student conference meeting and Chase’s Dad happens to be the president..

Minutes Later 💜
‘My son would never stoop so low to sleep with your daughter!!’..Mr Ashleigh yelled at the t©p of his voice and Mom scoffed..

‘So how did they get a picture of my daughter n-ked?? Your son is a disgrace to humanity and I don’t know why I’m stressing myself over this!!’..

‘Chase did you sleep with Elsa or not??’..Another parent asked and he gulped ha-rd .

‘No I did—

‘He did it’..Ashley from the backseat spoke up everyone g@sped..

She’s like the meanest girl in school and she’s defending me??..

‘I overheard their plan to drug her drink and then sleep with her,she’s not the first girl they’ve done this to actually’..She added..

‘Now you see??’..My mom had a triumphant look on her face..

‘You should press charges!’.. Tanisha’s Mom ch!pped in and gave me a supportive pat on my back..

‘I have known this girl for years and a slut is something she’s not,she’s a victim of abuse and I can’t believe some of you all are sitting and looking at this injustice go on!!’..She said aloud and the other parents cl@pped..

The principal waved her hand for silence and then c@m£ up to speak..

‘Elsa Martinez you are hereby expelled,the security would be here in a minute to take you and your mother out of the school…This meeting is adjourned’..she said and everyone’s mouth dropped..


Episode 13💜🤰

Tanisha’s POV 💜

‘In all my 17 years of living I have never seen corruption pl@yout in plain sight as much as this’..I said as Mom ignited the car engine re-ady to take us home..

‘That stupid principal,I’m sure she just did that with the school board backing her up’.. Mom said and I turned over to Elsa..

’Are you okay??’..

‘Okay?? I’m pregnant and I just got expelled from school!! I can’t even get transferred cause the next school is like four hours away!!’..She cried out and I patted her shoulder..

‘Are you going to press charges Angelica??”.Mom asked Mrs Martinez..

‘Nah’..She replied…

‘Mom?!!’..Elsa protested..

‘Sorry Elsa but they’re rich people and they always get away with everything’..She sighed de-eply..

‘I wish I could protest about this,it’s just not fair you know?? She gets R@p£d and she gets expelled from school while the bastards who did it to her get to stay in school…I wish Derek was in that hall,he would’ve punched the principal without caring if she was a woman’..I sighed also..

Elsa doesn’t deserve this..

She’s a straight A student who hasn’t even gotten detention once and yet she gets expelled for no good reason??..

I can’t just sit back and do nothing no matter what mom tells me..

Chase’s POV 💜

The Next Day 💜
I walked into school with a half hearted smile on my face and the eyes that glared at me wasn’t anything funny..

Murmurs and gossips rose to a high level as me and my other boys walked past the hallway…

‘They should be in jail for what they did to her’..

‘He’s h0t but that doesn’t mean he should go Scot free??’..

‘He got her pregnant and get she still gets expelled, nepotism at it’s best’..

‘We just can’t let this slide no matter what’..

‘I hate him now and I’m going to take every picture down from my locker wall’..

‘Ashley??’…I hollered at Ashley and she turned around but ignored me immediately..

What is wrong with everyb©dy??..

We went into the cafeteria and the rest of the football team scooted away before I could even sit down in my sp©t..

‘What is wrong with you guys??’..I asked..

‘Sorry but we’re not p@rt of your clique anymore,after what you did to Elsa Martinez we can’t just be friends anymore’..One of them replied and I pursed myl-ips..

Well you can all go to hell for all I care!!..

I just don’t have to take care of a baby anymore and that’s final!!..
Episode 14 💜🤰

Elsa’s POV 💜

At Night 🌃
‘You okay??’..My little sister asked as she walked into my room..

‘No I’m not’..I replied and bowed my head in shame..

I am suppose to be setting a good example for my sister and now she’s seeing me in this manner and pregnant too..

‘If it’s any form of consolation I would love to be an aunt??’..She shrugged and I managed to smile at her naivety..

‘I’m not—

‘You are keeping the baby Elsa’..Mom ch!pped in and my mouth dropped..


‘I made a mistake when I was your age but that didn’t mean I didn’t love you?? I was young and stupid but never did it cross my mind once that I would get rid of you or your sister…I love you both so much and the love I had for you should be the same you have for your unborn child’..She replied..

‘What would people say??’..I asked..

‘People can go to hell for all we care and besides they all know you didn’t do it on purpose?? Words travel fast around this town and guess what??’..She chuckled.

‘What??’..My curiosity increa-sed to a higher notch..

‘Go check outside the porch’..She whispered.

Cas-sy and I immediately sped down the stairs and opened the door only for me to see gift cards and a lot of supplies for babies..

There was a baby cot,a baby prawn,baby clothes,baby story books,a book about taking care of babies and everything..

‘But why—

‘I told them not to involve the police in any of this and I’m sure we’ve got it handled’..She said and I hvgged her very ti-ght..

All i ever thought was that she would hate me because of my pregnancy but I never expected this kind of love from her..

‘Thanl you Mom’..

‘You’re welcome honey and look who’s here to see you’..She said and when I turned around it was Derek..

Minutes Later 💜
‘So why did you come??’..I asked as I sat next Derek..

‘Remember the promise we made to each other when we were kids?’..He asked back and I nodded..

‘We promised to always be there for each other no matter the circu-mtances,it was a stupid promise’..

‘No it wasn’t Elsa and you know that,Chase is q douchebag but punching him isn’t going to solve anything’..He said and the look I saw in his eyes was something else..


‘I want to be the father of your baby even though it isn’t mine and Tanisha has vowed to be the godmother’..
