Technical v!rg!nepisode 37

🌺 TECHNICAL vir-gin🌺



“Congratulations to the love birds.” She tea-sed them as they all laughed.

” I’m proud of you two. plea-se, don’t let affliction rise the second time is the only counsel I have for you both as you both begin your courtsh!ptoday. Brother Kehinde, you are such a darling.” She praised him, then continued.

“Come’on, you both should come over here and give me a big big hvg.” She said and opened her hands wi-de to receive them into a hvg.

“You are always free to use this place when ever you want to discuss anything pri-vately.” The church mummy said excitedly giving them access to her house and they both appreciated her.

” I cut the Kehinde’s love vow short, let me go and get drinks for this special day and leave him to complete his promises.” The church mummy tea-sed him before leaving for the kitchen.

Kehinde smiled and turned to face Sade who was all smiles,held her hands warmly and drew her into a hvg…

Their courtsh!pbegan properly as the two love birds were always on phone communicating tirelessly ma-king plans for their home, unborn children (Toyin included), possible financial investments, spiritual lives and ministries.

During one of their spiritual outings on the mountain, they had quality time in prayers, studied the scriptures adeptly and took their action plans then sat down to evaluate their lives spiritually, career and relationsh!pwise.

“Brother Kehinde, you don’t want me to know where you are living yet?” Sade asked as they sat down to talk.

“We can even pray and study together at the comfort of your house.” She said suggestively and he smiled.

“I really want to bring you to the house but you see, I’m just trying to be careful because I don’t trust myself with you and I alone in the house. But, that shouldn’t bother you, before our wedding, I will bring you to the house with other of my friends.” He replied looking into her squee-zed up face.

“What do you mean by you don’t trust your self?” She queried and he smiled.
” I mean, I don’t want to lose control and eat what am only meant to eat after wedding.” He said smiling in a n@ûghty way and she got the message.

“But, we have alre-ady made up our mind to abstain from S-x till the wedding night. We can both exercise self control no matter what…” She pushed further and he quic-kly cut in.

“Sister Sade, plea-se don’t go there. Though we alre-ady made up our minds, the flesh did not. See, I’m a weak man when it comes the flesh and we may not be able to resist each other. So,let the sleep dog be..” He explained and she kept quiet and he observed her sudden moodiness.

“What’s the problem?” He asked but she was too lost in her own thoughts to hear him.

“Sade!” He called a bit loud and jo-lt back.

“What were you thinking about? Is it about coming to the house?” He queried searching her eyes.

“No,brother Kehinde I was actually thinking about your reasons for keeping your house off limits as a meeting place for us.

I’m just realizing that that was where Kola and I started getting it wrong, we had so much confidence in ourselves that we would be able to resist each other because we thought ourselves to be matured Christians who can exercise self control and visiting each other’s rooms would do us no harm. Well, it didn’t do us any harm for the first six months until we started hvgging;hvgging longer than expected and pe-cking on the forehead and and then k!ss!ngmildly which gave birth to dee-per one and then the falling upon each other.” She said narratively then continued with a sad expression.

“Kola was a very good Christian and so was i, but we were both naive in our reasoning; we lacked the principle of keeping boundaries. Had we applied this principle of not staying alone behind closed doors, we couldn’t had yielded to that temptation that landed us in trouble…” She began to lament bitterly and he quic-kly cut her short.

“Uhm.. Sade, plea-se let the past be in the past. Thank God we have learnt from the past mistakes,it’s time to apply the principle of no staying alone in secluded places to avoid soiling our testimonies.” Kehinde said and brou-ght up another t©pic for evaluation.

“Kehinde, next year is too long, what are you waiting for? If it’s money, don’t worry, your father and I are re-ady to sponsor the wedding, marry Sade for me…” The queen quarreled Kehinde during one of his visit home.

‘Mother calm down, allow me to court my wife very well.. ” Kehinde jokingly replied.

“What are you courting? You think I didn’t hear when you said you have known her for six years?” The queen tackled him and he bur-sted into laughter.

“Mother, so you were actually eaves dropping while I was wooing my woman?” He said laughing and held her hands.

“Leave me jor…” The queen queen pushed him away mildly, beaming with smiles.

“See mother, Sade is going to re-lease her music albu-m few months from now and i don’t want her to combine it with the stress of wedding preparations.
We can wed after the albu-m re-lease…” Kehinde was still explaining but the queen would have none of it.

“Foolish son of a wise mother, don’t you know it’s better you wed her before the albu-m re-lease? She would bear your name in her first albu-m which would add to your profile.” The queen reasoned with pride.

“Okay mother, if that’s what you want, I will discuss it with her and get her own opinion.”

“That’s actually what I want, I want us to wed before the albu-m re-lease.” Sade told him when he discussed the idea with her and straight away, they both chose the month and d@t£s respectively.

“Oma oba, tell your wife to s£nd me her size, am getting her a beautiful wedding go-wn from the UK’s.” Kehinde’s elder sister told him when he s£nt the d@t£s to her and Sade could not contain the joy in her heart.

“Is this me?” She kept asking herself silently seeing the kind of love the royal family were dishing out on her.

Three months later, they had an elaborate traditional marriage with both the high and low in attendance

Kehinde felt disturbe-d and couldn’t concentrate on the scriptures as he sat on his study table with the bible opened before him as he remembered his reaction towards Jumoke when the k!ssincident happened in his office. He bec@m£ guilt stricken as he felt he had wronged her de-eply then the thought of calling her or possibly meet with her to ask for her forgiveness and as well invite her to his wedding clouded his mind but the idea of meeting with her at that critical period he was preparing for his white wedding with Sade didn’t go down well with him.

He picked up his phone and began to dial her number which rang several times but she didn’t pick the calls.

Jumoke kept staring at her phone which rang repeatedly but she couldn’t bring herself to answer the calls as she didn’t know exactly what she felt for Kehinde, whether hatred or just a normal anger.

“Why is he calling me now, what else does he want from me? Did he think am not aware that he has done his traditional marriage?” She asked nob©dy in p@rticular as she stared at the buzzing phone.

“I’m now the loser, I lost my vir-ginity and also lost him. I’m the loser!” She broke down in tears and pushed the phone far away from her.

Kehinde’s peace of mind deserted him as he stood up from the re-ading table and pace his room still calling her line, determined to continue till she pick up her calls. As he was trying to redial her number again, Sade’s call entered and he picked unknowingly.

“Hello, brother Kehinde.” He heard Sade’s voice slightly and his heart skipped.

“Hello,” he responded and composed himself.

“Sorry dear, I mistakenly dialled your number.” He said coldly not really in the mood to speak with her.

“No, you didn’t. I’m the one who called you” Sade replied smiling.

“Alright. What’s happening?” He said casually then kept quiet and she noticed his cold responses.

“Bro..ther Kehinde, are you alright?” She queried feeling disturbe-d at his mood.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said expressionlessly,then continued.

“Was actually busy with something when your call entered. Can we talk later plea-se?” He said and there was silence at the other end.

“Hello, hello dear.” He said and looked into his phone which was still re-ading but Sade was not talking, then he ended the call and threw the phone aside in frustration.

Sade looked into her phone and saw that he had ended the call and she bec@m£ angry.

“What was that he was doing by this time of the night that is more important to him that he couldn’t spare at least three minutes to talk to me?” She murmured angrily to herself in the room. She expected him to call back and apologise or even explain things to her but Kehinde didn’t call back. She kept checking her phone over and over again till midnight but didn’t see any call, missed calls or even a text. Her anger grew more and she made up her mind that she would not call him either.

Kehinde kept calling Jumoke’s line repeatedly but she still refused to pick the calls. She quic-kly typed a text and s£nt to him then switched her phone off and l@ydown on the be-d wiping the tears on her cheeks with a white handkerchief.

“plea-se, let me be. Leave me to nurse my wound. I’m good enough to be disvir-gined but not for marriage; Kenny you disgust me, I hate you with pas-sion. plea-se stay far away from me and st©p calling my line. Go ahead and enjoy your new wife.”. The text re-ad and it broke his heart and he quic-kly dialled her number again but it was switched off.

” Jumo, I’m sorry. plea-se forgive me. If you hate me, I quite un-derstand with you, I know am not worthy of your love and time anymore but plea-se just give me the chance to explain things to you. My heart is not strong enough for this trauma, plea-se pick my calls.”
💭Kehinde texted her back and waited for some minutes before dialling her number again but it was still switched off. He knelt down and tried to pray but couldn’t focus on anything, so he just went to be-d and rolled from one side of the be-d to the other till the early hours of the morning before sleep decided to pay him a friendly visit.

Sade woke up very early in the morning and rushed to her phone to check whether Kehinde finally called back or s£nt a text but there was nothing like that.

Her heart began to burn within as she fought ha-rd the tears that was about falling from her eyes and she ha-rd ened her heart not to call him or even pick his calls when he calls. She transferred her aggression on Toyin who was still slee-ping by shouting her out of her peaceful sleep.

“Come’on, wake up for morning devotion!” She shouted and hit the be-d ha-rd and the innocent little girl jumped up from the be-d.
She sat down with a frown,trying to put herself together before starting the devotion. After a short while, she raised a song and Toyin quic-kly joined her to avoid further attack. Because of the state of her heart, she couldn’t sing nor pray for long, so she paused and grudgingly picked up the devotional booklet and opened to the place meant for that day’s re-ading and the t©pic for that day was;

📖“#t©pic:Anger: a weapon for personal destruction:
📖#Text:James 1:19-21.

Her heart beat increa-sed as she re-ad the bible pas-sage and her eyes kept going back to the t©pic over and over again as she re-ad the commentaries.

” I’m I wrong being angry with brother Kehinde? Will my decision not to call or receive his calls destroy my relationsh!pand ruin things for me? ” she kept asking herself silently as she continued with with the commentaries.

She finished re-ading the commentaries but couldn’t explain them to Toyin because of the battles going on in her mind…
