© Pauline Mumbi
One afternoon as I was hanging my clothes Shane c@m£ to my house looking very excited.
I was wondering what was going on so I looked at him in surprise hoping he would break the news to me.
“Mwansa guess what!” He said excitedly.
“No I don’t want to guess just tell me” I responded reluctantly.
Shane quic-kly pu-ll-ed a paper from his pocket and stretched it out to me.
“My hands are we-t Shane plea-se just re-ad it out” I said.
“Its you exam transcript” he said.
I quic-kly wiped my hands and gr@bb£d the transcript.
“Ahhhhhh!!!!!” I screamed as I jumped up and down.
“You did it!” Shane shouted with Joy. I was so excited and Shane lifted me and spun me around.
Shane hvgged me ti-ghtly and I felt uncomfortable suddenly.
“Uhmm Shane” I whispered as I patted his back so he could let go of me.
“Oh I’m sorry” he said as he pu-ll-ed away.
“Its ok.. Oh Jesus! I just can’t believe I did it” I said.
“We nee-d to celebr@te this great achievement” Shane said.
“For sure and I will make sure I study really ha-rd for the next exam and I will make it in Jesus name!”
“Amen!” Shane shouted
I quic-kly hang the clothes on the line and changed as Shane waited for me.
Its only after I was in the car with him that my mind actually opened. This could actually be a d@t£ and here I was following him foolishly. Another p@rt rebuked me, theirs no way it would be a d@t£.
When we approached town he asked me where he wanted us to go and I was blank.
The first place that c@m£ to my mind was protea h0tel, its the only place I had been to.
“Where ever you would like us to go” I responded.
I was busy on my phone uploading some ph0tos on Instagram when Shane informed me that we had arrived.
“Protea h0tel…” I said slowly as i looked up.
“Yes dear am sure you will like it here..” He said.
I unfastened my sit belt before walking out. Atusaye was on my mind the whole time and the night he took me there.
Shane locked the door and held my hand just like Atusaye did and off we walked inside.
I can’t describe the pain I felt at that moment. My heart longed for my true love and he was nowhere close.
As we went up the elevator I was very quiet until we got up, Shane equally picked the pool area for us to sit.
“Why are you so quiet?” He asked me.
All I could see was Atusaye but he wasn’t there, I imagined him very well and that hurt me a lot.
“Do you always come here?” I asked him.
“No I like Radisson blu h0tel but I chose this place for a change. You don’t like it?” He asked me
“No of course I do its beautiful” I said.
We ate dinner and discussed the school as well as how I was coping with my fellow employees. It was quite a wonderful evening.
At one point I excused myself and asked to use the bathroom, but all I wanted was to peep around to see if my love was anywhere near. Just a glimpse of him was all I nee-ded
Shane was very funny and he soon took away my sad mood.
By the time we decided to go it was alre-ady past 10pm and we couldn’t believe how time had flown
“Will you manage to drive me?” I asked.
“Its quite late. Let me book you here and I will go home” he said.
“But is that place safe as well?” I asked.
“Not really you know the farms are not safe” he said.
“I think will book myself a roof here too” he said
“Do you take c0cktails?” He asked me.
“No but I would like to try” I responded
“Waiter!” Shane called out.
“Can I have your drinks menu” he said.
The waiter quic-kly c@m£ and handed us two menus.
“You can pick your choice” he said.
I re-ad throu-gh the menu and I was kind of shocked.
“Why do these c0cktails have weird names? Who names a drink ” Orgasm?” I asked out loud.
Shane bur-st into laughter.
“You are really funny.. OK I will pick for you. Try” Long island” he said.
“OK then.. Waiter I will have a long island” I said.
“Hope its not too strong maybe this man wants to tra-p me” I said to the waiter.
“You are too funny” he said.
I drank my first c0cktail and it tasted really good so I went for the next one and another one and another one.
“No you’ve had enough” I heard Shane say as he gr@bb£d the glas-s from my hands.
“I can’t get you another one, you are drun!k” he said.
“OK let’s dance” I said.
Shane didn’t hesitate to get up and he held me close. A beautiful song started pla-ying and we took to the dance floor.
To be continued…
NEXT (episode 16)                                                                              PREVIOUS (episode 14)