Tears ap@rt Episode 1 & 2

The tears ran down his eyes as he forgot he was a man…he forgot he was supposed to be strong and act like a man.
But Osita could not. The thought of his wife,still in labour pains without any one to attend to her was overwhelming. He forgot to be a man as he walked un-der the h0t sun hopelessly.
He has been turned down by two of his friends alre-ady. He st©pped un-der a shade,and buried his face in his hands, cleaning his tears away only for more to rush.
“God…where are you! Where are you my God! Why have you forsaking Ifeoma your daughter and I?
Have we really sinned against you this much? plea-se s£nd a helper o Lord…” Osita cried. He suddenly remembered a friend who sold motor p@rts in the street and decides to go to him…..to try his last luck.
Ifeoma’s cries rang out throu-gh the whole hospital as she held unto her stomach in pains. She shouted at the nurses to help her but they ignored her.
She was dying in pains and the baby was alre-ady near.
“Osita mu ooo! Where are you eeeh! God why are you doing this to me! Is this how I’m going to die?” Ifeoma cried as she knelt on the floor of the lobby.
People looked at her, feeling sympathy for her but none of them helped the woman.
Ifeoma crawled on the floor and held unto a nurse’s leg, crying out for help.
“plea-se…I’m dying! Help me!” Ifeoma cried. The pain was becoming too much for her to bear.
“Madam…I’m sorry but we can’t help you until payment is being made by your relatives. I’m sorry.” The nurse said and struggled out of Ifeoma’s hold.
Ifeoma began to sing in her teary voice but no one c@m£ to her rescue.
She managed to stand up, bending over as she left the lobby….. straight out of the hospital with her phone …hoping to contact Osita.
Just as he feared,the friend had turned him down. Osita was devastated as he walked in the road. He was alre-ady losing his mind as he walked like a ghost, unaware that his phone was seriously ringing.
Ifeoma was bending over and clutching her big stomach,beside an uncompleted building, dialling Osita’s number but no one was picking. Ifeoma cried and put a hand on her head as she dialled the number again.
Still no answer.
She felt the baby’s head hitting her vir-gina and screamed…. pushing.
She st©pped pushing when she saw she was ma-king no progress and coll@psed on the floor, looking around as she breathed life and death. Her phone sli-pped away from her hand.
She thought of finding somewhere secluded and have the baby herself.
“Osita….I’m dying..where are you?”
Osita was lost in his own world as he thought about how David,the husband to Ifeoma’s twin sister had turned him down,saying there was no money.
All efforts to reach Ijeoma proved ab-ortive. Even though Ijeoma never liked her twin sister…she would have helped out this time around,right?
“Aahh…David…why?” Osita asked and walked into the express road without looking.
Those were his last words on Earth as an over speeding car threw him up in the sky and knocked him down.
His blood splashed around the road as people screamed.
He died instantly…with his eyes…opened wi-de at the wicked world.
His spirit rose up gently out of the b©dy and stared around the world in shook. He stared at his bloody b©dy and at the people, shaking his head…. couldn’t believe he was gone.
No…no….no….no!! His voice echoed as he disappeared among the clouds.
“Aaaaaaaa!! Hmmmmm mm!!” Ifeoma cried as she gro-an ed pushing out her baby. But she nee-ded an extra hand to pu-ll the baby and put it in order.
Ifeoma gr@bb£d at her scattered hair, pushing again as blood poured out, around her leg.
Just then,a nurse rushed along kneeling beside her.
She has followed Ifeoma as she left the hospital for her conscience couldn’t allow her leave the woman to her problem.
“Madam! Oh my God! The baby’s head is out! Hey!! Esther,the nurse shouted as she held Ifeoma.
“plea-se… plea-se…. help…me..” Ifeoma cried weekly. She was losing her breath.
“I will! I will!” Esther shouted as she looked around and saw an uncompleted building close. She helped Ifeoma up as they walked towards the building.
“Okay now…take a de-ep breath and when I say push….make sure you give it your best!” Esther said hurriedly as she looked into Ifeoma’s opened legs. She held her legs and shouted at her to push.
Ifeoma drew in a de-ep breath and pushed,her voice so loud and heavy..
The baby’s head finally c@m£ off and Esther smiled triumphantly, breathing in quic-kly as she shouted push again.
Ifeoma cried it and with her last strength,she pushed out the baby’s b©dy and coll@psed back in the floor of the uncompleted building.
“Yes! Yes! Madam…you…you did it!” Esther said as tears ran down her face as she stared at the lovely face of the crying little baby in her arms.
“Madam… it’s a baby girl….you have a baby girl!” Esther said, peering down at Ifeoma.
Ifeoma smiled up at the little infant and as she raised her hand to t©uçh her baby, Ifeoma’s eyes wi-de-ned as her breath seized. Her hand dropped back unto the floor. She tried talking as Esther called her but she couldn’t.
Before Esther could do anything more… Ifeoma’s eye lashes shut down as her b©dy bec@m£ limp.
“Madam?” Esther called.”Madam?” She called again but Ifeoma had st©pped breathing….she was dead.
Esther put down the crying baby and bent over Ifeoma putting her ear in her che-st.
“Jesus Christ!” Esther exclaimed as she moved back.
Ifeoma’s spirit rose slowly from her b©dy as she stared down at her baby. She cried out blood as she disappeared.
Esther stared at the new baby,still covered in blood..on the ground and covered her mouth with her hand.
What was she going to do with the baby? The mother was dead….who is she going to take the baby to?
Should she take the baby home?
Esther went forward to carry the baby but backed off again. No! No!…she had a little son to take care of too…..but as she stood up to go…she knew she would never be able to leave the baby there.
She turned again to go.
Her innocent cries continued to t©uçh her soul…the de-epest p@rt of her heart….and Esther saw herself…. going back…. going back toward the baby…with a flood of tears on her face………..
Esther bent down again and carefully carried the baby up in her hands.
“I’m sorry … little one for trying to leave you here all alone to danger.
I promise to take care of you no matter what.” Esther said to the baby and left the place,using Ifeoma’s wra-pper to wra-p her up.
She left the dead b©dy there and ran off, before anyone could see her and think otherwise.
Esther couldn’t go back to work that day.
She returned home and bathed the blood out of the baby with h0t water. She quic-kly found one of her son, Ikenna’s cloth and clothed the infant.
She felt bad there was no br£@st to nourish the infant so she had to go for a feeding bottle and baby milk.
After an hour,the baby had her first sleep.
Esther layed her on her son’s be-d, gathering large clothes around her. She c@m£ out of the room,drawing in a de-ep breath as she rested against the door frame.
What was she going to tell Uzo, her husband who had gone for a business trip to ABBA?
He was due to come back that weekend. Would he allow her keep a total stranger in his house?
She was still thinking when Ikenna returned home from pre-school with his teacher.
“Oh.. Aunt Vero…welcome.” Esther said as she let them into the house.
“Mummy!” Ikenna cried as Esther scooped him into her arms and sat down.
“How was school today, little man?” She asked, smiling.
“Fine mummy. Aunty Vero beat me.”Ikenna said, pointing at the standing lady with his little f!nger.
They laughed and soon,the teacher left dropping off Ikenna’s lunch box and bag.
Esther took Ikenna to the bathroom and bathed him.
She was feeding him on the dinning when the baby woke up and her cries circulated the house.
Esther glanced at Ikenna who looked terrified with his little eyes squee-zed with confusion.
“Mummy….you have a baby!” He exclaimed happily. He had also wanted a baby sister.
Esther smiled before standing up and going to the room.
Days went by and weekend c@m£. Esther had come to love the baby so much and she named her Amarachi.
To her,the baby was a pure gift from God. Her only fear was her husband who was the freaky type.
She just hoped that he would un-derstand and let her keep the baby till she grows up to find her true relatives.
“Aahhhh! Death why! Why did you do this to me? You should have taken me instead oooo!! Ewooo!!”
Mama cried as people held her from coll@psing on the Sandy floor.
The village people gathered around her compound whey they all heard the tragic news from the city.
It was a great loss to the old woman. Osita was her one and only son.
She continued crying, refusing to be consoled.
Her sister,Nne Uju and her daughter,Uju arived from the city too and bur-st into tears before any other thing.
How could such a thing happen!
“Aunty … plea-se…pu-ll yourself together! Do you want to die too!” Nne Uju scolded her sister with tears.
“Yes I! Aahh!! Monica…I want to die! plea-se call that death for me! Tell it to come and take me too!! I want to die oo!!”
Mama cried,losing her scarf and throwing it to the floor.
The women held her ti-ght if not she would have injured herself.
“I called Isaac and he told me their bodies have been found and kept inside a mortuary.
plea-se..hold yourself aunty…. everything happens for a reason!” Nne Uju cried.
“Aahhhh! My only son…he was about to prosper…I know it.
Who will bring me bre-ad from the city! Who will bring me a wife home?” Mama cried, wailing.
“You still have Ifeoma’s twin sister and her family… don’t lose hope like this!” Nne Uju said as she held her ti-ghtly with other women.
The woman was heartbroken…her heart,cut into shreds.
“In my own House! Never! It will never be possible!
Take that child back to where ever you picked her from! I don’t want to hear any more word from you again!
Take her back before I do something drastic!” Uzo shouted as he emerged from the be-droom.
The more he heard the baby’s cries,the more angrier he bec@m£.
“Uzonna, plea-se! I’m begging you with the name of God in heaven!” Esther cried as she carried the baby in her arms… wra-pped with a wra-pper.
She was weeping heavily now as she stared down at the crying infant, cudd-ling her.
“Are you deaf or what? No,tell me. Since when have you become deaf?
How could you bring into my house a total stranger!
Do you know where she comes from? Do you know any of the baby’s relatives? Why didn’t you contact the police?
Do you want to put us into trouble? Or oh…now,you think you can take law into your hands and do whatever you like abi?
It’s not possible!
Not in my house! Not in my own house!
If I should repeat myself again..I swear with my life…you won’t find it funny!” Uzo roared and dashed out of the living room.
Esther bur-st into tears as she knelt on the floor…with the baby in her hand, crying loudly.
She looked up in the sky..tears streaming down her cheeks as she cried out.
“God! Oh God! Where do I take this child to! Oh Lord…where do I take her to!!?………….
#Hmmm… Esther!…where is she going to take the little baby to ..only if she knew she has a grandmother..!!😰😰
What happens next??🤔🤔
Find out in the
next thri-lling episode..!!