Teach me love episode 7

(A High School Love Story)

; Written by Nuri F. Chisom Pearl ✍️

>Chapter 7< ⚠️ DO NOT COPY OR REPOST ⚠️ "Okay Guys. Let's start tutorial" Claire gave Walter a ha-rd glare as he sat down. "You aren't gonna sit here?" Claire asked quic-kly watching him sit close to Robert. "No. I shouldn't make someone's girlfriend seat in the middle of I and the “someone”....I should respect you guys" He win-ked. Robert smiled and looked at Claire who looked away. "What are you trying to say?" She turned the pages of the book. "Can you see this book from over there?" She queried. "I can" Walter replied. "Oh. You can?" "Babe? He clearly said He can. Let's respect his decision. Besides, He stated his reason and none wouldn't agree more" "I guess you're right" Claire smiled. "Yeah" Robert smiled back. "Hmm Hmm" Walter cleared his throat. "You guys should be careful knowing fully well I'm single" Robert laughed while Claire stared at him over Robert's shoulders, Apparently, From Behind. Walter also looked at her and quic-kly re-moved his gaze. Robert looked at Claire who quic-kly looked at him and gave a loud laugh awkwardly. * * * * "What was that about?" Claire asked coldly as she c@m£ down from her bicycle. Walter sighed de-eply as he locked his wheels. "What?" He looked at her. "We can't talk here" She gr@bb£d his arm. "Why? We are home alre-ady" "Robert might see us and think we are- "What are you talking about? We are home so why would he come in here?" "He could. Most b©yfri£nds do such" "Well, That your business. If you aren't gonna say your stuff here. Then, Leave it" Walter quic-kly pu-ll-ed his arm away from her hold. "Walter?" She called as she stared blankly at the we-t ground. "What?" He didn't look back at her. "I can't really describe your behavior but I hate it" "What?" "I don't know but...I really hate your attitude since this afternoon" "So? How more do you want me to behave" "Behave like Walter!" "Walter? Tell me, How have I been behaving? Like Robert?" He scoffed. "St©p that" "Claire. You're someone's special someone now. I don't nee-d to be that close to you like I was before. You should un-derstand" "I hate you" She muttered trying to walk past him. Walter inhaled de-eply and held her arm fast. He pu-ll-ed her to the narrow corner at the backyard. The place was so narrow that they had to face each other eye to eye to talk. "Why did you bring me here?" She looked at him. "So Robert wouldn't see us" He looked at her. Claire nervously blinked her eyes. "Wh...What do you mean?" She stuttered. "How do you want me to behave?" He kept his hand on the wall where her back la-id. "I...I don't know. Let's just forget about it" She uttered. "No. I can't" "Huh?" "If you don't want me to behave like this. Should I then behave the totally opposite?" He whispered. Claire could ha-rd ly look at him. "Somehow" She whispered. "Robert might get jealous or even angry" He whispered. Claire swallowed ha-rd and looked at his eyes. He looked at her warmly. "What do you mean?" She f0rç£d her words. Walter took his f!ngersto her face and t©uçhed her cute smoothl-ips which made her vibr@te. She couldn't help but raise in shoulders in nervousness. "Do you still want me to behave this odd way?" He whispered ignoring her question. "yes" She never thought she could reply that. Claire suddenly felt his warm arm move around her w@!st. She shivered in bu-tterflies as she felt the unusual t©uçh. She clenched her fists and placed it both on his che-st as he pu-ll-ed her close to him. Claire found her eyes shutting as he brou-ght herl-ips towards hers. "Claire?" She heard Walter whisper. She opened her eyes and slowly looked at him. "Let's not do this" He gulped down heavily, slowly letting her go. Claire ran her eyes around in embarras-sment. "You wanna know something?" He sniffed. Claire didn't reply. She could ba-rely look at him. "My only wish right now is to be with YOU. I know it's stupid but yeah, I still want You....Not all wishes come true though. You and Robert should be together. I'm just gonna keep my feelings till whenever" This time, Claire looked at him. "Huh?" She whispered. "I guess I made Robert jealous after all. Will see ya tomorrow. Don't worry, I'm gonna be your alarm clock" He win-ked before leaving. Claire watched him leave. She sighed in relief. She knew she had been holding her breath ever since. She wondered why she felt that way. Her heart beat rate finally slowed down. She looked around before walking away slowly from the narrow corner. * * * * (SATURDAY/ ROBERT AND CLAIRE'S d@t£) "How do you like your meal?" Robert smiled as he watched Claire eat. "Huh?" She looked at him. "I asked if you like your meal? Is it up to your taste? It seems you are thinking of something else. Why are you distracted? Doesn't our d@t£ interest you?" "No! Oh my! Come on! It does. I'm flattered. It's the best" She chuckled. "Well. If you say so" ".....I love the food. On our next d@t£, Let's come back here" "Next d@t£?" Robert smiled. Claire nodded and shook a spoonful of food into her opened mouth. "Yeah. Our Next d@t£" She whispered. "I'm happy there's gonna be a Next" Robert chuckled. Claire exhaled de-eply in thoughts. "Robert?" She suddenly called him. "Yes babe?" He looked at her as he chewed his food. "About the personal stuff I wanna ask- "Yeah! Ask. Ask anything" He gushed. Robert couldn't help but smile so heartily that Claire had to laugh. "Why laughing?" He asked still smiling. "You're funny" She replied drinking her glas-s of wine. "How?" He chuckled. "Why do you keep smiling? So Clown Looking" "I'm just so happy" "Awwwn....Why?" "Because You're Mine" He smiled. Claire looked at him and felt her expression vanish. Her face turned pale, more like less expressioned. She wondered why she turned moody all of the sudden but hearing the words that he uttered made her feel somehow, a bit sick. "I'm gonna ask now" She looked at the fork she used in hitting the plate. She felt so distracted. Claire knew it was that j£rk. Him. Walter!. She couldn't st©p thinking about what transpired between them yesterday evening. "Go on" Robert murmured wondering why her face and voice changed from randiant to pale. "Remember when we first met?" "Yeah" He f0rç£d a smile. "You got angry at me...but you said you had your reason" "Yeah. I told you someone pissed me off at home" "Who's that? How did the person piss you off?" "Is that what you called personal?" "I guessed it would be. It must be family related matters" "Uhmm...You guess right" Robert sighed. "What's it all about?" "Huh... "It's fine. If you don't wanna say anything, It's okay. I won't f0rç£ you" "No. It's okay. I'm okay. "Okay then" Claire faced him. "Well, At My Former School. I'm a soccer pla-yer. I'm also good in pla-ying. But, Soccer affected my academics. My Dad had to put a st©p to it" "Geez!" "I cried like never before. I felt hurt to the core. Soccer was my dream. I couldn't live without it...When I st©p Soccer, I started having few invitations and requests from clubs to join them. They all c@m£ in full" "Wow" "But my Dad declined and canceled them all!" "What!!!" "However, He made a promise to put me in a good growing football club if I registered into this school and get an A" "An A? Distinctions?" "Yup. If I come out to be the best in clas-s. He's gonna make me a real footballer" "It's Lovely!!. But How did it get you angry?" "Leaving my old school to come here weakened me...I hated it..I and my Dad had a little quarrel that morning before my driver brou-ght me to the school.. I didn't feel like coming to somewhere new. I decided to be cold to everyone in school but you kinda softened me before I started" "That was why you were cold and harsh" "Yup" He chuckled. "I'm still sorry for that" "No. It's fine. I un-derstand" "Now, I know why you're getting tuto-red" "Yeah. To get an A throu-ghout and become the best football pla-yer and your b©yfri£ndof course" "Huh?" "Uhmm?" "Uhh...Nothing" Claire whispered b!tt!g herl-ips. "It's fine though. I know you can do it. Have faith, Do your best. Fighting!" "Fighting!" Robert giggled. "Let's finish this and go have fun in an amusement park" He added. "Okay" Claire smiled a little as she looked at the plate. She held her fork ti-ght as she wanted to take the meal. Suddenly, She st©pped. Without looking at his face, She asked in a low voice; "Robert, What's your wish?" "My Wish?" He asked staring at her though her eyes were still glued on the plate. "Yes. Someone recently told me his wish" "His Wish?" "Yeah. Now, I wanna hear yours. What's your wish Robert?" "Uhmm...My Wish is to get an A. I wanna be the best in clas-s" He smiled. Claire slowly looked at him. At once, Her pale face vanish and a soft smile formed instantly. "Now, Let's fulfill your wish" She mumbled TBC