Teach me love episode 1


Title– ?‍? TEACH ME LOVE❣️

Genre– High School r0m@nç£, Comedy Drama.

The Story depicts on two best friends, Claire and Walter who have known each other since they were 9.

Claire is the most intelligent and best student in their 6th year clas-s. She also tutors Walter in order to make him one of the best student as well in their clas-s.

They hold a strong bond of friendsh!p, but not until Walter starts having uncontrollably feelings for Claire.

His feelings are put to the test when the rich selfless spoilt br@t, Robert who isn’t interested in studying comes in the way of their peaceful relationsh!pand stirs lots of trouble for them.

But he’s left alone for the sake of being another student to Claire’s tutorsh!p. As time goes on, Robert strangely finds himself falling for Claire.

Claire eventually gets caught in the love lives of the two boys. As they try to push forward in their tutoring, They find themselves being entangled and drawn into love messes.

(A High School Love Story)

; Written by Nuri F. Chisom Pearl ✍️

>Chapter 1< ⚠️ DO NOT COPY OR REPOST ⚠️ "You'd better slow down, Claire.. You're ri-ding too fast!" Walter, cautioned with a chuckle. "I was born for this!!" She exclaimed, really excited. She pedalled really fast which made Walter quite surprised, and at the same time frightened. Claire recently got her new dream bicycle from Walter's mother. Her joys knew no bounds when she was given the bicycle as a gift. She knew the reason why. Walter's parents wanted someone to tutor their son. Of course, They knew Claire was the right one for the job. She eventually started tutoring Walter which paid off great and well. To thank her for her nice gesture, Claire was offered a bicycle. A wonderful one at that. Claire thought she wouldn't get to ride another bicycle since the last one her late father got her, got damaged beyond repair. Luckily, Thanks to her childhood best friend whom she tuto-red well, bec@m£ a hvge blessing and favour to her. "Yippee!" She screamed excitedly in joy. She held the handles, and stood up from her seat pedalling fast. Walter was behind her. Unlike Claire, He paddled carefully, and moderately. He kept smiling as he watched her ride with speed. "It's too bad we are getting to school.. How i wish u could keep ri-ding forever" She sprouted looking behind at Walter. "Hey? I think you should be careful. St©p looking behind" He advised. Claire chuckled, and faced back in front. Suddenly in a blink of an eye, a car screeched to the front view, She yelled and quic-kly smashed the br@kes f0rç£fully. Due to its rou-ghness and quic-kness, She fell down heavily with the bicycle landing straight on t©p of her. She gro-an ed in pain where she la-id on the ground. Walter who saw this, left the bicycle without a second thought and ran to her hastily. "Are you okay Claire?" He arched hisl-ips, pu-lling up the bicycle off her b©dy. She nodded, and gave a low gro-an . Walter sighed, and pu-ll-ed her up carefully. "This was why I warned you. I knew something like this would happen" Claire, embarras-sedly scratched her head and stood up. She looked in front and saw the car st©p. She furrowed her eyes trying to get a view in its window. Suddenly, The car door flung open and a young student. Precisely, A new male student c@m£ out from it. He had an aggressive and cold look on his face. As he walked towards them. They felt the anger burning up in him. "Are you blind" He fumed, arching his brows as soon as he marched towards them. "What do you mean? You were the one that made her fall.. I think you should apologize since you hurt her" Walter spoke for her. "Know your place or else you might hate what I'm gonna do to you" He pointed at both of them angrily. Claire sighed and hung her head low, her gaze facing the ground. "I'm sorry" She mouthed. Walter quic-kly looked at her and quic-kly sh0t a sharp glare at the guy. "Why are you apologizing to a spoilt br@t like this?" Walter asked totally annoyed. "No... Walter. It's fine.. Nothing will change if I even apologize– "If nothing would change. Then, why apologize at all?" Walter asked, with an angry look and furious shooting eyes. "Walter... It's okay" Claire whispered, holding his arm. "Urrgh!!" He gro-an ed, clenching his fist. He looked at Claire, shaked his head and left back to his fallen bicycle which he dropped behind. "Oh Goodness. Here we go again" She sighed de-eply. "What a pain in the n£¢k" The guy hissed, and entered the car. The car made a loud horn, and the gate opened quic-kly. The car immediately went into the premises. "Huh?? What's this? Who's even that guy?? And what is he doing in our school?" Claire, bit herl-ips staring at the gate. "Hey??! Claire... Won't you go in? We are late" She heard Walter yell. She looked at him and smiled. "I'm going in now" She replied waving a hand to him, and went in paddling her bicycle slowly. "Goodness... She's cute" Walter laughed. ************************* Claire was busy re-ading in clas-s when Walter walked to her. "Hey? Care for a can of beverage?" He asked, stretching his hand with it. Claire smiled and took it. She opened the car and gulped down a few sh0ts. "Walter... Remember not to miss tutor clas-s" She sniffed, gently dropping the can. "As if I ever missed it" He replied with a chuckle. As they were talking, The clas-s teacher walked in and everyone kept quiet now behaving more normal. Of course, Walter ran back to his seat. Claire who was the clas-s president hit the table as the sign of the teacher's arrival and pres£nce. The rest stood up and greeted the teacher. "Good morning. Miss Morris" They all greeted, aloud. "Yeah.. Morning to y'all. plea-se, Do take your seat" She gestured to them. She took her eyes around and placed both hands on the hvge table. She folded herl-ips and finally spoke; ".....Actually, Guys. We have a new student in our midst– "Miss Morris! Is it probably a girl? She had better be pretty" One guy, at the back seat muttered. The whole clas-s roared in laughed. "Keep shut guys. There shouldn't be any more noise from you.... QUIETNESS IN THE CLas-s!!! Good, That's more like it... You guys might know him because he's really a popular one. He's even a powerful media influencer" "Awwwnn... Sweet. I wonder who he is" Another girl muttered. "Me too" Her friend, replied. On the other hand, Claire in ra-pt attention, looked at the teacher with her elbow resting on the table and her palm on her jaw. "Anyways... I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I hope you do welcome him–Miss Morris cleared her throat, and pushed her head to the door. "Where is he?" She whispered to herself running her eyes at the opened door. Claire noticed her curiosity and stood up quic-kly. "Miss Morris... Should I go find him?" Claire asked "Will you do that?" Her teacher smiled and Claire nodded with a smile too. "Oh. Thank you so much, Claire. Not only are you brilliant, but you are sure kind" Claire chuckled softly almost blu-shing to the statement. Miss Morris was right. Claire was the only girl who got all perfect “As” in the clas-s. The last year graders. The 6th year s£nior clas-s. She was actually the best despite coming from a poor home with only a mother. "How does he look like?" Claire asked, looking at Miss Morris as she walked to the door. "He's a new guy. Handsome and... He looks... kinda rude. He isn't wearing uniform but rather, a white shi-t and black trou-sers. Claire nodded, and walked out of the clas-s. Walter watched her as she left the clas-s. He stood up immediately and walked to the teacher. "Uh–huh... Hold on. Where are you off to, Walter?" Miss Morris frowned. "Huh–He paused, stretching his n£¢k to get a better view of Claire who seem to be fading out of sight. "Miss Morris... I'm.. Sorry, but I nee-d to use the restroom" He mumbled and walked out of sight. "Hey? Hey?? What's wrong with him?" Miss Morris looked at him perplexed, raising her head. * * * ?~Walter watched Claire from behind as she walked slowly down to the main door. She sighed in relief after seeing the behind of the new student. It was sure him since he was wearing the describe-d clothing and wears. He was however also wearing headphones, expensive ones. Apparently, He was engrossed in the music. He faced the opened window feeling the soft wind as he tapped his feet on the floor to the beat of the music. "Excuse me" Claire whispered tapping his shoulder gently after getting to his side. Walter st©pped and watched from behind. However, The student wasn't listening. He was alre-ady out of the world. Claire frowned, and tapped him a little ha-rder. "Excuse me" She said again, but this time she raised her voice a bit. This time around, He felt it. He slowly turned around and looked at Claire. Immediately, her eyes caught with his. She g@sped in fear, and moved back. Her feet unknowingly hit a locker and she reacted by stumbling. Walter quic-kly ran to her and gr@bb£d her arm to avoid her landing r0ûghly on the floor. "Are you okay?" Walter asked. She titled her head to Walter and nodded and then looked at the new guy again. She slowly felt something weird and out of the ordinary. She noticed it was coming from her other arm. She slowly took her gaze to the arm and found out the new student hand was also holding hers. He also wanted to avoid her from rou-gh landing but seemed he caught it alongside Walter who was still holding the other. "Huh?? You! What's are you doing here?" Walter asked, as Claire kept looking at this handsome stranger who slowly re-moved the headphones for better hearing. TBC