Taming Mr j£rkface episode 7

j£rkFACE 👠
Own by
An Overbearing billionaire 💰💵
: Racheal Dennis.

Chapter 7 🏵️



Debby’s POV 👠

I check my phone and saw it’s my landlord calling. I stepped away from André and head towards the door, but his voice st©ps me on my tracks.

“Angel? Where are you going?”

“Toilet?” I said unsure.

I continue heading toward the door, but he c@m£ in front of me.

“I have a toilet here in my office, the one downstairs is for employees” he said.

“Oh! Well…… I’m also one of your employees, which means I have to use the one downstairs”

He lets out a frustrated sigh, and mutters some words un-der his breath.

“Baby, I’ve told many times. What’s mine is yours, why is it so ha-rd for you to un-derstand?”

Just then my phone st©pped ringing. I turn away from André and scoffed.

“I nee-d to get out of here, now!”

André eyes my hand….. suspiciously glaring at the phone in my hand.

As if the phone is telepathically communicating with andré, it starts to ring.

I check and this time it wasn’t my landlord calling this time, but Anna.

God, something bad must’ve happened.

“Mr knights, I nee-d to get leave now!” I said.

“Why? And besides aren’t you going to answer the phone?”

“That’s why I nee-d to leave, I nee-d some privacy”

He re-lease a dry laugh.

” Privacy?” He asks, then he look at me suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at me. “Why would you nee-d privacy, Angel? Don’t tell me you are cheating on me with whomever it is that is calling you…… Or I swear, that bastard will pay with his life”

Cheating on him? At least, I should be his girlfriend first before I cheat on him….. that’s how it works, right?

I just stare at him in disbelief.

This guy’s way too possessive…..his future girlfriend or wife is gonna go throu-gh hell.

Anyway, I don’t have time for his craziness now.

I nee-d to call Anna back and know why she’s calling the same time as our landlord.

“Mr knights, I’m sorry but I have to leave now” I gather all the strength I have and push him out of the way, he lose his balance and fell.

I quic-kly dash out of the room before he could recover.

I just pray my landlord haven’t pack out our properties and lock the door.


André’s POV 💓

I watch Debby leave the office in a hurry.

I know that call was important to her, I just wanted to know who was calling her.

She seemed worried when her phone was ringing, but that stubborn girl won’t let me know anything.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I stood up from the ground and strides toward my chair, I sat down and arrange my suit.

“Come in” I invited whoever it is that’s knocking.

The door push open and Frank walk in.

Frank is one of my few friends and the bastard whom I asked to do a background check on Debby and that Lucas guy.

“Why did you come so late?” I asked him.

He did an eye roll and help himself to a chair in front of me.

He drop a file in front of me, he wore a teasing sm-irk.

“Debby…..22years old…..she’s an orphan. She didn’t complete her high school, so she doesn’t have any qualification. She lives in Lilly valley, ap@rtment 24……..with her roommate” Frank said.

She lives in Lilly valley?!

That’s the most dangerous p@rt of this city. That place is an opposite of its name, that is where all the drug dealers and gangsters hangout and do their business.

And the ap@rtments there are all cra-ppy. No, I must get my Angel out of that place.

I’ll bring her to my mansion, we-ther she likes it or not.

Then another thought strikes me. I grip Frank’s arm.

“What about that Lucas guy?! Who is he?! And what is his relationsh!pwith my Angel?!”

He laughs and re-move his arm from my ti-ght grip.

“They are just friends….childhood best friends” he told me.

Unconsciously, I re-leased a relief breath. And a smile crept up my face.

“Now, I’ve answered your questions, it’s your turn to answer mine” he wags his brows. “Why are you so interested in checking out this girl’s background?”

“She’s my girlfriend” I said without hesitation.

“Your what?” He asks with a shock expression. “Wait…. Since when do you start doing girlfriends?”

He stretched out his hand to feel my pulse, I pushed his hand away.

“I know what I want when I see it” I told him.

“But you once said, women are the downfall of men….that you would never….I mean never ever….d@t£ or get married. Now are you going back on your words?”

“Debby is different. The first time I met her, she didn’t try to flir-t with me. Rather, she was shy or maybe scared, I don’t know. But she couldn’t meet my gaze” I smile thinking of how I met her. “She’s pure, honest and isn’t afraid to speak up for herself. And she’s mine”

Frank stands up from his chair and shakes his head.

“Man, I bet you must un-der a spell. I have other things to do, I can’t stay and chat with you. But we’ll talk about this some other time” he said.

He shake hands with me and left.

Phew!! Lucas is just a friend to my Angel, he wouldn’t be that much of a threat. But even at that, I still nee-d to be cautious of him.

I glance at the wall clock, it’s been almost twenty minutes since Debby left the office.

Why is she still not back yet?. I should go check on her.

I got up from my chair and head out to look for Debby.

This is my company and I know nothing will happen to her….but I can’t help getting worried when she’s not in my eye sight.


Debby’s POV 👠

I got out of the office and quic-kly head for the elevator. I press the ground floor bu-tton.

It didn’t take long before I arrive, I step out and went to a corner.

I dialed Ann’s number, she picked on the first ring.


“Debby….” She calls me, her voice sounds broken, like she’s been crying.

“Anna, what happened?”

She sniffles.

“The landlord c@m£ by the ap@rtment and packed your bags outside… He… He… ” She is struggling with her words. “he said he can’t have you live here no more. What are you going to do now Debby? Where are you going to stay?”

I know this day would come but I never expected it to be this fast.

“Anna, don’t worry. I’ll sort that one out” I told her boldly.

But honestly speaking….I’m freaking out inside. I mean, I just got a job today….so where can I go without money on me.

I can’t go to a motel.

“Debby, you……”

“Anna I’m fine. I have work to do, got to go now, I’ll see you later” I hang up before she can say anything else.

I just hope I close early, I’ll go and look for somewhere to rest my head for the night later.

I head towards the elevator to go back to the office, when I heard someone calling my name.


I turn around and come face to face with Lucas. I quic-kly jump into his arms…..though, one can tell that I’m not happy.

“I knew it is you” he said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him.

“I work here. What about you?”

” I work here too” I replied.

He smiles, then st©p and wipe my cheek. Then he frowns at me.

“Were you crying?”

Honestly, I didn’t even know I was crying. Just as he said that, all that I was trying to bottle up c@m£ rushing down.

I rest my head on his che-st and begin to cry my eyes out.

“Hey, hey. Debby, plea-se st©p crying…..Tell me what happened”

He managed to calm me down and I told him everything Anna told me over the phone.

“It’s alright, don’t cry now. You can come to my place and stay as long as you like”

I look at him to see if he was joking, but he’s serious.

He wipes my cheeks and placed a lingering k!sson my forehead, his hand wra-pped around my w@!st.

I didn’t resist because this is how he comforts me…..and sometimes Anna…ok, this is how he comforts me, only me.

“Thank you” I said.

“There’s no thanks between us”

He hvgged me, patting my back and keep muttering sweet things in my ear.

Just then we heard a loud ban-g and we flin-ched, but Lucas’s arm is still ti-ghtly wra-pped around my w@!st.

We turn around….our boss, aka, André Knights, is standing 8feet away from us.

His eyes ha-rd and dark in anger, his burning gaze fixed on Lucas’s arm around my w@!st.

“What is going on here?!” He asks throu-gh gritted teeth.

” Mr….Mr…. Knights, I…. we…. ” Lucas couldn’t find the right words to say.

“Debby in my office now!” He said to me and turn to leave. But he suddenly st©ps and turn to Lucas. “And you……you are fired!!”

Fired?! Just like that?! Or has Lucas offended him before?!

Ugh! I should worry about myself too….. Mr Knight seems to be in a bad mood, who knows if he’ll fire me too.

His gaze turn to meet mine.

“In. My. Office. Now!!” Then he leaves.

Oh no! This is bad!

Oh God! Why is this happening to me. I was just packed out of my ap@rtment, now I’m about to lose the job I manage to get today.

plea-se lord don’t let him fire me or I’ll be doomed…


André’s POV 💓

I left my office to go look for Debby, and when I did see her….. the scene before me wasn’t what I was expecting.

My angel is wra-pped in the arms of another man, he’s leaving stupid k!sses on her forehead.

My vision blurry instantly, I begin to see red. I clenched my jaw and my fist…..my knuckles turned white.

I glare daggers at his arms around her w@!st. If looks could kill, I swear this dude would be six feet un-der by now.

“What is going on here?!” I growled angrily.

The guy open his mouth to speak, but my harsh glare makes him start to stutter ru-bbish.

I nee-d to leave here, or else I’ll get this guy hospitalized.

“Debby, in my office, now” I said, I turn to leave, but suddenly remembered something.

I can’t let this guy stay in my company, or he’ll take my Angel away from me.

Now that I have found someone to love, I can’t let some motherfv¢ker take her away. I turn around and face the guy.

“And you…..you are fired” then I turn to Debby, locking gaze with her. “In. My. Office. Now!!”

Then I storm to my office.


Debby’s POV 👠

He is definitely going to fire me, with no mercy at all.

Hold on…..I guess he’s angry because of me. I lied to him about using the toilet, could it be that he found out I lied?

Hmmm, it must be…..now he’s fired Lucas.

I look at Lucas with teary eyes, he’s got fired because of me.

“Lucas, I’m sorry. I dragged you into this, he fired you because of me, I’m so sorry, I….. I…..”

He cu-ps my face in his hands, c@r£ss!ngmy cheek with his thumb.

“It’s okay. I can get another job, don’t worry about me. Go now before he gets mad and fire you too” I nod and quic-kly head towards the elevator.

I enter Mr knights office, and slowly close the door behind me.

I take small steps forward, untill I’m in front of his desk.

Even though I bow my head, afraid to meet his gaze….I can still tell that he’s angry.

I can feel his burning gaze piercing throu-gh my veins.

“Who was that guy?” This was the first question that left his mouth.

“Lu.. Lucas, sir” I reply.

“LUCAS?!!” his voice boom, I flin-ched back a little.

He stays silent for a moment, then stand up from his chair and walks until he’s in front of me.

“I’m mad, Angel. No, I take that back, I’m furious” he said. He puts his hands in his p@n-ts pocket. “Do you want to know why?” He asks.

I shake my head frantically.

I don’t nee-d to know why, he has every right to be angry at me…..I’m just his employee after all.

I’ve lost my house, I can’t afford to lose my job too, on the same day.

“You are……”

I’m what? plea-se don’t say I’m fired. I can’t let him complete his s£ntence.

I quic-kly went on my knees, tears unknowingly flowing down my cheeks.

“plea-se, Mr knights. Don’t fire me, I nee-d this job, my life depends on it. I promise I won’t be sas-sy anymore…..but plea-se don’t fire me. I’ll be a good girl, I’ll do anything you want. Anything at all” I plead with him.

He just stand there staring at me strangely, like he is trying to figure something out.

He held my hand and help me up.

“Why are you so difficult? I wasn’t going to fire you” he said.

“You didn’t want to fire me?” I asked, he shakes his head. “But you just fired Lucas”

At the mention of Lucas’s name, his eyes ha-rd en and his jaw clenched.


“Why? He didn’t do anything”

“Oh? He didn’t? He was holding what’s mine, so I fired him” he said.

“And what exactly is that?”

” You”

I open my mouth in surprise and shake my head in disapproval.

So he fired Lucas simply because he was holding me? What is wrong with all these rich br@ts?

“You’re impossible. Do you even know why he was holding me?”

“I don’t want to know why. He shouldn’t have held you, I don’t care whatever his reasons are!!” he said.

“Of course, you don’t care!!” I retort back.

Then I remembered he’s the boss here….and also, I just promised not to be sas-sy.

“He was just comforting me, plea-se give him back his job. If you want to fire anyone, it should be me…..Lucas didn’t do anything wrong”

He eyes me, then begin to come closer to me…..with each step he takes forward, I’ll take one step back. It continues like that until my back meet with the wall.

He places his hand on each side of the wall, caging me there and leaving no space between us.

I can feel his h0t breath on my n£¢k. He leans towards my ear, gently bitting my ear-lobe. Then he whispers.

“If it’s comfort you want, you can always come to me. I’m always available for you”

Then he attacks my n£¢k, k!ss!ngand su-cking on it like his life depends on it.

I, on the other hand, I close my eyes to enjoy the moment.

He wra-ps his arm around my w@!st and pu-lls me closer to him, our che-st tou-ching. He leaves my n£¢k and claim myl-ips, at first he was gentle.

Then he bec@m£ rou-gh, aggressive and demanding. He bites my lower l!pasking for permission to enter and explore my mouth.

I don’t know what I’m doing, his k!sses are doing something to me.

I open my mouth and he enters, his ton-gue fighting with my ton-gue for dominance, which he eventually won.

He puts his other hand un-der my blouse and cu-ps my brea-st, he begin to squee-ze and mas-sage it…..he pinches my n!ppletenderly.

My b©dy is so full of emotions right no…..I try so ha-rd not to m0@n ….but the more I try, the more I want to.


He re-moves his hand from un-der my blouse and starts to move it towards my sister down there.

That is when harsh reality sl@ps me on my face. Like an electric shock, I j£rk away from him and push him from me.

He’s my boss, I shouldn’t be k!ss!ngmy boss.

And besides, I should be thinking of how to get Lucas his job back….now that I’m homeless and I’ll be crashing at his house.

This is the least I can do for him.

“Angel, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” I adjust my clothes. “You nee-d to give Lucas his job back, plea-se”

He studies me.

“Why do you want me to give him his job back? No, I won’t” he said stubbornly.

I sigh frustratingly.

“Fire me instead and give him his job. Now that I’m homeless, I’ll be living with him, this is the least I can do for him….. to show how grateful I am” I said.

He held my arm.

“Wait… Repeat what you first said”

“Fire me instead and…..”

“No, after that” he interupts me.

“Now that I’m homeless?”

“Yeah, why are you homeless?” He asks, his face serious.

Oh boy!

Why did I let that sl!pfrom my mouth? Well, I guess I’ll just have to tell him the truth then….or he won’t let it go.

“My house rent is due and I didn’t have money to pay, so my landlord packed my bags out”

He frowns, and punch the wall besides my face.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Was that the phone call you went to receive outside?” I nod. “You should’ve told me, where do you think you are going to stay?”

“That’s why I said you should give Lucas his job back…..he’s offering me his house, he said I can live in his house for now. I can’t let him lose his job after his generosity”

” No!!” he said blurtly.

” No? Why? ” I asked.

“Why will you live with another man, when we have a big mansion with lots of room”

“Mr knights…. ”

“For fv¢k sake, st©p calling me that. And you are going to live in our mansion, end of discussion” he said and take long strides to his chair.

“But….. ”

He raised his brows at me, his hands resting on his desk.

“You said you will do anything I ask you, right?”

I think about it for a moment, if it means Lucas can still have his job, then I can do it.

“Yes” I nod my head.

“Good. Now, I want you to pack your bags and come live with me in our mansion”

“But that would be inappropriate, we’re not married and I can’t live with my boss un-der the same roof” I reason with him.

He just scoffs.

“I’m not your boss, Angel. I’m your b©yfri£ndand I don’t see why I can’t live with my girlfriend in the same house” he said.

“I’m not your girlfriend, I didn’t agree to be your girlfriend”

Immediately I said that, his eyes ha-rd en. I can hear the sound of him gritting his teeth.

Oh no, I just push the wrong bu-tton. I guess.

“If you still refuse to admit that you’re my girlfriend, then I’ll never give Lucas his job back. And I will make sure nob©dy employs him in this country” he said, his tone and eyes held a promise.

I don’t know how being in a relationsh!pwhere I feel nothing for the man will work.

But I can’t let Lucas suffer because of me, my conscious can’t bear it.

“O…. Okay” I said reluctantly, after much thoughts.

“Okay what?”

“I’ll be your girlfriend”

He quic-kly sprang up from his chair, he gr-ab me into his arms and place a lingering pe-ck on myl-ips.

“Great! Come on, baby. Let’s go to your ap@rtment to your stuffs” he said excitedly.

Okay, right now this grown as-s man is behaving like a teenager boy.

“Right now?” He nods. “Don’t we have work to do?”

“That can wait, you come first” he said.

Without waiting for my response, he pu-lls me out the door and we head for the elevator.

All my years on this Earth, I’ve never seen this kind of obse-ssion.

Can I survive living with him?

And besides, I just agreed to be his girlfriend, just like that. I hope I won’t regret this decision….

To Be Continued