Taming Mr j£rkface episode 39





Own by

An Overbearing billionaire

Racheal Dennis.

Chapter 39



Debby’s POV


Andre st©ps right in front of ELSA.. he takes my hand and k!sses my knuckles.

“Angel… Are you sure you don’t want me to go inside with you?”

I smiled and shake my head.

“No… You have a lot of work back in your office”

“Work can wait, you’re more important”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine on my own”

He sighed and reluctantly agreed… I open the door and step out.

“Call me when you’re done, I’ll come pick you up!” He said.

I simply nod and wave at him… He drives off and I turn and head inside.

I look around.. trying to find a table and call the anonymous and tell him or her that I’m alre-ady at ELSA… But my eyes fell on a familiar figure standing by the counter talking to a waiter.

I squirm my eyes to confirm if I’m actually not dreaming.

This is not a dream..but why does this woman’s behind look so like that silhouette figure in my dream.

I walk towards her and taps her shoulder..she turns and smiles at me.

I frown..she doesn’t just look like the silhouette figure in my dream, but it also seems like I’ve seen her before..I just don’t remember from where.

“Sorry, ma’am, I thought you’re someone I knew”

She shakes her head.

“It’s nothing, thankfully you’re on time… let’s go sit!” She said.

“Huh?” I stared at her in confusion..why does it sound like she’s been waiting for me?

She seems to notice my confused expression.

“I s£nt you a text..to meet here today!”


“Come let’s sit!” She said and ushered me to a chair.

There’s a table by the window, she st©ps and pu-lls out a chair and sat down…I also followed suit.

The waiter she was talking to approach our table..he pas-sed me a sweet smile.

“What would you like to have?” She asked me.

“Nothing..I’m good!” I replied.

I mean, what brou-ght me here is far more important than anything else.

“Get me a bottle of soda plea-se!” She told the waiter.

The waiter walks away and I faced her anxiously.

“Ma’am, I guess you alre-ady know me but I’ll introduce myself again…I’m Debby Ryan”

I paused..I think it’s best I go straight to the point. The waiter comes back with her soda and drops it on the table.

“Enjoy!” He said and left.

She opens it and takes a sip.

“You said you have information about my Mom..do you know where she is?”

She drops the soda and stares at me carefully for a few seconds.

“Yes..I know where she is….”

“Where?” I cut her off. “How is she? Can you take me to her?” I asked.

She closed her eyes and inhale de-eply…then exhale slowly, she opens her eyes and stared directly in mine.

“Debby..I’m your mother!” She said.

My heart st©pped…I stared at her blankly.

I mean I have been looking for my mother for years…but I suddenly received a message from someone that we should meet and I’ll get information about my mother.

Getting here I found out that it was in fact my mother that actually s£nt me the text?

I shake my head, I can’t believe this.

“No! I don’t believe you…..”

“I left when you’re just 6years old.. we used to live at white province. You always love to have my makeup on when you were little and you have a big mole on your left bu-tt!” She said.

Oh my God! She’s my Mom…my birth mother…my biological mother.

I have been looking for her fruitlessly all these years..here she is sitting in front of me.

Though, I have forgotten her appearance but I know it’s her…she look so much like the silhouette figure in my dream..

A big bright smile appears on my face and I quic-kly sprint from my chair happily and made to embr@ce her….but she held out her hand to st©p me.

“I’m not here for a reunion!” She state.

My smile falters and I slowly slumps onto my chair…what does she mean by saying that? Then why did she wanted us to meet?

“After I left, I got married into a wealthy family and they don’t know I was alre-ady married and had a child….I c@m£ here today for my daughter and she’s not you!”

“Your..your daughter?!” I asked in a broken voice.

She’s married and have other kids too…is that why she didn’t come back for me?

“Yes, my daughter. You took something that belongs to her and I want you to give it back”

My heart breaks as I hear her call someone else her daughter…I mean, I thought she wouldn’t have another child and would always love me.

“Your daughter! Who is she and what did I take from her?”

“Olivia Thompson!”

I tensed.

Olivia Thompson is her daughter? So, she got married into Olivia’s family?

“I want you to leave Andre… he is Olivia’s”

I stared at her and slowly breaks into a smile….I was busy looking for her for so many years..but she’s forgotten about me…she is leading a happy life.

“Olivia and Andre have been together for so many years…they only broke up to take a break, now Olivia wants him back but you are standing in the way…I want you to back off so she can have him!”

I shake my head.

“You know…I have always imagine what the scene will be like if I finally get to reunite with my Mom…I have prepared so many questions to ask her and I have so many things I wanted to tell her…but this is the only scene I didn’t imagine!”

She search inside her bag and brou-ght out about seven bundles of monies and drops them on the table.

“I don’t want to negotiate with you..I know you’re short of cash that’s why you are clinging onto Andre….” She gestures to the money. “Take it and start a new life.. forget about Andre!”

I glared at the money and scoffed.

“Why are you giving me money? Oh, I forgot you are rich now!” I paused. “I can leave Andre but you haven’t given me a good reason to do so!”

“Isn’t it obvious? Olivia loves Andre!”

I arched an eyebrow.

“Olivia loves Andre? Then what about me? You think I don’t love him?”

“It doesn’t matter if you love him, there’s a big space between you two… you’re in different social ladder!”

I frown. “What do you mean?”

“Andre is rich and you are more than poor…you can’t stand side by side with him… society will look down on you!”

I balled my fist un-der the table and clenched my jaw…I re-leased a ti-ght smile.

“All these years I have been trying to figure out why my mom left us..I didn’t know you are a gold digger!”

“Mind your words!”

I ignored her.

“I always wonder why Olivia is so foolish, now I know where her foolishness c@m£ from…she was un-der the influence of a bit-ch!”

“That is no way to talk to your mother!” She said but I glared harshly at her.

“Talking about Andre, he’s a human being and have feelings… he’s not some toy you but from the market just to [email protected] it when you’re tired and come back later to pl@ywith it whenever you feel like! It’s not in your place to decide if he’ll be with Olivia or not!”

She stares at me with a frown…. speechlessly.

“Also, Andre is my b©yfri£nd..as long as he doesn’t look down on me, I won’t listen to whatever anyone else has to say!”

My gaze fell on the money.

“I love Andre and I’m not with him because of his money…I love him and that is something your money can’t buy… right, you don’t appreciate love, all you worsh!pis money!”

I got up and picked my purse…I gather the money in my hands and throws them at her.

“There’s your money..I don’t nee-d them. Yeah…and I also rather have no mother at all than have a selfish bit-ch as you as my mother!” I raised my middle f!nger at her and catwalked out of ELSA.

I gr0@nand angrily kicked a trash can when I stepped out….I know I was rude, but she kinda deserve it.

I put on a br@ve face in front of her but I’m actually so sad de-ep down…I can’t believe I cried for her all these years…I can’t believe she’s the mother I have been searching for all these while.

No…I nee-d some air…I quic-kly s£nd Anna a text to meet me at the bar…I s£nt her the address before walking inside the bar.

I nee-d to clear my head.



Writer’s POV

Thompson’s residence….!

Olivia lays on her be-d in her room staring at a picture of her and Andre.

Her phone suddenly rings and she reached for it…she smiles at the ID she saw, hoping she’s about to hear some good news.

“Speak!” She speaks into the phone.

“Miss Thompson, I followed her just as you said and she met with your mother!”

Olivia quic-kly sat up and the smile wipes off her face.

“Why did they meet? What did they talk about?”

“Your mother tries to persuade Debby to leave Andre but Debby refused”

Olivia rolls her eyes.

“I also heard something else”

“What?” She asked.

“Debby is your mother’s biological daughter!”

“What?!” She screamed loudly.

“I said Debby is your mother’s….”

Olivia pu-lls the phone from her ear and angrily throws it across the room…it crashed on the floor.

She balled her fist and clenched her jaws…her eyes darkens in anger.

“That bit-ch!” She growled.

She breaths heavily and clenched her jaws ti-ghter.

“First she stole Andre…now she wants to steal my mother too?!” She throws her pillows away. “I must take everything I own back and make her pay for trying to steal from me!” She promised herself.


To Be Continued..