Taming Mr j£rkface episode 12 & 13

j£rkFACE ?
Own by
An Overbearing billionaire ??

Chapter 12 ?

Debby’s POV ?

I took a de-ep breath and moved closer to him…..I reach for his bleeding hand.

“Andre…..calm down, come with me let me treat your wound before it gets infected” I told him…..but his gaze doesn’t leave Phoebe.

“You do you think you are to scold my Angel?!” He asked her.

She dared not say a word…. I guess she’s too scared to speak.

“Don’t blame her, Andre…. I’m her subordinate and she have right to scold me if I’m wrong….. ”

This angered him more and he ban-gs on his desk with his other hand.


I almost flin-ch back but I know where this is heading, so I must stand my ground.

I held his face in my hands and nod….. a small smile on myl-ips.

“Yes, you are right… she doesn’t have right to scold me. She was wrong, can you let her off the hook?” I asked him gently.

He doesn’t say nothing…. he’s simply clenching and unclenching his jaw.

I turned to Phoebe and signal her to leave…. she pas-sed me a grateful smile and walks out, then I turn back to Andre.

“Angel… Why did you ask let her leave? She did wrong and must be punished… Go tell her to pack her things and leave, she’s fired!”

I sighed and wra-p my arms around his w@!st…. I rest my head on his che-st and ru-b his back gently.

His b©dy is so tensed, but relaxed when I rest my head on his che-st.

“Andre, firing her won’t help anything. You could have explained to her calmly why she shouldn’t scold me….. ”

“Angel, are you defending her?” He asked.

“No, I just don’t want you to leave a bad impression of you on your workers” I replied softly.

He rests his sniff my hair and k!$$£d it, then he rests his chin on my head.

“You know… Your workers are scared of you”

“As they should!”

“No… that is very wrong, your workers should be able to communicate with you freely…. It will help the growth of your company”

We stayed silent for a few minutes… him sniffing my hair and I just hvgging him.

Then I remembered his injury, I pu-ll-ed away from him and leads him to a couch in his office.

“Where’s your first aid kit?”

“There!” He points to a shelve.

I nod and rushed to go get it. I sat next to him and begin to disinfect his wounds…he hissed quietly and I b!ow it carefully.

I feel his stare at me…but I ignore him and focus on his wound.

I wra-p up his wound as best as I can and smile proudly.

“It’s all good now!” I said.

“Angel…you are too good for me but I’m not gonna let you go!” He said.

Hmm….well, at least Anna’s plan worked. I was able to calm him down and st©p him from firing Phoebe.

I smiled at him…I see hisl-ips quirk a little…like he wanted to smile but didn’t.

My eyes moved to his desk and I sighed.

“Now you’ve destroyed your desk, what are you gonna use now?” I queried him.

“Phoebe will bring in a new one soon”

Just as he said it, the door open and two men c@m£ in with a brown new desk.

I rolled my eyes….damn all the billionaires!

“I’ll go get your coffee”



“You’re gonna spill it on yourself!”

Awwwn! Is this him caring about me?
I held his hand and ca-ress his cheek, staring in his eyes.

“I’ll be extra careful this time!” I as-sured him and he agreed.

I lean forward and k!sses his cheek and flashed him a sweet smile.

We heard a crash from where those men are arranging his desk and he wh!ps his head towards them…..his eyes ha-rd en, like he’s re-ady to yell at them.

I turned his head towards me.

“Hey, be nice!” He stares at me and nod.

I got up and head out…..though I felt his stare on me until I’m completely out of the office.


Seconds turn minutes, minutes turn hours and soon it’s alre-ady 1:40pm…

Anna, Lucas and I are meeting at FK’s by 2pm and right now I’m looking for an excuse to leave.

I sat next to Andre, watching as he does his work…. signing files upon files.

I sighed and stretch my b©dy….. Andre st©pped working and turn to me.

“Angel, are you ok?”

I shake my head.


His ringtone cuts me off. I saw Micheal flashing on the screen, he end the call and faced me.

“What were you saying, Angel?”

I open my mouth to speak but his phone starts ringing again.

“pick it!” I told him.

He nods and picked the call.

“What?!” He growled.

I rolled my eyes….very rude.

“I’m not coming!”


“Fine! I’m coming!” Then he hangs up.

He slams his phone on the desk and frown.

“Is everything alright?” I asked.

“Yeah…. I’m heading out but I’ll be back soon” he said.

Wow! Heaven must be smiling at me.

“Don’t leave our office until I get back!” He said.

I simply nod and smile….he leans down and k!$$£d myl-ips lightly….then he heads out.

I jumped up and did a happy dance….now I have time to meet with my friends. I will make sure to come back before Andre do.


“Debby! Over here!” Anna waved me as I walk in FK.

I rushed towards her and made myself comfortable on a chair between Anna and Lucas.

“You are 10minutes late!” Anna said with her arms crossed on her che-st.

“Sorry, I was delayed by someone!”

“Someone?” Lucas asked. “You mean, Mr Knight?”

I nod and he narrowed his eyes at me…. eyeing me in a suspicious way.

“What’s the deal between you two? Is he the b©yfri£ndAnna told me about?”

Anna told him? I turned to her and glare at her…..now I’m not gonna get the end of it.

“Debby!” He called me.

I sighed.

“He’s not my b©yfri£nd, I’m just helping him get throu-gh….a phase” I told him.

“But that’s not what Anna told me!”

“Anna!!” I turned to her.

“Lucas, what did I tell you…. I said it’s a long story” she defended herself…

Lucas looked between Anna and I…..I don’t know if I’m seeing things but I think I saw hurt flash past his eyes.

“Lucas, trust me, he’s not my b©yfri£nd……I don’t love him”

“Then why are you living with him in the same house?”

“Like I said, I’m helping him go throu-gh a phase”

Anna cl@ps her hand and pu-ll-ed Lucas’s ear.

“Why are you sounding like a jealous b©yfri£nd…..” She trails off and g@sp. “Don’t tell me you are in love with Debby!”

I stared at her with wi-de eyes. How can she think that? Lucas and I can’t work….I mean, I’ve known Lucas all my life and I can’t have ro-mantic feelings for him.

I glanced at Lucas, he’s smiling and his ears and n£¢k has turned red…..like he’s blu-shing.

Lucas and I?

I shudder at the thought…. it’s gonna be so disgusting.

“Anna, what are you talking about? Lucas can’t fall in love with me” I laughed it off as nothing.

Lucas stared at me with sad eyes….I subconsciously move my chair away from him a little.

“Right! Anna, your plan worked!” I told her.

“I knew it will” she replied cheekily.

“What plan?” Lucas asked.

Anna wanted to speak but I signal her not too….I don’t know if what she said is right….if he really have feelings for me.

If it’s true that he has feelings for me, then telling him about our plan of taming Andre will be a problem.

It might affect our friendsh!p….I checked the t©pic and we start talking about the contest we won.


Own by
An Overbearing billionaire
Racheal Dennis.

Chapter 13
Writer’s POV
Andre steps into the bar and look around until his eyes fell on Michael…. He’s by the counter, drinking some beers.
Andre took long strides towards him and taps him on his shoulder.
Michael sees him and smiled drun!kenly.
“Andreee, man… you’re here…” He slurs, he snaps his hand. “Hey, get me another glas-s!”
Andre looked at the empty bottles on the table and frown…. seven bottles gone.
“Michael, did something happen? Why did you drink so much?”
Michael chuckles.
“I.. I.. don’t nee-d… an occasion to drink, man”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Andre threw Michael’s arm around his shoulders and begin to help him out.
“W-here are…” Hiccu-p. “…. You” hiccu-p. “Taking… me” he hiccu-ped.

“I’m taking you home” Andre replies.
“No.. no, I nee-d more beer… beer will make me forget”
Andre doesn’t know how to care for anyone, this is the utmost care… that’s, taking him home.
“S-she… ab-orted our baby… My wife.. ab-orted our.. baby” he grumbled…
Andre successfully brou-ght him outside and sat him in his car, then he rushes back inside to pay the bills.

He c@m£ back and got in the driver’s seat… he turned to Michael, but he’s alre-ady asleep.
He sighed.
“Next time you get your as-s drun!k… Make sure you call Sean not me!!” He scold the slee-ping Michael.
He starts the car and drove off.
“Thank you, Andre, for s£nding my husband home” Michael’s wife thanked Andre after he’s la-id him on his be-d.
“It’s Mr Knight…. And tell him to come see me when he’s sober!” He glared at her.

The lady simply nod frighteningly…. Andre’s temper is what nob©dy is able to keep up with.
“Take care of him, I’m leaving!”
“Oh, ok… See you Mr Knight!” She bide him good bye.
Debby’s POV
“Oh my God! Lucas that’s hilarious!” I said and hits Lucas’s che-st as Anna and I have been laughing our guts out.
“Right? I was like….grandpa take it off me, take it off me, it’s gonna kill me!” He said.
Our laughter increase…. right now Lucas is telling us about one of his embarras-sing moments when he was a kid.
“But it was just fake snake” Anna said.
“Well, I didn’t know that then…my bro told me it’s real and honestly, it was so life-like”
I shake my head….I can’t believe Lucas was once a scardy cat.
I was so engrossed in our conversation that I completely forgot I was actually supposed to be in the office.
A g@sp left my mouth when I mistakenly caught sight of the wall clock and saw how far time has gone.
“I’m done for!” I lamented.
“What?” Lucas and Anna asked simultaneously.
I got up and picked my purse and phone.
“I should be on my way!”
They both stared at me, feeling confused as to why I’m in a hurry to leave.
Well, having a psychopath b©yfri£ndwill make panic at every little mistake….. They won’t un-derstand.
“Where are you going? I’ll drive you there” Lucas offered.
“Er….. ” I swallow my words.
I can’t agree, what if Andre sees us together? I’m sure he’s gonna kill Lucas…… I’d rather not.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get a cab”
“A cab? That’ll be expensive” he said.
“Then I’ll take the bus”
He furrow his eyebrows and set hisl-ips on thin lines.
“Are you tryna hide where you live from me? You don’t want me to know?”
“Yes!” I blurt out….
Lucas blinked and clenched his jaw… seeing this I laughed nervously.
I think I was kinda too straight, I didn’t mean it.
“I mean….Where I live is not on your way”.
Way to go, Debby! hm, what a lame excuse I c@m£ up with.
“I don’t mind”
But I do, I almost said…. I smiled and shake my head.
“Are you scared of him?”
Ok, I think Lucas’s questions are becoming too much…I mean, it’s not like I’m in an interrogating room or something.
On cue, Anna taps to table and got our attention.
“Lucas, since you are so re-ady to be a gentleman, why not drive me home?”
“But Debby… ”

“Debby’s place is not far from here” she cuts him off…
She gr-abs his arm and begin to drag him outside, not before s£nding me a wi-nk though.
Now, let’s talk about me…I don’t think Andre is back yet since he haven’t called my phone.
But I don’t think I can make it back to the office in time… maybe I should just go back to his mansion and lie to him that I’m sick that’s why I left.
I smiled…. he’s so gonna believe it.
Just then my phone rings, it’s an unknown number…I answered it.
“Debby, it’s me Phoebe…”
Phoebe? Oh no! Does that mean Andre is back and he’s looking for me?!
“Hey, Phoebe, is Andre back?”
“No…I just wanted to thank you for saving me earlier…. and also apologise for being rude, I’m sorry….”
I smiled.
“It’s fine…”
“No, it’s not” she interrupts me. “I didn’t want Mr Knight to scold you that’s why I wanted to scold you myself before he does…I kinda said some mean words, I’m sorry”
Yeah…her words really offended me but I didn’t react cause she was right…I mean, which uneducated girl gets to be an as-sistant in a big company such as Andre’s.
“Right, you aren’t in your office. Where are you?”
“Oh, I almost forget to tell you…. plea-se cover for me, if Andre ask about me tell him I’m sick and I went back home”
She g@sp.
“You want me to lie to Mr Knight?”
I chuckled lightly.
“What if he finds out I lied… he’s gonna fire me!”
“Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen”
She stays silent for a few seconds.
“Are you sure…I don’t wanna lose this job, my life depends on it”
“Trust me…Andre won’t fire you”
“Hm. Ok…I gotta go, Mr Knight just c@m£ in”
“Ok, ok…bye!” I hang up and sighed softly.
I should probably go get some sleep before Andre gets back home.
Writer’s POV
“Angel, I’m back!” Andre called as he entered his office.
But he’s surprised to meet an empty office, he rushed into the room attached to his office.
“Angel?” He called but didn’t get any response.
Panickly, he rushed back to his office and check the CCTV footage….he saw Debby doing a happy dance after he left, not too long Debby also left.
He clenched his jaw and fists.
“I told her not to leave!” He growled lowly.
He quic-kly reached for his phone and dialed Debby’s number, but it went straight to voicemail.
After a few more tries, he frustratingly and angrily throws his phone across the office.
He pressed the intercom bu-tton.
“Get your foolish as-s to my office, NOW!!”
“Y-yes, sir” Phoebe’s shaky voice replied.

Within two minutes, Phoebe rushed into Andre’s office with her head bowed down….too scared to raise her head.
“S-sir…you s£nt..f-for me…”
“Where’s my Angel?!”
“S-she… s-she…. s-she….”
Andre got up and almost fli-pped his table, he was re-ady to yell at her….but held himself as he recall debby’s words.
*Your workers are scared of you and that’s very bad*
He closed his eyes and took a de-ep breath…he sighed and cleared his throat.
“fv¢king speak without stuttering…where the fv¢k is my Angel?!” He asked a bit calmly this time.
Phoebe raised her head slowly and stared at him with a shock expression…this is the calmest she’s ever heard him speak.
“Are you gonna answer me?!” Andre asked getting agitated.
Phoebe blinked ra-pidly.
“She’s alre-ady gone home sir”
“Yes….she wasn’t feeling well so she had to leave”
Andre frown. “Sick?!”
“Yes sir”
He turns to his l@pt©p and pla-yed the footage again…. he repla-yed the p@rt where Debby was doing a happy dance.
*She doesn’t look sick here* he wonders. *Well, I was gone for too long, what if she’s really sick?*
“You, get someone to clean my office…I’m done for the day”
“Yes, sir”
He picked up his car keys and rushed out of the office.
Debby’s POV
Andre’s mansion….
I walked downstairs and followed the aroma of food, as it leads me to the kitchen.
Natalie and two other girls are busy….. some chopping onions, vegetables and potatoes… the kitchen is so big and spacious… and neat too.
Natalie sees me and a big smile spre-ads on her face, she quic-kly comes to me.
“Madam, what are you doing here? Are you hungry?”
“No… I wanna cook for Andre”
You know, since I’m pretending to be in love with him, cooking for him will make him feel my love…. I guess.
I’m re-ady to try anything to help him…. Well, also, I’ll use this food as my thank you gift… for providing shelter.
“You wanna cook for him? No, he alre-ady told us not to let you do anything…. he’ll scold us or worse fire us”
“No, he won’t”..
“It seems you don’t know him… I’ve been working for him since he was eighteen and I know his temper very well”
I rolled my eyes, of course I know of his temper… after all he’s fired like three people in front of me.
“Natalie, I don’t nee-d to spend eighteen years with him to know him well… I promise nob©dy will lose their jobs”
“But…. ”
“Natalie” I cuts her off politely. “Let me be honest with you… I kinda offended him today, I did something he said I shouldn’t, so I wanna cook for him as an apology”
Natalie stays silent and stares at me, like she’s fighting with herself if she should let me or not….. I blinked my eyes innocently and showed her a cute puppy eyes.
She sighed.
“Fine! But stand by your words… I don’t wanna lose any of my staff!”
“Yes, yes… thank you!”
I rushed towards stove and take out a pot… But I st©pped when something occured to me.
I turned to Natalie with a shy smile.
“Natalie… erm, what’s Andre’s favorite food?”
“He doesn’t have a favorite food, he eats anything we cook provided it’s sweet”
Huh? He doesn’t have a favorite food? Is he human at all?
Whatever, I’ll cook my favorite….. Spicy tuna!! I wore an apron around my n£¢k and get into action.
30 minutes later…..
Just as I and Natalie finished setting the table, the main door open and Andre walks in.
I rushed to him and took his briefcase from him and took off his jacket… he frown.
“Welcome, honey!” I chirped happily.
His frown de-epens, I know he’s surprised.

“Angel? I was told you’re sick… Why aren’t you slee-ping in our room?” He asked.
I blinked innocently… Ok, I forgot I told Phoebe to lie that I’m sick.
“About that….” I don’t know what to say.
Before I realize, he’s swoop me in his arms.
“I’ll take you to our room”
I simply nod. He head upstairs and enters our room, he la-id me on the be-d and tries to feel my temperature with his hand.
I dropped his briefcase and jacket… I held his hand and st©p him.
“Honey, I’m fine”
“You’re fine? So, Phoebe lied to me?!”
“No, no, she didn’t lie… I asked her to tell that” he look in my eyes. “I was tired and nee-ded some rest”
He sat on the be-d and rest my head on his che-st, c@r£ss!ngmy hair gently.
“You could have rested in the room attached to our office”
“I wanted to feel warmth of our be-d”

I peeped at him and noticed he’s smiling. We stayed that way in silence for a few more minutes before I pu-ll-ed away.
“Go take a shower, after we’ll go downstairs for dinner”
He nods and got up, he head towards the bathroom…. Phew!
I head to the closet and picked out one of his PJs and la-id it on the be-d.
I heard the water st©p running which simply means he’s done bathing, I take his pj and knock on the door…. He opens it and stick his head out.
“Here, wear this”

He takes it and nod.
“Do you like it?”.
“Yes” I answered…
He smiles. “Then I’ll wear it” he shut the door and continue his business.
Soon, he steps out and walk towards me…he pu-ll-ed me closer to himself and k!sses my cheek.
“Do I smell fresh?” He asked me.
“Yes..very fresh”
“Do you like it?”..
“Then I’ll smell fresh for you everyday!”
Hmm…why do I feel like he’s sounding like a robot? Weird.
“Let’s go downstairs, dinner is re-ady” I take his hand and we head downstairs.

Andre look around the table and his eyes settled on the spicy tuna I made….he quic-kly reached for it.
I thought he doesn’t have a favorite food….why is he eager to pick this one.
“Natalie, you finally cook something I like” he said.
I frown and turned to her, she doesn’t prepare this for him? She shrug.
I turned back to Andre, he’s busy stuffing his mouth.
“Andre, do you like it?” I asked him.
He nods. “My favorite!”
Well, I’m glad I made it.
“I made it” I said.

He st©pped eating and glared at the tunas, then shift his glare to Natalie. He ban-g on the table and I wince, worrying about his hand injury….but he doesn’t seem like he care.
“What did I tell you?!” He growled.
From the corner of my eye I saw Natalie flin-ch back a little.
“S-sir… ”
“Don’t stutter! I hate it!”
“You said I shouldn’t let her do anything”
“Then why did she cook?! Why did you let her near fire?!”
“You’re…..” He cuts himself off and clenched his jaw.

His eyes shut and his che-st raising and falling, like he’s holding himself back.
Natalie looks at me for help….I held his face and turned it towards me, I crashed myl-ips on his and k!$$£d him shortly.
“Honey, calm down… remember I told you to be nicer to your workers”
His eyes snaps open and I almost cower away….his eyes darkens as different emotions flashes by.
Love… confusion….hurt…lvst!
He held my head and crashed hisl-ips on mine and continue k!ss!ngme.
I managed to wave Natalie off and concentrate on him…..if k!ss!ngme will make him feel better, then, so be it.
He lifts me off my chair onto his l@p….his k!sses rou-gh and demanding.

Like he’s tryna tell me how much he wants me…how much he owns me.
He dominates myl-ips as he pushed me more into him.
His ton-gue enters my mouth and I oblige him. His hands c@r£ss!ngmy w@!st, putting my b©dy in a sudden great heat.
His k!ssbec@m£ intoxicating… possessive…. add!çting..ma-king me want more.
He leaves my mouth and attack my n£¢k, trailing k!sses along my collarbone… s£nding shivers down my spine.
At that moment, I felt a pang of de-sire suddenly hits me….I shake my head.

If I let him continue it’s gonna get out of hand and I might have S-x with him…. someone I don’t love.
I gave him a ha-rd push and got off his l@p. He frowns at me.
“Come back!” He ordered.
I sighed….I feel like he’s got an animal instincts just like Tarzan….wait, maybe we are real life Tarzan and Jane!
I moved closer to him and held his face.
“Let’s not rush things, Andre”
“I’m not rushing….you are my girlfriend!”
“I know..but I’m not re-ady to…you know, have S-x with you”
“Why? Am I not good enough?”
“You are good enough…in fact you are the best but we still have a lot to know about each other. So, let’s take it slow….ok?”
I’m scared he’ll throw tantrums that I st©pped him but surprisingly he nods…. wow!

Anna’s plan is really working.
“So, I have good news for you”
I sat back on my chair and put some chicken wings on his plate.
“Good news?”
“Yeah…. I’ll go with you tomorrow to meet your parents”
He grins boyishly.
“That’s good” he leans forward and k!sses my forehead.
I smiled at him warmly.
“Let’s eat!”
“Ok!” We continue eating.

To be continued…………