Tamed episode 5

They leave the hall immediately after the
meeting comes to an end. Jake Bas-s had
spoken to a few people trying to salvage the
mess alre-ady made but Mr George was proving
difficult. There was no use, until another year,
his window for the CEO’s company project for
the Engineering Institute of oil and g@s was
He was furious, shaking hands and giving them
a brief smile he carried his shoulders up, and
taking his leave from the rest as they too began
to enter into their cars, leaving. Samantha had
been sitting in the car waiting for him..
She had spent all night working on those files,
all of them..not a wi-nk of sleep had she had,
she had filed them up, arranged it and without
as much as a close of the eyes she had rushed
a bath, without eating had gone to the office,
and placed those files on his desk, arranged
them in his shelves and even tagged them. She
remembered putting the files she nee-ded on the
table and gathered them into her bag as she
was talking to Todd on the phone. She did
carry them so how come the most important
file wasn’t there unless…unless she had mixed
it up without knowing…
Now because of her he had lost an opportunity
he had been working towards for a year,
because of her he had been embarras-sed by
that pigged –faced Mr George who seems to be
in charge of the elders council, and because of
her carelessness he had shouted …okay, not
shouted, but he had rudely, and annoyingly
snapped at her, and then he had told her he
was going to sl@p her.. after she had spent her
days putting up with his arrogance, his annoying
and pompous self, after cancelling her plans
..well she didn’t have any plans because she
didn’t have a b©yfri£nd, or a dog not even a cat
to hang out with and she had been too busy
being his PA since his be-dmate ..erm PA betty
had been on leave.. which was besides the
point, even if she didn’t have a plan or plans or
a supposed social life it still didn’t mean that he
had the right to infringe on her non-social life
and have her non-social life be cancelled
because he is Mr Bas-s.
She had literally worked her as-s off, and it was
a mistake an honest mistake, a mistake that she
wasn’t even aware off.
“Stupid stupid stupid” she hits her forehead with
her open palm.
But he didn’t have to talk to her like that, like
she was not even a reasonably person. It wasn’t
as though she didn’t do her job, she did. Now it
would look as though she didn’t even try. But
she had, she had…and she did a darn good job,
even Sophie was impressed. But all that ha-rd
work gone, because she didn’t check the files ,
like crosscheck the files again that she had left
it on the table before putting them in her bag,
she couldn’t un-derstand anything.
She was angry.. he had no right. OK! Yes he
was angry, yes he should be angry. It was
un-derstandable, what he had planned for
months couldn’t be achieved because of her but
she didn’t do it on purpose, if he wanted to get
angry and scold her, she would have taken
it..not well but she would have taken it. She
always owned up to her faults and took
responsibilities for her mistakes but, the way
he spoke to her with such disdain, even she
was shocked and his choice of words were
uncalled for.. she made a mistake but she
wasn’t stupid and an unintelligent fool. She had
gone to school and did come out with
distinction, she had been amongst the youths
pioneering educative stances in her dep@rtment,
she had indulged in intelligent discuss bordering
on society, the government and politics. She
was far from dumb..no. she wasn’t even close
to being stupid…and he said all that’s inside her
head was money, fun and whatnot?
Does he have any idea what she does for fun?
Solve Maths, re-ad an Encyclopedia, put her
mind to good use solving puzzles, putting down
possible solutions for upcoming br@nds and
companies, even counseling and when she isn’t
all about being serious she enjoys a time out
with her best friend Jamie, and when there was
a b©yfri£nd? an occasional stroll to
MacDonalds, the movies and skating ring doing
the snow, karaoke bar…and no..she has never
been a materialistic kind of girl, that was why
her ex-b©yfri£ndwas content on living off her
and not bothering to buy her something as
small as a toothpick and she wonders why she
ever fell in love with him in the first place
“It was his eyes, his dreamily eyes and mac-
steamy b©dy without his shi-t, his rich voice and
the fact that he was a great k!ss£r and he was
such good l@yand he was smart and sweet
and… loving and caring and he… he un-derstood
me” she remembers telling Jamie who rolled
her eyes
“That bin there is where Boy Wonder should go
in and remain” was what Jamie had told her as
she cried over him that day after catching him
red handed slee-ping with his friends girl and he
had the guts to tell her what they both had was
fun but he didn’t even love her and that…in fact
he had been having an open relationsh!pwith
her for months, and she had cried and wailed
because she loved him and was been exclusive
with him..the as-s-hole shrugged, he didn’t care,
leaving there she had come home to find out
that her credit cards bounced when she entered
a supermarket to get somethings for the house
that was long overdue.
“Boy problem?” the lady at the counter had
looked at her and her we-t eyes and deduced,
she had cried even ha-rder, “Ssssh its okay,
chocolates and ice-cream works magic for
broken hearts, trust me I know” she had patted
her hands, but when her card bounced, she had
to ask her “you don’t have any money girl?’’.. it
wasn’t possible, she had money, enough, not
Bill Clinton stacked money in the bank but it
was enough to last her for a couple of months.
She had been on a contract job and they had
just recently finished a project, she was an
event manager, and they only contact her for
when they nee-ded her, she did two other jobs
on contracts too and the pay was good, that was
why she could afford a nice ap@rtment and a
car, which he took for his..and the house which
he practically lived in with her.
And when she called the bank to demand what
was up, they told her she had just withdrawn all
her savings within the hour, ..
“I always told you not to be stupid. Your money
is your money girl and his money is for you
“But he didn’t have any money, he was looking
for a job” she remembered saying
“Yeah, the pity p@rty materializes into a $3xy
man and you fell in love with him and while you
sle-pt the pity p@rty took away your mansion and
kicked you out of your own home Samantha…
didn’t I warn you?”
“But I love him” Samantha wailed, drooling into
her hanky, her eyes red and puffy, she was still
wearing his shi-t.
“I swear if you say that again I would literally
sl@p you with this spatula and I mean it, then I
would apologize and sl@p you again till you
forget his name and your stupid love ..he was a
leach, a pest and a blood su-cker “
Samantha had wailed… breaking out of her
reverie she sighs as she watched as
he walked towards the car.
He had no right to talk to her like that, and he
had no right to sack her like that without giving
her a chance to explain, or to apologize or
even to find a solution…okay she couldn’t solve
it but still he didn’t have to talk to her like that.
Her eyes stings with tears, she wipes it away
immediately as he enters into the car, his anger
could be felt and even seen as his veins were
threatening to pop out.
Taking a de-ep breath she made to try again
“Sir Bas-s, I am so sorry about what happened in
there I swear it wasn’t on purpose I swear it and
“Shut up Samantha, you do not want me to
unleash my anger on you, just shut up. You
don’t realize how bad this is do you? you think
your calm soothing voice can abate my anger,
you think that crocodile watery eyes would save
you? And back at the office you don’t waste
time to let go of the sharp retorts on your
ton-gue always trying to prove something you
are not, I left you from the beginning because
you were pitiful, a girl who thinks she could
stand up to her boss and get away with it, but I
knew you were nothing but a very
malfunctioned girl, and I felt why not allow her
believe she has the ability to change the world
but in retrospect I was taking pity on you
because no one would have tolerated your
nons-en-se , I could have easily thrown you out
of my company but I let you, hoping you would
have the s-en-se one day when you have been
tamed, and now, amongst other things, you did
utter ru-bbish , mixed up a file, common file a
child would have handled, how stupid can you
be Samantha? how s-en-selessly careless.. I have
worked with Betty and Sophie for a long time
and even they..which their IQ is low by the way
..is still better than yours. You are a liability to
me and my company and because I would not
want this to ever repeat itself you shall
immediately tender your resignation, your
working package for the month would be s£nt
to you via the accountant; take your stupid
unintelligent self away from my company. I
know you also didn’t work on those files you
took home, God knows maybe you went out
p@rtying and clubbing , dR@p£d over a man’s
arms all night and forgot to do something
simple as filing , editing and compiling and this
morning your waltz in thinking about first clas-s
ticket in a plane you have never been in,
thinking of five star restaurants and all this with
a billionaire you forgot to get your head out of
your as-s. I know your type Samantha, stupid,
unintelligent, money conscious and a luxury
magnet attaché, that is why you are totally
useless to me, much like a dumb blonde, no, at
least they are sophisticated dumb, you are just
pitiful, and a pitiful person with a sharp mouth
is an eyeso-re” he spat looking at her as
Samantha blinks back tears
“I am sorry sir..but, surely it wasn’t on purpose
..I am not a dog that nee-ds to be tamed and I
am a person, not perfect and we do make
mistakes but I as-sure you that I am not stupid,
and your choice of words are degrading and I
refuse to be spoken to that way sir, I will not–”
He gr-abs her hand and pu-lls her “Shut up
Samantha just shut the hell up. In fact, pu-ll
over driver.”
“Sir?”’ the driver is confused
“I said pu-ll over !!’’ he snaps, as soon as the
driver does, he opens the door, giving her one
of his credit cards, writing out four digit
numbers on it
“Here, take this and get out from the car, your
pres£nce is infuriating me even further”
“You are kicking me out, in the middle of a city I
have no idea about?” she is shocked,
disbelieving as her mouth drops open and her
eyes grew wi-der
“You have my credit card Samantha, book
yourself a pri-vate car to take you to the airport,
book a flight , when you land, go to the office,
pick up your items, drop my card with Sophie, if
you try to be smart, I alre-ady know how much
an economic clas-s ticket cost, and I would be
putting a call to my accountant , there is a limit
of withdrawal on the card… so what I expect
you to take away is for your flight, transport
fare to the airport and from the airport to the
office, anything more than the sti-pulated
amount I would s£nd to him , all transactions
would be st©pped, I know girls like you would
want to steal my money seeing that is all that
concerns people like you, as soon as you get to
the office, I will also get Sophie to pack up your
table, drop my card, your letter and leave, and
now, get out of my face” he says holding out
the credit card for her
She blinks..
“I don’t nee-d anything from you Mr Jake Bas-s, I
would find my way home” she alights from the
car, carrying her bag and slams the door shut..
Angered!! How dare he!!!!
“Suit yourself” he winds down the window,
turning away with his face still granite as his
fine features is dampened with his frown, he
tells the driver “ Drive”, the windows goes up as
the car speeds off immediately .
She stood there watching the car leave.. she
blinks back the tears threatening to fall, until
the car disappears .. then she moves to the
curb, she sits on the pavement and let the tear
drop. She had never felt so humiliated and
talked down to ever in her entire life. Never felt
so horrible and angered and pissed and then
sad, all the emotions put together. She messed
up the file business, Yes. But he was a bad bad
person, very bad. He was arrogant, unforgiving,
a proud pompous dxxk, and he feels that all
should bow to him , she rather walk on the
streets than take his stupid credit card. She
cleans her eyes and look at her environment.
She didn’t have any idea on how she was going
to get back..
She brings out her phone from her bag..
“Just one last time, just one” she says as she
cleans her eyes. She dials a number and then
someone picks “Hey mum!!’’
When he was angry, everything shuts down,
everything , and that includes thinking straight.
He knew how ha-rd he had worked to get the
p@rtners interested in that institute, it would
have been great for the location he had in mind
and he would have been the largest share
holder, but it would have been government
approved, for international bodies, and the team
put down in place were professionals, the best
in the country… it would have been a master
piece. He could have done it on his own, he had
the money..well technically he had, but like they
say..sometimes you nee-d to be p@rt of
something bigger than just you and this was
it..this was his baby project and all gone
because of the incompetence and carelessness
of that stupid Samanatha Brookes.
He is in the plane now..
Maybe he shouldn’t have been so angry, at least
he would have tolerated her pres£nce till they
got back into the state… then he would have
kicked her out. He frowns, not wanting to think
about how she was getting home, she looked all
clas-sy, surely she would have means to go
home, even if she spends all that she had, at
least it would be her own extra punishment.
He lost a whole year’s work because of her, a
little lose of money on her p@rt would be
punishment enough, then he would have her
resignation letter.
He turns away, removing her and the incidence
from his mind as they plane set for take off. It
was just 1pm, he would be back within the
The state dinner was this evening, by 4pm, and
he was hosting it in his company .
It was 5pm when Samantha got to The Bas-s
building , seeing lots of cars and well dressed
people trouping into the hall area of the
She walks in and takes her left, with a fixed
smile she greeted the staffs she knew and
made her way upstairs. Jamie had given her a
thousand calls, she didn’t have time to talk, she
would call her later. And then Sophie too.. Mr
Bas-s must have called her.
She patted the letter in her bag, she had written
it on the plane. Her mother had wanted to know
what she wanted to do with that hvge amount of
money..and she had told her ..but she promised
to pay her back after she gets another job. They
weren’t rich, not even close to being very
comfortable, but her mother tried to gather the
money for her from friends..and s£nt it to her.
She paid for her flight and c@m£ back to the
state. And her mother had been worried, he
made her worry her mother and so she was
She didn’t meet Sophie on the floor, her box
was stacked alre-ady. Without another word she
goes to his office and drops the letter on his
table, his box of pen had poured to the ground
as she hits it. Bending she picks it up and there
is was..on the floor behind the chair..The file. it
must had sli-pped while she and Sophie arranged
the files. She puts it on his table too and leaves
with her box..
“Samantha ..Samantha ?” she turns when she
hears her name