Tamed episode 10

“So what do you think?” he finishes and stares
at her
“I think that before you want to do something
like this, what is the ess£nce of it all?”
“What do you mean?” he frowns
“Well, this Charity event, is it because you want
to pu-ll sponsors together for a greater good or
because you want to do something good for an
organization or something?”
“How does that matter?”
“So I know how this should go. I hear a lot of
people saying they want to host charity events…
but we all know that’s a cover story for what
they intend to get at the end of the day”
“Look Miss Samantha, we do this every 2nd
quarter of the year, we have big sponsors come
together and we look out for some organization
or some welfare unit in the city that we can
help, we help community schools, we go to the
orphanages, health wise like medicine, food,
even cloths and school like text books,
computers, scholarsh!ps. It’s a charity event, so
all these people come together for the greater
“I see, and majority of the time do they actually
see this to the end or after they have gotten all
these money, do they actually take it to the
source in which it was originally planned for?”
“I am sure they do”
“Really, do you actually make sure?”
“well I am not the one directly in charge of it
Miss Samantha I have people for that”
“Or you and others get all this benefits and
share it amongst yourselves, go to this
communities like you say or one orphanage
center and give them a few gifts, take a lot of
pictures because of course the paparazzi would
be there in full detail, hold a hand of a child, sit
on a broken desk, smear your cheeks in mud
and have an interview with the t©p international
b©dy and then you go home, wash your hands
and forget about the lot of them. Until next
year, you dress up and have a ball again”
“What nons-en-se are you saying Miss Samantha,
are you insinuating that we are frauds?’’ he
leans forward, his eyes thins
Hey easy tiger, down boy
“No God forbid Mr Bas-s, I just nee-d to know.
Like I said, I like to peek into the heads of my
client, so I know what exactly is best, some are
honest about their intentions, some aren’t, they
are a bit cloaked. So I want to know… this
charity is it based on the profits you really want
to get from all these or because truly, you want
to make a difference ?’’
Because it doesn’t look as though you have any
good bone in your b©dy Mr Bas-s..
“Look what I de-sire doesn’t matter”
“Yes it does, plus it’s also p@rt of your money
and I like to do a thorou-gh job’’
de-ep sigh “Of course I want to make a
difference so can we get past this and finalize?”
“Fine. The grand event would be holding in
your company, a month from now yes?’’
“Good. I would draft out the letters and s£nd
them to the organizations who are to be
pres£nt, I am sure your office can reach out to
the sponsors since I don’t have that
information. I would hold the necessary
meetings with the organizations, check out what
and what they nee-d and what you would be
doing for them. Usually I advice that the
sponsors take out time, a week to the event to…
what I call a ‘feeling” of these organizations”
“Getting down from your Trojan horse and
actually talking and meeting this people, you
truly wouldn’t know what they are going throu-gh
unless you walk a mile in their shoes’’
“You want me to what, sit and eat with those
people, talk to them like more than a minute and
what… ask them about their dreams and
de-sires? Don’t be ridiculous, they should be
grateful that we actually are coming to their aid,
they mean nothing to me, they should be
thanking us… i would rather spend my money
on other meaningful things like buy myself a
new jet or a house but here I am doing good
for humanity… so that is enough”
“Right. I didn’t expect any less from you’’
Samantha says dropping the book she was
jotting “If that is the way you want it fine. I will
carry out what nee-ds to be done, like you said…
they should be grateful so I probably should
tell them all to write a thank you card to Mr
Bas-s, “
“Are you being sarcastic Miss Samantha”
“Oh… did it sting?’’
He looks at her “You really do enjoy ma-king me
angry don’t you, this game you are pla-ying, not
going to end well with you, today I decided to be
nice and let you keep your job, don’t push it”
“Or today you got schooled on how you can’t
keep throwing your wealth and status on
someone’s face and you think you won’t get
sl@pped with it. And you didn’t let me keep my
Job, Mr Shelton un-derstood that there are some
things more valuable than others… and I still
have my job because I earned it… much less I
can say about you”
“What’s that supposed to mean… I give people
jobs, I don’t nee-d to keep my job”
“Yeah… Mr Bas-s Almighty, remind me next time
to come ask you for a job… job giver, now if we
are done here… I think I have to get back to
He scoffs, shaking his head “I tell you when I
am done, not the other way around”
“You still don’t get it Mr Bas-s… I really don’t
care what you think you do… this is my office
and it is my time and your 11 am meeting ended
like” she checks her time “ 10 minutes ago. It is
1 pm now and I do have other meetings to
attend to so if you would excuse me Sir, you
can take your leave”
He felt like reaching out and squee-zing her
mouth, such arrogance. She reminds him of
him, and that was what upsets him so much.
“Fine, since you would be doing this project for
me, I would like that I have daily reports and it
is imperative that you have the do¢v-ments you
nee-d, since you would be in charge, you would
be the one handling the sponsors at my end too,
I don’t like multi-ple people doing just one job, it
helps me keep track of one’s incompetence and
lets me take the necessary action” he gets up,
adjusting his suit backing her
“You seem to like that word a lot
“incompetence” I wonder, was that word told to
you a lot while growing up??’’
He turns around sharply “Are you insulting me?’’
“Oh no God forbid but if the shoe fits” she
gives him a rueful smile
He is staring at her ha-rd “I do not know why you
seem bitter… the file business, the leaving you
in a city and the coffee spill, it’s all in the past…
if you are expecting an apology you won’t get it
so you should drop all this since we would be
working together”
“I don’t nee-d it and we are not working together,
at this point you are my client and I am offering
my services and after this… charity event, we
don’t have to ever see each other again… and
trust me I can’t wait for that to happen” she
says standing up and giving him her hands
“Have a good day Mr Bas-s’’
He eyes her hand , then he take it in his “Miss
Samantha” he lingers for a second and then
lets go
“I will have my PA contact you… you can come
by the office to get what you nee-d and make the
necessary arrangements “
He nods and leaves, she seats on the chair
staring at the closed door..
“Thought he would never leave” she rolls her
“Oh you would look beautiful in this Samantha”
Jamie says holding the dress out for Samantha
“Too red, I rather like something duller”
Samantha picks out another dress, it was a
silver dress with gold shimmering in front, a
low back “ This would be nice but I think it is
too revea-ling”
“Oh this is a killer, you should get this” Jamie
tells her dropping the red dress
“You think? besides I don’t want to kill anyone,
well not intentionally “
“hmmm, what about a certain someone named
Mr Bas-s”
Samantha gro-an s “He, I would kill for free, do
you know he has been coming unannounced to
my office claiming he wants to check up on
how the project is going, I mean it’s a frigging
charity event and he had made it clear that he
wants to be very detached from it, so I saw no
reason to constantly have him come there, I
made sure I made communications with his PA,
Secretary and his accountant , the only time I
have to speak to him is to have him sign out for
money leaving the company. I am glad that we
don’t get to sit and talk, he is so annoying,
throwing his scent of bossing people, well…
when he does that near me… I make sure to
shuu him down like a bad little dog.” Samantha
“Hmmm… and when you come to the Bas-s
“I just go there for the meetings if it’s really
important, with him and other sponsors. Oh
Jamie it is going to be a beauty, even if I know
he isn’t grateful, the organizations, communities
and orphanages seem to be happy, you know I
had to be with them all the way, the
infrastructures going on, the school items,
medical supplies, cloths and food… shelter etc.
You have to un-derstand something, to really be
of help you know, which he didn’t want to listen
but its fine, they thought he was out of the
country and I was repres£nting him personally,
but it would have been nice for him to take p@rt
in it, all the sponsors too. It is not about giving
money to the poor, you have to help them
mentally and for them to see that someone truly
cares about them. Oh well.. a few of their
repres£ntatives would be here and the media
for their rich egos of course” she shakes her
head, “I would take this” she tells the cashier
who had come to her “And whatever my friend
is getting”
“Oh Wow Samantha for real?”
“Yes Jamie, I get to buy you nice things too” she
laughs, Jamie hvgs her
“Aww thank you. So quic-k question,
hypothetically do you in anyway like Mr Bas-s?’’
“Do I look like I like Mr Bas-s, and why do you
keep asking me that of recent?’’
“Well I hear, well books states that opposites
attra-cts and sometimes when people hate each
other, they end up loving each other”
“Well, those books should be taken off the
shelves and burned… I don’t like him… hell No.
So quit asking stupid questions and lets go, I
have to get to the Bas-s industries to make sure
everything is set for tomorrow“
“It’s late Samantha, we close by 4pm
“Securities don’t leave till 9pm… just a quic-k
st©p, I hate to have any surprises. Like to put
finishing t©uçhes to the place”
“Okay, so guess I’ll see you tomorrow?’’
“Of course, I have to be there, I guess Mr Bas-s
would fight me on this one if I don’t show..”
“what do you mean you won’t be there” he’ll
thun-der “ Samantha says laughing
“Hmmm….Mr Bas-s….”
“Oh nothing” Jamie smiles
Change is the only constant thing, she muses
Jake Bas-s leaves the chair he was sitting on,
Betty had just left, Sophie ushers Veronica in
before closing for the day.
“Let’s go Bas-s, you have had a long day and I
would love to loos£n up all your muscles” she
says coming to wra-p her hands around his
Aside his other flings, most of them he forgot
their names and faces after a day or two.
Veronica had been the most consistent, showing
up whether he wanted her or not.
The last time he had been with a woman had
been, what? two weeks ago, after he left the
Shelton’s Events company and he and that
Samantha of a woman had had another banter.
He hates the way she riles him up, she never
does anything he asks her to do unless he asks
politely… he felt so angry.
She would only give him daily reports when she
plea-ses and when he calls her to shout over the
phone she tells him to apologize and when he
doesn’t she cuts the call.
It was as though she was all out to make sure
that he never gets his way when it comes to
her, the other day in front of some people, he
had asked her to be quiet and she had done the
opposite, they were with the sponsors …
Okay yes, at the end of the day she had gotten
good and productive results, and she seems to
be good at what she does, he gives her that but
still.. it was infuriating that he isn’t able to tame
her, every other person always wanted to do his
bidding whether they liked it all not, especially
women but she… she was something else, it
was as though whenever she saw him, she told
herself… if he barks she was going to bite.
She makes him so angry and yet, he had found
himself thinking about her of late, of her sharp
mouth, the way her nose flares when she was
angry, the way she frowns when she is trying to
make a point and the way she turns up her nose
when she is being sarcastic.
Most of the time, half of it, he is angry when
they are in the same room, one time Sophie had
asked him if he hated being around her so
much he could ask someone else to handle the
event. He had said No, she was good at what
she did and he wanted it to be perfect. And he
wonders if that is the only reason.
And Betty his PA had begun throwing jealous
feats, he didn’t know why. She said something
about..the way he looks at Samantha. What the
hell was that supposed to mean? He looks at
her ‘no way’..
He sighs.
He would have to let her go soon, If she can’t
put aside personal interests away from work.
He told her before and the rest of them, no
strings attached. It was just $3x. But Veronica
seemed to enjoy rejection.
He sighs
Samantha was getting un-der his skin in a rather
uncomfortable way and he didn’t like it. He had
always done whatever he wanted and had his
way… in every sphere of his life, being soft was
for the weak but Samantha is ma-king him take
decisions and do things he would never be
caught doing things he had vowed not to and
every single day he tells himself that he was
going to push her out the door when she makes
him angry and ask someone else to take her
Instead he finds himself picking up his phone
to call her office for reports and as usual
before the call ends… he gets pissed.
This day’s, his head isn’t in the right place and
having any physical relation with women had
suddenly lost it’s taste, right now… he wanted to
be alone.
Something was wrong with him
“Veronica, let me walk you down, would have
Todd take you home”
“But Bas-s, wait are you seeing someone because
for two weeks straight you have turned me
“We are not exclusive neither are we an item
and you have no right to ask about whether I am
seeing someone or not” he holds her elbow and
they go down
“You know you are an egocentric prick right?”
Samantha would say such a thing. Why the hell
was he thinking about her
“Then you should do well to stay away from me.
Todd take Miss Veronica home plea-se” A
surprised Todd nods
As soon as they drive off, he turns to see her
walking into the building.
Speak of the Devil!!
“What are you doing here so late?“ she turns
hearing the voice, then frowns
“It’s 8pm, not so late, besides I c@m£ to make
sure everything was set for tomorrow” she told
She smiles when she saw that indeed it was..
He didn’t say anything but watch her for another
hour as she busied herself in the hall
“You know you don’t have to stand there, you
can leave,”
“Leave you alone here?“
“Like you care, I can take care of myself
besides the security is outside”
“Well since I am here now, I am responsible for
anyone un-der my company, which at the moment
includes you”
“Fine whatever, then you can go back to your
office Mr Bas-s” she turns away fixing up the
flower vase
“Why, does my pres£nce bother you?”
“Not in the least, but you are hovering and I hate
He leaves where he is standing and walks close
to her, unsure why
“Because you are in my personal space. Move
Mr Bas-s”
“or else what, you would sl@p me again?”
“If I have to”
Well, maybe he wouldn’t mind the sl@p
He reaches for her, pu-lls her to him and
crushes hisl-ips to hers again.
He was waiting for the sl@p to come, but it
She pushes him away, then without saying
anything she gr-abs her bag and leaves.
He runs his hands over his face
He had no idea why he just did that again.
But why didn’t she sl@p him?
Something was wrong with him.