Susan episode 19 & 20

💛💛 SUSAN ⏳✨
(Who Am I??)💎💎
By Damilola Faleke M 💙💙💙💙💙
Chapter 19
🍇 Susan’s pov 🍇
“What the hell are you doing here Catherine and why are you carrying a knife? ” Ricardo asked the girl who barged into my room, I don’t know this lady, but it seems I’ve seen her as a maid in Britney’s house.
“Don’t ask me anything Ricardo, for now, you’re not my boss, and I can do whatever I want without your interference” she replied
” Then you must be out of your s-en-ses, you don’t Know Susan here, neither do you know me ap@rt from the fact that you work un-der me. It only shows you’re insane to come here pointing a knife at the both of us. Now am giving you three seconds to turn around and leave before I call the cops on you” he said angrily but she still stood still
In a second, Ricardo yanked the knife off her hands and she immediately went on her knees pleading for us to let her go
“Why do you think I’ll let you go? There are lot of questions I want to ask you, like what are you doing here by this time with a knife, when you weren’t invited? And what do you actually know about what we are doing?” Ricardo asked
” I swear, I don’t know anything about it, am just a victim, am in the wrong room, plea-se just let me go, plea-se, I don’t care if you sack me, but plea-se don’t turn me in to the cop for any offence” she pleaded still on her knees at the verge of tears.
“Actually, I have to do that” he replied
” No……” She replied bur-sting into tears, I felt pity for her, but I wonder why she’s so concerned with this case, first she was caught eavesdropping at our conversation at the mansion and now she’s pointing a knife at us telling us not to say anything to the cop, if I expected anyone to act that way, it should be Bianca not her, or Maybe this is the inner eyes Britney was talking about.
I quic-kly rushed to Ricardo to tell him, before she spoils everything.
“Don’t let her go Ricardo, she works for Bianca, she might be a hindrance to the success of our plans” I whispered, but I don’t know how it happened, she fled before we could even tra-p her…
“Gosh Susan, we have to go to the cops now, if not you’re in danger” he said
” What do you mean by I’m in danger? What about you?” I asked
” I Know what am saying Susan, am going to be staying in the mansion until this case is over, right now, my wife and daughter are no longer here in Canada, you have no idea of what we’ve gotten ourselves into, from the moment we had that footage” he said
Gosh!! He’s right, am so not safe here ,
Where the hell is Britney, I nee-d her here….
🍂 Bianca’s pov 🍂
“Where are you going dressed all black Bianca?” Catherine asked still p@n-ting on the couch
“Am going to complete a simple mission that you couldn’t accomplish” I replied and she suddenly bur-sted into laughter
” What’s so funny?” I asked
“The fact that you are confident of nothing” she replied
” Who told you so, am going to bring down Susan, she can’t be in jail because of her, I killed my own step sister because she was getting into my way, what is she to me then” I said angrily
” I think you should just leave Canada, go to another country” she said
” That won’t work Catherine, I would be wanted in the whole of America if they find out and my image would also be tarnished” I replied
” Forget about your image Bianca, move to another continent, Africa, Asia, Oceanic and so on. Let’s not do this Bianca, am afraid we might fall, see, I’ve alre-ady lost my job” she replied
” Am not going anywhere Catherine, my life is here. I have a lot of fortune to inherit from my step dad and I also won’t let any other lady have Daniel, and that’s why I won’t let Susan bring me down, especially with this” I said bringing out the gun I rented from a supportive freind….
“Wh…….. what…where the hell did you get that from?” Catherine shuttered
” You don’t have to bother about that Cath, I know my ways” I said smiling to myself
” If anyone get you with this Bianca, you’d be close to finished, you don’t even know how to use it” she said
” You’re wrong Cath, am a pro. I have to st©p Susan, you’re delaying me Catherine” I said rushing to my car driving straight to that h0tel Catherine directed me to…..
💖 Mrs Adams’s pov 💖
I stepped down from the plane feeling the fresh breeze of Canada
I’m here for two reasons, first, because I really nee-d to see my daughter Susan, cause am having a bad feeling alre-ady and second, I got news from Pamela that the family that took my own daughter, I still wonder how she found out, but I care less about that, my mission is to find my lost daughter, I know I might sound foolish, but I just can’t take in the fact that I have a daughter out there and I don’t even know how she looks like or how she’s doing…..
Now am trying to reach Susan, but her line is unreachable, am so gonna be stranded today
🍭 Susan’s pov 🍭
Britney: Susan you nee-d to leave here right now, Ricardo is safe where he is, but
You aren’t
Me: what do you mean by that, it just for today, no one can harm me Britney, am wi-dely awake..
Britney: you got the wrong idea Susan, Bianca is coming here, infact she’s alre-ady in the h0tel, and she’s not here empty handed
Me: huh?
Britney: yes Susan, she’s coming with a gun, you nee-d to leave here, ASAP!
Me: but where would I go to? It’s alre-ady 10:30pm, it wouldn’t be safe if I just leave here with no specific destination
Britney: you aren’t safe here either, you should go to Daniel’s place, I as-sure you 99% safety, she definitely wouldn’t go there to make trouble, she wouldn’t want Daniel seeing her as a bad person
Me: what!!!.. no no no, I’m not going there. You Know am not in good terms with him. First I denied him unknowingly after he accommod@t£d me in his house the first time, and now he thinks the worst of me all because of that crazy Stephen of a guy, what makes you think he would help me?
Britney: have faith Susan, he might help, that’s the only safe place I can as-sure you
Of, but for now, you have to leave this place
Me: okay, let me just gather some of my stuff
Britney: no Susan, if you do that, she might meet us here, infact, you’d have to use the back door
I quic-kly picked up my phone and my copy of the cl!pon the flash rushing outside, but unfortunately, I met Bianca outside but gratefully, she didn’t see me cause she was talking to someone, so i ceased that opportunity to hide at a dark pas-sage nearby watching her movement. It took like 5 minutes before she barged into my room without knocking closing the door behind her, I then took to my heels, running like a lunatic. I ran like I had no destination and I only had the flash, my phone and a $100 note with me.
I st©pped a cab directing the driver to Daniel’s house, I was more than afraid, I just hope Daniel let me in…..
🍃 Bianca’s pov 🍃
Gosh!!!!, She got away!!!
I don’t know how or who told her I was coming, but it seems that girl is always aware of the plan I have against her, she seems to outsmart me at my plans,, I just hope it’s not Catherine.
I’m trying to track her location throu-gh her phone, but there’s no signal, probably she switched it off. I nee-d to find that girl, I know she’s not with the cops cause they’re alre-ady closed, I nee-d to find her tonight and it’s only mum who can help me on this…..
I got home, but was surprised to find my mum dragging two hvge luggages behind her. Where is she going to by this time, especially with those luggages??
“Where are you going to with all those stuff mum” I asked confused
” Am leaving Canada Bianca” she replied
” But mum,, you can’t leave me now, not when everything is alre-ady falling ap@rt” I said at the verge of tears
” I’ve told you before Bianca, you got yourself into this trouble, so you should be able to bring yourself out of it” she replied
” Mum plea-se don’t leave me now” I pleaded on my knees crying
” Before I go Bianca, I have to tell you this, since you may not be seeing me again” she said and I sniffled nodding positively
” Am sorry to tell you this Bianca, but you’re not my biological daughter” she said and my heart shattered hearing that
“Mum, I know you don’t wanna involve yourself in my issues anymore, I don’t mind. But telling me am not your biological daughter is weigh too much” I said in tears.
” Am not saying this because of that Bianca, I just want you to know the truth, I just hope you forgive me for training you in the wrong way, I just couldn’t accept you as my daughter since I lost my husband, I hope you overcome this Bianca” she replied
Me: I….I…..
” Take this Bianca” she said stretching a piece of paper to me which I accepted with shaking hands
“What’s this for?” I asked in tears
“This is an address, it’s Mrs Phili-p’s, she would explain everything to you better, goodbye Bianca, good luck” she said rolling her luggages away, I couldn’t do anything but cry
She’s not my mother??
No wonder the hatred, the bad treatment and lot more, there was never love in how she talked to me and treated me…..
She’s not my mother, and she’s at fault for all the problem am in right now and she’s going away like nothing happened, even though I suddenly found out my mother is not my real mother, I’m not giving up, I’d fight for myself..
💛💛 SUSAN ⏳✨
(Who Am I??)💎💎
By Damilola Faleke M 🌺🌸🌸🌸🌸
Chapter 20
💙 Susan’s pov 💙
I tapped the intercom immediately I arrive the front of Daniel’s mansion. I waited out in fear for like 5-7 minutes before the gate was opened automatically.
I was expecting to see a grumpy face Daniel, but no, I saw a cute smiling face of a young lady.
“Hey, how may we help you” she asked politely
“Uhmm, good day, I am Susan, Daniel’s friend, I’m stranded, and I was thinking if Daniel could maybe help me, by allowing me spend the night here” I said and she looked at me from head to toe, I was alre-ady getting scared of standing outside, who knows if Bianca might be around aiming to shoot at me.
“Wow!! So you’re Susan, you’re really beautiful. Come on in, my brother would be so furious that I let you in. But I love getting on his nerves and I will also love to help you” she said leaving the entrance letting me in and the gate locked again automatically
“By the way, am Victoria” she introduced as we walked into the house.
” Nice to meet you Victoria, you’re Daniel’s sister and you’re really nice, Daniel is weigh too different from you” I said covering my mouth, so it won’t seem like I talk too much, but instead she chuckled.
“You’re right actually, he’s really grumpy, I agree to that” she replied and I smiled…
We walked in silence until we were both inside.
“Would you like to eat something?” She asked
“No thank you, I’m fine” I replied
” Okay… Would you like to stay down here to wait for Daniel, or I should show you to your room? ” She asked
” Uhmm.. I think I’d just wait for him, by the way, where is he? ” I asked
” He’s out, but would be back soon” she replied yawning
“Oh, thank you” I replied
” It’s no problem, I would have love to keep you company, but I have some as-signments to complete” she said
“that’s okay Victoria, thanks a lot” I replied and she nodded smiling before going back upstairs.
I was now left alone in the living room waiting for Daniel…
Jeez he should be quic-k, am alre-ady tired, I wonder what he’s doing out late at night.
I quic-kly check my back pocket and gladly, the flash and my phone we’re intact, but for now, I can’t switch on my phone.
🎋 Bianca’s pov 🎋
I was coming out of the airport Susan check in to Canada with when I bu-mped into a lady.
“Watch it lady” I said to the woman who was about the age of my mother, I mean my fake mother, I can’t believe they took me away from my real parents, though my dad was a great father before he died but my mum was never one, this tells it all
I c@m£ here to check if I could see Susan here cause she c@m£ in to Canada throu-gh this airport, but her name wasn’t registered here.
“Am sorry dear, I wasn’t looking” she replied and I rolled my eyes at her
” Be careful next time, am just trying to show some respect” I said walking away
” Hey plea-se wait” she call and I reluctantly st©pped
” I….. I….. plea-se what’s that on your arm?” She asked staring at me weirdly
” Is that why you called me here?? Look lady, am not a nice person, I don’t even know why I’m actually answering you. Next time we meet, I wouldn’t be so nice to you” I replied
” Well am sorry Miss, I just….
“Sorry for yourself, okay” I said angrily walking away.
She just wasted 10 minutes out of my time, I don’t know why she’s so concerned with what’s on my arm, I don’t know if it’s weird for her to see someone with a birthmark, well who knows, she might be a psycho.
Well since I have no information on Susan, I should probably go see the woman on this address, I nee-d answers about me. Incase I get into trouble, I still nee-d to know my real parents.
💖Mrs Adams’s pov ❤️
Standing here, I know there’s something about that young lady who just left a while ago, there’s something familiar about her eyes. Am really confused about lot of things. To add up to it, she has the birthmark on her arm. Well I can’t say, a lot of people do and again she seems pretty rude.
About my daughter, I think I’ll go meet Mrs Phil!pto find out about her, Pamela told me she could help me out with some information, I just hope she does, I think I’ll do that tomorrow.
For now I’ll go lodge into a h0tel and keep trying Susan’s line, her number is going straight to voicemail and it’s getting me really worried.
🍧 Susan’s pov 🍧
I was still sitting in the living room when I heard the door open, I knew it was Daniel, since I heard him drive his car in.
It’s quite late though,12:05pm.
I was patiently waiting for him when he arrived, I quic-kly stood up on my feet.
He’s eyes met mine and he stared at me in shock and anger.
“What the hell are you doing here? Who let you in?” He asked
“Your sister” I replied politely
” My sister?…. So tell me, what are you doing here” he asked
” I was kind of stranded, and your house is the only safe place I can stay Daniel, plea-se” I pleaded
” Why would you say so? Weren’t you comfortably staying in a h0tel with Stephen? Isn’t he enough defense for you?” He asked
” What??! Who the hell gave you that idea Daniel? Stephen Is just my boss, there is nothing between us” I defended
” Your boss whom you tried s£dûç!ng” he replied
” Jeez!! Am not such person, why would I want to s£dûç£my boss, especially a guy who is a flir-t like him. Infact he has always been the one after me” I defended
” Really?” He asked in sarcasm
” Look let’s just forget about this Daniel, you should st©p acting this way towards me, I’ve told you, am sorry, I didn’t mean to leave just like that, I mean it” I said
” I don’t nee-d to know’, tell me , what exactly are you doing here?” He asked
” plea-se Daniel, my life is in danger and I have to stay” I said
” Really Susan” he said
” plea-se Daniel, your house is the only safe place I can be in” I replied
” Leave now Susan, leave” he said angrily
” What!! It’s freaking late Daniel, why would I do that” I replied
” Cause this is my house and I want you to leave” he said
“Don’t you even have an atom of human feelings?” I asked
“I may have, but not for you, cause I don’t care if you’re danger” he said
” Really?” I asked and he furrowed his eyes at me
” Of course you do Daniel, remember the first time we met, you helped me out when I didn’t ask you to” I said
” Oh!! So that’s what you see it as right. Tell me, why are you in danger, what did you do, Rob a mall?” He asked
” What?!! Am not a thief Daniel, you really nee-d to st©p thinking of me that way”I said
” Whatever, so could you at least tell me the exact reason you’re here?” He asked
” Someone is chasing my life” I replied
” And why do you think my house is the safe place you could come running to, instead of the cops or FBI office, they could come here also” he said
” I know but I have unfinished business, trust me Daniel, I won’t t©uçh anything” I said
” So where’s your luggage?” He asked
” I was in a run Daniel, I couldn’t take anything along with me” I said
” Hmm, do you know who is after you, so we could file a report tomorrow” he said
“Actually it’s……hmm never mind” I replied quic-kly changing my mind cause Britney told me not to tell him for now.
“Huh?! You can keep it to yourself,as a matter of fact, I don’t care what happens to you” he said angrily stumping upstairs st©pping halfway throu-gh.
“You can use the same room you used the first time you c@m£ here” he said
“Thank you” I replied
” Whatever”he said finally going into his room, at Least he replied.
” Are you watching Bianca?” I asked Britney beside me
” Of course I am, she has given up for the next 6 hours, she has her own problem, early this morning, she would be back to look for you, but you’re safe here”she said
” Thank you Britney” I replied
” No, I should be the one thanking you Susan, you did for me, what no one could actually do, thank you Susan”she said
” Pitts!!, That’s no problem. Why don’t we go upstairs” I said and we both walked to the room.