Summer Episode 13 & 14

👶Baby finds daddy a soulmate👶
🖋Pinky Preshy Chioma🖋
💋Episode 13💋
Bella’s Pov:
Anger burnt throu-gh me as I sat on the couch tapping my feet on the ground restlessly.
Those children……
I can’t wait to strangle them to death.
Are those really children?
Those pests?
I was so angry.
I yawned hungrily.
Well I’ve been knocking on their door but they didn’t open the door.
And now they are pretending to be fast asleep again.
Suddenly, I heard their door open.
I sprang up to my feet and rushed upstairs.
The most heartbreaking thing 😢
It was Sandy…. 😡
I don’t know why but I hate her the most.
She was holding a plastic tray containing some bones of the chicken and veggies.
She was chewing some of the chicken 🐔 and l!çk!ng herl-ips.
😡 😡
In my entire life, I’ve never seen kids as cunny as they are.
Are they really kids?
Or are they adults?
I held her wrist and she turned around.
“You silly girl! Where’s my food?” I yelled as I raised my hand to sl@p her.
She quic-kly gr@bb£d my hand as she snatched her wrist from me.
“Hey! Bella or whatever you are called are you crazy?” She screamed at me.
I felt like crushing her.
The kid have got guts.
“Shut up! So you and your stupid siblings have gotten to the extent of stealing my food” I said
“Stealing your food?” She scoffed
“You heard me…. I will make sure I get you all beaten up” I said angrily.
“You are just being delusional Bella… You know if I were you, I will go back to Manila cos you are not allowed here. You are ruining in our picnic Bella and we hate you so much” She said.
I was gobsma-cked.
I gulped ha-rd .
The two other rascals c@m£ out with their chickens as well.
“Bella you are so desperate but I promise you, you will never have anything to do with my dad” Nicholas said.
“Shut the hell…..” I said as the other little girl cut in.
“No you shut up Bella…. Your sight irritates us so much” Nicky said.
My jaw dropped….
“Let’s go guys!” Sandy said as they walked downstairs.
I stood at a sp©t in shock as I folded my palms in shock.
I really have to get back at those rascals for talking to me in such manners.
Just then I heard the baby’s cry from inside their room.
An idea popped into my head and I smiled.
Mr Alex’s Pov:
I parked my car at the garage and walked into the house.
I saw the kids watching TV in the sitting room.
“Hi daddy!” They waved at me.
“Babies… Come get your food” I said as they only smiled.
“No thanks dad! We are full right guys?” Sandy asked as they nodded in agreement.
Does that mean they are not hungry anymore?
I shook my head as I kept the food I bought inside the kitchen.
I walked upstairs.
I heard someone’s voice.
It was Bella so I rushed into the room.
She was shedding tears.
“Bella are you OK?” I asked
“Should I be? Should I be OK after your silly children pl@ypranks on me?” She yelled
I breathed heavily.
“But the kids are innocent” I defended
“Innocent indeed? So am a liar right?” She said furiously.
I couldn’t say a word.
I only left the room.
I walked into the children’s room.
To my greatest surprise, it was so scattered.
“My goodness!” I shouted.
I looked into the baby’s cot and I couldn’t find baby Kira.
Fear gr!pp£dme.
“Where is the baby” I asked no-one in p@rticular.
I quic-kly started looking for her.
Suddenly, the toilet door opened and baby crawled out of the toilet.
She was so messy!
Worst still, she was having a toilet brush on her mouth.
“Yuck! SANDY! NICKY!! NICHOLAS!!” I screamed crazily.
They bowed their head as tears flooded down their cheeks.
“What manner of careless kids are you guys? Just take a look at poor baby Kira… You can’t take care of your baby sister” I shouted at them.
They bur-st into tears.
“Gosh! All you know of is how to pl@ypranks” Bella added.
“But daddy she was slee-ping right in her cot after Sandy fed her a bottle of milk” Nicky cried
“Shut your mouth! I saw her coming out of the toilet…. Am so disappointed in you guys” I said in annoyance.
“We’re sorry daddy” Sandy cried
“Sorry for your silly selves…. For the next four days no more watching TV for you guus…Now get out of the way!” I pushed them aside r0ûghly and stormed out of the room.
They bur-st into tears again as Bella sm-irked mischievously at them.
Sandy’s Pov:
We held hands as tears rushed down our cheeks.
I know this is all Bella’s doing.
Maybe she’s trying to get back at us for eating her food..
And now daddy is so angry with us.
He even banned us from watching TV for the next four days.
We fell on the be-d crying our eyes.
“Sandy we are definitely going to make that m
Bella pay” Nicholas said
“Of course” Nicky said as I nodded.
I just wished mother was here with us.
If she was then there will be no Bella.
We kept on shedding tears.
We were still crying.
Our faces were all swollen and so-re.
We were all hurting.
Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door.
The door swing open and Miss Marga walked in.
Our ever beautiful Miss Marga.
“Hello babies!” Her tiny cute voice said
“Miss Marga?” We cried as we hvgged her ti-ghtly…..
💋Episode 14💋
Bella’s Pov:
I was super excited.
And finally those crazy kids have gotten what they deserve.
By now they will be grieving.
Serves them right….
I co-rked open the bottle of whiskey.
I poured some into a glas-s and drank.
For the first time, Alex punished those rascals he called children.
My face beamed with smiles as I gulped down the glas-s of whiskey.
That was really a clever move.
But Eish…. 🤮🤮
The baby had a toilet brush on her mouth.
Disgusting! But that serves them right.
I bet they are all sulking.
Suddenly, I heard their loud laughter.
My eyes wi-de-ned in surprise.
Shouldn’t they be sulking?
Why are they being so excited?
I quic-kly sprang up and walked out of the room.
They were downstairs at the dinning.
I was still confused when I saw a very beautiful young lady.
My face countenance changed immediately.
“Who the heck is she?” I thought within me.
The lady was carrying the baby.
The kids looked so happy.
She was even feeding the baby with a bottle of milk.
For the first time, the kids were so excited.
Chattering and cracking jokes.
I was about to cut in when I also saw Alex smiling as well.
Anger burnt throu-gh me.
Who is she?
Why do they seem to love her so much?
I was disturbe-d!
Is she going to be the stumbling block?
I fumed in anger.
Marga’s Pov:
I dished the food into everyone’s plate.
“Miss Marga will you come with us to Manila?” Nicky asked as we bur-st into laughter.
“Yes Miss Marga! We are going back to Manila in the next three days” Sandy added.
“Daddy is Sandy right?” Nicholas asked anxiously
“Yes Nico! The summer picnic is coming to an end” Alex said as he spooned the pasta into his mouth.
I felt bad….
So the kids are going to leave soon.
“I’ll miss you guys” I said moody
“But before we leave, we are going to throw a little p@rty” Alex said
The children’s faces brightened up.
They jumped in excitement.
“Really dad?” They asked in unison
“Yes! A small p@rty” Mr Alex said.
The baby giggled happily and we laughed.
As if she knows what it means to have a p@rty.
They have really become a big p@rt of me and am going to miss them so much.
Especially the kids…
Goldy’s Pov:
I walked restlessly up and down.
“Mother why did you do that?” I asked anxiously
“Do what?” Mother asked as she arranged the clothes in a box.
“Why did you allow Marga go to the mansion? I thought you wanted the man to fall in love with me?” I asked angrily.
Mother laughed and paused.
“I know what am doing… Of course Alex is going to marry you” Mother said
I scratched my head in confusion.
“And how is that going to happen?” I asked anxiously.
“If we treat Marga badly in front of Mr Alex then he will term us as bad people” Mother said.
I f0rç£d a smile.
“So you want Mr Alex to think we are good to Marga?” I asked
“Of course! That was why I allowed her to visit the kids” Mother said.
“So what’s the next plan?” I asked
“Well you have to watch and see for yourself” Mother said as I smiled broadly.
I can’t wait to have Mr Alex in my arms.
My rich handsome dream guy.
Few hours later….
Marga walked into the house looking really sad.
She was holding an envelope.
I don’t care about her but I just want to find out what’s in the envelope.
I sneaked into her room and searched for the envelope.
“Here it is” I smiled as I picked it up.
I quic-kly opened it and brou-ght out a card from inside.
It was an invitation card.
“A p@rty? Mr Alex is throwing a p@rty?” I asked no-one in p@rticular.
I sm-irked as I walked out of the room.
I must attend that p@rty.
Sandy’s Pov:
I put on my very beautiful ball go-wn.
I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.
Well today is the D day for the p@rty.
And daddy bought beautiful dresses for us.
We were so excited and happy.
The thing is we love p@rtying!
“Sandy aren’t we getting back at Bella again?” Nicholas asked.
“Of course we are” I said
Are you surprised? 😂
Anyways we planned on pla-ying a prank on Bella.
Of course she won’t get away with ma-king daddy shout at us.
She’s a p@rty freak as well.
And she was getting re-ady for the p@rty.
We have lots of plans installed for her.
After this today, she will definitely get her freaking self out of this house.
I ti-ptoed into her room.
I saw her p@rty dress on the be-d.
I quic-kly picked up the dress.
I brou-ght a padlock that I hid.
I locked her wardrobe and took the keys.
Actually she only has a towel tied around her che-st.
😂 😂
She’s going to p@rty with a towel tied around her che-st.
I ti-ptoed out of the room and locked the door.
We laughed excitedly as I entered the room.
Nicholas had a scissors so we cut the cloth into pieces before taking the cloth outside.
Bella’s Pov:
I walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied to my che-st.
I looked at my be-d and I couldn’t find my clothes.
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock.
I searched for the clothes but I didn’t see it.
“Where is my dress?” I asked no-one in p@rticular
I walked towards the door to open it but it was locked.
Oh my goodness!
This is not happening…
Those kids 😡
I ban-ged the door angrily.
“Open the door! Silly kids…. Where is my dress?” I shouted as I suddenly heard a laughter outside.
“That’s where you are going to p@rty Bella… Have a nice p@rty” That was Sandy’s voice.
Gosh! I hate that girl…
I ban-ged the door angrily more and more.
“OPEN THIS DOOR!” I shouted…..
😂 😂 😂
To be continued…
This children will not kill me 😂
But who else enjoys the pranks the kids pl@yon Bella? 😁
More tales to unfold! 🙂