Summer campus Episode 12 & 13

12 / 13
(cranked up Love)
**Frankie’s pov continues**
Alex and Freya quic-kly st©pped k!ss!ngseeing us, “oh.. I’m sorry if we interrupted anything” Brianna said and closed the door and I could swear I heard smooching sound,
They must be k!ss!ngagain
I took in a de-ep breath and closed my eyes as it pas-sed throu-gh my lungs, I can’t cry, no way..why would I cry
“okay this is awkward so much, I can’t believe Alex is going for Freya of all people she’s pretty though but he’s attitude is Way out of the line” Brianna said and I nod in agreement
“yeah no wonder she broke up with Zic” Liliana added
“I’ve got to tell jasmine this is hvge” Brianna said and hurried down the stairs, my breathing got ra-pid and I gently rest on the wall
“what’s wrong” Liliana asked me
“Uhm. Nothing, nothing at all” I lied, I’m going crazy, Alex, Freya they’re bad for each other this is bull$h!t, I clearly have feelings for Alex.. Clearly.
“really because you’re acting like.. Wait does this attitude have to do with what we just saw” Liliana asked
She’s so smart
“Uhm yeah..uhm what! I mean no no way” I laughed nervously
“do you like alex” she asked almost in a whisper
“um it’s complicated” I said
“complicated!! Like in what way” she asked. she asks too many questions..
“okay maybe a little, I like him a little but I’m not the only one you know” I said defending my self not wanting to look stupid in front of her..
“I know he’s the leader of ABE right” she rolled her eyes
“it’s ABC, ” I corrected her
“whatever, but I don’t care if she and Alex are d@t!ngI mean they’re kind of good for each other ” she said and I almost sma-cked her head to the wall
“Zic’s too good for. Her” she added
“excuse me Zic? Zic is too good for her” I scoffed
“look, don’t judge a book by its cover, Zic may seem bad and all but he’s not trust me but Freya, she’s..mmmh I can’t say I don’t want to be a blabber beak..” she laughed, I seriously didn’t find it funny …
“let’s just get out of here” I tell her and she shrugged and started to walk away and I followed her until we c@m£ downstairs and I met David.
“so I’ll be leaving now” David tells me
“can’t you stay any longer” I whined pu-lling his arm
“I can’t mom’s going to murder me” he laughed
“i wish you could stay long” I said
“me too but you know how mom is right” he said and I nodded with a frown, I wra-pped my hand around around his arm and leaned closer to his brother
“I thought you guys are going to be like hundred in camp why ate they few” he asks
“some are out in the woods” I replied.. My right cheek resting on his arm he walked I followed him, “okay you can leg go of me now Frankiestein” he tea-sed
“call me whatever you want Davidson I wish I can come home with you not that I don’t like it here but I miss home” I say, suddenly Zic appeared from nowhere and he looked at me then at David before heading upstairs to the girls dorm..
“well you know what, good bye” I say I don’t have to get all glossy about this.
“okay see you after three weeks baby sis” he tells me and place a light k!sson my cheek and then walked away and I smiled as he walked away and tucked my glas-ses in his jacket pocket, I hope I get use to this contacts..
I glance at the place we were studying and Jasmine was the only person there, Maurice was no where to be found and Liliana and Brianna who were with me minutes ago were no where to be found.. Dang it.. I’m alone again, I walked up to Jasmine
“hey Jasmine you’ve seen Brianna and Lily? ” I asked
“nope” she replied and faced her book.
“hey where are you glas-ses” she asked
“oh David took them” I tell her
“your brother! What are you going to see with now” she asked and I laughed
“I can see but not all the times, sometimes everything bec@m£ clear while sometimes blur and in wearing contact lens” I say and she nodded
“I like this one better” she say and I rolled my eyes and started to head back to our room, maybe I can find Anna and Lily, I hurried up the stairs and to the door of our room getting there I started hearing voices..
Oh.. No..
I opened the door and entered and I saw Freya beside Alex he was holding her w@!st show off
And Zic was standing opposite them backing me actually so he didn’t see me but Alex and Freya did but it seems like they didn’t care..
“how could you do this! ” Zic yelled his voice sounding hoarse, his palm fisted in a ball, “for the last time Zic just shut up and get out” Freya yelled
“and you, i thought we were buds” he said referring to alex
“we are, we still are I didn’t know she was your girl, ap@rt from that I love her” Alex replied
“fv¢k you Alex you’re crazy you know that” Zic yelled
I want to run away from this but yet I want to see the end of it…
“look man you’re just over reacting
“over reacting!! You’re a fv¢king as-s-hole you hear me, and you Freya you fv¢king who-re I hope you satisfy him” he cut Alex off and yelled more loudly wow he is really pissed off .. When he turned we made eye contact and I flin-ched and he breathe out and walked out of the door..
Alex gave me a small smile but I just looked away, only if he know how much I liked him.. Well what has happened had happened, so. . That’s that.. I just sat down on my be-d as Freya and Alex walked out, how did it happen
When did it happen, I stood and started pacing out but then sit down,
**fast forward**
It was lunch time everyone gathered at the table except let me say Zic.. Lawd knows where he went to and what do I care, we ate our meal quietly but just to be clear not to quiet because Liliana just couldn’t shut up about this Alex and Freya stuff good thing they’re far away from us.. hi omeano on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters room for more stories.
After eating the four of us went our separate ways while I walked in the bush p@rt I wanted to be alone. I didn’t want to see anyone..
As I sat down on the plain ground and rested my back and head on a tree I quic-kly j£rk away as I heard a crashing sound on the tree I was leaning on and also a sharp pain on my head.. I stood up and saw broken pieces of bottles and Zic was the one throwing them he looked angry,
Where the hell did he see those bottles. Before I could think twice I saw blood dripping on my clothes on my plain white T-shi-t
Zic’s face moved from angry to surprised my jaw fell open, I wanted to scream but I couldn’t, the blood bec@m£ fas-ter and before I knew it I started to scream but Zic’s palm was alre-ady covering my mouth.. “I’m.. I’m sorry” he whispered I could feel as his palm was h0t in my mouth and how it shook ra-pidly
“plea-se, don’t scream” he whispered, I blinked uncontrollably and nod lightly
“thanks” he said and slowly re-moved his hand from my mouth and I breathed in and out slowly
“I swear I’m seriously sorry for this I’ll help” he said
Uhm no way, Zic and helping can’t possibly go together
“no I’ll just go to the cabin office and Mrs Ciara will give me a first aid treatment” I rush my words
“no plea-se I’ll get In trouble” he said camly
“what do you want me to do bleed to death” I panic
“I have a plaster here and also there’s a small river over there I can help you wash the blood and fix the plaster” he said and I almost laughed to madness
“no.. I’ll go to the cabin” I say and was about to walk away but he held my arm
“plea-se” he said and his eyes twitch..
“no” I say and was alre-ady freaking out by the amount of blood my face hair and shi-t have carried ..
“for god’s sake plea-se” he yelled and I flin-ched maybe I should just agree I don’t want things to get violent..
He pu-ll-ed me by the arm and took me to a small river, he pu-ll-ed his shi-t over his head and i tried not to stare at his b©dy he di-pped his shi-t in the water and brou-ght it out pressing it a little and bringing to my face
“here,” he said, I look at him then at his we-t pressed shi-t
“you don’t want to do it, fine I’ll do it” he said but I didn’t say a word and I didn’t know why
He used, the cloth to clean my stained face “where’s your glas-ses” he asked but suddenly scoffed
“why the hell am I asking” he muttered lowly to himself ..
“re-move your corsage and tell me where the bruise is” he said referring to the ribbon I used for my ponytail, my hair suddenly fell and he quic-kly located my cut skin and place the we-t cloth on it, I skrie-k but he didn’t even say sorry I just let him be and lastly he placed the plaster.. And moved away from me ..
“I didn’t hear a thank you” he said and bent down and shoved his blue shi-t in the water
“and why would I, you clearly threw a bottle at me so why would i” I say
“it was a mistake” he glanced at me then at the water.. “it was a mistake” I mimicked his horrible voice and he sh0t me a glare..
“you might wanna take your shi-t off and do what I’m doing there’s still blood there” he suggested
“oh so you want me to take off my shi-t in front of you”i yanked
“you heard me right”he shrugged and I rolled my eyes and said
“you’re pathetic”
“just stay out of sight and don’t keep your hair In ponytail” he yell as I started to walk away ..
I maked sure I stayed out of sight so no one could notice my blood stained shi-t..
I got to our room and was glad no one was inside I quic-kly changed my clothes and placed the other one In the laundry basket. Before heading out,
I met Jasmine immediately I got down “wow no ponytail no glas-ses I like it” she whined and I rolled my eyes, I know the reason he threw those bottles was because of the anger he had with Alex and Freya
Thinking about them just made me wish i had a bottle with me..
During nighttime we made another camp fire and Mr Edmond told an unscary story which was supposed to be scary.. The hit of the fire was ma-king me sweat a bit so I stood up and walked away before the plaster will be glued to my head I sat on the lunch table not. To. Far from everyone and the camp fire but was dark and cold which is perfect , I noticed someone sitting beside me “hey” he said and I turned to find Maurice
“hey” I smiled
“what are you cold blooded that you had to leave the camp fire” he laughed and I joined him
“maybe” I said and I smiled by the way he smiled .. “so I like your new look” he said
“what look” I asked
“um..nothing” he grinned and ru-bbe-d his n£¢k
I turned my gaze to the sky, and he said “um there’s something on your face”
“what” I asked and suddenly looked at him and he quic-kly moved his face and k!$$£d me, and my eyes went wi-de open
“oh my god” I hear Liliana’s voice behind me I quic-kly regained my s-en-ses and Maurice pu-ll-ed away from the k!ssand I turned and Liliana was in tears…what have I done
(cranked up love)
** Frankie’s pov continues **
Liliana walked away angrily, and I quic-kly got down from the table and ran after her
“Lily wait”i tell her but she just walked away angrily heading upstairs to our room.. “plea-se Lily” I call watching my steps on the stairs, she switched on the light and slammed the door .. I sighed and opened the door and entered she was sitting on her be-d, her hands crossed on her che-st she Sh0t me a glare and I tuck my hair behind my ear and it’s killing me that I cant pony my hair up because of Zic..
“you know I liked Maurice right” she said calmly not looking at me and I didn’t give her a reply
“answer me! You know I liked him right” her voice cracks this time she was staring at me..
“yeah” I replied softly
“then why did you do that” she sobbe-d
“I didn’t he was the one who k!$$£d me” I say
“why didn’t you pu-ll away” she yanked, she’s blaming me like it’s my fault. Ugh I just don’t want any trouble
“I did immediately you c@m£” I lied I didn’t pu-ll away from the k!ssbecause I was shocked why the hell did Maurice k!ssme..
“he told me there was something on my face and said he’s going to re-move it and when I turned to him he k!$$£d me, trust me I was surprised” I said
“but you know I liked him” she yanked again,
“yeah but it’s not my fault” I say, she looked at me strangely and arched an eyebrow. “are you trying to blame this on Maurice” she said
“I’m not blaming it he’s the one who k!$$£d me right” I reply back and she laughed hideously,
What’s so funny
“Uhm, it’s not his fault, no wonder you lost your glas-ses and pigtail cause you would have suddenly realised that you looked hideous un-der those, and then you started this new look of yours Maurice can fall for you, looks like your plan worked” she seethe
“why are you talking like this Liliana? The reason I had to.loose my glas-ses was because I have contacts now and an injury—
“oh save it plea-se” she cut me and hold a pause with her hand..
“seems like you’re not different from Freya good thing she’s with Alex they’re perfect for each other” she smiled devilishly she’s a monster
“you know what Liliana,. You’re a pathetic looser, he k!$$£d me not you and now I’m proud of it, I didn’t pu-ll away if you want to know and I enjoyed every bit of the k!ss” I lied, I didn’t enjoy anything I was too shocked to realise what was happening, but if Lilliana wants to be a bit-ch, why won’t i. She huffed and said “you make me sick”
“well great because I’ve got some pills in my bag” I pointed and she shook her head negatively angrily and walked out …
I gently sat on my be-d and held my che-st I haven’t felt that type of spirit in me before, maybe that’s what they call standing up for your self.. Hmm I like it.. I re-moved my contacts and placed it back in the box.. I didn’t really feel like going back outside
I la-id on my be-d and stared at the ceiling till I finally fell asleep
The next morning I woke up feeling lively and when I looked around everyone was still asleep, I quic-kly took a shower and wore my clothes and didn’t pack my hair in ponytail because of my injury, I was fixing my contact when jasmine woke up yawning loudly, “hey good morning” I tell her but she didn’t reply him.. Maybe she didn’t hear
“good morning” I turn and tell her but she just rolled her eyes, what’s wrong with her..
Brianna and Jennifer woke up immediately and Jennifer quic-kly walked outside.
“hey anna” I said cheerfully
“hey” she replied sarcastically, why are they both so different this morning did I offend them or something..
We were called to have breakfast and Lily Jasmine and Brianna just walked out not inviting me as before, okay this is strange.. And new, the three of them sat down with Liliana in the middle and I sat beside Brianna and she rolled her eyes.. Okay
“why are you guys acting like kids giving me the silent treatment” my mouth yanked before I could st©p it
“kids? ” Liliana said giving me a glare
“you deserve the silent treatment” Brianna said and I was more confused
“what the hell did I do” I said
“you know what you did” Jasmine said, aggressively, seriously?
“If I know would I still be asking you that” I replied harshly, I don’t know where this aggressive character is coming out of me but I like, I use to be a little baby egg tra-pped in a box, but now I feel like a lion in the pres£nts of deer’s ..maybe all I ever nee-ded was friends.. They make you know things..
“you’re a backstabber how could you, Liliana is our friend” Brianna said in a sympathetic tone
“wait wait a minute, backstabber?” I seethe
“she told us what you did last night” Jasmine added
Oh no..
“is this about the Maurice stuff and all” I cli-cked
“so it is true, you did do it” Brianna snapped
“do what?” I asked and Liliana suddenly coughed and I glanced at her then back to Brianna
“Liliana said last night, you f0rç£d Maurice Into k!ss!ngyou , purposely ma-king her jealous when you know she loves him” Brianna said
“seriously, Liliana, lies? Is that all you have to feed them, look guys I was looking at the Stars when Maurice lied about something being on my face and then k!$$£d me, I wanted to pu-ll over but I was shocked and then Liliana c@m£” I explained
“oh is that true Lily?” Brianna asked lowly
“of course not she’s lying” Liliana defended
“seriously Liliana, do you have to act so juvenile about this Huh?” I almost yelled.
“okay now I don’t know who to believe” Jasmine said and Liliana sighed
“believe me I’m saying the truth” Liliana lied, I can’t believe she can be so low, just because of a stupid k!sswith the boy she likes
I fisted my palm and I swear if looks could kill, Liliana would be lying dead now… “okay then since you’re acting victim here, we’ll ask Maurice” I say and a gush of anxiousness full her face..
“we can’t ask him that” she opposed
“oh yes we can” I say and faced my empty plate I’m loosing my mind, Liliana is..
“here’s yours” Mrs Lisa said pouring A fall of a cereals and asked me if the cereal she poured was okay, and I nod ..and she smiled and walked to the next person..
Everyone ate in silence but I wondered why Maurice k!$$£d I didn’t see him around my side maybe he’s sitting faraway..
After eating three boys from megal academy I guess.. Were called to clean the table while the rest left, after eating me and my “”friends”” always hang out together but now they don’t even want to talk to me I know they’re just looking out for her but it’s crazy, how can she tell them lies, well they can all go without me they’re not my only friends
Who am I kidding, they’re my only friends I nee-d Maurice to explain last night to them, Liliana’s just being jealous, because Maurice is so not my type of guy. . .i don’t even know my type of guy, I’m not sure if am human exactly..
The windy breeze blew my hair across my face as I sat on a hvge log, staring at the small river where Zic helped cleaned my face..
I’ve sighed occasionally because I was bored as ever.. I heard footed behind me but what do I care, seconds later a hvge stone cane flying and then ended up splashing in the water, I quic-kly stood up and turned to see who did that thing, it was no other than Zic..
“what are you doing here” he remarked harshly asking me
“why do you care” I throw back and he rolled his eyes and walked toward the river and sat down on a rock in front of it
“because this is my thinking sp©t” he said lowly and I almost laughed, do people like him ‘think’
“how’s your injury” he asked like it was a good thing
“it’s painful and pretty unbearable” I lied
“good” he remarked and I blinked uncontrollably
“good? Is that all you have to say” I ponjured
“sorry” he said sarcastically
“that was what you wanted to hear right” he said and threw a Little Rock in the water, the way his thick voice sound and the way his face is showed that he’s angry,
“why are you angry,” I asked not that I care but to make fun of him
“why do you care” he throws back
“is it because of Freya” I laughed and he sh0t me a glare
“you know for a someone who’s a nerd, you kind of talk to much” he says and I scoffed
“oh plea-se, for you being someone’s b©yfri£ndyou do have a temper no wonder she broke up with you”
“you better shut the fv¢k up because you don’t know anything” he said angrily, it’s working
“you’re right I don’t, but I do know you have a temper, really breaking innocent bottles on tress because she broke up with you, are those trees Freya?” I tea-sed and laughed more loudly
He stood up angrily and walked up to me with his eyebrows low he was looking as Angry as ever..
“don’t make me give you another injury this one will be in your br@in” he threatened
“and I’ll like to see you try” I smiled and he breathes in heavily and turned away from me I know he can’t do it..
“you know you’re a lot more like Freya” he said
“excuse me?” I ponjured
“Shes more of a bit-ch than a girl” he said
“what? You’re crazy I’m not like your crazy girlfriend ,sorry ex girlfriend” I laughed and he suddenly stood still ,he slowly turned to me and asked
“can you do me a favor”
“whatever it is.. It’s a no” I tell him and fold my arms
“why.. Just say yes” he said in a threatening way, he’s pathetic I can’t ever st©p saying that about him
“you’re asking for a favor and still you’re being rude clas-sic you” I whined and he sighed
“okay then, I’m sorry.. ” he says calmly and I nod and smile
“so is it a yes or no” he asked
“no” I replied and his face changed ma-king me laugh a little
“no? But I just said sorry you should be glad I said sorry” he almost yelled
“you haven’t even tell me the stupid favor and you’re alre-ady giving options” I tell him and he sighed
“it… is a stupid favor” he said
“well spit it out” I tell him and he rolled his eyes before saying
“be my girlfriend!”
T. B. C.