Summer campus Episode 10 & 11

EPISODE 10 & 11
**Zic’s pov**
Freya breaking up with me was heart breaking, we’ve been together for years now, and now she’s breaking up with me just because she’s in love with some random guy I don’t know, who the hell is..
When she told me to leave her alone that we are not good for each other I didn’t know what to do but then Frankie showed up, I bec@m£ more angrier because she’s an annoying nerd, who seems so naïve,
I had a thought about ma-king Freya a little bit jealous so I walked up to Frankie who was scared and was about leaving but I pu-ll-ed her back and k!$$£d her, I felt like puking, I couldn’t believe I was k!ss!ngFrankie but I nee-d to make Freya take me back..
When I pu-ll-ed away from the k!ss, Frankie was as stiff as a board, her eyes wi-de open feeling surprised, and herl-ips swallowen and p@rted open,.. I turned to look at Freya she had a surprised look on her face, but I didn’t see the jealous look I wanted to see.
Damn it.
“wow.. Dude you got me there, hope you str!p her n-ked also” Freya laughed and walked away,. I just wasted my fv¢king time and k!$$£d Mrs ponytail, how I’m I going to explain this.. I turned to Frankie, and thank god she’d regained some of her s-en-ses, and the the only way I can get out of this is by telling her the truth..
She tried to say something but I quic-kly said.
“look don’t think I have some sort of feelings for you, I just k!$$£d you to make Freya jealous, and you’ll know why since you’ve been eavesdropping on our conversation” she suddenly flin-ched like I pinched her..
“so don’t get any wrong idea” I remarked rudely and walked away,
** Frankie’s pov **
Oh, my, goodness!!!
Did Zic just used me as his puppet to make his ex girlfriend jealous? that is so low of him .. He is such a j£rk, I just stood there not knowing what to do.. He’s the worst person ever..
And he also ruined my first k!ss, I wanted my first k!ssto be with someone I love, not someone like Zic he’s such an as-s-hole..
As I walked back to the building sadly feeling like I’ve been used I ran into Alex..
Oh, Alex
“hey” he smiled as he got to me
“hi” I replied and st©pped on my track,
“so.. how you doing” he asked
“great.. I guess” I lied, I’m not great, that good for nothing dark cloud k!$$£d me..
“okay, so.. Frankie, I um want to tell you something I just found out today ” he said
“oh.. Really? Well go on” I said politely..
“it’s Craig” he said
“oh Craig what about him”
“do you know he has a crush on you” he said
Why is he telling me this..
“yes, yeah I know it’s been like ages, he doesn’t anymore its when we were kids he told me that today” I explain
“oh he told you that? Only that” he asked and I nodded “is there more” I asked back
“he said he likes you” Alex said
“well I like him too” I replied
“no you don’t un-derstand he likes you not just any like, but the love like” he explained and grinned
“okay, but he doesn’t anymore” I grinned back..
“no it’s just a new feeling” he. Said
“Huh?” I seriously don’t un-derstand stand him, is he saying that Craig “loves me” Like the pres£nt..not in the past..
“he still likes you both now and then, and I think you two are good for each other” he said
Why Is he telling me this?
Or does he wants me and Craig to be in a relationsh!por what.. Oh no.. If only I could tell him I like him not Craig
“well I don’t think we’re good for each other, Craig’s a great guy and doesn’t nee-d a girl like me” I said and smiled
“aww come-on don’t say it like that, you two are made for each other” he whined
No, we’re made for each other Alex, I wanted to say it but I can’t, I cant believe he’s indirectly telling me to d@t£ his best friend, I wish he was indirectly telling me to d@t£ him, I won’t have a problem with that.. But Craig, Craig’s cute though with his thick eyebrows sparkly eyes and babyl-ips, but no we’re not made for each other.. I don’t even know who’s made for me but all that matters is I love Alex .
“well I know it will hurt his feelings but I don’t really like him the way he does for me” I say and his eyebrows arched..
“oh” he breathed out and I nod
“can I go now” I asked as if he was my mom.. “oh yeah” he nodded ra-pidly and I walked away, for the first time in eight days I didn’t want to be around Alex, today is too crazy, first Zic used me as his puppet, now Alex telling me the things I don’t have to hear, why didn’t Craig tell me this himself, all guys are pathetic….
I head back to the building and to our room, jasmine was taking a nap, and was the only one inside..
I jumped on my be-d and sighed heavily.. “hey” Jasmine called I guess I was wrong she is awake
“hi” I stared at the ceiling
We both stayed quiet for a while before I said
“Jasmine, have you ever been in love before”
“not really” she replied
“why asking, have you? ” she added
“maybe” I said, she quic-kly sat down straight and stared at me
“really? Who is it” she asked
“Alex” I replied, she scoffed and seethe
“who doesn’t like Alex, everyone loves Alex,”
“yeah”.i breathe..
“do you want think you love him or have a crush on him” Jasmine asked
“I don’t really know, I just like him for him but I want him close to me but not with me” I explain my feelings
“that means you have a crush on him, there’s a difference between loving someone and having a crush on someone, love lasts forever but crushes they just fade one day, there’s something Alex can do that, the crush you have for him might just disappear, so don’t think too much, when you love someone, you prefer to be with only the person, and no one else, so you definitely don’t love Alex” she explained and I quic-kly sit up straight..
“wow, you know a lot about love, what are you some love expert or something” I tease and she laughed and then shrugged
“well anyway thanks for the advice” I said and mean it
“well it’s nothing don’t follow your crushes but your heart” she laughed
“whatever, but don’t tell Brianna and Liliana about all this” I say and she nods and said “I don’t k!ssand tell” immediately she said that the door flung open,
“you don’t k!ssand tel” Brianna repeated,
“wait.. We’re you two k!ss!ngor something” Liliana said
“no.. What!!. no way” I said and jumped up from my be-d startled by the question..
“yes.. Yes we were” Jasmine said and Brianna g@sped.. And so did i…
Jasmine bur-st into laughter holding her stomach, “I was joking I was seriously joking we weren’t k!ssing, oh Frankie you should have seen your face” she said still laughing..
“you’re crazy” I roared and threw a pillow at her, “okay you know what you girls just keep the craziness to yourself” Brianna said..
Suddenly we heard the whistle which means lunch time..
“about time” Liliana said and we all hurried downstairs, the table was alre-ady set and some students were alre-ady seated.. As the four of us sp©tted a sit at the end of the table, Liliana friends, quic-kly drag her. “come sit with us lily” one with blond hair say
“oh, Vera no actually it’s okay” Liliana said
“why, but this sit was meant for you” another one said with short black hair
“wow, really I wish I could sit down there but I have to explain something to them which is very difficult to un-derstand” Liliana lied
“I don’t get why you hang out with them, ” another one with long black hair say they’re actually three..
“I don’t really hang out with them” she lied again
“okay but make sure you come to our dorm room tonight to make up for our friendsh!p” the one with short black hair said “okay no problem Naomi” Liliana said and started to walk away and we followed her and finally sat down, on the four chair we sp©tted, Liliana breathed in and then out before Brianna said
“so are you going to sit there or tell us why you lied to your friends”
“well it was worth it, they actually bought my lie” Liliana said proudly titling her head left and right.
“still don’t get you” Brianna said
“my friends, I’ve been wanting to break my friendsh!pwith them ever since the first day in camp,” Liliana said
“why? ” I added and she turned to me
“see the one with blond hair, that’s Vera the one with long black hair is Jane and the one with short hair is Naomi, ” Liliana paused then continued,
“anyway, they want me to be more like them but hell no”
“what do they do” Jasmine asked
“they? I find out they have S-x, with like different guys everyday they first started in school but I didn’t know they didn’t, I decided to wait for them one time after school but they didn’t know I was waiting I went to rest room and when I c@m£ back to clas-s, they were all n-ked right before my eyes with three douchebag on each of their b©dy.. The sight was disturbing too much and they didn’t care to st©p while seeing me since S-x is the one thing megal academy value so much” Liliana said with disgust in her voice
“wow that school is fv¢ked up” Brianna laughed and I hit her pla-yfully on the arm
“they even have S-x here in camp and they want me to do it with them but no way” Lily huffed and myl-ips curved
“wow” Jasmine breathed out
“I’ve been trying to back away from them, you guys are great that’s why I hang out with you guys, like you said Anna that school is fv¢ked up, the reason they invite me to their dorm tonight is because of the X word but lord knows I’m not going” she said fiercely and we all laughed..
T. B. C
. :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::
**Frankie’s pov continues**
Lunch was served and it was spaghetti and meatba-lls I had to give all my meatba-lls to Lily and still I enjoyed my meal we sat down far away from the ABC and especially Zic who now hang out with them ma-king them ABC-Z clas-sic.but stupid Zic ..
Finally lunch was over and we all went back to our dorms and before we know it the day ended with us ma-king another hvge camp fire and having dinner around it, Brianna mom called and they talked which I didnt know what they talked about..
We all head back to our room that night, and started to talk and Jennifer started acting nice to us except Freya..
The next morning we all woke up one by one and took our bath before putting on clothes we all had breakfast in be-d which was great, and which was also tea and bre-ad, Mrs Ciara whistle was b!own and before we you know it an as-sembly was made ..
“okay everyone since camping activities have been canceled for today also, you guys are studying don’t think you all c@m£ here for just food and fun, ” Mrs Lisa said and everyone gro-an ed..
“you will sit here un-der this beautiful morning sun and study don’t take it as a punishment but as helping” Mrs Ciara added with a grin..
un-der the sun
This day can never get worse
Okay there’s a but
“it’s either you fetch fire woods for more camp fire or study, ” Mrs Ciara said and murmurings started.
“so students studying go back to your room and take out your books and back down here” Mrs ciara said
“so I go for studying” I tell my “”friends”” “me too” Brianna and Jasmine said the same time
“but I want to go Firewood picking” Liliana pouts
“well you bad” Briana said and Liliana rolled her eyes..
“anyway ” Liliana shrugged
Minutes later we were down stairs with our heavy text books chewing our pen and sitting on the lunch table, they were few people who went for studying and most of them were from our school, Maurice was among and when he saw me he waved and walked up to us
“hey girls” he said to us and Liliana nearly swallowed her ton-gue while swallowing her saliva she quic-kly gulped down the bottle of water beside her, she is so in love I can’t help but smile
“so I can join you girls right” he asked
“just give us fifty bucks each and you’re good to go” brianna said and Liliana sh0t her a glare
“yes” I said and he took a sit beside Liliana, jasmine and I were sitting on the table so I was very close to him to, let me just say he was sitting between me and Liliana “so what are you studying” he ask me
“oh, biology , you? ” I said
“math, biology right what t©pic maybe I can help” he said
“nervous co-ordination” I smile and glance at Lily who seems like she’ll explode any minutes..
“okay can you define coordination” he said
Oh brother..
“yeah” I reply
“okay now define it” he said
“why” I poured
“I’m just trying to help but you can’t If don’t want to” he said and faced his book and and rolled my eyes and started
“it’s define as the process by which different p@rts of an organism work together for proper effectiveness.”
He quic-kly looked up and his smile beams “br@vo” he said and I shrugged
Liliana looked at me with a smiling face and mouthed “show off” to me.
“okay what are the two communication systems that bring about this coordination” he asked
“they’re the the endocrine system and the nervous system” I say proudly ..
“Frankie” I hear my name with a very familiar voice..
I slowly looked up and my brother David was standing there looking great as ever with his blond hair gelled back he looks cool and handsome unlike me
“David??!!” I call and jump down from the table and ran to hvg him..
Brianna Liliana, jasmine, and Maurice were all staring at me
“wow I can’t believe you’re here”i said
“well you can’t believe what you can’t see” he said and laughed and so did i
I hvgged him one more time and he smells like home
“so how’s mom” i asked after dis£ngaging from the hvg
“mom’s okay you know how she is, she’s been slee-ping in your room she misses you so much” David said and I rolled my eyes
“gosh” I breathed out
“she wanted to come but I had to f0rç£ her not to unless she’ll end up dragging you home” he said and smiled
“anyway what are you doing” he asked
“I’m studying with my friends” I said
“is that your b©yfri£nd” he said referring to Maurice
“what? no” I said and drag him to my “”friends””
“hey guys this is my older brother David, David this are my friends, Liliana Brianna Jasmine and.. Maurice” I say and he waved and gave them a small smile
“wow!! you are cute” Brianna said before she could st©p her self and she grinned creepily
And my brother laughed
“so let’s go inside” I said to him and he nods
“I’ll be back” I tell my “”friends””
David and I were seated on my be-d talking, when he di-pped his hand from his jacket pocket and brou-ght out a flat small box
“what’s this” I asked
“a pres£nt from mom” he said and I gro-an ed
“don’t gr0@nit’s nice and I’m with mom in this” he added
“what’s this” I asked
“Contacts” he grins
“you’ve got to be kidding me” I say and he smiled
“come-on just wear it now” he said
“I don’t want to” I yanked
“plea-se do it for me too” he said and I sighed and took off my glas-ses he opened the box and brou-ght out the contacts “open up” he tells me and my eyes flew wi-de open and I breathed in and out .. And he carefully place the contact lens in my eyes and I blinked ra-pidly welcoming the pinching pain before it finally st©pped.. “there you go” he said and gr@bb£d my glas-ses
“this is evidence for mom” he said and stood up
“you’re leaving now” I ask
“not yet I have to see Mrs Ciara your teacher for something” he said
“she’s not my teacher but okay I’ll esc-rt you downstairs”
He smiled at my kind gesture and we walked to Mrs Ciara’s office, he told me to go back to the room that he’ll meet me there and on my way I ran into Liliana and Brianna
“gosh girl” you didn’t tell me you had a cute brother” Brianna
“you’re pathetic” I said to her
“did you even see the way jas was drooling at him” Liliana laughed
“are you sure he’s your brother you guys don’t have that sibling face”
Liliana said and I rolled my eyes..
We got to the door of our room and I turned the door knob and opened the door and I almost fainted when I saw Freya and Alex k!ssing..
T. B. C