Step brothers are bad episode 25 – 28

(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰 )

EPISODE 25 ☘️☘️
[ Ice Cream Shop ]

” Why do you keep on smiling?? ” Dylan asked as they walked into the shop

” You think am not supposed to smile?? ” Dream frowned

” Am just asking for the reason ” Dylan said
” Well,,,I think it’s because of what happened in the morning ” Dream win-ked

” Oh,,I haven’t done a rethink yet ” Dylan chuckled

They both got the ice cream and then walked out

” So,,what are we now?? Shouldn’t we make it official?? ” Dream asked and Dylan gro-an ed
” Dream you should calm down ” Dylan said

” I can’t,, I really can’t, am so excited about it Dylan. I can’t st©p thinking about it,, I can’t calm down really ” She replied
” Fine, let’s make it official. Am your b©yfri£nd,, you’re my,,,”

” Only girlfriend ” Dream interrupted with a scoff
” By only you mean?” Dylan raised a questioning brow

” Chloe,,okay??” She snapped
” Oh,,,not like we are d@t!ngtho,” Dylan said

” But she keep on flir-ting, gosh I hate that girl ” Dream gro-an ed

” Don’t worry about her,,she’s nothing to me.” Dylan chuckled
” She better not be ” She snapped

” Gosh, you’re just a jealous cutie ” Dylan cu-mpped her cheek with his hand

” That will make me ugly Dylan ” She said with f0rç£
The sight was so funny that Dylan laughed out but doesn’t re-lease her face

” Take that hand away before my ice cream melt ” She said
Dylan smiled and placed hisl-ips on hers,,she didn’t respond to the k!ss. Just watching him in awe,,how can she suddenly fall in love with a guy?

She have never thought of this,, never,,not even after what happened to her. But he changed everything,,,

” Dylan!!!” A voice shouted from the back and they dis£ngaged only to find Chloe behind them almost in tears
(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰 )


” Chloe? ” Dylan called
” How could you!! She was the reason why you’ve been ignoring me?? You’re so shameless to do this with your sister!!” She yelled in tears

” Well am,” Dream wanted to talk but Dylan st©pped her

” I took your pictures, am showing this to everyone in school,I think that’s enough ” She let out a fake smile before walking away

” Dylan,you should st©p her. She’s going to do it, ” Dream said

” Are you my sister?” Dylan asked and she shook her head
” But everyone believe we are siblings,”

” Then we will tell them we are not,she shouldn’t spoil our mood okay??” Dylan said

She nodded and then smiled.

(Minutes Later)

A call suddenly c@m£ on Dylan’s phone,,

” Okay why is Axel calling?? ” He scoffed before taking it

📞 What is it Axel

📞 You didn’t forget the p@rty tonight right??
Axel asked
Dylan turned to Dream and sighed

📞 Am sorry buddy,I won’t be there

📞 Really? When do you ever miss p@rties?? Trust me ,some h0t chicks will be there,

📞 Still not interested, will see you in school

Dylan hanged up and faced Dream

” So,you won’t be attending the p@rty?? ” Dream asked

” No I won’t ” He replied

” Good for you,h0t chicks will be there ” She said with a scoff
” Don’t tell me you’re jealous? ” Dylan asked

” And why will I be??”
” Don’t worry, am not going to be afu-cker anymore ” Dylan smiled

” Then good for you” She snapped but was smiling inwardly
” You should be happy about that ” Dylan said

” Now am not,will you go to the p@rty?? ” she asked

” No I won’t ” He replied and she smiled
” I think we should go home, am tired ” Dream said

” Tired? Did you do something?? ”
” Don’t question me Dylan, let’s go ”

” You know am older right?? Give me some respect ” Dylan tea-sed
” You’re just one year older and you’re shouting, I know people who are three years older than me,the they doesn’t act this way ” Dream rolled her eyes

” Your eyes will definitely fall off one day Dream,trust me ” Dylan said

” And I will pick it up again ” She rolled her eyes
” I’ll take a step on it,” Dylan said laughing out

” Fine ” She frowned and entered the car
” Okay am sorry,” Dylan said re-ady to drive

” Not now “she snapped
” Am sorry eye roller ” Dylan chuckled
” Is that a compliment?? ”

” Okay am sorry, ” He said.

” You’re still smiling ” Dream said
” Ok I st©pped smiling alre-ady” He said and zoomed off

(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰 )


“Dad really amazed me,,” Dream said as they all settled down for dinner

“I think he planned it with mom” Dylan said and Emma cleared her throat

“He didn’t tell me anything about that, but I think it’s the best thing to do” Emma said

“Well I got you guys something“ she added

“What is it?“ Dylan and Dream asked simultaneously

“Since you two are engaged,,you don’t even have a ring,so I got it” she smiled

“What? Is that necessary?” Dylan asked

“Of course it is,,it’s here. You two can throw it away if you want” Emma said and went upstairs

“They really mean business” Dream sighed

“We don’t have a choice” Dylan smiled and took the ring case

He opened it and a g@sp escape Dream’s mouth

“Why am I feeling like I should be the one to get this for us?” Dylan asked facing Dream directly and she blu-shed

“It doesn’t matter” She said and he nodded

“So,,I think I’ve watch enough movie to be perfect” Dylan chuckled and got up

“What,,are you doing?” Dream asked immediately Dylan went on his kneels

“Am doing it the right way” he replied

“Just get up,I don’t think we nee-d to do this,” Dream said

“You’re scared? Okay,let’s go to my room” Dylan said

Before she could object, he was alre-ady dragging her upstairs.

They both entered the room,

“So,,Dream,am I suppose to ask you this?? Just marry me alre-ady” He said with a childish pout

“Of course,” Dream said and rolled her eyes

“Don’t start” Dylan said with a chuckle

He inser-ted the ring into her f!nger and she did The same

“I think we are crazy” Dream suddenly said and they laughed

“It’s our parents fault not ours,” Dylan said

They both fell on the be-d,silence took over but then Dylan broke the silence.

“I will be leaving soon Dream ” He said and Dream felt a spark in her heart

“Leaving? to where?” she asked

“Europe” Dylan replied

“You,pas-sed the exam?” she asked and he nodded

“Congrats, I nee-d to do something,” she said getting up trying to control her tears.

Dylan immediately held her hand,

“you don’t have to do that Dream

“How do you expect me to leave without you” she yelled finally tearing up

“I’m, sorry” Dylan sighed and pu-ll-ed her into a hvg

“When are you going?” She asked breathlessly

“Next Week, I should have told you earlier but,I couldn’t bring myself to say it out” He said

“You’re so annoying, don’t call me back” She snapped and walked out of the room

“ Geez,,” Dylan sighed sadly.

(🥰 Until I Met You 🥰 )


Emma walked into Dream’s and met her in tears,, she immediately sat down on her be-d

“ Baby,,what happened?? ” She asked

“ you didn’t tell me he’s leaving,,” Dream said as tears rolled down her eyes

“ You don’t have to feel bad,,he will be back,,, ”

“ I can’t wait,,,,I can’t stay here without him ” Dream said

“ Baby,,,,, you have to endure ,,”

“ No mom,,” she snapped and la-id on the be-d

Emma sighed and left the room,,Dylan c@m£ in almost immediately.

“ Hey Dream,are you okay?? ”

“ Just leave me alone ” she said

“ I am sorry Dream,,you’re ma-king me feel like I shouldn’t have said anything to you,,I just don’t wanna leave all of a sudden,,I knew you were going to feel sad,that was why I didn’t tell you after I saw the result,am so sorry,plea-se” Dylan said and t©uçhed her

“ I don’t think I can do this,, can’t we just,,go together ?? ” She asked

“ I don’t know Dream,,I don’t know if Dad will allow that,, ”

“ Why won’t he allow that?? ” She immediately got up

“ You have to face your studies,,,”

“ I can continue there,,, ”

“ You’re unbelievable Dream ” He chuckled

“ I just,,feel empty. I hate missing someone I love,, ” Dream said

“ Am sorry ”

“ Let’s skip school tomorrow,,, I have a surprise for you ” Dream said

“ Skip school?? We can’t do that,, ” Dylan said

“ Our parents would have left right?? Can’t believe you’re scared,,such a novice ” She scoffed

“ Who said am scared?? Am not ,,am just being careful ” Dylan said

“ Not like we are going to be roaming around,, we will stay at home ” She win-ked

“ What are you up to? I don’t trust you ” Dylan tea-sed

“ Trust me this once ” She smiled

“ Fine I will,,” Dylan said


“ Chloe!! What the hell is wrong with you!! You’ve been crying ever since you got back from school! ” Her mother yelled

“ He ,,doesn’t even like me ” she said breaking into more tears

“ Who?? ”

“ I don’t want to talk about it,,I will get over him ” she said wiping her tears

“ You should better get over the unknown,,, I hate tears in my house ” her mother yelled before going out

Chloe got up and walled into the bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror

Her hair look so messy,her eyes so red and herl-ips looking plump. She sighed and started taking off her clothes,,

After taking a cold bath, she left the bathroom and put on some simple outfit. The memory of what happened in school was fresh in her head