Stella’s dairy Finale

(The Girl I Am 💖)🎶
Final 🌸🌼❣️🍓🎵🎶🎶🎵
Written By 🖋️🖋️🖋️
Damilola Faleke M 📚📚📚
Chapter 49
🍀Mrs Joan’s pov continues 🍀
“Yh it’s me Joan, surprised?” He said inhib!tt!g the anger in me little by little.
“Are you kidding me, what are you doing here? Why am I even asking you that, just leave, now!” I yelled at him..
” Look Joan, I know you’re mad at me, but lets put that aside for now, those are my foes, and I know I’m wrong. But let’s talk business now” he said
” Fine, go straight to the point and st©p beating around the bush” I replied furiously.
” Okay,don’t be mad. I’m here for my son Jeremy”
” Business?” I asked and he nodded
” What business do I even have with you?” I added.
“I’m here for my son, Jeremy” he said and I couldn’t help but bur-st into laughter.
” After you abandoned me 21 years ago with a two week pregnancy, you claim to say Jeremy is your son. You have no idea, I may have ab-orted your child, and this is another man’s child” I said and he chuckled.
Honestly he was still good looking, the looks which landed me into trouble. I guess that’s where Jeremy got his own looks from.
“Look Joan, don’t pl@ygames with me. I’m ascertained that Jeremy is my son, so clamp down” he said
” It seems you didn’t know what you did, you abandoned me two days after I told you I was pregnant, which only shows you hated the child in me and also me” I replied
” Joan plea-se sit I have something to tell you, and there’s no way you would un-derstand me of you don’t settle down and listen” I said
” Okay I am listening” I said reluctantly sitting on the couch beside me which he joined me in
“I know I was a coward who ran away from his life responsibilities, when I knew clearly it was going to affect you. It wasn’t my fault Joan,it was all my father’s” he said
” What the hell are you even saying, tell me what your father has to do with this, it was your own decision, not your father’s.” I replied
” I know. But I did it for you, you knew how deadly my dad was. He actually found out you were carrying my baby, and due to his level in the states, he didn’t want to tarnish his image, so he threatened to kill you” he said
” You’re really good at telling stories Greg, you deserve an award for building up a lie as this to make it seem true” I replied sarcastically.
” I swear Joan, everything I’m saying is nothing but the truth, I swear on my mother’s grave” he said
” I was a coward running, but I did it for you, my dad threat was high, he also threatened to kill your grandmother may her soul rest in peace, but o didn’t want that to happen cause I know how much you loved her since she was your only family” he explained
” Your dad?” I asked confused.
” Yes. He knew I wasn’t gonna let you be, so he transferred me to Mexico to my uncle, when he discovered I was ma-king a plan to elope with you, I never wanted to leave you cause I was re-ady to be a father to our baby” he said and by then I was alre-ady in tears.
“Joan plea-se try your best not to get angry with me, I’m here to make it up to you” he said
” But why are you just coming after Jeremy clocked 20, do you think he’s ever gonna accept you as his father? He alre-ady hate you when he heard all I went throu-gh” I said and I could see his countenance changing.
” I know, and that’s my greatest fear, Jeremy not accepting me” he replied.
” And now we are not even on talking terms” I said in tears. He asked why and I explained in details to him.
” It’s not your fault but mine Joan, leaving you with all the responsibilities, it really weighed you down and I’d make sure everything get back to normal, I’m here now” he replied
” I believe you Greg” I said still in tears and he made me lean on his shoulder
“I’m glad you still do. And the truth is that I never st©pped loving you , and that was why I never settled down for a family, cause in my heart, you two were my family. My heart Never left you, I’ve been watching you guys from Mexico, your in and out, even knowing Jeremy’s love for music, I wasn’t surprised when he was called out for a Grammy, he really made you proud” he said
” I’m sorry for judging you so quic-k” I said
” No, it’s my fault, and thank you for keeping the baby, and giving him the name we both promised to give our male child if we eventually ended up with each other” he replied and I smiled.
” There’s something bothering me again” I explained
” What’s that?” He asked
” I was mean to a young girl, I said a lot of mean words to her, forgetting I was once in her shoes, I even expelled her out of the school. And it seems Jeremy likes her.” I explained
” Oh! You explained. Was that the reason he left the house?” He asked
“One of the reasons” I replied
” Don’t worry I’m here now everything is gonna be fine” he said and I embr@ced him in a de-ep hvg
” Thank you” I replied
” No nee-d to thank me, I’m here for you” he said.
🍏 Stella’s pov 🍎
I rushed out to hvg Jeremy knowing he was around.
“Are you okay Stella, aren’t you happy about it?” He asked noticing my countenance after we dis£ngaged from the hvg.
“I am, it’s my dad” I replied
“Your dad?” He asked looking confused
“Yes he texted me, not even up to five minutes after I was announced on the TV, saying he wants to see me” I said
” Wow, that’s de-ep. Look swii, don’t let that get into you, we should celebr@te this” he said
” Yes!” I exclaimed happily jumping up to give him a hvg, he caught me turning me around.
“Jeez, I would have pas-sed out” I exclaimed chuckling after he dropped me down , I was dizzy but it was all fun.
“Common let’s go in” he said
“Yh no one is in” I said
“Wow, finally privacy” he replied… ma-king me bur-st into laughter. Just as we were walking in, we heard an arrogant ban-g on the door attached to the gate.
“Jeez! Who the hell is that?” I asked but the ban-g continued non-st©p.
” I’ll go get it” I said after I and Jeremy exchange a glance.
“No I’ll, don’t trust who’s there” he said pu-lling me back and rushing to the gate, I followed behind him cause I really didn’t want anything bad to happen to him.
We opened it only to discover it was Alexa. Holy sh!t!
” Why are you here Alexa” Jeremy asked
“I’m not yet for you Jeremy, I’m here for the bi*ch who stole you away from me” she said
” I guess you’re in a wrong place cause there’s no bi*ch here, and clearly I don’t belong to you for someone to think of stealing me” Jeremy me said and I was at the verge of laughter, she just stared murderously at me.
“Jeremy, plea-se you’re un-der a spell, this girl has you in her hands” she said
” Definitely not, if love is a spell, then I’m genuinely un-der a spell by her” he said and I chuckled. And before I knew it she was rushing to me but Jeremy was quic-k to hold her.
“And think you should leave now” Jeremy said
“No Jeremy I’m here to put her in place, she’s dealing with the wrong person” she said and Jeremy brou-ght out his phone.
” I’m telling you Alexa leave now. I’ve told you ever since we were in junior high, I can’t have anything doing with you” he said.
” Jeremy, plea-se, I’ll die without you, you don’t un-derstand how I’m feeling inside” she said crying
” I don’t give a damn. You got a lot of bad behavior which you nee-d to care for, then maybe you’ll find a guy. Maybe if you didn’t plan to poison Stella, maybe if you didn’t lie to her and subjected her to trauma. Maybe when you learn to do things legally and walk with fate, and accepting those who truly love you, then you’ll love yourself and realize I have nothing good to offer you in love” he said
” I don’t care if you don’t feel anything for me Jeremy, all I want is you by my side ” she said
” I’m afraid things don’t work like that Alexa, sorry you may leave now.” He said
” You Stella, know I’m not done with you yet, you won’t go Free” she said
” If anything happens her, then you won’t be a free lady. I have your threat recorded in here” he said raising his phone replying the p@rt she threatened and it was true.
“So now humble yourself and leave” he said and she stared at Jeremy then me, continuously before finally leaving in defeat.
“Thanks Jeremy” I replied
“Anything for you Stelly” he said pe-cking myl-ips and then my forehead
” Don’t call me that” I said pouting
“I have to” he said laughing
” Common let’s go in
🎶 The D-Day🎶
It’s Grammy award ceremony today. The day almost everyone around the world has been waiting for. Jeremy is so excited about this day, and I’ve sworn with everything in me not to disappoint him on our performance. We’ve been practicing a lot and I hope it’s going to yield a big result.
It was a large hall, with a lot of expensive interior designs. Jason had enough money to buy tickets for mum and him. Well I alre-ady have an automatic entrance being a nominee.
It’s been cool practicing, especially if it’s someone you love, things won’t hesitate to go smoothly for you in all dimensions. Even when you have a heavy load on your mind. He hasn’t sized bothering us about having Mercy on him. Surprisingly, my mum, is ho should be the one mostly mad at him was the one actually pleading in his behalf, that’s it’s all by-gone.
Well what I heard is that his wife left him after squee-zing him dry without leaving a penny, serves him right. Funnily enough, the children he had with her were never his, he was only uses, and I can’t just help but laugh, it really serves him right. He deserves to witness worst than that.
It was a great ceremony, you could see popular musicians and actors all over the world, some I never thought I would actually meet, Jeremy wasn’t surprised, as a matter of fact, he and Miss Natalie helped introduced I and Olivia to popular artiste, and some surprisingly praised Olivia and I, telling us they’ve watched our audition on the TV, and appreciated how great we sang. They even invited us to a life concert coming up after the Grammy award ceremony.
“Are you re-ady for this” Jeremy asked me, we wer behind the curtain waiting to be called up on stage for our pres£ntation..
I don’t know why they made us the last to pres£nt, it seems quite discouraging.
“I am” I replied nervously and Jeremy moved closer to hold my hands, just remember Stella, that I’m right beside you, whatever happens, we are in it together okay?” He said and I nodded and he moved to k!ssmyl-ips. Then we focused on the TV showing us what was happening in front of the curtains.
It was a great performance by a lot of people and I must admit the performance were so incredible, it was so ha-rd to think we could stand anywhere beside them.
“Now, we’ve had a lot of fun moment listening to our Stars, and I must admit it was so so fantastic, so we would close the pres£ntation ceremony with a large pres£ntation from Jeremy Jonas.” The host said and the crowd went crazy with cheering, I’m sure it because of Jeremy but I felt quite encouraged. Surprisingly they were cheering not only the name of Jeremy, but also mine, I couldn’t help but smile. I could see Olivia giving me a thumbs up right beside miss Natalie, they were at the front row so it was quite easy to sight them.
We finished pres£nting, and I couldn’t hear anything again but cheering, even the judges stood up to cheer us up. It was something I never expected to happen.
“Wow, that’s a great one” the host said
“I told you Stelly, I did greater than I’ve ever done with you by my side, it wasn’t expected we could perform this way.
“Wow, I believe you now, I should have from the begging.” I replied happily.
” We don’t normally do this, but the continuous pleading and the ranking of that individual couldn’t make me say no, now Mr Greg and Mrs Joan, the stage is all yours” the host said and I could notice Jeremy’s countenance change. Who are those, could Mrs Joan be his own mum coming up to the stage?
We waited for them to arrive on stage and surprisingly it was Jeremy’s mum, and a man, not that old probably at Mrs Joan’s age group, he was also good looking, I must admit he actually had the looks of Jeremy. And I was really suspecting something big was about to pop up.
The mic was handed over to Mr Greg beside Jeremy’s mum
“I’m here today, only for one reason, which is to get the forgiveness of my son, Jeremy Jonas and his mother Joan” the man said then paused leaving every one in shock including me, is he Jeremy’s father??
I glanced and Jeremy and one could tell that the look he had on his face was that of confusion
“Yh, Jeremy wherever you are, I know you’re hearing me and probably seeing me, I just want you to know that I’m your biological father. The story your mum told you about her being pregnant and abandoned by me was true,but there’s more to it. I never for once had it in mind to abandon you, and like I told your mum, that’s why I never settled down to have a family, because de-ep in my heart I know I had the both of you, you and your mum, my eyes never left you for once. I would tell you the detail story when we are off the stage. I also know you’re not in good terms with your mum for some reason, it’s all my fault, for not being there always, forgive her, plea-se. And now Jeremy,I plead for my own forgiveness specially, I’m really sorry. I know now you’ve probably vowed and hated me before even seeing me, but I’ll like to say behind every story, there’s a story ” Greg concluded.
I looked at Jeremy and noticed he had tears in his eyes, jeez! This is the first time I’m seeing him this way.
“Jeremy, are you okay?” I asked and he looked at me and nodded
“plea-se come with me Stella” he said
“To where?” I asked
” There’s no nee-d for that, I’ll be right back , stay right here” he said rushing out immediately, I was really scared because one couldn’t really tell what’s on his mind. So I followed behind him to be ascertained he was safe, and surprisingly he was, cause the next place I saw him on was on the stage. So I paused discovering there was no nee-d to follow him, it was now a family stuff.
I was still standing watching what was happening on stage when I felt someone tapped me from behind. I looked behind and noticed it was Jason, my mum and surprisingly my dad! To t©p it up, they were all standing together, like one happy family. And it was clear that they’ve reconciled. I have no idea but I knew we were going to reconcile sooner or later. So I just rushed to give them a family hvg and it was so so emotional. I used that opportunity to stare at what was happening on stage and discovered that Jeremy had alre-ady reconciled with his parents and the crowd went all crazy with cheers.
“I’m sorry Stella, I would have borrowed the stage like they did for their child, but we are in a quite unequal planet, plea-se Stella forgive me, I know I’ve been cruel, wicked, heartless and any other bad word you could use to quantify me, still, I crave to have my real family back. I was a monster, especially to you Karen, I knew you running away was justified, but I did my best to convince Jason and Stella to hate you but I’m glad it never worked, I’m really sorry for everything, to you Jason, I’m really sorry for abandoning you and Stella leaving the whole responsibilities to you. I hope you forgive me.” My dad said emotionally I knew it was genuine.
” We’ve forgiven you alre-ady dad, right? Stella” Jason said
” Right” I replied smiling
” And I’m sure mum too won’t hesitate to do so, because she was the one convincing us to forgive you from the beginning of it all, so, I think it’s all over alre-ady” Jason said
” Yes, I’m proud of you two” mum said
” Congratulations kiddo, I never knew your chicken voice could have transformed miraculously” Jeremy said tea-singly.
“St©p it Jay, you have the voice of an angel sweetie and every one here could testify to that” mum said and I moved to hvg her.
” Thanks mum, I love you so so much” I said
“What about me?” dad asked and we all chuckled while I moved to hvg him
“I love you too Dad” I replied happily.
“Enough of this girly moment, I think there’s someone you guys have to meet” Jason said and then signal to someone to approach us. I couldn’t see exactly who it was, but I could figure it was a young beautiful lady with a model figure
Jeez!! It’s Amaya, permit me to use this word, she looked h0t! Wow, I guess this modelling suit her more than music.
Surprisingly she walked to Jason stood beside Jason who held her on her w@!st, and then she waved and smiled at me.
“What’s going on here?” I asked confused
“As you can see, miss Amaya here is now my girlfriend” he said and mum g@sped happily
” Come here sweetie, I’m so happy for you two” mum signaled Amaya who walked to mum immediately both embr@cing each other in a hvg. I couldn’t be left out of this happy moments so I joined in the hvg. I know something was going to happen considering the way they kept exchanging glance in the first dinner we had together.
“Happy for you son” dad said.
“Thanks Dad” Jason replied
“Wow, this is so fantastic, I’m so so excited, how did it happen?” I asked happily
” Well, don’t think it was throu-gh your dinner p@rty, we met in a conference meeting with the company I worked for, although I never knew she was repres£nting her dad. Seeing a beautiful young lady like her, I wasted no time in asking her out, and that’s how it began” he explained
” Jeez! And you both acted like nothing was going on, wow. I’m really happy” I said rushing to hvg Amaya
” Thanks a lot Stella, you had a great performance out there and I’m so happy you reconciled with your family, and for Jeremy too, you really brou-ght a lot of good stuff to his life” she said and I just gave her a smile.
We spent some some cute time Bonding with each other, it was fantastic. I didn’t bother to look for Jeremy cause I knew he would be having a time he has never had in his life like I just did now.
“Hey babe” I heard Jeremy’s voice from behind me. I was sitting with Olivia and Jace watching other activities going on.
“I guess we would have to excuse you guys for now” Olivia said wi-nking.
” Yes”Jace said sm-irking
Awww they suit each other so much always ma-king things funny, I guess Olivia wasn’t that ha-rd for no reason, it was all because of Jace, and gladly it was all settled now.
” I thought you were never gonna look for me” I replied pouting
“Hell no, you un-derstand” I said
“I’m so happy for you Jeremy” I said
“And I’m so happy for you too, I know you’ve also reconciled with your parents, Jason told me forehand that it was going to be a surprise for you.” He said
” Wow! ” I exclaimed.
” So how do you feel about it” I asked
“To be sincere Stella, I don’t un-derstand, everything just seems new to me, and I must admit I love it that way, seeing my mum having that genuine smile on her face, accepting you in my life, is just so wonderful. Seeing my Dad, Even though I vowed not to have anything to do with him if I ever knew him. I guess blood is thicker than water” he said
” Yes that’s so true. And you look so much like your dad” I added.
“That’s true ” he said smiling and we decided to pay attention to the host.
“This year Grammy really seemed like the most eventful we’ve had in years. And I know everyone love stuffs like this, and with this I’ll show comes to an end. It’s now time to award the winner of this ceremony” the host said and every one cheered happily.
“I want every one to know that this show is purely by vote, and the voting was closed yesterday, so our winners has been awarded yesterday, but would he announced today, but first would like to give some award, to all our nominated singers” the host said and then a lot of people were being awarded, even Jeremy.
“Now is the time everyone has been waiting for. And I must appreciate all Grammy officials for giving me the privilege to announce the winner of this show” the host said and paused putting the whole crowd in suspense.
” The winner of the Grammy award for this whole world for this year, goes to, goes to… Goes to no one else than Jeremy Jonas”the host announced and the crowd went crazy in happiness almost every one was on their feet cheering, I quic-kly rushed to Jeremy to give him a quic-k hvg before he walked to the stage, every one was cheering and he immediately he arrived the stage, a golden buzzer was re-leased and the crowd went crazier, I stood up happier cheering like I was going to run mad.
“Thank you everyone” Jeremy said after being handed the mic.
” I’m not really one for may words, but I’ll like to say a big thank you, to everyone out there, who stood by me and voted me in to win this show, and all those that love my music, I promise never to let you down” he said and the crowd went crazy cheering.
“Finally I’ll like to say a big thank you to my parents, sorry dad my mum especially, for everything, she has been the best, and she pushed me to where I am today although against my will, but it worth it. And to someone special in my life Stella John, plea-se I’ll like you to come up stage” he said surprising me and surprisingly the crowd were alre-ady cheering my name and I couldn’t help but go out immediately.
As Soon as I got to the stage, the host whispered something to Jeremy’s ear who nodded and handed the mic to the host.
“Well as each Grammy nominated singers pres£nted with their own singers, the officials couldn’t help but notice the special talent this young individual had, and now they arranged to give her this award. Miss Stella John, congratulations, you’ve been awarded as the most pas-sionate singer in this show” the host said and I almost went crazy in excitement even the crowd, it was a little glas-s template with a t©uçh of gold on it.
“I’m happy for you Stelly” Jeremy whispered
“You too” I replied happily.
” Well I called you up stage for this. ” Jeremy said going on one knee then everywhere went silent, only sounds of the music they’ve been pla-ying in the background.
“I’ve been searching for the best time to tell you this, I guess it’s now. Considering how much I’ve discovered I can’t live without you Stelly, and how much you made me a new person. I never expected I’ll fall for you, and now that I have, I’ll like to have you by my side forever, Stella, be my girlfriend” he said and I g@sped.
” Yes” I said happily accepting. And he wore me the br@celet he had with him it had the inscription Jerella on it, I guess it means our name put together.
Immediately he was done he hvgged me and k!$$£d me on myl-ips forgetting we were in public till I signaled him.
“I love you Stelly” he said and every one cheered happily I could see my mum smiling from a corner. Surprisingly Jeremy’s mum, she was even given me a thumbs up since she was at the front row.
I feel more than fulfilled, infact fulfilled is an un-derstatement of how I feel now.
Look at me, once upon a time, I was a Stella without a destination.
Once upon a time, I was just a regular book keeper in a libr@ry. I was a girl who only had a dream but had no choice of how it was going to be brou-ght to past.
I was a girl who was laughed at and mocked because of my background. I was despised by a lot of people, went throu-gh a lot of trauma, deceived and even almost killed. But now I believe that everything was all for a purpose. Thanks to God.
It’s just a story for others, that hope stands on every path of life, even when things seems to be over, there is always a stand of hope on the other side.
Now my parents are back together, I have a stand in music and the love of my life with me….
I think, or should I just say i know,the only way to make it in life is to never give up and look ahead of every challenges we think we are Facing, cause the only way the only way we can overcome life is to learn to face challenges…
Well I think my diary is filled up now, I Amy write tomorrow after the concert….
My phone binged and it was a message from Jeremy
💬 Goodnight love get re-ady for tomorrow concert, love you💬
💬Love you heartily, night night💬 I replied
Well I hope you all enjoyed re-ading my DIARY 🍓
I’m Stella John, I hoped you learned from my story….