Stella’s dairy episode 19 &20

(The Girl I Am 💖) 🎶
Written By ✍️✍️✍️
Damilola Faleke M 📚📚
Chapter 19
🧡 Jeremy’s pov 🧡
I was in my sitting room trying to practice some tune with my guitar and headset when suddenly someone barged in. Mum had travelled earlier today leaving I alone at home, at least I’m free from her nagging me about giving Alexa a chance.
I looked to the direction of the door only to find Jace staggering towards me with a bottle of wine in his left hand…
Jeez!! Don’t tell me I forgot to lock the door, Jace went drinking again..
He finally slumped into a couch close to me.
His eyes finally met with mine.
“What are you doing here Jeremy? ‘ he asked
” What kind of question is that Jace? You’re in my house” I replied
” Oh, I thought I was in Olivia’s”he said
” Wake up dude, why would you drink that much? Are you crazy? ” I asked
” Hey.. since I’m in your house, why don’t we celebr@te” he said
” Celebr@te what? ” I asked
” Our success, we won the audition without even practicing” he said
“You know that’s not necessary, and I’m sure you know I’m just p@rticipating in those activities because of my mum, there’s nothing to celebr@te. You can go meet Patrick and celebr@te with him, we won together” I said
” Patrick is busy. Since you’re not interested In celebr@ting, why don’t you let us share this drink together” he said trying to open the bottle in his hands which I gr@bb£d away from him immediately.
“There’s no way I’m letting you do that, you’re drun!kalre-ady, and I’m also not in a drinking mode this night” I said
” Yh whatever, just handle that bottle with care, it’s kinda expensive and it’s your gift” he said
” My gift which you wanted to drink” I said
” Whatever, look Jeremy, I really don’t want to drive back home in this state, don’t want to destroy pri-vate or public properties, tired of getting on dad’s nerves alre-ady” he said
” Like I was even gonna let you do that, so what’s the excuse you’re gonna give them at home? ” I asked
” I’ll just tell them I had a sleepover at your house, they’ll totally un-derstand. I’m also sure that you still have few of my clothes that I brou-ght here a while ago, I could just put on one of them and go straight to school tomorrow” he said
“Jeez, you’re good at this, so are you gonna come to my room so you could be more comfortable or not”I asked but got no reply
“Jace!” I called but it seemed he had fallen fast asleep
“Well, that’s your be-d for tonight” I said walking out to lock all the doors from the gate, I really don’t want another version of Jace again, I’m good alre-ady. Sometimes, I wonder why I refused mum from hiring a gatekeeper…
✨Stella’s Pov✨
I walked out of my room fully dressed up for school, when I met Jason also dressed up, looking quite responsible for the first time in 6 years.
“U hmm…where are you going to this early?” I asked
“Guess what Stella”he said
“Just tell me alre-ady, i nee-d to be in school” I said Anxiously
“Fine, I’m going for a job interview today” he said
“Are you kidding me?” I asked surprised
“Why would I joke about something so serious” he said
“Wow! I can’t believe it” I said
“Believe me or not stella, I just pray I get the job cause I have no serious working experience” he said
“Don’t worry about that Jason. ma-king this decision alone is perfect and I promise you, it would be more than you expected”I said.
“Thanks little sis, that’s just what I nee-ded at this moment”he said
“It course, what am I here for” I said
“I promise Stella, that the first thing I’ll buy of I get those job, Is a tv set” he said and I chuckled
“Of course, you really nee-d to do that, after selling the first one” I said
“Common Stella, thats in the past” he said
“Yh whatever, good luck in your interview, I have to go now, byyye” i said walking out
💠 Olivia’s pov💠
“Hey Jace, plea-se wait up” i said walking to Jace as he stepped down from his vehicle in the school garage.
“Hi Jeremy” I greeted as Jeremy also walked out of the car, he just waved at me in return. It seems they c@m£ together today.
Something was definitely up with Jace cause he looked different, I don’t know, maybe tired.
“U hmm..I hope you’re fine?” I asked reluctantly
“Of course, why do you ask?” He said
“You look pale” I said
“Yh I’m just a little sick this morning” he said staring at me weirdly
“Hmm, why are you staring at me that way”I asked
“It’s nothing, I’m just surprised that for the first time in a long time, we finally had a real conversation” he said
“What do you mean by that?” I asked.
“You talking to me, without yelling, getting mad at me, or crying, is really something to be grateful about” he said
“Well, I guess so. I just wanted to apologize to you about the other day, I mean accusing you for taking my script” I said and he chuckled
“Where’s that coming from”he asked
“It was Alexa and her team, she just wanted me loosing” I said and he smiled
“Upon that Olivia, I must confess to you that you were the best in that show, you did far better than her, you and Stella really make a good team” he said
“Yh, thanks, you weren’t bad either” I replied
“of course, I’m a prof at this”he said an I rolled my eyes, He’s always good at boasting.
“Okay, I’ll like to go now” I said preparing to walk away, but he held my hand holding me back, I looked back at me.
“Olivia, let’s be true to ourselves, we have an unfinished business between us, we nee-d to fome together and talk about what really went wrong” he said
“I’m sorry Jace, but I’m not really in the mood to talk about this now” I said walking away
I know we do nee-d to talk about it, but he can’t pl@ymy feelings once again……..
Chapter 20
💖 Stella’s pov💖
Saying am excited about my life this moment is really an un-derstatement. I mean just for a single performance on stage, I’ve been promoted to a higher clas-s, now I’m in the same clas-s with Olivia.
But I got a lot of enemies due to this factor, some few that I actually thought were my friend really deserted me, saying I bewitched Olivia to be on her side and favour cause she ha-rd ly makes friend with people. Well it’s their own choice to say whatever they wanna say about me..
Alexa only keeps on threatening to throw me out of this school. I don’t know why she feels so threatened by me, I mean, she’s the school owner’s daughter, why her sudden insecurities.
She even told me along with some other girls, that I’m only doing that, to get close to Jeremy, which is not even in my agenda.
Speaking of Jeremy, there he is walking towards the hallway, I’ll just st©p to say hi.
“Hey Jeremy” I greeted
“Hey” he replied faking a smile
It was all awkward between us, cause no one was saying a thing, I decided to excuse myself, but was st©pped when he said something.
“I heard you’ve been promoted to the higher clas-ses” he said
” Uhmm yes” I replied smiling
” Well, it’s a congrats to you then, not a lot of people get here, and you did it on a short time after getting into this school, I wouldn’t condemn it, cause you totally worth it, keep it up… Uhmmm.. Stella” he said
” Wow, thanks, that means a lot coming from you” I said and he chuckled, wow he just chuckled, it’s a miracle
“Why do you say so?” He asked.
“Considering the fact that you love being on your own always, I actually thought you don’t talk to people when I first arrived here” I said and he smiled
” That’s not it Stella, I just feel comfortable talking to you, I mean you’re one of the first girl I’ve met, not bothering me about… Nevermind” he said confusing
” Mind what? ” I asked
” It’s nice talking to you Stella, see you soon” he said walking away….
Woah! He really got something to say, I can’t believe we had a conversation, I thought he was from space… It’s really nice to see someone like him loos£n up, I mean with all those gifts and fame he got, the only thing he has to do is to act as an alien…. It’s actually confusing… Maybe it had to do with what he wanted to say. Well, I won’t mind like he told me not to.
“Ouch!!” I screamed as someone c@m£ to pu-ll my hair from behind
🌳 Alexa’s pov 🌳
I stood there speechlessly, watching Jeremy and Stella having a conversation, he even smiled at her, and by the looks of things he even laughed as they talked…
I had years flowing from my eyes, I mean, what does this girl have that I don’t. I’m far much better than her in everything. I just hate her pas-sionately even more than no I hate Olivia.
Jeremy and I have never had a peaceful conversation, I mean I’ve never even seen him smiling when we are together, he ha-rd ly does, even when we are ap@rt, it’s so heart breaking and sad that, what you want never comes your way, but surely I will make this do. Eriana is the best to advise me on this. But first I’ll have to go teach her lesson to show that she has gone beyond her expected boundaries.
She was still standing on the same position so I secretly crept behind her and pu-ll-ed her hair angrily. My heart jump in joy as she screamed in pain.
🌸 Stella’s pov 🌸
“Why did you do that?” I screamed at Alexa who was chuckling evilly.
” That’s none of your business, haven’t I told you to stay away from Jeremy? Now tell me, what were you doing with him or telling him, that made him even stand and laugh with you? ” She asked.
Jeez! I can’t believe that this jobless animal has been watching my movement, I wanted to stammer and shiver at her words, but then I remembered Olivia’s advice on Alexa’s weakness, ‘standing for yourself’…
“Answer me, or you’ve gone deaf” she said
“I’m sorry Alexa, but I don’t have an answer for you” I replied
” What?! Did you just say that to me?” She yelled
“Of course I did, look at it this way, everyone has the right to talk to anyone here, as long as that individual is re-ady to have a conversation, I don’t see why you have to get angry only because I was talking to Jeremy” I said rolling my eyes at her, jeez! I learnt that from Olivia…
“You know you’re crossing your boundaries, cause I warned you severally to try your possible best to stay away from Jeremy, he’s my man! ” She said aggressively.
” Your man? it doesn’t seem so whenever he’s with you” I said, she wanted to raise her hands to sl@p me but I was quic-k to dodge..
“Goodbye” I said walking away.
“Wait, I’m not done talking to you” when said but I kept walking without answering her.
” You may dodge my sl@p, but you can’t dodge my fist” she said angrily but I still ignored.
I can’t wait to tell Olivia about this, I actually ignored Alexa’s threat.
🌼 Jeremy’s pov🌼
I stood afar off watching as Olivia bullied the girl I left not so long ago, I mean Stella. Just watch the way she pu-ll-ed her hair. I wasn’t there, but I knew the reason Alexa did that to her. I wanted to intervene but changed my mind when Jace approached me, it’s not even my business, Alexa is just being dramatic, whatever she does, I can never fall for her or any other.
“Jeremy” Jace said happily
“I see you’re finally over the hangover” I said to him.
“Yh.. yh, I am” he replied
“That’s really quic-k, did your conversation with Olivia work out? ” I asked.
” No not really, but at least I made a progress. She c@m£ to apologise to me for the accusation of taking her script, though she left in the middle of conversation, when I brou-ght up us. Well that’s not why I’m even here” he said
” That’s a progress. So what are you here for? “I asked
” Oh here, we were invited to perform at the president teenage daughter birthday p@rty” he said emphasizing on the teenage daughter p@rt. Who knows why, Jeremy can be unpredictable at times.
“That’s good” I replied
“That’s good? Is that all you have to say?” He asked
“Yes, what do you mean by that?” I asked
“I’m talking about his daughter, everyone knows she has a crush on you, you can start something with her, instead of going around” he said, I wanted to get angry, but I couldn’t cause he was the one.
“Look Jace, I’ve told you I’m not interested in relationsh!p, for how long will I tell you that the word ‘Love’ has never been in my dictionary” I said
” Oh, yh, whatever, was just trying to help” he said
” Help yourself Jace, you nee-d it than I do, so when is the p@rty? ” I asked
” Saturday” he replied
” Oh, that’s not far, so does Patrick knows about it? ” I asked
” Yes, he actually brou-ght the invitation, we don’t really nee-d to practice much, just today, and we’d be good to go” he said
” Sure, mum is calling, nee-d to pick this” I said referring to my phone.
“Okay, I think I’ll go tell Patrick about the practice” he said walking away while I picked mum’s call
🌳 Alexa’s pov 🌳
I was still furious about what transpired between Stella and I when I heard a strange voice from behind….
“Hey” the voice said startling me ma-king me look back in fury
“Yes, can I help you?” I asked
“I’m Smith, the leader of team Smith, I happen to help you more than you could ever think” he said
” You must be mistaken” I said
” I’m actually Jeremy’s opponent, and I think I have a lot to help you against your opponent, team Olivia, if I’m not mistaken”he said
” Really??, Tell me how” I replied