Stained finale


Chapter Seven Finale??

Ruth can be seen staring at space when her husband Stephen t©uçhed her bringing her back to earth. He asked her if she alre-ady know where her daughter was and she told him that she hasn’t even attem-pted reaching her because she felt like its useless. Even she can’t forgive what she did to the poor girl talk more of her and he told her that he can not watch her ruin her life by herself that since there is a solution to fixing her life that he’s gonna take it.

“I won’t forgive me if I were her.” She repeated knowing how impossible it is to forgive an act like that,

“Then we should be grateful that you’re not her. If you can’t call her then I will ” He said and brou-ght out his phone but she was not calling any number.
“Common don’t be like that. There is nothing bad in trying. I know that she won’t forgive you at a stretch but at least you’re re-ady to be a mother to her now.” He said and she even told him the shocking news that she doesn’t have her mobile number. He asked her if she knows of anyb©dy who might know her whereabouts and she mentioned Joe whom she called immediately and he was the one who told her where to find them.
? ? ?
“Everything is going to be fine. She’ll surely scale throu-gh this.” Becca as-sured ru-ben that he doesn’t think motivation is what he nee-ds. All that he wants right now is to see his daughter walk up to him and tell him that she’s doing alright now and that they can go home but it doesn’t look as if it’s happening anytime soon.

He knew that he was a horrible person and that he doesn’t deserve to be called that innocent and sweet girl’s father but God can just forgive him and let him make it up to her…..
She doesn’t deserve any of these.

“Someone is here,” Joe said and as ru-ben raised his head who he saw was shocking.
Is he dreaming or something?
What will Ruth be looking for here?
Wasn’t she the reason why the girl is in this state right now?

“Are you here to finish what you started?” ru-ben ask her and she gave him an unbelievable look like everything didn’t even start with him.

“Don’t pl@ythat innocent card with me okay?! This is your fault too. You put us in this situation.” She lashed at him.

“Us? What do you mean us?” He asked her.

“I and my daughter.” She said and even though the daughter stuff sounded off she had to learn to use it.

“Daughter? What has come over you, Ruth? I thought you told me and I quote ” I don’t have any daughter anywhere.” He said.

“I regretted what I said and st©p putting all these on me. You caused all this, it is your fault I hated our daughter cause anytime I see her I can only remember that horrible night and the disgusting thing you did to me! You ruined my life and career! This is all your fault, ru-ben!” She said almost crying.

“I never denied that fact that I did the unbelievable but does our daughter deserve that?! Was she supposed to suffer in your hands for what I did to you? She is innocent!” He yelled at her too and then the doctor walk up to them.

“Can I have a word with you, sir?” The doctor said to ru-ben.

“Whatever you want to say to him, you can say it right here cause we’re her parents. Am her mother.” Ruth said and ru-ben glanced at her and back to the doctor.

“How’s my daughter doing?” ru-ben ask the doctor who then asked them to follow him to his office. Ruth got frustrated and yelled at him to just tell them what state their daughter is.

“She has lost a lot of blood and we did our best and…”

“What are you trying to say, Doctor?! What has happened to my daughter?” She asked him while ru-ben was just patiently waiting for him to let out the cat from the cage.

“We tried st©pping the blood but we could not and am very sorry but we lost her.” The doctor said and Ruth coll@psed on the ground as tears start to roll down her cheeks.
ru-ben j£rked the doctor on his collar asking him what he meant by that statement while the doctor kept apologizing.

“Did you just kill my daughter?! What the hell are you talking about doctor? Where is my daughter?!” ru-ben asks.

Joe who is standing by the side of his mother is alre-ady crying as he could not believe that he has lost the only best friend he has.
Why did death have to take her away from him?
She has suffered all her life and now that she’s supposed to be happy, she lost her life to death.
Death why?
Ruth can be seen standing by Kieren’s corpse crying. The tears were just flowing on their own and she could not even find the right words to use.
If only she didn’t ignore the girl when she nee-ded her.
If only she was a mother to her from birth.
She wished she can turn back the hand of time, she will give birth to Kieran and showered her with unconditional love.
But, wishes are not horses that you can ride back which technically means she has lost that chance of becoming a mother.

The more she wipe off the tears, the more they roll down and the next thing she found herself rolling on the ground.
People went to pick her up while ru-ben told them to leave her alone let her wallow in self-guilt after all this is all her fault.
She killed their daughter with her hatred and he swore that he will never forgive her as long as he lives.
“You should st©p drinking Joe this isn’t you,” Becca said trying to snatch the alcohol bottle from him but he hvgged it.

“Just leave me alone mom, I want to soak to death. Why must it be her? She has done nothing wrong. She was only trying to be happy.” He cried and Becca sat with him.

“If I tell you that I un-derstand what you feel then I’m lying to you cause I don’t but there is something I know, Kieran has suffered a lot and I want to believe that she has finally found peace in the afterlife,” Becca said and Joe stared at her with so much anger and res£ntment in his eyes.

He can never forget about Kieran. NEVER!!!!
Becca gave ru-ben two weeks to grieve without calling him or even trying to reach out to him cause she knew how important Kieran was to him and that was why she gave him that space but she was surprised when he called her first that he wants to discuss something really important to her and she met him in his house looking miserable and unkempt.

“I’m sorry but I can’t continue with the engagement.” He said and she felt like coll@psing on the ground.

“Are you breaking up with me?” She asks him and he nods his head as a yes.

“I’m sorry it took me this long to say it but I cannot anymore. The only reason why I want a future for myself is because of my daughter and now that she’s gone, I don’t think there is any future left for me.” He said crying and without another word, she left the house cause she knew that he has alre-ady made up his mind and there is nothing she can do about it.
Ruth met a thera-pist who told her that she nee-ded medical attention to deal with her trauma cause she seems so depressed.
Ever since Kieran died she hasn’t discussed it with anyone except her husband but she didn’t give him details.
She allowed herself to grieve and she was very sure that she will never move on from the pain but the thera-pist told her that she nee-ded to talk to someone to lift the burden and she decided to tell her story to some group of women not because she wants the burden to be lifted but because she nee-ded to.

“And that is how my story went.” She said after narrating the whole thing to them. Almost everyone in the room with her was crying including the thera-pist who was just wiping her face.
There was no single tear on Ruth’s face cause what she felt inside is beyond tears. Committing suicide is not even enough to pay for the pain she caused the innocent girl.

“This should serve as a lesson to every woman out there that no matter what you’re going throu-gh in life, always put your children first and treat them like they’re the only treasure you have in this world.
I was R@p£d and yes, it was awful and painful but Kieran had done nothing to deserve all the things I put her throu-gh.
You might be wondering who was stained and I’m telling you right now that it wasn’t I who was stained neither was ru-ben but Kieran. We stained her with the horrible things we did. I stained her with the hate and guilt I felt and that stain was what led me to lose her. I will never forget that I killed my daughter with my ba-re hands.
Remember, children are God’s gift to humanity and it doesn’t matter how they’re conceived they’re still gifts and gifts should be treated well. I didn’t treat mine well and that is why God decide to take her away from me to punish me for eternity.” She said calmly.

“What punishment are you talking about?” One of the women asks her and she smiles.

“As am talking to you now I can never give birth to another child ever again. Kieran was supposed to be my peace but now that she’s gone, I’ll forever be miserable.” She said. She has alre-ady accepted her fate.

“plea-se, if you conceive as a result of r@p£ or whatever shameful means, plea-se, don’t let your child suffer from your pain. Love them cause who knows they might be the only ones destined for you. And never think of ab-orting any child.” Ruth said.

One of the women asked her what she was going to be doing with her life now.

“Me? I don’t have a life anymore. The life I have is gone. Am just waiting for when God will call me home.” She concluded and left that sp©t.
A Mother is suppose to love their child no matter what ✍
THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#LeeWrites ✍