Soul mate Episode 21 & 22

SoulMate ❤️🔞
Written By:Abike💋
💄 Episode 21💄
Chris c@m£ out of his car angrily, He walked in straight to the house, He dos£n’t found his father in the living room so he went in straight to his room, He knocked at the door while his dad asked him to enter. He met his father sitting down on his be-d using his medicines, He walked closer to him and said “Dad, just tell me plea-se, Tell me the right you have to go to my girlfriend and tell her to break up with me, Why” He asked angrily. His father dropped the cu-p he used on the table, He looked at Chris and said “But Chris I want the best for you” Chris suddenly gr@bb£d the cu-p his father used and threw It on the floor angrily “SPARE ME THAT $h!t DAD” He said angrily “Do you realize that this girl was the one who changed me, Believe me if not for her I will still be my old self, How could you tell me you want the best for me, She is the best one for me, No one can be the best to me, No one can lead me to the right path the way she did” His voice went down a bit, trying to calm down, then he said “Dad I don’t want my old self to be back, If you know that you still want me in that company, If you want me to continue being the good guy, stay away from my girl, Because I will never replace that girl with anyone” He said and walked out angrily, Mr Robert looked so surprised and at the same time confused, He stared at the broken cu-p on the floor….
Chris c@m£ to see his dad’s sister Helen, He sat in the living room waiting for her, Helen’s two years old daughter ran out and hvgged Chris, He lifted her up and gave her a pe-ck on the cheek, He placed her down while the girl ran back in, Not too long Helen c@m£ out in a nice dress, she hvgged him while they both sat down to talk “Oh, I can see a lot of changes, I mean a whole Chris in suit, This is very nice of you” Helen said while Chris looked at her and said “Sis if you still want this kind of Chris, plea-se tell your brother to stay away from my girlfriend” Helen looked so confused “What do you mean Chris, what’s going on” She asked “You won’t believe that my Dad went to my girlfriend’s house, He went there and told her to break up with me, Not only that, My Dad also gave her a cheque just to break up with me. My new self, My good side, My quiet side and every other positive things in me it’s all because of no one but this same girl, she changed me, If not for her I will still be the former Chris, So how could he went to her house and told her to break up with me, Is there anyone that can lead me to the right path than the way she did, Of course there isn’t, Even if there is someone more better than her, I will still choose her, I will choose her over and over again because she is the best one for me, I am trying to be the good guy here, So plea-se kindly help me to tell him to stay away from her, Either he likes it or not am going to get marry to that girl” He said while Helen just stared at him in surprise, She couldn’t help but to stood up to him and embr@ced him, Suddenly She said “Am so proud of you”…….
Adunola sat alone in her room, She la-id down on her be-d doing nothing, She remembered what Mr Robert told her, She looked so sad and at same time depressed, Axel walked into her room, He moved closer to her be-d and sat on it, She stood up to sat on the be-d, Alex looked at her and Smiled “He love you” Alex said “D…. Do….. Do you know he loves you, Yeah He really do sis, D…. Don’t get mad at him be…. because of his Dad, plea-se” Alex said while Adunola looked at him and smiled, He opened his arms for a hvg while she hvgged him “That’s my sis” He said….
Chris sat in his office alone, He was holding the small red box, He opened it, staring at the ring inside the box, He covered it and brou-ght out his phone, He dialed Adunola’s number, She picked it up after the second ring “Hello” She said while her voice sounded so dull “Can i see you tonight” He asked. For few seconds there was a total silent from her, then she said “When am re-ady to talk to you I will let you know, I still nee-d some time” She said “Ok fine, No problem” He replied her softly,she hanged up the call while Chris just stared at his phone….
Helen c@m£ to see Mr Robert, They both sat in the living room discussing “We nee-d to speak the fact to each0ther, Bro how could you went to his girlfriend’s house, Chris is twenty-five years old, He is not a kid anymore, He knows what’s best for him, why won’t you leave him alone, Do you want him to go back to his old life, Just let him be, For crying out loud we are in 21st century now, No one is doing this again, Just chill brother” Helen said “But this girl alre-ady told me that she is not going to break up with him, Why are you all disturbing me, After all am not disturbing her again, have heard you all” Mr Robert said “No that’s not what you are going to do, She is not re-ady to talk to Chris and it’s really affecting Chris” Helen said “Ok what do you want me to do” Mr Robert asked “Just the way you went to her house, You have to go back there and tell her that you accept her as your son’s girlfriend, that’s all” Helen replied “Are you kidding me or what” Mr Robert asked “Am so dead serious brother” Helen said …..
Dara was with Alex in his room,he was busy painting a picture while Dara la-id down on his be-d looking at him “How could Mr Robert acted that way,For goodness sake we are in 21st century,Like it sounds so stupid to me right now, I feel like am watching a movie,Is he an Actor or what” Dara asked while Alex smiled and said “St©p giving yourself headache” She stood up and moved closer to him, She gave him a back hvg “Like I can’t help it,I really feel bad for her,I wonder how Chris is coping right now too” She said “Shhhh, That’s ok” Alex said,She smiled while Alex turned to her,she sat on his l@ps and gave him a short k!ss,She moved closer to him and gave him a hvg, Then She said “I wonder how your sis is doing also” Alex rolled his eyes looking so done with her,She looked at him and smiled….
Chris’s car was on his way back home, Everywhere was silent in the car. Deon, Drew and Dave are trying their best not to took a glance at him,He looked so mad and at the same worried,The car drove in the compound while they quic-kly opened the door for him,He c@m£ out of the car angrily and went in straight,He entered the living room and found his Dad watching the TV as usual,He gretted him and walked in straight to his room. Getting to his room,he re-moved his suit,shi-t, trou-ser, Shoes, Tie and un-derwears,He gr@bb£d his towel and went in straight to the bathroom to have a shower,The moment he entered the bathroom,He opened the water to ran throu-gh his hair, and then he said “Chris calm down,Let’s take it easy plea-se,Just calm down” He said to himself
Mr Robert c@m£ to see Adunola, He sat down looking at Adunola while she also looked at him, He smiled and said “I love your boldness” Adunola was shocked, she almost made a sm-irk but she st©pped it “Actually am really sorry about that day, I know I don’t have any excuse but as a father, I don’t think what I did was wrong and at the same time it was also wrong, But plea-se find a space in your heart to forgive your father-in-law, *She almost laugh out,but she quic-kly controlled herself* I promise to be both father and mother to you and your brother, let’s just accept the fact that this is meant to happen, Let’s accept the fact that this is how we are going to get close to each0ther,Let’s accept the fact that everything is going to be this way,Chris nee-ds you,He really do plea-se,And am really sorry Dear,So sorry about everything,Find a space in your heart to forgive my ignorance,Am so sorry Adunola” Mr Robert said while Adunola just stared at him, She looked so confused and at the same time speechless…..
SoulMate ❤️🔞
Written By:Abike💋
💄 Episode 22💄
Chris sat in his office working, He was checking out some files, Suddenly He got fed up and closed the files, He stared at the files and said “Nothing is working out right now”. Suddenly a voice said “And what’s not working out” He raised up his head slowly, He was surprised to saw Adunola in his office, She gave him a bright smile “Adun” He Called her name, still trying to confirm if it’s really her,
He stood up to her and held her two hands “Is this really you” He asked “Of course it’s me” She replied with a smile “Goodness you made me so worried” He said while he walked to sat on the couch in his office, Adunola smiled at him, she walked closer to him and sat next to him “Honestly am not joking, look at those files, I couldn’t sign them because I was so worried and sick about you,
Like I wasn’t myself all these days” He said “Am sorry dear” She replied “plea-se don’t do this to me again, I mean I can’t Imagine myself without you, Honestly i don’t know what to do if you are not with me, I don’t know how my life is going to be if I don’t have you around me, let it be the first and last you are going to treat me that way” He said and li-cked his lowerl-ip, Adunola smiled and Drew his head closer to her che-st, she gave him a hvg “Am sorry to make you so worried, am really sorry” She said to him, She re-leased him from the hvg while he stared at her and Drew her face closer for a k!ss,
“Chr….” She wanted to speak but he shut her up with a k!ss, she broke the k!ssand said “This is your office, anyone can co….” He ignored her and gave her a de-ep k!ss, she tried to break the k!ssbut he de-epened the k!ssmore and more, Without breaking the k!sshe rested her back on the chair, k!ss!ngherl-ips straight to her n£¢k, Suddenly Drew barged in, while Chris quic-kly stood up from her trying to act like nothing happened “Oh am so sorry sir, i am really sorry sir” Drew apologized “Drew” *Chris called his name with his teeth clinched together so ha-rd * “Atleast knock the door,
Huh” He said with a fake Smile, Adunola couldn’t st©p laughing on the couch while Drew quic-kly ran out of the office “It’s not funny” He said and walked back to his seat, Adunola smiled and stood up from the chair, she moved closer to him and gave him a back hvg, He smiled and said “Let’s have dinner tomorrow” she smiled and said “No problem” He smiled….
Adunola’s friends c@m£ to visit her, they all sat on her be-d in her room “Honestly am so jealous of you Adun” Bukola said “So Chris is s£nding nçyou back to school and not just a school but where he graduated from” Bewaji asked ” Didn’t he graduated from Havard University” Bukola asked “Of course he graduated from Havard University, everyone knows about that” Bewaji replied while Adunola Smiled “Am so happy for you girlfriend” Bewaji said and gave her a hvg “I will miss you guys”
Adunola said “But how are you going to be seeing each0ther” Bukola asked “Well it’s just for four to five years, besides he said he will always come for a visit, Remember their company is also there,So anytime he comes for business,he will visit me” Adunola said “Oh yes you are right, That’s great” Bukola said “And what about Alex” Bewaji asked “Well Alex is not Chris’s problem, because Mr Robert said he will be responsible for Alex’s studies and other necessary things,
Infact Mr Robert called him this morning, He asked him to come and see him,am sure he is with him right now” Adunola replied “Like seriously am so happy for you, it is very obvious that your parents are blessing you in heaven” Bewaji said while Adunola Smiled and said “Thank you”….
Alex sat in the living room, waiting for Mr Robert, not too long Mr Robert c@m£ out with a guard while the guard Escuze both of them, Alex gretted Mr Robert while he told Alex to sat down “Oh, So this is Alex” He said “Yes sir” He replied “You are so handsome, I mean cute” Mr Robert said while Alex couldn’t help but to smile “Thank you Sir” He replied
“Ok so you told me on the phone that you don’t want to change your school, why don’t you want to change it, do you realize that Chris is taking your sister to the USA” He asked “Ye…. Yes I know sir, bu….bu…but I don’t want to leave my school,I……I just want to finish everything there Sir, That’s why I don’t want to change my school”
He replied while Mr Robert looked at him and said “The way you speak is actually great, I like you alre-ady, You are now my son,yes you are my son,I like everything about you” Mr Robert said with a smile “Th… Th… Thank you sir” Alex replied “Uhmmm, well no problem since you don’t want to leave your school, you are free to come here at anytime, I will ask them to reconstruct one of those rooms In this house,
They will also make some nice settings to it, Incase you feel like pas-sing your night here anytime,You will just go straight to your room without any stress. Starting from today, I will be taking care of your expenses, and if you nee-d anything, don’t hesitate to tell me immediately, Oh! I almost forget this”
Mr Robert brou-ght out a car key and said “Follow me Alex” They both stood up and went out of the living room. They arrived at the compound while Mr Robert moved closer to a white sport car, he opened it and said “Alex, this is for you, Just for your lecture to get easier, the car is for you,Just take it as a gift from a father to a son” He said to Alex.
He gave the car key to Alex who was still lost staring at the car, He looked so confused and at the same time happy,Mr Robert smiled and said “Common don’t be surprise, just enter and check it out,It’s yours” Alex entered it slowly, He start the car,He looked so happy while checking everywhere in the car, Mr Robert smiled and muttered “Cute”
At Adunola’s house, both her and her brother sat down in the living room discussing “Oh, I can’t believe this,
He gave you a car” She asked with a smile “Not only that , H….. H….. He also credited my account with one million naira, H…. H…. He told me to use it for my expenses, He asked me about what am good at, and I told him th…..that I love to paint and I love to draw, s….s….. So I told him I want to b…..b….be an artist and he said no problem that he will see to that, So that’s all about what happened today” He said while Adunola just looked at him with surprise….
Adunola and Chris sat in the restaurant eating, He smiled at her and said “Your Visa is re-ady” Her eyes almost popped out, Chris smiled and said “Too fast or what” He asked “Yeah too fast, I mean, I wasn’t re-ady for it” She replied “Common it’s still next week” He said “I know but still am going to miss everyb©dy” She replied him,
He looked at her and Smiled “Don’t worry I will always check on you, It’s just a matter of time, in a blink of an eye you will also be a graduate student , Don’t worry Dear, am always with you” He said to her, she dropped her spoon and said “I want to use this moment to say this, Thank you Chris, I mean for everything, I don’t know how to appreciate you but believe me am so greatful for everything, Thank you very much,I really appreciate them”
She said while Chris stared at her and said “You don’t nee-d to thank me, I should do that, because if not for you, I will still be my old self, but you changed everything, you brou-ght the best out of me, believe me you worth every single thing that is happening to you right now, because ladies like you are meant to be cherish and appreciate, I love you and I will never st©p doing that” He said “I love you too” She replied with a smile,He moved closer to her and gave her a k!ss…..
Final Episode loading💄