Songs of my heart Episode 1 & 2

🎻 Songs Of My Heart 🎻
[ Will You Stay? 😍.]
By Summer Gold. W ✍
Ko-rean h0t r0m@nç£!!!!!
💙💙 Episode 1 💙
😍 Angel’s Pov 😍
” Hey, wake up ” Someone tapped me
I opened my eyes slowly and smiled
” Morning bess ” Nicole said
” Morning,,, ” I said standing up
” You nee-d to take your bath right now Angel,, or you will be late on your first day.” She said
Actually i just got admitted into a popular music school,,
I checked her out,, she’s alre-ady dressed up
” Okay,, I will be done in few minutes ” I said and walked into the bathroom.
I am Angelina Jolie but people call me Angel. I am 19 and will be 20 soon 😘. it is really my dream to become a superstar.
I have the talent,, I can dance and sing and I’ve always look forward for any opportunity to show my talent to the world, but I’m not privileged since I am just a nob©dy.
I have neither father nor mother,, I don’t even know what they look like. I was brou-ght up by a woman,, but she died few months ago.
And right now,, I live with my best friend. Nicole,, she’s just like a sister to me.
I took a quic-k bath and walked back inside,, I ru-b lotion on my skin and put on a simple trou-ser and a jacket.
I brushed my hair, I don’t think I nee-d any makeup. I smiled at myself before the mirror
” God,, be my p@rtner ” I said a little prayer before getting out of the room.
” Wow, you look so beautiful ” Nicole said checking me out ” Those Killing legs ” she win-ked and I blu-shed
Anyway, people always comment about my beauty,, I don’t think I am beautiful since am poor. What’s there to be proud about?
” Morning mom ” I greeted Nicole’s mom
” Morning daughter” she responded and pe-cked my cheek
” I Won’t disappoint you ” I said
” I believe in you Angel ” she said and a tear dropped from my eyes
I wish I also have a mother
” Don’t cry, angels don’t cry remember? ” she said and I nodded
” Let’s leave Bess ” Nicole said dragging me with her.
I don’t know how to thank you Nicole,, you are the angel.
We both entered the car and drove off, I guess it will be easy since Nicole is a rich kid. I know those rich people always bully someone like me, but I am happy because Nicole is with me.
” you don’t have to bother about anything,, I will stay by your side ” she said and held my hand like she saw my nervousness.
” Thank you Nicole ” I said shortly
We entered the school and I couldn’t help but to admire it, wow it’s amazing.
” Go on and show them your talent dear!! ” Nicole said almost in a scream
” You are shouting ” I said
” That’s because am happy,, now that Arrogant Vivian will know who the boss is ” she said with a sm-irk
She always tell me how Vivian is,, a proud peac0ck. She hissed while I keep on admiring the school
” You can’t stay here forever, let’s go ” she said dragging me along with her again
💋 Omg, who is that?
💋 she’s so pretty
💋 awwn, I love her hair
💋 she must be fv¢king rich, her skin glows like gold
We heard people saying things,, now they really think am rich when am not.
” See? They also admire your beauty ” Nicole said
” but they think am rich ” I said
” So? “.
” I can’t live a fake life,, I’m a nob©dy. Am sure they will hate me if they finds out ” I said
” Who is gonna tell them? ” she asked
I was about to reply when students started screaming
” Oh my God!! I think Teddy is here!! ” Nicole scream and ran to other students leaving me in a confused state
I stood still on a sp©t,, waiting for who ever is Teddy,,,
I looked up and saw a guy dressed in all white with his hands in his pocket coming,,,
💋 Oopa!!
💋 I love you so much Teddy!
Students were saying lot of things,, he ignored them and continue walking.
He walked closer and that was when I got a clear view of him,,, is he an angel?
He look rich, handsome, pure,, he’s adorable!!
He turned to me immediately he got to my side,, the noise died down immediately
Oh no, will he punish me because I didn’t scream? plea-se don’t.
He stare at me for a minute and walked away with three men at his back, maybe they are his guards.
I sigh out loud immediately he left.
” Who was that? ” I asked as Nicole got to my side
” Don’t tell me you don’t know who Teddy Lee is ” she rolled her eyes
” Oh my,, that is Teddy Lee? That idol??!! ” I asked ma-king sure I was not screaming
” Yeah ” she replied
Wow,, I can’t believe I saw him
He’s a very popular singer all over the world,, so cute awwwn.
No wonder every girl want him,,,
” Everyone love him ” she said dreamily
” What is he doing here? ” I asked
” Are you crazy? He still studies right? He’s just 23 ” she replied and I nodded ” A pri-vate clas-s though ” she added
“Let’s go to clas-s ” she said and held my hand
EPISODE 2 💛💚💙💜
🌹 Vivian’s Pov 🌹
I walked toward the clas-s with my two besties by my sides, Lily and Briana.
Students wave at us as we walk,, no doubt, I am the h0ttest girl here and also the best singer and dancer followed by my two friends.
That’s why I made them my friends though,, I don’t know why Nicole rejected my offer. I want her to become my friend, she’s beautiful and talented.
” Vivi,, I heard there is a new student here today ” Briana said as we continue walking
” I don’t care ” I snapped
” I heard she’s pretty and has a nice shape ” she said and I turned to her.
That’s the problem, I hate it when someone is prettier than me.
” What’s her name? ” I asked
” No idea ” She replied
We entered the clas-s and all went silent,, I noticed a strange girl. Oh,,,, she’s,,, is she even human? So pretty, brown eye, long lashes,, wow!!!
Jealousy and anger brushed into me,, what if Teddy sees her? But I doubt he can never notice her since he doesn’t like girls
I walked to her and my friends followed
” Who are you? ” I asked folding my arms together
” Angel ” she replied and I scoff
” Angel? ” I asked again and she nodded
” Vivian,, can you st©p asking her question? Not like you are the teacher, or are you scared she’s more pretty than you? ” Jasmine, my rival said and I turned to her
” And who the hell said she’s pretty? She look like a witch ” I said looking at her disgustingly
How can someone glow like this,? She must be a witch
” Vivian st©p!! ” Nicole yelled at me, I can’t believe she’s taking sides with her. Angel ran out of the clas-s and a sm-irk escape myl-ips,, I will make your stay here miserable
I walked out of the clas-s and made way for my pri-vate clas-s, I wish I can study with Teddy. But he doesn’t even care about me even when his parents and mine are p@rtners,
I just made everyone believe he’s my b©yfri£nd, and trust me Teddy. I will get you no matter what it takes.
” That angel is something else ” Briana said
” Did you see her skin? ” Lilly asked and they keep on talking about her
” Guys st©p!! ” I yelled angrily and they st©pped immediately
” I hate that girl alre-ady ” I said and stormed into the pri-vate clas-s. The lecturer is there alre-ady
” You are late ” He said
” My dad will pay you off ” I said and sat down
😍 Angel’s Pov 😍
How can I suddenly become someone’s enemy on my first day? She called me a witch,, how can I be a witch?
Is it my fault that am pretty? Why will she say that to me??
I continue walking to nowhere in p@rticular,, the school is really large. I saw a large beautiful in front of me, boldly written on it MUSIC ROOM
© Summer Gold ✍
Wow,, how can the music room be as big as this? I should just take a look,,
I entered and smiled at the scent which filled my nose, wow I feel rich.
I continue going in and in, there are lots of room here,, or should I say clas-s? Some are locked while others are not.
Suddenly I saw an image just in front of me,, turning his back to me, oh no it’s Teddy Lee
He’s actually singing,, oh my God. What a lovely voice he’s got, he operate the organ as he sings
🎧 Sure you gonna be mine?
🎧 Even when we are in our darkest mind
🎧 Will you ever be mine?
🎧 Will I ever hold you?
🎧 Close to my arms
I never knew when I started singing along with him, I’m so lost in that song
Suddenly he st©pped, oh no I am really crazy. How can I sing along with Teddy? What if he punishes me?
I quic-kly hide in one of the opened rooms
” Who is there? ” I heard him saying
Gosh, I am in de-ep trouble right now,, Nicole plea-se where are you?
” Anyb©dy here? ” He asked again, I almost screamed out in fear but I kept my cool
I heard his phone rings
📲, Hello? ,, oh,, I will be there in a minute
He left and I breath out,, I almost died of heart attack.
I ran out of the building immediately,, I promise am not gonna practice music with them. I want to stay away from Vivian and her crew.
I will just focus on science for now,,,
” Are you crazy? How can you give up on Music because of Vivian? ” Nicole asked angrily as we walked toward her car.
” You should know me Nicole, I don’t like trouble. She really hates me alot, you won’t be there all the time remember? ”
” Then fight for yourself,, ” she snapped and I sigh
” Let’s leave, I am starving ” I said
” Not my fault that you ran away and skipped lunch ” she said
Just then Teddy and three guys walked past us with five guards behind them, so adorable.
I followed Nicole’s eyes,, she’s starring at them too..
” I guess you have a crush on Teddy ” I said as we entered the car
” Everyone do,, ” she replied
” But why will I do that when there is no hope for me? I have my secret crush ” she added and I couldn’t help but to scream
” And who is he? ”
” Teddy’s friend, Theo. ” she replied
” One of the guys that,, oh my God. Those guys are h0t ” I said
” But Teddy is the h0ttest ” she win-ked
” But Vivian always claim to be his girlfriend and no one dares to question her since she’s close to Teddy’s parents ” she said
” Oh ” was all I said
Should I tell her about what happened in the music room? No I can’t, she will make fun of me.
” Do you even know how much Teddy worth? ” She asked
” How much? ” I asked
She lean closer to my ear and whispered
” Whaaaaat!!!! ” I screamed and she blocked it with her palm
” That’s why Vivian want him badly ”
” She should love him for who he is,, not his money ” I said
” Teddy is every girls dream,, I heard he just built another mansion,,, he was interviewed on how much he spent on it. He only laughed but didn’t say it,,, he’s just so sweet ” Nicole said and I smiled
I better st©p thinking about him,, But can I? When I heard his voice earlier, it s£nt bu-tterfly down to my stomach. So pure like gold 🌟 😊.
” We nee-d to go for shopping!! Tomorrow is a special day ” Nicole said and starts the car
” What’s happening Tomorrow? ” I asked
” The new music holders will be chos£n ” She said
” How? “.
” Students will show their talents,, either by dancing or by singing,, and then Teddy and his three friends with some other judges will choose just two of them to add to the band ”
” Who are the band? ” I asked
” Vivian, Briana, Lily, and Jasmine ” she said
” Wow,,, you are competing right? ”
” Of course,, I wish you can also,,, ”
” No Nicole ” I cut her off and she sigh
” I bet Teddy won’t be able to get his eyes off you when you do the dance ” she said and I blu-shed
” I wish you luck Nicole ” I said
” Thanks Bess ” she replied
I wish you win this,, I can’t bear to see you loose, that’s why I can’t take p@rt in the competition. You are more than that to me Nicole, I love you so much. You are rare

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