something about us Episode 40

(When A Tomboy Loves…)

✍️Written by Nuri .F. Chisom Pearl✍️

🥀Chapter 40🥀.


Flora discontinued the silence with chuckle. She looked at Dana and couldn’t help but laugh. She didn’t un-derstand what was going on with her but she found herself laughing at Dana for no reason.

“Why are you laughing?” Dana angrily asked squee-zing her face. She was a little embarras-sed.

Flora sniffed, covered her mouth with her hand and finally coughed loudly.

“It’s just too funny” Flora replied still managing to st©p her laughter.

“What? What is?” Dana couldn’t help but ask.

“At first, I wonder why I was laughing and then I finally realized “Why!”…It’s surprising how a ballerina like you is still unbelievable jealous of me despite being all chubby like this?”

“Wh.. What? Me? Jealous of you? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“If you aren’t jealous. Why look for me? Why come to my place? Why show me your shoes? Why walk in ti-ptoes? I’ve got enough reason to show you’re jealous and it’s kinda funny. I’m also quite glad on what you’re feeling. It makes me feel I’m better than you”

“What?!..You’re so crazy!”

“No. I think you are the crazy one here. If a stranger walks here, you’d better be embarras-sed because he or she is gonna madly stare at you. For crying out loud, Who’s God name, walks around with ballet shoes? Dana… You’re crazy. A lot of people will agree with me. The shoes are quite new and expensive too. It’s better you keep them for a bigger event in future” Flora smiled

“You should watch what you say! I think you are the jealous one here! Mason just recently asked my hand in marriage–She paused and showed Flora the diamond ring on her f!nger.

“So? Good luck on your marriage then. Don’t forget to invite my husband to your wedding”

“Your what? Husband? Are you married?”

“Oh Geez, It’s gonna be bad if he comes to your wedding. What if you try to woo him? He isn’t like Mason, so sad to say. So, he probably won’t fall for you”

“Hey! Mind what you say!” Dana warned angrily. Flora laughed and walked close to Dana. On the other hand, She was afraid and began to take steps back wards.

“You’ve got legs to dance. I’ve also got a ton-gue to cuss. So, guess which is mightier?” Flora asked.

“Wow. Flora, I’m impressed. You are quite vengeful, Did I perhaps change you?” Dana asked with scorn.

“Well… If you did. I’m glad you did because I’m re-ady to hurt you. I’m sure you’re a weakling. You haven’t been eating what you want and I have been taking whatever. So, guess what will happen if I strangle you here and now. A weakling would cease to live or don’t you think so?”

“Your statements are as useless as you!” Dana fought back.

“If my statements are useless. Why do you bother to listen. You could have left me since. Why are you still here? Or do you want your legs to be rendered useless like my statement ?” Flora smiled.

“The only reason I’m still here is because I’ve got something to eat you up.
Something to make you mad with jealousy… So, Guess what?” Dana asked with a grin.

“Nothing will ever make me jealous!” She almost yelled

“Whatever. Just hear this and hear it good! I’ve been nominated as “QUEEN OF BALLET NATION wi-de”…Oh, I remember those days you used to br@g saying you would become the Queen and bring the trophy home. Now, Take a look at you and take a look at me… I’m now the next to be Queen. It’s obvious….Awwn, So soon and I’m off to France for the dance!” Dana smiled between her statement.
Flora inhaled de-eply and tried leaving. She didn’t want to say anything. Her motto then was Silence is the best answer for a fool.

“So, Who’s the Queen now, illiterate!?” Dana giggled. Flora sighed and looked behind staring at her.

“Don’t look down on me Dana” Flora replied softly. She began to walk away again but she suddenly paused. She smiled and turned behind once more.

“.. Oh, I almost forgot the most important p@rt. You can only look down on me but that should be when you are staring at my shoes” Flora completed. Dana took a quic-k glance down at her sneakers.
Flora chuckled and began running(exercise). Dana frowned and watched with annoyance till Flora was out of sight.

“Is it that her so-called Number 1 she eventually got married to or what? Aiish! So annoying” Dana thought angrily as she bit the inside of herl-ip.


Collins was walking to and fro outside the Anglican Church when his eyes met Deborah, Elizabeth’s sister going in. He ran to her, bent his head low in greeting.

“Noona. Is your sister in?” He asked.

“Elizabeth?” She asked. Collins nodded.

“Why are you asking by the way? Who are you?” She asked

“Oh. I’m sorry. I should have introduced myself earlier. I’m Collins, Alexa’s younger brother”

“Ah, Ah.. The Tomboy’s brother?”

“Yeah You guessed right?”

“I see. Then, What are you doing here?” She asked ti-ghtly holding her bible and hymn book on her che-st.

“I’ve got a message for her. My sister sÂŁnt me” He replied

“I don’t know what’s wrong with Elizabeth. She moves with ungodly people and when you try to talk some s-en-se into her like an elder sister would do. She would start nagging and yelling” Deborah whispered. Collins heard it ofcourse. He bit herl-ips embarras-sed.

“Huh?” he asked.

“Oh. Nothing. It’s nothing. Wait here, Let me get her for you”

“Oh Thank you”

“Yeah You’re welcome. Oh, Collins by the way, Are you a religious person?”


“Just forget it. I’m gonna get her. Hold on” She finally said and went in.
She met Elizabeth using her phone by the entrance.

“Hey? Who’s Collins? Do you have younger guys now tailing you around?” Deborah asked. Elizabeth sprang to her feet.

“What?” She asked just to be sure she heard right.

“Well. He has a message for you from his sister” Deborah explained. Elizabeth dashed out of the place and went outside with hearing any more word.

“Hey? What are you doing here?” Elizabeth asked trying to catch her breath after seeing Collins.

“Huh? Noona. Are you okay?” He asked coming closer to her. Lizzy looked around and pushed him away lightly.

“Answer me first. What are you doing here? My sister said you got a message for me from–

“I was lying” He cut in smiling.

“Wh…What? But why?” Lizzy asked half-annoyed and half-surprised.

“I haven’t been seeing you, Noona. I’ve missed you and I decided to just see–

“Damn! Collins? Are you nuts? Why? Aiish! Why? Seriously, Do you want me to die before my time?!” She almost yelled stomping her feet.

“I’m sorry” He whispered sadly saying.

“So? You c@mÂŁ because you missed me? Huh?”

“I wanted to remind you of the d@tÂŁ you promised. The second one”

“Oh.. So, when do you want that”

“What about next week Saturday?” He asked with his face liting up.

“Okay then. Location? Time?”

“Uh.. Let meet in Palmsdale. Time, uhh? When are you less busy?”

“Just choose the time alre-ady and leave. I’m gonna make enough time that day!”

“Okay.. Okay.. We are gonna meet by 2pm then?”

“Alright. But it’s just a waste of time. I haven’t started falling for you yet”

“Noona. Let’s just give it a try as you promised”

“Not a deal then. See you, Goodbye”

“No. Uhh, Can I Uhh… get your contact at least so in case if I miss you, I could just probably text or call?”

“Uh.. Alright, Your phone?” She asked stretching her hand.

“Oh.. Hold on, Here… Here you go” He said as she took it. She typed her number and gave it to him. Collins did the final tou-ching and smiled at her.

“Goodbye then” He said leaving.

“Huh! Wait, Collins!”

“Huh? What’s it?”

“Uh.. My contact.. What did you save it as?”

“Oh.. I saved it as My Upcoming Girlfriend” He replied with a smile. Lizzy looked at him and couldn’t help but smile too.


Alexa was done for that day. However, Eric begged her to see him beat the drum set.
She accepted and they both went in to the dark room where the musical instruments were kept. It was quite dusty so he had to clean it up for a bit.
He switched on the light and it kinda lightened up the room a bit.

“This is mine” He smiled taking his seat close to the drum set.

“Wow. Whose own is this?” Alexa asked tou-ching a good looking red and white guitar.

“That’s Ethan’s” He replied.

“This is Ken’s?” Alexa smiled tou-ching another guitar coloured blue and black.
Ethan nodded with a smile.

“Both are guitarist. Wow, So you are the only drummer?” She asked.

“Yeah. I’m unique huh?”

“Yes” She responded with a smile.

“Sit with me” He told her tapping the seat after leaving some space.
Alexa smiled and sat down with him, closer.

“I want you to rate my drumming skills” He started.

“Sure” She replied

“Tell me a song I should start with. Any song from the Skyy Boys Band only” He added

“Uhhmm.. Oh! Sing I “love you!„–Alexa’s paused for a bit after her eyes caught with his. She re-moved her eyes from him quite nervous and embarras-sed. Eric smiled.

“Okay… I’m gonna sing that!” He said as he loudly struck his drum with the stick. Alexa looked at him and pushed in a smile.

“Well.. Here goes nothing!” He said now beating the drum set. It sounded so cool that Alexa could help but cl@p and smile.
“Wow!!” She exclaimed with excitement. She kept moving her head with the music floor while her hands were busy with the cl@pping.

Soon, He started singing with his soft tone melodious voice. Alexa felt inlove with it and entered a world of theirs. She listened throu-gh her heart as she heard both the combination of the drum beats and his sweet honey voice.
Skyy Boys sure had it all. No one better!. Alexa smiled and gave him a big thumbs up!.

Has he gradually sang, he finally got to the chorus where he had to sing “I love you” numerous times. Alexa looked at him and felt cold chills flow all over her b©dy. Slowly, she moved her eyes to him and strangely, Eric was also facing her directly. So, They couldn’t possibly deny and decline the big time eye contact they were having.

Eric found himself singing into the lowest tone trying to die down the song. They continued looking de-ep into each other’s eyes. Eric slowly dropped his drum sticks and moved much closer to her. Alexa blinked her eyes nervously but continued to maintain her eye contact with him.

Eric pushed his face towards her very slowly. He swallowed ha-rd , bent his head a bit trying to reach for herl-ips. Alexa shrugged her shoulders, with her eyes still opened.

Seeing what was about to happen, She shifted her face slightly away. Eric noticed this and opened his eyes a little embarras-sed. He took away his face from hers and smiled.

“You changed your perfume?” He asked

“Huh? Well.. Yeah” She replied nervously in a whisper.

“I prefer the other flavor.. This is okay though but the former was better” He sniffed looking at the drum. His eyes were sad but his voice seemed all was well.

“Can I leave now? I’ve seen what ever you wanted to show me” She said as she stood up.

“Wait” Eric retorted holding onto her arm. She looked over her shoulder suprised.


“Uhmm.. You haven’t rated my drumming skills?” He smiled. Alexa smiled back and left her arms off him. Eric blinked his eyes sadly but f0rç£d a smile.

“I like it. 100%” She replied. They heard the door bell ring suddenly. They both looked behind and wondered who it could be. The Skyy Boys were all at home.

“Could it be our Manager? It’s been long since he c@mÂŁ over” Eric said leaving. Alexa followed him from behind.

They walked to the sitting room and saw Ken who was alre-ady at the door. He opened it and they moved closer to him. They saw two men by the door.

“Who are you, plea-se?” Ken asked.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience but we are asking for Ethan?” One of them asked.

“I’m the one” His voice was heard as he walked slowly behind Alexa. She turned to look at him still quite curious.

“and how may I help you?” He added.

“I’m Detective Murphy–He paused and showed them his Police ID.
“and you are nee-ded at the station. Kindly, come with us” Murphy added with his stern strong look. The others looked at Ethan who looked on confused.