Sold to Mr rude Episode 15 & 16

🍧Episode 15🍧
Nicky’s Pov:
I quic-kly wiped off my tears…
I don’t want my mom to see me crying at all.
“What is going on Nicky? What happened?” Mother asked anxiously.
“It’s nothing mother!” I managed to say.
“No way! Something is bothering you and you know it! Why are leaving the house with luggage? Where are you going to?” Mom asked now in tears
I couldn’t control myself anymore, I bur-st into h0t tears.
“I can’t bear this anymore mother! Am moving to Quezon City… That’s where I want my child to grow up” I said
I nee-d to let the cat out of the bag right now
“Your child? What do you mean by your child?” Mother asked shaking me vigorously.
“Yes mother! Am pregnant…” I said as I turned to leave but mother held my hand.
“Whose responsible for it?” She asked
“Eric… Yes mother! Eric is responsible…. He’s the father of my child” I said as I headed towards the door.
“Where are you heading to now” Mother asked anxiously in tears.
“To the park mother! Am going to board the bus going to Quezon City” I said as I walked out of the house dragging my luggage with me.
I don’t even want my mother to say any word.
I don’t want her to st©p me.
And I don’t also want to see her in tears….
I quic-kly flagged down a cab and hopped in before mother c@m£ out of the house.
I ru-bbe-d my tummy as h0t tears rolled down my cheeks.
“My dear child! We are going to a place where we are going to start a new life… A peaceful one.. Am sorry! You will have to grow up fatherless child but your father is not worthy to be a father” I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.
I want my child to get the best things of life.
I can’t let the child grow up with a worthless father the same way I grew up with my good for nothing father.
Which made me end up getting pregnant for a rude billionaire just because he borrowed money from him.
I shook my head in disappointment.
Eric’s Pov:
I drove as fast as I could.
“Damn…. Who knows what she c@m£ over to tell me? What’s really going on?” I yelled at no-one in p@rticular.
I hit the car steering wheel.
I have to see her before she gets the wrong impression.
I wish I had known…
I wouldn’t have taken alcohol…
I hope it’s not too late.
I gnashed my teeth in pain.
I got to their house and pu-ll-ed over.
I quic-kly got down from the car.
I saw her mother in front of the house wailing.
I was still confused… 😕
Why is she crying?
Did something bad happen?
What is really going on?
I scratched my head in confusion.
“Good day ma’am! What’s the matter?” I asked concerned.
“What’s good about the day? What? You have finally succeeded” She cried
“Succeeded? How?” I asked anxiously
“She left the house… And she’s going out of town with your child….” She cried
I scoffed as I blinked my eyes continuously.
I still don’t un-derstand a thing…
What is she talking about?
“What are you saying? She left? Where to? With my child? Which child?” I asked
“Yes! She’s pregnant and you are responsible for it… And she’s leaving Manila! She’s going to the park to board a bus straight to Quezon City” She screamed
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock.
“What? Oh no!” I shouted as I quic-kly rushed into my car.
I speeded off.
Oh God!
I really nee-d to find them….
I mean Nicky and my child…
Now I un-derstand why she c@m£ over to the house…
She probably wants to tell me about the child.
I really hope and pray that she haven’t left.
I nee-d to st©p her from leaving the town.
Nicky’s Pov:
I picked up the ticket and thanked the man.
Tears welled down my chubby cheeks as I looked back.
Am really going to miss Daniella and my mother too.
I entered the long van with my luggage.
“The bus is moving in five minutes!” The driver announced
I sat on the car seat looking out from the car window.
Tears couldn’t st©p running down my face.
I don’t know why am feeling so bad.
I thought I wanted to do this?
How come am feeling real bad?
The car ignition was turned on and the bus door was locked immediately.
We were about to move….
🍧Episode 16🍧
Nicky’s Pov:
“St©p THE BUS” I screamed as the bus screeched.
All eyes were on me.
“Miss what is it?” they asked anxiously
“Can I get off the bus?” I asked anxiously as I got up.
I was alre-ady heading towards the car door.
“Weird!” people muttered.
I quic-kly got down from the bus and they took off.
I was alre-ady feeling uneasy…
I wish I followed them to Quezon City.
You know I don’t really un-derstand myself anymore…
I thought I no longer wanted to sojourn to Quezon City.
And I c@m£ down from the bus…
How come am feeling bad that I didn’t go with them?
I yawned hungrily…
That was when I realised that I have been starving since morning.
I haven’t had anything not even a drop of water.
I ru-bbe-d my tummy as I sat beside the other bus.
I don’t even know what else to do?
I don’t know where to go….
Am so confused!
Thoughts of what Eric said flashed back into my memories and tears began to rush down my face.
How is my baby going to grow up with such a father?
I don’t think keeping this baby is the right thing to do…
I don’t want my child to go throu-gh the hell am going throu-gh now.
I think the best thing to do is to take a poison.
My life is so miserable.
What kind of a life is this?
I quic-kly opened my luggage and brou-ght out a small pair knife 🔪
I have to end it…
The place was dark alre-ady so no-one will see me.
I quic-kly raised the knife to stab myself.
But someone held my hand.
I struggled to stab myself but the hand was so firm and manly.
Though I didn’t bother to look at the face, I perceived a familiar perfume.
I quic-kly looked at the face.
To my greatest surprise, it was Sir Eric.
I bec@m£ stunned.
“Don’t do this to you and the baby!” He said and I shivered.
“The baby? Who told you about the child?” I flin-ched
“I know a p@rt of my life lives in you” He said as I bec@m£ mute.
I remembered what happened last night and flared up.
I kept on hitting him mercilessly without minding my condition.
“Stay away from me! Stay away from my child” I screamed at him.
He only watched me hurt him.
He didn’t say a word….
That’s so unlike him!
I named him Mr rude because he’s a spoilt br@t….
How come he’s so calm?
“Am sorry!” He said quietly.
I tried to hit him again but I couldn’t.
I felt my eyes turning…
I bec@m£ weak and I coll@psed into his arms.
Mrs Susan’s Pov:
I rushed into the ward with Daniela and Eric.
I saw my dear daughter lying peacefully on the be-d
She was still unconscious….
I breathed heavily in relieve.
Then I turned to Eric who was behind us with his hands folded.
“Thank you so much Eric! Thank you for bringing back my daughter!” I said in tears.
“It’s OK ma’am! What’s important is that she’s safe now” He said
“Oh sister! Just get up alre-ady so that I can beat the hell out of you for trying to leave me alone” Daniela said as we roared in laughter.
“And the child?” I asked Eric anxiously
“The baby is fine and her condition is stabled…” He said and I smiled broadly.
That’s a relief!
I hvgged her ti-ghtly.
She’s been throu-gh a lot and I really pity my poor child.
Nicky’s Pov:
I gradually opened my weak eyes…
I couldn’t see clearly… My vision was blurry but I f0rç£d my eyes open.
I saw mother and Daniella lying close to me.
I smiled broadly.
“Mo…ther! ” I called slowly and she opened her eyes.
She screamed in delight and hvgged me.
“Nicky…” She called happily and hvgged me again.
Daniella also woke up and they screamed in excitement.
“Hey! You wanted to leave me alone right sister?” Daniella feigned anger
“Am sorry sister!” I said softly as she hit me pla-yfully.
We hvgged each other.
I missed them a lot.
“NICKY…” I heard someone call me.
It wasn’t my mom…
And no! It wasn’t my sister neither is it my good for nothing father.
It was Eric…. Written by Pinky Preshy Chioma.
I bec@m£ very uncomfortable.
“What are you….” I tried to shout at him but he quic-kly went on his knees with a box of ring in his hand and a flower.
I g@sped…
Aww 😍
isn’t this ro-mantic? 😘
I can’t help but cry…. tears of joy 🤗🤗
Should Nicky say yes? 😜
More likes to unlock the next episode….
Stay tuned!