sold to Mr Grayson batch 18

Title:?Sold to Mr Grayson ?

Subtitle: ?A Gang leader?

Tag: Bad…Abuse…Gangs…Love…hate

? Tragedy”?

Chapter : 34

By: Worthy stories

Natalie’s POV?

My eyes fluttered open, and my vision was blurry.

After a few minutes my vision cleared, and I’m in a jail cell.

My hands are cuffed behind my back, and I’m laying on a sad excuse for a bed.

“Natalie,”a voice calls out from the cell across from me.

I stand up and walk to the door of the cell, when I look across from me I see Avery.

“Oh thank god your alive,”I sighed in relief.

“We all are,” she announced.

“Is Carter okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine Nat,” Carter blurted from a cell.

“Where are you?” I asked, and tried to look down the row of cells.

“I’m a few cells down,” he stated. Then it hit me. My baby!!

“Where’s Kayden?” I panicked.

Don’t worry Natalie,” Clark chuckles, and walks
front of my cell.

In his hand is Kayden’s car seat, with my angel in it. “We were just getting acquainted,” he chuckled.

“You hurt a hair on his head, and I’ll cut your balls of,”I threatened.

Clark just chuckled, and set Kayden down in front of my cell.

I wanted to reach for him, but my hands are cuffed.

I looked at Clark, and he walked to the cell next to me.

“Don’t look so mad little brother,” Clark laughed,”You’ll be out soon.”

“I swear to god Clark,” Cole growled,”If you do anything I’l-”

“You’ll what?” Clark smi-rked,”You’ll kill me? Cole you can’t kill me.”

“Oh really,” Cole challenged,”How much you wanna bet?”

“You see Cole,” Clark paused,”You can’t kill me because….well we’re family.”

“I am not related to you,” Cole growled.

“Oh yes you are,” Clark smi-rked,”We’re a family of killers.”

“Mom wasn’t a killer, dad isn’t a killer, Jameson wasn’t a killer, and Jane isn’t a killer either,” Cole stated.

“But we are Cole,” Clark growled,”We kill for the thrill. We don’t care about feelings, or anyone else.

“You cared about Jessica,” Cole stated.

“Not anymore,” Clark huffed.

“Well I care about people,” Cole admitted.

Clark laughed,”Oh really? Who?”

“I care about my gang,” Cole announced,”That gang includes my brothers, my sisters, and that little baby right there.

What I don’t care about is you.” Awww that’s so sweet. Clark seemed awfully p!ssed by Cole’s answer.

The next thing Clark did surprised me. He pulled out his gun, and shot Cole.

I heard a loud thud, and screams mostly from us girls.

“Cole!!” Carter yelled. Tears flooded my eyes, and I fell to my knees.

Clark stormed out of the room, and I could here Ban-ging against the metal bars.

“Cole,” Kai yelled. I didn’t hear anything from the cell next to me. Please don’t be dead.

“Cole stay with us!!” Kent shouted.

“Cole answer us!!” Carter yelled.

Cole come on,” AJ boomed,”You can’t quit on us.” More tears flooded from my eyes as, the guys tried to get Cole to answer.

With all of this chaos, I didn’t notice that Kayden had started crying.

I scooted closer to Kayden, and tried to calm him down.

“Everything is going to be okay Kayden,” I cried,”Please stop crying.” Kayden continued to wail, when Carter spoke up.

“Kayden you’re going to be okay, calm down son,” Carter announced.

I could hear the shakiness in Carter’s voice, and I could tell he was crying.

At the sound of Carter’s voice, Kayden’s crying had died down.

I can’t believe Clark shot Cole. Just as all of the yelling had quieted down, Clark came back in with some “friends”.

I heard a jail cell being opened, and by the gr-unts and shouting I knew it was Carter.

Clark came up to my cell, and open it. He rou-ghly pulled me up, and dragged me out of the cell.

I was thrown to the ground, and I slowly sat up. I was held in place by one of Clark’s goons, so I couldn’t escape.

Carter was on his knees next to Kayden, while Clark and his goons stood behind them. Clark pulled out his gun, and looked at me.

“Since I am a man of good faith, and I like you Natalie,” he began,”I’m going to make you choose, who gets to live.

The one you don’t pick gets to die. So, what’s it going to be? Your baby or……whatever Carter is to you. ”

“You can’t make me choose,”I choked.

“Oh I can,” Clark smi-rked,”You have to decide in 30 seconds or I’ll choose for you.”

“Please,” I begged,”You can’t do this.”

“20 seconds,” Clark announced. I looked at Carter, and he looked at me with saddened eyes.

“Natalie,” Carter sighed,”Pick Kayden his life is just starting. I’ll take a bullet for Kayden any day.”

“But I love you,” I cried.

“I love you too Natalie, but you have to choose,”Carter sighed.

“10 seconds,”Clark interrupted. More tears fell from my eyes, before I spoke.

“Kill me,” I sighed. Carter’s eyes wide-ned.

“Sorry that’s not an option,” Clark stated.

“Kill me,” Carter blurted.

“Okay,” Clark smiled, and took the safety off of his gun.

“Wait,” Carter interrupted.

“What?” Clark sighed.

“I’d like to ask Natalie a question before I die,” Carter spoke. Clark nodded, and Carter looked at me. “Will you marry me?” Carter asked.

“Yes,” I cried.

“When you get home,” Carter began,”There’s a ring box in my top drawer…I love you Natalie.”

“I love you too Carter,” I cried.

Clark rolled his eyes,”Ready?”

“Ready?” Carter sighed.

“No! Please don’t,” I cried.

Carter put his head down, and Clark pulled the trigger.

Title:?Sold to Mr Grayson ?

Subtitle: ?A Gang leader?

Tag: Bad…Abuse…Gangs…Love…hate

? The Ring”?

Chapter : 35_&36

By: Worthy stories

Natalie’s POV?

When Clark pulled the trigger, all I saw was Carter’s body move a bit then he fell to the ground.

“Carter no!” I cried, and moved towards him. Clark took the handcuffs off of me, then he and his goons left.

However, before Clark left he threw some keys, which I hope were the keys to cells.

“Carter,” I cried, and crawled over to him. I set his head on my lap, and I checked his pulse…….There was none. “No,” I cried.

I sat there holding Carter’s body for what seemed like forever, before Kai shook me from my thoughts.

“Natalie,” Kai called out,”Open the cells.” I slowly set Carter down then grabbed the keys.

I unlocked Kai’s cell, and he ran over to Carter.

Kai did something to Carter’s ne-ck, but I didn’t really pay attention.

I walked over to Cole’s cell, and opened it.

“Cole,”I whispered, and walked over to him. I rolled him over him over, and saw a bullet wound throu-ghhis che-st.

I checked his pulse, and just like Carter…..there wasn’t one.

“Natalie I nee-d you to go unlock everyone else okay?” Kai stated. I nodded, and slowly walked out of Cole’s cell.

After I unlocked everyone, Kent sent us girls, and Kayden outside.

“I can’t believe he’s gone,” I cried, and looked down at Kayden.

“They’re both gone,”Avery sniffled.

“What are we going to do now?” Madison asked.

“I don’t know,” Sabrina sighed. We waited outside for a few minutes before AJ came outside.

“Manny is on his way,”AJ sighed, and ru-bbed his face. Madison walked over to him, and he pulled her into a hu-g.

Soon Manny arrived with four other cars, and some more back up.

Manny got out of the car, and came over to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I looked up at him, and shook my head no.

“What happened?” he asked. I just kept shaking my head, and I burst into tears.

He pulled me into a hu-g, and I kept crying.

“Take them home,” Kent announced,”We’ll wrap up here.” I turned toward Kent, and he gave me a sympathetic look.

“I want to see him one more time,” I admitted.

“That’s not a good idea Nat,” Kent stated.

“Why not?” I frowned.

“Trust me Nat,” Kent sighed,”You don’t want to.” Kent looked at Manny and said,”Take them home.”

“Lets go girls,” Manny announced. I str-apped down Kayden’s car seat, and sat in the seat next to him.

During the drive home, all I could do was think.

Did that really just happen? Carter’s not really dead is he? I don’t think I can do this without him….I nee-d him.

I love him. They’re both gone. Cole and I were just starting to get along. We…We were becoming friends…..I can’t do this….

“We’re here,” Manny announced. I un-buckled Kayden’s seat, and slowly got out of the car.

I looked down at Kayden, as I followed the girls into the house.

Why does Kayden have to look just like Carter?

“Natalie,” Lynn called out.

“What?” I asked, and looked at her. Lynn came over to me, and put a hand on my shoulder.

“We’re going to make it throu-ghthis,” she encouraged.

“I hope so,” I whispered, and walked upstairs to my bedroom. I took Kayden out of his car seat, and lied him down on the bed.

I put his respirator right next to him, and walked over to Carter’s drawer.

I dug throu-ghhis top drawer, until I found a black box. Here it is… My hands started shaking as held the box.

When I opened the box, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

This had to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

It was a Vera Wang ring, apart of her Love collection.

I only know that because, I’ve wanted one of those rings ever since I saw that Zales commercial.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, and put the ring on my finger. If only Carter were here…

Tears rolled down my cheeks, as I thought about what life would be like with Carter here. The more I thought the angrier I got.

I pulled my gun out of my drawer, and aimed it at Kayden.

“I could’ve saved him,” I cried,”We could’ve had more kids.”

I got closer to Kayden, but I put my gun down when Kayden opened his eyes.

“What are you doing Natalie?” I cried. I threw my gun on the floor, and curled up next to Kayden.

He just looked at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. “I’m sorry Kayden,” I sniffled,”I love you.”

I fed him and ru-bbed his stomach until he fell back asleep.

I lied Kayden down in his crib, and walked out of his bedroom.

“Hey Natalie,” AJ greeted.

“Hey AJ,” I sighed.

“How you doing?” he asked.

“Not good,” I choked. AJ pulled me into a hu-g, and I let a few tears fall.

“I’m gonna kill him,” I whispered. AJ pulled away, and gave me a weird look.

“Clark?” he asked. I nodded, and walked p@$$ed him. “And how do you plan on doing that?” He asked.

“Solo,” I replied.

“Nat you can’t,” AJ admitted. I walked into the gun room with AJ on my heels.

“I can,” I stated,”And I will. That son of b!tch killed my husband, and Cole. I’m gonna kill him before he can go anywhere.”

“I’m coming with you,” AJ sighed.

“No,” I replied.

“You’re not going alone,” AJ argued. I slammed my hand down on the table, and looked at AJ.

“Look I know it sounds crazy but I have a plan. Trust me,” I paused,”I’ll be back before midnight.

Watch Kayden for me will ya?” AJ thought for a minute, and sighed in defeat.

“Fine,” he sighed,”But keep a radio on you.”

“I will,” I replied, and gathered my supplies. I was about to walk out the door, when AJ stopped me.

“Here,” he says, and hands me an ax. I give him a look, and he smiles weakly,”It was Cole’s beheadin ax.”

“Oh,” I smiled, and took the ax.

“Be careful Nat,” He sighs,”If anything were to happen to you Carter would crawl out of his grave, and kick my a*s”

“I promise I’ll be careful,” I chuckled, and walked out of the house.

I got in one of black Escalades, and set my stuff in the p@$$enger seat.

I pulled out of the drive way, and drove towards the prison where Clark was holding us.

“It’s time to put the plan in motion,” I sighed, and gripped the steering wheel.


here’s the update hope you liked it.

Oh and a little spoiler for you guys. Cole and Carter weren’t buried in graves…..I’ve said too much BYE.


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Title:?Sold to Mr Grayson ?

Subtitle: ?A Gang leader?

Tag: Bad…Abuse…Gangs…Love…hate

? You Came?

Chapter : 36

By: Worthy stories

Natalie’s POV?

I bet you’re wondering how in the h*ll, am I going to find Clark. Well Clark is going to come to me.

I drove to outskirts of town just to use an old payphone.

Once I found the payphone I got out of the car, put some change in the phone,

and dialed Violet’s number. She picked up on the 3rd ring.

“Hello?” she yawned.

“Violet,” I sighed.

“Natalie? Why are you calling me on a blocked number?” she asked.

“Carter’s dead,” I paused,”And so is Cole. Just thought I’d let you know.” Tears ran down my cheeks, but I quickly wiped them away.

“You’re lying,” Violet whispered.

“I wish I was,” I cried,”I’ve got to go Violet.” With that said I hung up, and got back into my car.

I did a U-turn, and drove toward the prison where Clark killed Carter and Cole.

Surprisingly, just as I hoped would happen a car started following me.

It’s gotta be Clark. I kept driving, until I finally reached the prison.

I zi-pped up my duffle bag with my weapons in, and I walked inside.

As I walked inside I noticed that it had started to snow.

Well…..It is December, and Christmas is just like 2-3 weeks away.

I could here footsteps behind me but I kept walking.

I stood in the middle of the prison, and looked around.

It was dark, cold, and creepy. Just like an abandon prison should be.

“You shouldn’t be here by yourself,” Clark’s voice boomed.

I turned towards him, and sat my duffle bag on the ground.

“You came,” I sighed,”How’d you find me?”

“I keep tabs on you Natalie,” Clark admitted, and walked towards me.

“Well I’d like to be alone so,” I trailed off. Clark stood in front of me, and stro-ked my hair. This creep has some dam nerve.

“You’re so beautiful,” he smiled. I sma-ck ed his hand away, and glared at him.

“You must be out of your dam mind, if you think I’m going to stand here and let you touch me,” I growled.

“Are you still mad about the whole Carter and Cole thing?” he chuckled,”

That happened like 2 hours ago.” I punched him square in the face, and he fell backward onto his bu-tt.

“I will be p!ssed about it forever,” I yelled, and kicked him in the stomach.

“Calm down Natalie,” he coughed.

“I am calm!” I yelled, and kicked him again. I quickly walked over to my bag, and unzi-pped it grabbing my baseball bat.

Clark had just stood up, and tried to un-derstand what was going on.

I came at him with the bat, and but he dodged me.

“I don’t want to hurt you Natalie,” he admitted.

“Well if you want to live you’re gonna have to,” I growled, and swung the bat again.

It was successful this time because he fell to the ground, and held his shin.

I kept swinging the bat at him, as he begged me to stop.

He must have had enough because, he kicked my feet out from un-der me, and I fell to my back.

He quickly pinned me down to the ground, but I kept fighting in order to get free.

The chances of me getting out of his grasp was slim, so I devised another plan.

“Stop fighting me,” he yelled. I stop fighting, and looked him in the eye. I picked my head up off the floor a bit, and leaned in.

“kizz me,” I whispered. Being the fool he is Clark leaned in and we locked li-ps. Carter is a much better kizzer.

As we kizzed his hands slid fro my wrist to my wa-ist. su-cker.

With my hands free I quickly hit hi in the ne-ck, then kicked him off of me.

I pulled my gun out from the holster in the back of my pa-nts, and pointed it at him.

“Did you really think I’d want to kizz an a*shole like you?” I chuckled.

He looked at me, and his eyes wide-ned, but then he smi-rked.

“You can’t shoot me,” He laughed,”You don’t have the guts.”

“You obviously don’t know me then,” I stated, and shot him in the shoulder.

He yelled in pain, and I shot him again, this time in the forehead. His cries were silenced.

“That’s for Carter,” I yelled, and picked up the ax. I raised the ax then brou-ght it down.

His head severed from his body, and blood splattered.

“And that’s for Cole,” I sniffled. When I took a look at my work I threw up.

It’s not a very pretty sight. After I wiped my mouth I gathered my stuff, and walked out of the prison.

I got in my car, and put my head in my hands. You did it Nat.

I glanced at the blood spattered bag next to, and grabbed the walkie talkie.

“AJ,” I said into the walkie talkie.

“Natalie are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m coming home,” I replied.

“Did you kill him?” he questioned.

“Yes,” I sighed, and put the radio away.
