Sold to a gang leader Episode 38

Episode 38
☠️Sold To A Gang Leader ☠️
😎[He owns her]💲
Written by: Blessing D writes
Writer’s POV
An hour earlier.
Matthias knocked Shawna out when he was sure that the students has all left. He broke down the restroom door and carried her out to his car parked at the garage.
Then he drove out afterwards towards his hideout. He and few other boys actually stays there some times, he was praying that by the time he gets there with Shawna that non of them will be there. He really nee-d to do the things he has been restricting himself to do.
But unfortunately for him, when he got to the hideout he met two other boys there. He had to beg them not to say a word to their boss till the next day and they all agreed in hope that they will also have a taste of Shawna.
Matthias carried her and led her on his be-d and then he tied her hands together and re-moved the gag in her mouth.
He carried a little quantity of water and poured it on her face, her eyes flu-shed open.
“What? Where are we?” Shawna asked her eyes running round the rou-gh looking room.
“We are where no one can find us” he answered her with a big sm-irk plastered on his face.
“After I’m done with you, I’m taking you to my boss” he added and sat on the be-d.
Shawna immediately rolled down from the be-d hitting herself ha-rd on the floor. She got up on her feet which wasn’t tied in an attempt to escape but matthias was fas-ter. He caught her and threw her back on the be-d, she landed r0ûghly on the ha-rd big be-d and gro-an ed.
“There is no escaping from me, Shawna” matthias gro-an ed really angry she tried to escape.
“St©p all these madness, just let me go, I want say a word about you matthias. plea-se just let me go” Shawna cried.
“I’m sorry love, I can’t grant you that request” Matthias replied her.
He loos£n the ropes he tied her hands with, he then tied it around he wood holding the be-d together. Then finally he tied her hands to the wood.
“St©p…plea-se Matthias, I didn’t mean all those words I said to you. I didn’t mean them okay?” Shawna pleaded but he turned deaf ears.
Shawna was putting on a go-wn, it made it a bit easy for Matthias. He held the ti-p of the dress from her shoulder and pu-ll-ed it down f0rç£fully.
He didn’t want her struggles to make things difficult so he was quic-k. The go-wn was completely off in the next second.
“No…No..!! plea-se Matthias” Shawna kept apologizing and pleading.
She didn’t know that Matthias’s mind was no longer with him the moment he set his eyes on her mini n-ked b©dy. All he wanted to do at that moment was to devour her.
Gosh! She looks so sweet, he thought in his mind.
Slowly he covered her b©dy with his and posited her head in one place.
“I told you I’ll make it a little ro-mantic for you, let’s start with a k!ss” Matthias said and placed hisl-ips on hers.
Meanwhile Dillion had managed to locate lasis and was now around there, so close to Matthias hideout.
He c@m£ down from his car and looked around. There weren’t much good looking buildings around.
Where is she? He thought his hands fixed on his w@!st.
He walked around the area and suddenly he’s eyes caught the weast bin just by his side.
He saw Shawna’s designer bag and went to pick it up, he opened the bag and found her cellphone inside.
No wonder the tracker st©pped here, he thought.
Then his eyes again caught a building, a small bungalow just few miles away from the weast bin.
It might be there, he’s mind told him, then he walked to the house and stood right outside listening to see if he could get a head.
Shawna shook her head repeatedly and ti-ght£ñed her mouth, she felt disgusted that Matthias had placed hisl-ips on hers. She was also in tears.
Matthias bec@m£ more angry at her, he sl@pped her again and she cried out.
“So, I am disgusting to you huh?” He re-ad her facial expression and un-derstood the meaning.
Shawna only cried because of the sl@p, it hurt her like hell, she thought her skin was gonna pu-ll away.
“Well, I will no longer try to be ro-mantic with you” he snarled and spre-ad her legs open angrily.
Shawna screamed immediately, she screamed with all her might in case, just in case someone could run in and save her.
Her screaming only annoyed Matthias the more, he knew he had to gag her again in case, just to be careful.
He brou-ght out the plain cloth and gaged her with it.
Shawna continued crying and screaming nevertheless, the last time Dillion did this to her, she knows how it had hurt her, she doesn’t want it again, especially from another, especially from someone like Matthias.
Matthias climbe-d onto the be-d again and un-hooked her br@, again he was mesmerized, everything about her is beautiful, he thought.
Outside Dillion had made to leave but heard a voice scream out, he wasn’t so sure, it sounded distant.
He doesn’t wanna barge into the wrong house too, he is being careful.
“Hey Matthias, make her keep her goddamn voice down okay, do not exhaust her completely, remember I’ll alsofu-ck her” he heard another voice speak from inside the house then he concluded.
This was it. It’s the house.
He stared at the wooden door for a while.
Should I break it down or knock on it? He thought.
Knocking will be better, he concluded and knocked on the door which got opened by a guy who was obviously smoking.
“Hey, what do you want?” The guy questioned, his face ha-rd .
He got replied with a sl@p that made he leave the door immediately. Dillion kicked the door open to see a second guy there but couldn’t see Shawna, but then again he could clearly hear her muffles. It angered him, it angered him to know that someone else was tou-ching her, it made him so so mad. He is gonna kill each and everyone one of them there.
Getting h0tter!