s-en-sation episode 5

?s-en-sATION ?

(Fighting against lvst ?)

Written by Lynne writes.

@Lynne’s libr@ry.

Chapter five

“Where are you taking me to ” I ask Xander whose focus is on the road.

I don’t know why I followed him. I trust him a little bit after the previous day incident.

“My house ” he says ma-king me sit up right immediately.

“Why are you taking me to your house? ”

“Fine if you don’t wanna go I can bring you somewhere else. My friends must be there anyways ”

“You live with your friends? ” I ask m

“We got the place together “he answered

He st©pped his car behind a small house.

“Where is this place? ”

“It’s just a place I do come to whenever I feel like being alone ” he replies.

“Then why did you bring me here? ”

“I don’t know ”

He gr-ab my wrist and pu-ll me along. We got to the front of the building. A small river was in front of it. He st©pped when we got to the river bank. He re-lease my hand and sit down on the river bank, his leg in the water.

“Sit down ” he says and I move to sit beside him.

Removing my sandal, I exhale as my leg met with the cold water.

“Why is it so quiet? ”

“Because no one is here except us”

“And that house, doesn’t someone live there? ” I ask.

“No one lives there…and do you know why people don’t come here? ”

“No ” I shake my head.

“Well I heard the ghost of the woman that lived in that house do torment this place “he says and I scream in fright.

“What? ”

“Take me home!” I yell only to see him cracking up and bur-st into laughter.

“Xander plea-se take me home ” I beg standing up.

My b©dy started shaking from fear. He stood and gr-ab my shoulder mas-saging it lightly.

“Hey! Calm down I was only joking ”

“What? ”

“I was joking ” he repeats.

I glare at him angrily and sl@p his hand away.

“That joke was expensive, you don’t pl@yme with something scary like that ”

“Sorry ”

“Not don’t tell me cra-p, I was scared to death you could have killed me ” I hissed.

“Was it that bad? ”

“I don’t like it ” I warned.

“I won’t do that again, I just want to have a conversation with you since all you do was ask questions” he explains looking at me.

I sigh.

“Do you wanna swim?” he ask ma-king me turn. I had no idea when he re-move his T-shi-t, I stare at his well toned che-st.

“You have a tattoo ” I voiced out pointing to the tattoo on his shoulder blade.

He nods.

I secretly admire tattoos but no I can’t do it on my be-d. No way!

“What did you write ” I ask straining my eyes to get the word.

“It’s….. I…you don’t wanna know “he says instead.

“I want to ” I insisted.

He jump in to the water without replying me.

“Join me, come on “Xander calls and I shake my head shouting ‘no’ back at him.

I cringe as I thought of his reaction when he sees me in a bikini. He might never talk to me again.

“Why? ”

“I didn’t bring any swimwear ” I replied.

He went silent, then got out of the water. I wouldn’t deny I was lost staring at him.

“Come with me “he says and walk away. I stood up and follow him.

“Wait, are we going inside that house ” I said as I watch him open the door with a key.

“it’s my mum’s and she’s late..so ” he shrug finally opening the door and walking in.

I was hesitant to follow him.

“Aria..come on ”

Minutes later, Xander kept throwing shi-t at me.

“Okay try this one, I think it covers you better “he throws a white bu-tton up shi-t to me.

I had told him I want something that will cover my b©dy, but none of his mom’s can fit me.

I gr-ab the big shi-t “Whose shi-t is this? ”

“Mine ”

“I’ve never seen you wear something like this ” I say and he laughs.

I walk into an empty room and re-move my hoodie and jeans then put the shi-t on. It st©pped at my mid ti-ght but I still feel expo-sed.

I can’t go out like this.

“Ahm.. Xander I don’t think I want to swim anymore ” I say from the room but I didn’t get a response from him either a sight of him in house.

I rush out to see him by the river bank talking to someone on phone.

I had forgotten that I was wearing only his shi-t, I only want to scold him right now.

“Xander why would you leave me alone in there ” I snarl ma-king him turn to my direction.

“Wow you look h0t in my shi-t “he sm-irk dropping his phone.

That will be the first time a guy will say something nice about my b©dy, even Tristan my ex b©yfri£ndnever told me I look nice or say something nice to me.

You must be wondering what type of b©yfri£ndis he and why I chose to d@t£ someone like him. Well I was desperately in nee-d of a b©yfri£ndthat time, I mean almost all my friends talked about their b©yfri£nds or exes while I don’t even have one.

And Tristan had ask me out just at the right time, I had thought. I should have just stayed single, cos Tristan only made me feel singular and worthless. He talks to me once in a while, ignores my message and left me confused, sometimes I wonder why he asked me out in the first place.

And guess what also, we never broke up. I mean not officially we just st©p being in contact and then it ended.

I broke out of my reverie when Xander splash water on my b©dy. He’s back inside the water.

“Come here “he gr-ab my hand and pu-ll me inside the water.

“Oh my god!!” I scream catching my breath.

“Wow your scream just sound like music to my ears “he deadpanned.

“j£rk ” I hiss un-der my breath and swam away from him.

He di-pped his head inside the water ma-king me instinctively cover my lower b©dy.

“Can you plea-se bring your head up, I feel like you’re staring at my b©dy down there ” I voiced out.

He raise his head then run his hand throu-gh his hair.

“Nope my eyes is closed but…you just gave me an idea, let me do that ” he says and I scream covering my b©dy.

“No no no!! “my scream echoes throu-gh the whole place and his de-ep laughter followed.

“Good God, you’re so annoying Xander ” I shake my head not able to keep the wi-de grin off my face.

“You should try it’s fun, just close your eyes and hold your breath “he says di-pping his head back in to the water.

I inhale and mimic him. I was enjoying it until I felt a hand around my w@!st.

I open my eyes and move up.

“What are you doing ” I say breathlessly.

“Hey breathe “he says staring at my face.

I look away. I can feel spark shooting throu-gh my b©dy and the contact of his b©dy ru-bbing mine.

I tried to move away but he grip my w@!st ti-ghter and firmer.

“Xander ” I call.

“Aria ”

The way and how softly he call my name made my stomach churn.

“You promise not to do anything ” I whisper still breathing heavily. I took the risk of glancing at him in less than a second before looking away.

He draw my b©dy closer ma-king me re-lease a soft g@sp.

I was f0rç£ to look at him again as his free hand cu-p the left side of my face, it was so light. I could ha-rd ly feel it only his thumb that keep c@r£ss!ngmy cheek softly.

His eyes watch me intensely, then his gaze dropped on myl-ips.

I know what he wants to do it but I couldn’t even st©p him. I had bec@m£ numb.

“I promise not to fv¢k you but I didn’t promise not k!ssyou, did I? I don’t think so, I want to k!ssyou right now and nothing is gonna st©p me. ”

His words are blunt and demanding.

“Wh….”before I could finish my words, Xander gr-ab the back of my n£¢k tilting my head then cover my mouth with his.

He su-cks on my lowerl-ips ma-king me instinctively close my eyes and let out a shaky breath. He k!ssmy mouth svçkon my l!ppas-sionately at the same time softly c@r£ss!ngmy ti-ght.

He stro-ke a f!nger down my n£¢k to my spine, leaving goosebu-mps on its way then bites my l-ips oftly causing me to m0@n blissfully.

“And that what I wanna hear ” he mutter and his push is h0t ton-gue in my mouth as our ton-gues danced with each other in ecstasy. His hands roamed up to my as-s cu-pping them then squee-ze it, heat crawl up to the between of my th!gh ma-king me m0@n again.

I clutch into his hair ti-ght and I gave in completely, letting him taste me all he wants. The s-en-sation was becoming much, I’m about loosing the last bit of control in me.

Someone should tell him to st©p.

“Oh God ” I m0@n ed when he k!ssmy n£¢k right on my s-en-sitive sp©t.

“Xander plea-se st©p ”

It c@m£ out as a m0@n .

“I’m sorry I went too far “he st©p k!ss!ngme but his hands was still around me.

His eyes wi-de-ned when I let out a sneeze.

“fv¢k! You are cold ”

He carried me out of the water immediately to the house. He place me on the be-d.

“Maybe I should help you dress? ”

“What? ”

“Never mind I’m going out call me if you nee-d anything ” he walk out and I sigh but then a blus-h creep to my cheek.

Guess who I just k!ss, it’s Xander. Badboy Xander, yes….him.

I imagine telling my roommates that. I can’t.

I can’t help but think, why will he k!ssme? does he like me or he’s having fun like he use to.

T. B. C.