s-en-sation episode 2 – 4

?s-en-sATION ?

(Fighting against lvst ?)

Written by Lynne writes.

FB; @Lynne’s libr@ry.

Chapter Two

“fv¢k me, what is that thing ” I mutter.

Is that a p@n-t? It’s so big I wonder who wears it. It can’t be those two girls. Those ones are slim.

I shrug and start washing my hands.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here ” I heard behind me.

I turn around to meet the angry face of a girl. She has a towel wra-pped around her chubby b©dy. The towel st©pped at her middle th!gh which made me stare down.

Fresh legs, firm bo-ob s. Ah I might like this one.
I’m sure she’s the owner of those big p@n-ts.

“I asked you a question, st©p staring at me! “she huffed.

“You should be happy I’m staring at you, many girls will kill to be in your place right now ” I said moving closer to her. She move back ti-ghly holding the edge of the towel.

“Because you are? I don’t get it “she said ma-king me raise a brow.

She doesn’t know me?
Of course she does, who doesn’t.

I lean forward, my face inches away from hers”Because I’m handsome and I’m the a great lover too. Got it now? ” I stare down at her che-st before pu-lling myself away.

I raise my hand “c@m£ here to wash my hand, you smell nice by the way ” I tell her and open the door going back into the room. I left without my friends.

They should sleep there for all I care.


I breathed a sigh of relief after he left. He must be one of the j£rks and man who-re in this School.

Jac and Anita are really testing my patience.
First they brou-ght boys into the room, now into the bathroom while I’m taking my bath are they crazy?

I walk into the room after dressing up. It was empty.

I heaved a sigh of relief.

” You guys will respect our decisions or we’ll be f0rç£d to report “Rissa yelled at Jac and Anita.

“Report? This is no new thing Rissa “Anita says.

“What are you blabbing, how many times have you seen either of us bring a guy into the room and just imagine how you will feel too if a guy sees you n-ked ” I said.

Jac laughs. “You? Bring a guy into the room. Tell me do you even have a male friend. Oh plea-se you should be happy Bad boy Xander saw you Al-most n-ked ”

“I wish it was me he saw ” Anita added.

“Me too “Jac replied.

“Wait badboy Xander? Lynne you didn’t tell me it was him ” Rissa yells.

“That’s because I didn’t know it was him ” I retorted

Anita busted in to laughter while Jac and Rissa stared at me with wi-de eyes.

“You really don’t know Bad boy Xander? “Rissa ask and I nod.

“I only hear his name, never saw him until today”

“Can’t believe that there’s still someone that doesn’t know Xander “Jac shakes her head.

“Did he say anything to you? “Rissa ask.

“Yeah, he was rude when I ask what he was doing here and he said something like many girls will kill to be in position ”

“That’s right, and for the first time I’m jealous of you ” Anita said looking at me.

“Nope that’s not the first time Anita, you’re always jealous of her. ” Rissa said.

“What is your problem! “Anita scoffed.

“Let’s go Anita ” Jac drag her friend away from the room.

I sit down on my be-d and Rissa joined me.

“Is it a big deal cos I don’t know him “I ask.

“No it’s not, don’t mind them they are just being optimistic ” Rissa replied.

“Why is he that popular ”

“He is charming can’t you see ”

“And? “I roll my eyes.

Is that it.

“Xander is cool, handsome and really charming, every girl wants that type of guy in their life ” she said.

“And do they get it? ”

“Well Xander doesn’t do relationsh!ps”

“That’s it, why keep on chasing after something that impossible ”

“Maybe they hope that they might be the one to change him or make him fall in love ”

“By slee-ping with him? Some girls are so dumb ” I shake my head.

The next day after I’ve attended all my clas-ses for the day, I make my way to the pavilion before people will full the place.

I took my seat and brings out my books and start re-ading and doing my as-signment. After re-ading for sometime my mind left the book I was re-ading wandering around to other things. Things that does nothing good to me but only make me want S-x badly.

I was just staring at the book my mind and br@in is not there.

I’ve zoned out.

I took the vacant seat at the crowded pavilion. Just hope these guys comes back soon.

“Hi Xander ” a girl wave at me as she walks by. I waved back and went back to my phone.

Just then, I heard a thud on the ground. I look at what it was, it was a phone which I think belongs to the girl beside me.

After some seconds the girl hasn’t picked it up yet. She doesn’t seem like she knew her phone fell.


I pick up the phone up “Hey girl your phone fell ” I say but got no response neither did she flin-ch.

If she’s tryna get my attention by doing that, it’s not working cos she’s not my type. “Hey ” I wave my hand in front of her. She isn’t moving either.
Girls are so difficult to un-derstand.

I just leave the phone on the desk and continued pressing my phone.

I can’t help but look at her, is she doing that intentionally?

Or maybe.. Okay I don’t wanna believe what I’m thinking.

I’m freaking out, how can a human being stay still like that.

I held out my hand and t©uçh her shoulder “Hey you okay? ” I ask tapping her lightly.

Wait was that sound. Someone just m0@n . I look around. No one is doing $h!t here.

I tap her again.

“fv¢king what!! ” I exclaimed. It was coming from her and it sounded so good.

Is she tou-ching herself?

She flin-ch as I tap her the third time. Her eyes wi-de-ned when she saw me and her cheek flush with embarras-sment.

“What was that? ” I ask.

“What was what?” she replies avoiding my eyes.

“Are you trying to s£dûç£me? ” I arch my brow.

“Never!” she yells and gr-ab her phone and her bag.

“Are you sure? I can help you, your m0@n s alone is a big turn on but your b©dy…nah. But I can just give you a chance. One night and we never meet again ” I said raising my hand.

All she did was look at me with wi-de eyes.

“Words girl…what do you say?” I ask.

“Ah.. I’m gonna go “she pick her bag and ran out leaving her book and a pen.

“Hey you left your note books ” I yell after her but she didn’t st©p. I stare at her as-s as she ran away.

I think I know her. I’ve seen her before.

Yeah,,,, that girl. Jac’s roommate.

Yup, i’m having her.

?s-en-sATION ?

(Fighting against lvst ?)

Written by Lynne writes.

@Lynne’s libr@ry.

Chapter three &four
“Aria! ” I heard but ignore that, it can not be me the person is referring to. No one knows me as Aria.

Someone gr-ab my wrist and I turn around to see Xander.

“I was calling you since “he smiles.

“How do you know my name? ” I ask.

He raise my book up and I stretch my hand to collect it.

“plea-se give back my book ” I sigh.

“No!” he says and I raise my eyebrows.

Then he drop my hands and wra-p them around my w@!st pu-lling me to him.

I g@sp. “What are you doing? People are looking ”

“I know, I can only let you go if you give me your answer now “he says.

“What answer! ” I glare at him and I struggle to get away from him.

“You know what I’m talking about Aria ”

“Don’t call me that you have no right to ”

“What should I call you then, pretty girl? “he ru-b his thumb on my cheek ma-king me shiver.

“Come to my p@rty tonight if your answer is yes. Don’t come if it’s no “he says and finally let me go. He throw my book on the floor. I bend down to pick them and put it inside my bag.

I sigh and continue my journey to my dorm.

“Lynne plea-se, I don’t want to go there alone. I don’t trust Troy yet to be alone with him ”

“I can’t go to a p@rty Rissa ”

“You won’t drink, nob©dy is gonna f0rç£ you. You should just sit down and watch and be there if I nee-d you “she says.

“Fine! I’ll go. ”

“Thank you so much! Now go and dress up ”

I pick up my black jeans and my pink hoodie and wear them. Then pack my hair up in ponytail.

“What are you wearing ” Rissa eyed me up and down.

“Cloth ” I replied.

“You can’t follow me wearing that “she says.

“Then I’ll stay home ” I shrug and l@yon my be-d.

“Come on, stand up, you can’t change your mind now “she tries dragging me off the be-d.

“I can’t change my cloth ” I tell her.

“At least wear a blouse instead of hoodie “she says.

I stood up and c@m£ back wearing a grey crop t©p with the black jeans I was wearing before.

“Now this is better, you looking good ” she smiles.

“Let’s go? ”

We both walk out and took a cab to our destination.
I bec@m£ nervous as we step in to a big and beautiful house.

Music can be heard as we walk in.

“Whose p@rty is this? Is the person from our School “I ask Rissa

“You’ll find out ” she wi-nks and disappears into the crowd.


How can she leave me here, I wish I didn’t say yes to her.

I make my way among some drun!kteenager who are pla-ying a game or something and find myself a seat.

“Do you want something to drink “someone say and I turn to look at the boy then shake my head.

“Okay “he says and left.

I sigh and bring out my phone.

“Hey beautiful, Dance with me ” a guy say and I shake my head.

“No I don’t want to dance ” I fake a smile at him and went back to my phone.

“Just a dance, it won’t be long I promise ” he pestered on.

I sigh frustrated. “I’m not interested ”

“Then have a drink with me ”

“Not that either ” I say.

“Come on…”

“I think she just told you to fv¢k off! “a voice interrupted him.

I look up to see Xander standing in front of us looking really angry, his eyes are dark and unre-adable, his jaw clenched and he looks like he was about to fight. He suddenly drag the guy then say something to his ear before pushing him away.

“You’ll hurt him “I say as the guy land on the floor.

“Seems like you enjoy how he was disturbing you, should I call him back? ”

“No ” I retort.

“Good “he says.

“What are you doing here? ” I ask.

“This is my p@rty, and since you c@m£ I guess your answer is yes “he says.

“I didn’t know it was your p@rty, my friend brou-ght me here. Geez I nee-d find her we are leaving now ”

“I won’t f0rç£ you if you don’t want to sleep with me, just trying my luck. And you don’t have to leave so soon too. You should enjoy the p@rty ”

I heave a sigh of relief. “There’s nothing to enjoy here. I feel h0t. I nee-d to get away ”

“Follow me ”

He did not wait for my reply before he drag me away from the noise. He st©p at a balcony and I finally get to breathe in fresh air again.

He left my hand and re-move his jacket. I wonder how many of those he has, I have never seen him without it. Just like me, I have plenty of hoodies that I can’t count.

“So do you want to pla-y? ” he asked.

I eyed him and shake my head.

“No thanks I just want to seat down ” I replied.

He walk out of the room and c@m£ back with a chair.

“Sit ”

Why is he being nice.

“Are you fine? “he ask and I can’t help but ask.

“Are you sure you’re alright? ”

He chuckled.

“You answered my question with a question “he chuckles.

“You are acting weird ”

“How? ”

“You are being nice to me ”

“And.. Is there a problem with that? ” he questioned.

“I’m not use to people being nice to me unless they want something ” I told him.

“Ohh that… I alre-ady told you I’m not interested in that anymore since you don’t want it. I don’t beg girl S-x for s3x ”

“I know ” I say staring at him.

He stares back for a while before tearing his gaze away staring into the darkness. I look down at my hand and sigh.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine here, I want to join my friends” he are asked and I nodded my head immediately.

After he left I bring out my phone and start pla-ying games.

“Found ya! Your b©yfri£ndis not here to save you now so save yourself ” a voice startled me and I turn back to see the guy Xander saved me from the other time.

I drop my phone inside my bag and stand up, I rush to the door Suprise that he didn’t st©p me until I realize he locked it.

I turn to look at him.
He sm-irk and raise the key up “Come and get it ”

“plea-se let me go ” I begged.

“No! I want you to do something simple for me and I’ll let you go ” he says.

“What do want me to do ”

“svçkmy d!¢k “he say and I skrie-k.

My face turn sour, I almost puked after he said that.

T. B. C

Chapter four

“You’ll rather li-ck her leg than she do that ” we heard a voice say followed by a loud ban-g on the door.

“Open the door “the voice says again.

“Xander! ” I called out.

“Aria are you okay “he ask.

“No! ” I replied.

“You are wasting my time, you who-re” the idiot says.

How dare he call me names.

I grit my teeth angrily.

“Give me the key ”

I turn to the door and knock. “Xander? ”

There was no response, it seems like he alre-ady left.

I shiver in fear.

A loud shout escape myl-ips and he gr-ab and pin my b©dy to the wall.

“Give me a k!ss”he pout as he lean his head forward.

It’s so disgusting I couldn’t look at him.

“Don’t t©uçh me!! ” I yell as he was leaning closer.

Tear began to fall from eyes. Rissa where are you. Where the fv¢k did Xander go.

I wish I had learnt how to defend myself, I don’t know what to do. I’m so dumb.

I gave up until I felt him being pu-ll away from me and a loud gr0@nfollowed. I watch in horror as Xander punch the guy angrily. He can kill him if he doesn’t st©p now and I Suprise myself by watching them, not st©pping them.

“Is he dead? ” I ask my voice coming out in whisper after Xander had st©pped punching him.

He didn’t say anything he gr-ab his jacket on the floor and put it around me.

“You’re shivering “he says breathing heavily.

“Your hand is bruised ” I hold his hand but he snatch it away from him.

“Let me take you back to your dormitory ” he said and helped me up.

He brou-ght me to his car and drive off.

“Thank you ” I told him as he parked in front of my hostel.

“You know Aria, I think you should learn how to defend. What if no one was there to help you? “he raise his voice.

I raise a brow and gulp. “Okay, goodnight” I say and open the door.

“And plea-se if you found my friend tell her I’m fine. Her name is Larissa ” I added and left without turning back.

“I’m sorry, I left you just like that. I should have known. I thought you’ll be with Xander ” Larissa apologized.

“It’s fine. But why do you think I’ll be with Xander? ”

“Let me tell you the truth, he actually beg me to bring you yesterday, so… ”

“What! ”

“So it was not really about you not trusting Troy ” I ask.

“I’m sorry, I just kinda have a feeling Xander likes you. You should see the way he was begging to make you come ” she shrugs.

“Xander doesn’t like me that way, he wanted something else, according to him he doesn’t want it anymore but I still don’t trust him ”

A knock c@m£ in and Rissa stood up to open the door.

“A.. Hi ” I heard her say.

“Come in ” she said ma-king me turn to see the person.

Xander. I stood up st©pping him by the door.

“Jac and Anita aren’t around ” I said immediately.

“How is that my business I c@m£ here for you “he replied in nanosecond.

“Why? ” I say glancing at Rissa then back at him.

“How are you? ” he ask.

“I’m fine! ” I replied.

“Okay “he said then sit on my be-d and l@ydown his head on my pillow.

“What do you think you’re doing? ” I frowned.

“Resting as you can see, wow your be-d is soft ” he re-move his shoe and cross his leg.

“Erm excuse me “Rissa said and walked out before I could say anything.

I sigh and turn to Xander.

“Get off from my be-d and my room now! ” I said as I stare at him with his eyes close, his muscle were relaxed and he look so cute.

“I can feel you staring “he deadpanned as I sigh.

“I hate this ” I mutter to myself and gr-ab a bottle of water from my shelf.

The door opened and Jac and Anita enters. My heart fli-pped.

Anita g@sp “Who is that? ”

“Xander? ” Jac look bewildered.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

Xander didn’t respond nor open his eyes.

“What is he doing here? On your be-d “Jac whispers to me. She looked angry.

God! This boy has finally got me in trouble.

“Xander let’s go” I tap Xander.

He gro-an s “Leave me alone ”

“Slut ” I heard Anita say that made me angry.

“Baby.. ” I called out but st©pped.

I wanted to make them furious, it’s actually nice to see them jealous.

“Did you just call me baby “Xander finally open his eyes grinning at me.

I nod my head.

“Wow! That’s the most ro-mantic thing a girl has ever say to me ”

He must be joking.

‘You sound like a clown right now ” I laughed.

“I’m serious, let me take you out “he said and didn’t wait for me to talk before he drag me out.

T. B. C