sins forgiven but not forgotten episode 5 & 6



Kira’s hand and feet started to feel cold. She ru-bbe-d her hands before she knocks on the door, but no one answered. She decided to turn the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open. She slowly entered the room but no one is inside the room. She knitted her brows as she looks around.

The light is a little dim, there is a wooden table in the corner with a stack of files on t©p of it. There is a couch, a bookshelves all-around, which made the room looked like a libr@ry.

“Hello?” She called but no one answered.

“I thought he’s here alre-ady?” She mumbled to her self.
She stepped forward but then…

“Hello, my future wife”

“Ah” Kira screamed when someone suddenly whispered from behind her.
She was so startled. Her heart beats fas-ter due to fright!

“Do I sound so scary?” Tim asked as he revealed a sarcastic smile on his face.

Kira turned to face Tim and she glared at him!

“Ya” she yelled.
“You’re going to kill me due to a heart attack” she complained while frowning.

But Tim seems unaffected by Kira’s stern look. He care-sses with his f!nger the strands of hair that fell to Kira’s face.

“You looked so pretty in that dress!” Tim said with a smile on hisl-ips.

Kira rolled her eyes on Tim, “You’re just trying to flatter me, don’t you?” She asked sternly and then she turned away from Tim and look around the study room.


Tim was speechless as he looked at his hand mid-air.

‘This woman is too dumb!’
‘Isn’t it obvious?’
‘ I was trying to be ro-mantic here!’
Tim secretly said inside.

Tim puts down his hand and stared at the woman who’s looking around the study room.

Kira st©pped pacing around the study room, she turns back to Tim but she froze when she saw Tim staring at her.

She automatically frowned, ” Hey! What’s with that look?!” she asked sternly.
” Do you know that you’re ma-king me uncomfortable, huh?!” She complained.

Tim smiled, ” Do you know that I never l@ymy eyes to any woman except you?”

“Tsss…” Kira twitched her mouth, “Who are you trying to fool? Huh?!” She asked back!

‘Never l@yhis eyes to any woman?!’
‘Such a lier!’
‘A successful man like him would surely bring any woman they like in be-d!’ She thought.

“Why did you bring me here, anyway?” She changed the t©pic.

Tim walks towards his table and picks up a piece of paper.

“Come over here,” He called Kira.

Kira did not hurry to come close to Tim. She throws a meaningful look at Tim as if she is sizing him up.

“I won’t do anything to you,” Tim said when he notices Kira’s suspicious look, but shr did not move from where she’s standing.

“What?” Tim asked when she did not move.

“Don’t you trust me?”

Kira sigh!
“How could I trust a stranger like you?” She asked back.

Tim sits down to his swivel chair and crossed his legs.
” I won’t f0rç£ you to trust me, but one thing I can @$$ure you, I will not cause any harm to you,” Tim said sincerely.

Kira can see the sincerity of Tim’s eyes, just then, she decided to slowly walk towards Tim’s table.

“Take a seat,” Tim said when she reached his table.

Kira looks at Tim before she takes a seat on the chair in front of Tim’s table.

Tim pushed the piece of paper in front of Kira.

She knitted her brows, “What is that?” Kira asked as she looks at the piece of paper on t©p of the table.

“The policies and agreement during our married life,” Tim replied.

Kira picks up the paper and started to re-ad it.

“Why?” Tim asked when he noticed Kira’s expression.

“We will sleep in the same room?!”

“And I have to give you a child?!” Kira asked in an unbelievable expression!

“Yes!” Tim replied without holding back!
“That is what a married couple supposed to do!” He added.

“Ha!” She sighs violently.

“Mr. Tan, why didn’t you tell me ahead?” she asked.

“Ms. Li, if you don’t want this agreement, you still have a chance to retreat,” Tim said.
“But, if you retreat, how about your auntie’s medical nee-ds?” Tim added.

‘This man knows my weakness!’

“So, are you going to retreat?” Tim asked again.

Kira took a de-ep breath before she spoke.

“What if I am not able to bear a child?”

“It is written there,” Tim replied.

“We can have a divorce if you can’t give birth to a child.”

Kira’s eyes lightened up!

“Divorce?!” She blurted out!

“Yes!” Tim replied.

“After two years.” He added.

“T-Two years?!” Kira repeated.


“Can’t we make it shorter than two years?” Kira asked.

” Three years,” Tim said.

Kira’s eyes went wi-de opened!

“I said shorter, why you make it three years?!” She asked in an unbelievable expression!

“Four years?” Tim added one year.

“Hey!” Kira felt frustrated!


“Alright, alright! Two years!” Kira agreed.

Tim grinned, which made Kira felt annoyed!

“Good!” He said.

She just rolled her eyes due to annoyance.

“Is there anything you want to add?” Tim asked with a smile on his face.

“You should include my rights to refuse!” Kira replied.

“What do you mean?”

” You can’t f0rç£ me to…” Kira paused when she realized it was a s-en-sɨtɨvė t©pic.

“To?” Tim waited for Kira to finish her word, though he alre-ady had an idea in his mind of what she wanted to say!

“To…” Kira doesn’t know how to say it!

“To what?!” Tim revealed a n@ûghty smile.

“Why don’t you say it?”

“You should not f0rç£ me to have an inti-mate encounter with you!” Kira finally say it!

Tim’s n@ûghty smile went wi-de!


“If that is what you want!” Tim added.

“Anything else?”

“I will not quit my job.”

” You should not control me, like, st©p me from doing anything that I want.”

“Sure!” Tim agreed.

“Nothing else?”

“Two more things,”

“Go on and say it.”

“I can’t leave my auntie, I want to bring her with me if I have to move to your place, and…” Kira paused for a moment.

“I don’t want to live here.”

Tim knitted his brows when he heard Kira’s last condition.

“Why?” He asked.

“I prefer to live in a smaller house,” Kira replied.

“Alright!” Tim did not object to every Kira’s condition.

“That’s all!” Kira said.

“It is settled then, I will let my @$$istant s£nd the new policies and agreement to your address, I will call you for our marriage’s registration.”

“Ennn…”Kira nodded her head and then she gets up from her seat.

“We are done here, I shall take my leave now,” Kira said before she turns to leave.

” Let’s eat first before you leave.”

“No nee-d, I’m still full.” Kira refused.

“Then let me s£nd you home.” Tim offered.

“I can manage to go home.”

“I insist!” Tim insisted, he did not give Kira a chance to refused to him again!

He held Kira’s hand and gr-ab her to his car.

*40 minutes later*

Tim pu-ll-ed over the car.

He un-buckled his seatbelt and was about to get down from the car but Kira st©pped her!


Tim st©pped from opening the car’s door and he turns his head to Kira.


” Don’t get out of your car,” Kira said.

Tim leaned back to his seat.

“Why not?”

” My aunt thought that I was with someone whom she knew,” Kira explained.

“She doesn’t know about you, I don’t want to startle her.”

Tim seems to un-derstand Kira.

“Alright, I’ll stay here.” He agreed.

Kira gets down of the car and gets inside the house. Tim did not hurry to leave, he watched as she gets inside the house.

Meanwhile, inside the house,

Helena peeks out of the window, she watched as Kira gets down of the car and gets inside the house and then a tinge of guilt flash into her eyes!



*The next morning…*

Kira has woken up by the alarm clock. She reached for the be-dside table and turned off the alarm clock. She gets up from her be-d. She looks like she hadn’t had sleep last night!

There are dark circles around her eyes and she looked tired and sleepy!

She sigh,
“Oh! I haven’t sle-pt well last night” She complained!

Kira f0rç£d her self to get up and get re-ady for work. She takes a bath and changes her cloth before she gets out of her room to eat breakfast.

“Good morning!” Helena greeted Kira.

“Good morning auntie!” Kira replied.

“Come, eat your breakfast before it turns cold.”

“Auntie, you should not do the house chores, you should just take a rest in your room,” Kira said to Helena.

“Aiyoo! It only makes me feel sick if I stay in my room the whole day” Helena complained.

“But auntie!”

” Kira dear, You said that you want me to get better, right?”

“Ennn…” Kira nodded her head.

“Then, don’t make me feel like I am weak.”

Kira looks at her auntie. ” I’m sorry if I made you feel weak, auntie.”

” It’s alright. I know that you’re only worried about me.”.

Their conversation was interrupted by the doorbell.

Kira and Helena turned their heads to the door.

“Just eat here, let me open it,” Helena said.

Kira did not insist anymore, she just takes a seat and started eating her breakfast.


Kira heard her auntie called excitedly. She was about to ignore it, but she suddenly remembers something. She instantly put down her foods and run towards the living room.

“Alex” Kira called as soon as she reached the living room!

“What brou-ght you here early in the morning?” She asked with her eyes wi-de opened!

Alex shouldn’t be here.
Kira suddenly felt anxious.
Helena might ask Alex about their “d@t£” last night!

“Oh! It’s good that you are here, anyway”

“I didn’t talked to you last night” Helena said after a while.

“Last night?” Alex looked at Helena with his puzzled look.

“Yes, last night. You were here to fetch Kira” Helena replied.

“But I—”

Alex paused when he notices Kira is trying to say something throu-gh her actions.

Kira gestured Alex to just go with the flow. She made every action to rel@yher message to Alex.

Fortunately, Alex is a quic-k-witted kind of person.

“I… Yeah!” Alex scratched the back of his n£¢k.

“How was your d@t£ with my dear Kira, huh?” Helena sounds like she is teasing Alex.

“d@t£?” Alex’s knitted his brows, but then he saw Kira ma-king an action again.

“Ah, Yeah! We go out for a d@t£!” Alex is pla-ying safe.

“Auntie, Alex might nee-d something” Kira cut Alex and Helena’s conversation!

“Oh, I’m sorry, I just got so excited to see him” Helena apologized.

“Alex, why are you here soo early?” Kira asked him

“Oh! I am on my way to work, and since we work in the same place, I just thought to fetch you to go to work together.” Alex explained.

“Y-You’re fetching me?” Kira secretly giggled!

She felt like someone tickled her heart.

“Ennn…” Alex nodded with a smile on his face.

“Just wait for me outside, I’ll just fetch my things in my room” Kira said and then she hurriedly runs to her room and took her things.

“Kira dear, You have not eaten your breakfast yet!” Helena said.


Kira runs back to the kitchen and took a packed lunch that her auntie made.

“I’ll just take this auntie” She said and then runs out of the house.

Alex is alre-ady waiting for her outside. He gave her the helmet and Kira took it and wear it before she hops into Alex’s motorbike.

Alex held Kira’s arm and wra-pped it around his w@!st, ” Hold on ti-ght.” Alex said before he drives away.
Kira can’t help but smile!

She seems like she is embr@cing him from behind. She closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

It feels so good to be near to the man that she likes. How she wishes that this moment would never end.

Alex felt the warmth of Kira’s embr@ce, he looks down to her arm in his w@!st and he can’t help but smile.

Alex st©pped in the parking lot and Kira got down of the motorbike. She tried to take off her helmet but she struggled to do it!

Alex saw her, he walks closer to her, ” Let me do it.” He said as he pu-ll-ed her hands.

Alex lifted his hand again and took the helmet from Kira’s head.

Kira looks up to Alex.
‘ I wish you were that man who wants to marry me. I would never hesitate to say yes’ she secretly thought. Her tears started to form in her eyes.

Alex notices Kira’s weird look to him.

“Why?” He asked.

Alex’s question made Kira snapped back to her s-en-ses.
She didn’t notice that she was about to cry.
She blinks her eyes a few times but it only made her tears fall!

“Ah!” Kira t©uçhed her eyes and pretended to be hurt.

“Why?” Alex got a little bit rattled!

“Oh, I think something is stuck in my eyes” She lied, it is to cover up the tears that roll down to her face!

“Let me check it” Alex held Kira’s face and take a closer look at her eyes.

“Nothing’s here,” Alex said while looking at Kira’s eyeball.

“Uhm… I… I think… I think it’s gone” She said and then turns and walked away from Alex.

Alex wonders why Kira suddenly walks away.
Alex decided to follow Kira, ” Kira, is there anything wrong?” he asked as he tries to catch up with her..

Kira st©pped in her track.
“Huh?!” she blurted out.

“You’re acting strange” Alex commented.
“Is there any problem?” He asked with concern.

“Uh, ” Kira revealed a f0rç£d smile!
“I… I …” She tried to think for an alibi.
“I was just thinking about auntie.” She lied.

Alex held Kira’s hand, ” If you feel like crying, just call on me, You can lean and cry on my shoulder.”

“Thanks, Alex.” Kira blurted out.

“What for?”

“For being there for me. Thank you for your friendsh!p, Alex.”

“I will always by at your side, Kira.”

Kira stared at Alex, ‘Maybe not Alex.’ she secretly said.

Kira felt like crying again, she blinks her eyes a few times to suppress her tears, and then she looks at her watch to check the time.

“We’re going to be late” She said to Alex, “We must go now.”

“Ennn…” Alex nodded his head.

Just a moment after Kira and Alex left, the black car arrived and st©pped in front of Helena’s house.

Helena was secretly watching Kira and Alex from inside the house. She knows, Kira has something for Alex. She can see it throu-gh her actions, and it made Helena felt more guilty. Kira might not have a chance to be with the man she likes.

Helena snapped back to her s-en-ses when she heard a car’s engine. She saw a car st©pped in front of the gate. She got out of the house and checked on the newly arrived car. A man in black got down from the car with an envelope in his hand.

Coby saw the woman standing outside the house, he approached her and greeted her, “Good morning, ma’am, ” Coby bowed his head and greeted Helena and then he straightened his b©dy and looks at the woman straight to the eyes.

“I have something to give to Miss Kira Li.” He said.

Helena looked at the man in front of her, “She had just left for work.” She replied.

“Oh!” Coby blurted out.

“Then, could you give this do¢v-ment to her when she comes home?” He asked as he gives the envelope to Helena.

Helena raised her hand and took the envelope from the man in front of her.

“I will.” She said.

“Thank you,” Coby replied.

After Helena took the envelope, Coby bowed his head again and left.
Helena stared at the envelope in her hand, she can’t open it because it was sealed.

But she sighs
“I just hope you won’t regret your decision, dear,” Helena mumbled with a bothered expression.