sinners episode 51

[ # 1 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022

Settings : ?? ITALIAN R0m-nCE

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copyor Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]



” So you’re telling me you both had a crazy time last night …. Huh …. ” Yvonne teased and I chuckled softly.

” I’m so not talking about my s-× life with you bad girl ” I said and she burst out laughing.

” C’mon let’s go hang out outside the estate ? She said and I stared at her .

” I don’t think that’s okay girl , remember Gina and Ivan are still in hiding …max would be very angry if he hears that I left the mansion .” I said and she gave a nod .

” Oh I almost forgot ,I don’t want my cousin to start raging like a bull dog …” Yvonne frowned .

” Did you just call my husband a bull dog ? I asked frowning .

” I said like…” She laughed as I tossed a pillow at her .

” Has any of the Deluca brothers dated before ? Like have you …” I trailed.

” Although they all like wild women and sleep around …, They’ve never really been on Seriose relationships though …..accept Frederico and Emelio …

” Sergio and Kristov has been a while new level . Sergio has not time for love and Kris …is a workaholic ……he loves .. women though …” She said and I looked at her with interest on the topic .

” You said something about Rico ? I asked and she Chuckled.

” We don’t talk about it Grace De LUCA” she said pointing at me teasingly.

” C’mon girl ,you know you wanna talk about it ” I said and she smiled.

” Frederico used to be inlove … like crazily inlove with a girl. ….” She said and I gasped .

” fu-ck … Frederico inlove I can’t imagine ” I Chuckled.

” Exactly he was so into Aria … she used to be his Personal as-sistant …he introduced her to the family …” She said and I gasped .

” Really ? That means the relationship was pretty serious …what went wrong ? I asked confused .

” He proposed ,they we’re about to get married ,but she didn’t show up at the alter on the wedding day ” she said and I gasped .

I stared at her in shock ….she stood him up at the alter ?

” That must have hurt a lot ? I said and she gave a nod .

” Rico has never been the same ever since it’s like he grew colder after that ….” She said and I felt bad for him .

What could have gone wrong between the couple?

We had lunch and Yvonne left after that .

I was bored and on the sitting room when my phone rang ..I looked at it and it was ma’am Lina .

Why was she calling me , is she not in the mansion I tried to call her back and she didn’t pick up .

I hope she’s Okay ?

I decided to check on her , I wore my room sli-ppers properly as I walked out of the mansion and tried to call her again .

This time she picked up .

” Hello Ma’am Lina how are you ? You called…” I trailed.

” Grace actually …I’m outside the estate …” She trailed and I pannicked because she sounded like she was in pain.

Maybe she nee-ds as-sistance …is she sick ? Should I call up kristov to help her out ?

Mas-simo was very strict when he warned me not to live the estate .

I tried to call him but he wasn’t picking up …

” Mas-simo please pick up ” I said and tried to call him again .

I gave up and decided to check by myself since curiosity was already getting the better of me .

” Ma’am you’re not permitted to go outside ” the guard at the gates said and I shook my head.

” Actually I’m going to meet mas-simo ” I said I said after winding down the windshield of the car .

” Actually ma’am the Don gave strict orders ” the guy said and they where Already at the gates , I nee-ded to get out somehow .

” How about you talk to him yourself ? I asked as I called him again and handed over my phone to him .

Immediately I noticed another car coming in and his attention was divided I Drove out .

” fu-ck it man ,go after her ! I heard one of them curse as I drove out .

Where was ma’am Lina already ?

And I even left my phone with the guard ,I packed the car and walked out .

” Ma’am Lina ….ma’am Lina ” I called and frowned when I couldn’t find her ..

” Grace ” I heard her call ,when I turned I felt and hankerchief on my nose .

I pannicked immediately as i.tried to fight it and darkness was the last thing I remembered as I pas-sed out .


☠️ Mas-sIMO ☠️

” Grace ? I said with a smile as I picked up the call .

” Don … there’s trouble ..your wife left the estate …she outsmarted us at the gates …we met an empty car ….” He trailed whilst trying to catch his breath .

” What do you mean by that ! I thun-dered angrily and my brothers raised their eyebrows asking me what’s wrong.

” Sh*t ” I cursed un-der my breath as I ran my fingers on my hair .

” I think Grace had been kidnapped ” I said as I walked out of the place immediately .

” Bro calm down ” Emelio said As he got in the car and I joined them.

Immediately we got to the gates I punched the guards and they hold me down .

” Bro calm down ! Kristov stopped me .

” Pray I find her or your all Fu-cking doomed ” I yelled Angrily and they bowed their heads apologitically.

” What’s going on ? Mom asked with concern .

” Grace has been kidnapped ! I fired and Dad heard it from where he stood .

He’d just joined us .

” How ….is that possible ? Dad asked and I Frowned .

” I don’t know ,I basically asked her not to live the house ,I don’t un-derstand why she’s so stubborn! I cursed and took the phone from the guard .

.” She seemed to be in a hurry Boss ” one of the men said in fear .

I scrolled the phone and luckily it was without a pas-sword.

” Lina ” I said seeing her last caller .

” I knew it ” I spat Angrily….

” Lina Called her ? I could she do something like that ? Kristov asked suprised and mom looked away bitterly.

I called Lina’s number and it went straight to voicemail.

‘ I knew she was up to no good , why Grace ” mom asked Angrily

” Lina ? I still don’t get it why Lina would kidnap Grace ? Emelio asked confused.

” And to think she brou-ght back the files , don’t tell me. ..she’s been Working with Gina from the onset …! He said shocked .

” I don’t wanna imagine ,I just wanna see my wife ” I said in frustration .

” Call up Sergio ” I said immediately .

Please be fine Grace and my baby ..

I wonder what she said to Grace that had her running outside .



” Help

” Help

“Help ”

” Somebody help me please ! I screamed in pannick as my eyes swelled with tears .

” How are you little sister ? I heard his mocking voice and looked at him in shock .

” Ivan ” I said and he grinned.

” In full flesh ….sister mine ‘ he said and slapped me access the face .

I gasp in pain as my li-ps burst open.

” Let me go…you beast ! I cried .

” Beast huh ? You still have the effontry to talk after you killed our father with that enemy husband if yours huh ” he asked and grabbed me on my hair .

” Let me go !

” Mikhail was never my father ….! I screamed angrily and he saw red .

” You think I’m Mas-simo who looks at your ugly face ? I’d show you who’s king once I sell your preety little A*s to a rich buyer ” he said and smi-rked evilly .

” Where’s the money you promised me …I nee-d to leave the country already ! I heard her voice and looked at her Angrily .

” I can’t believe this Lina ! How could you do this to the Deluca’s …! Especially the Deluca brothers they took you as their own ! I spat and she glared daggers at me.

” You know nothing ! She spat Angrily and I laughed bitterly .

” I know nothing ? You should be ashamed yourself … because Giovanna was right when she called you a Backstabbing bi-tch ” I said and she slap`ped me.

I laughed as bl**d dripped out of my nose and.

” He’s Coming for the both of you losers! I spat angrily.

” Let’s see about that !


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