Single mom episode 7 & 8

{When love decides
To take over}
(Found you intimid@t!ng)
☔Episode 7☔
Penny’s POV:
My thought was occu-pied by something or I rather say someone. Someone that I haven’t seen in a long time.
I sigh heavily and closed my eyes.
What did I do to make him leave me?
“A penny for you thought?” I look up to find Maggie smiling at me.
“What’s up?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Nothung much, the customer ain’t much now so tell me. What were you thinking about?” He asked and my word got caught up on my throat.
“Don’t tell me it’s that j£rk Penny, don’t tell me that you still think about him.” She said angrily but I ended up nodding my head.
“I miss him Maggie, maybe if I apologize he’ll come back?” I hopefully asked.
“You’re sick Penelope, you told me what this man has done to you and you fking miss him?” She asked angrily. I lowered my head in embarras-sment and bite on my f!nger nails.
“He is chris father.” I protest.
“He is a j£rk Penelope, wake up or you’ll end up used and hurt again.” She walk out on me while I continue s**king about him.
The front door was open and I looked up to see Bryce King entering the cafe.
What is he doing here?”
I walk around the counter to the booth where he rook his seat.
“Good day mr King, what would you like to have?” I asked him.
He glanced up from his phone and stared at me.
“Americano and pancakes.” He said coldly which caused me to gulp uncomfortably.
“Coming right up, sir.” I said and walk out on him.
“Maggie plea-se help me with the Americano while I sought out the pancake.” I said.
“Yes boss.” I chuckled at her sarcasm and shook my head.
“You are five minutes late Miss Penny.” He said and I stood like a jelly fish before him.
“It was…..sorry it won’t happen again sir.” I apologized.
He stared at me for a while and I felt myself warming up in his stares again.
He is intimid@t!ng.
“You’re nervous.” He said as a matter of fact. I g@sped and dropped his orders for him.
“Do I make you nervous Miss James?” He asked me and I nods, his eyebrows twitched and he ru-b his hand along his stumble.
“I find you intimid@t!ng.” I said softly but he heard me.
He stare at me for awhile then avart his gaze.
“You’re right, I’m an intimid@t!ngman. But I suggest you st©p getting nervous around me unless you’re trying to fl1rt with me.” He said coldly, no emotions at all.
“What……..what?” I asked in embarras-sment.
How dare he?
He ignored me and continue drinking and b!tt!g se-xily on his pancake.
“Look here mr King,” i said in a ha-rd tone. “You’re rich I know, you’re h0t, Se-xy , popular, most women dream man…..but you don’t have to think so of me as well. You’re just an arrogant Se-xy man who thinks that everyone want to flir-t with him……well for your information…..I don’t.” I said angrily, I turned around and walked out on him.
“You do sweetheart,” my subconscious said.
I don’t stupid!
How can he…..he say that to me?
Bryce’s POV:
After having four meetings straight without rest this morning, I thought a cu-p of drink and snack could help.
ma-king my way to the cafe, I sat down and that same woman c@m£ up to me again.
I don’t really know why I keep seeing her wherever I go and it is infuriating me.
“Good day Mr King, what would you like to have?” Her meekly voice boomed in my head.
“Americano and pancakes.” I said leisurely.
When she turn around and left, my eyes were fixed on her back.
Two minutes she wasn’t back yet, three, four, getting to ten.
“Here is your order sir.” She said standing in front of me with her cheek all blazing red.
Her outbur-st surprised me, I didn’t expect it at all.
Why would she say……
I pursed myl-ips in a thin line and fish out five dollars from my wallet then place it on the table and left.
Nob©dy absolutely no one has ever bur-st out at me like that.
How dare she?
I saw it in her eyes, the want.
Or was I mistaken?
Daniel opened the door for me and I get in.
“Where are we heading to Mr King?” He asked.
“Green garden.” I mumbled.
The drive made me sick, I look out of the window my eyes scanning the city.
Green Garden is my estate, fortunately I had a house there where I always went to to hide away from any negativity.
Daniel drove inside Green Garden and I walk out of the car before he could.
“Tell Katie to cancel all my appointments for this week, I’ll be working from home.” I said to him before going inside.
Immediately I opened the door, my leg was engulfed in a hvg.
Penny’s POV:
Since my last chit chat with Maggie, I gave been having a worried sleepless nights.
For years now I never considered going on d@t£s with a man, I was still hoping, still holding onto the fact that one day he’ll miss me, one day he’ll miss us and…..and come back.
But I was wrong, it is almost five years now, what was I even thinking?
I sigh heavily and gaze out of the window, right now Chris and I are on a bus to there school since my car broke down earlier and there is a parent meeting in his school.
“Mommy I think we will be going on a getaway this weekend.” Chris said and i turned my head to face him.
“How baby… can’t go.”I said and sigh, I don’t have the transport fare and most of all I’ll miss my son a lot.
The ride to the school was bu-mpy but interesting, I c@m£ down from the bus including tons of students as well.
Some of the parents are alre-ady arriving in their flashy cars and designer wears. I felt so out of place in my baggy gray jeans and blue shi-t.
D@mn it, I should have dressed better, many wear one of my work clothes.
“Let’s go mommy.” Chris said gr-abbing my hand and tugged me forward with all his might.
I allow Chris go to his clas-s and I shamefully walk to the meeting room.
The place was alre-ady filled up with parents of the kids. I lowered my gaze to the ground as most of the eyes were directed at me immediately I opened the door.
“Miss James, it’s good to have you with us.” The proprietress said with all smile. I managed to return her smile and blindly walk towards and empty chair then sat on it.
The meeting soon kicked off with parents discussing and complaining about the difference in their kids.
Since I got here, I felt like someone was watching me. But why will anyone watch a woman who is dressed so poor?
I look sideways and my eyes c@m£ in contact with that of Bryce King.
Holy cow.
What is he doing here?
I blinked ra-pidly. My heart thudding loudly. My mouth slightly p@rted.
I can’t believe that I was sitting with Bryce King for good thirty minutes now and I didn’t know.
Why is he in this school?
Does he have a child?
Then a question pop up in my head. Is he married? If so maybe God forgive me, I was drooling on a married man all this while.
“You may want to face front now Miss,” He said coldly and I blu-shed ha-rd .
He caught me staring at him, notheless I felt mortified.
Will he see me as a weird woman now?
Am I weird?
“So plea-se the donation should begin.” I heard the proprietress voice after ages of staring/drooling at Bryce King.
What donation?
“You spaced out while watching me, the getaway donations.” He said curtly.
You don’t have to sound rude🙄
Donation? Oh my goodness.
How. What am I going to do now? I don’t have any money and sitting here are businessmen and women while I…..I’m just a cafe sale girl not even a cafe owner.
“$40,000” A voice said then everyone cl@pped.
This goes on and on, I was watching everyone with hunger, how can they be spending all this while I’m not even eating good food.
I gulped loudly, tears swelling in my eyes.
Chris will be disappointed,he won’t be able to do what his mates are doing because I got no money on me.
“Miss James? It’s your turn now.” The proprietress said, I bite my l!pand refused to say a word.
I keep fighting my emotions, my eyes stuggs and my nose running.
They’ve probably get the signal by now.
“$500,000” A voice said and I heard g@sps in the room.
It was Bryce who said that, he is donating half a million dollars? Oh my goodness….what!
“Thank you mr King.” The proprietress said and eyes were fixed on me yet again.
“It is for Miss James.” He said and I stared with wi-de eyes.
For me?
“What do you mean Mr King?” A woman I as-sumed is the wife of the head district sheriff asked.
He kept quiet not answering to anyb©dy, the meeting ended just like that and I hurriedly scurry away out of the room.
I took a de-ep breath immediately I got outside and rest my back against something.
I sigh and closed my eyes for a brief moment but opened it quic-kly when noticed something.
Bryce was walking towards me, I squirm at his steady gaze.
What does he want now?
“Mr King, I want to say thank you for helping me back there.” I said and he just nodded.
I nods as well, none of us moving.
“Shift.” His cold calm voice said and i rose my eyebrows.
I turned around to see what i was relaxing on but lo and behold, it was a navy blue sport car, I don’t think my mortgage bill and account balance can ever buy such a car.
I nervously bite my l!pand move away from the car, he stood there for a moment. His eyes following my mouth movement then all too quic-kly he opened the car and got in then drove off.
There is something about this man.
Something interesting, something dark. Something that keeps telling me to come closer.
Why does my heart race increa-sed at the sight of him?