Single mom episode 50 & 51

{Her ultimate de-sire}
(Her confession)
☔Episode 50☔
Bryce’s POV:
I stood there not knowing what to do, I couldn’t seem to gr-ab what my daughter was trying to say.
“What are you talking about Arley?” I asked her and she gave me the letter inside a box.
It re-ads ‘Happy birthday to you baby, I missed you so much. Did you enjoyed the peanut I got you yesterday? Here is another one. I can’t bring myself to you because I have a new b©dy now.
Your father won’t accept me so I’ll live by watching both of you from afar. Happy birthday Arley King.
Yours Penelope’
That was why i find her similar to Penny.
That was why she has Penny’s business aura because she is actually Penny.
My Penny.
I squee-zed the note in my hand and ran outside.
When I got outside I saw her about to enter her car .
I ran after her, I wasn’t about to let her out of my sight again, this time she’s mine forever.
When she opened the car door, i slammed it close angrily.
I gr@bbe-d her hand and p1nned her against the car.
“Are you trying to run away from me after showing yourself? Are you trying to torture me after ma-king me wait fir so long? Why are you doing this to me?” I slammed my hand against the car.
I looked at her face and tears was alre-ady streaming down her cheek.
I couldn’t say a weight I was so angry after waiting for so long she showed up I want them to leave again why did you she who c@m£ she doesn’t want to show thyself to me·
“ I’m sorry I’m so sorry Bryce, I didn’t know how to approach you, I didnt know how to tell you that this is me.
I was so ashamed of myself I thought that you won’t like me like this.
I c@m£ here today because I miss you and Arley, for the past 8 months I have been watching you from afar, I felt like it is better to watch you from there than approaching you like this, just forgive me.” She said.
I didn’t know what to do, I look behind me and there was alre-ady people videoing us·
“Stay here okay, I’ll just excuse myself for awhile.” I told her and went back to the p@rty.
“Excuse me ladies and gentleman, I’m sorry that I’ll be excusing myself for few minutes, plea-se enjoy yourselves.” I said and gr@bb£d Arleys hand then walk outside.
I led all of us throu-gh the back door, when we got to my room I sat down on the be-d waiting for her to continue.
“What really happened?” I asked her.
She has changed, everything has changed.
Everything has changed her b©dy and her voice including Christians.
I was speechless after she told me everything, she really went throu-gh alot and I wasn’t there for her.
And I was mad at myself again for not being there to save her earlier, all I have to do is thank the saver.
“Arley baby why don’t you take Chris to your room and pla-y? Dont you miss him?” I asked.
She smiled and gr@bb£d Chris’s hand.
“Come, let’s go and unwra-p my gifts.” She told him and they both walk out of the room.
“I didn’t see Maggie at the p@rty, why?”
“She left for Atlanta to visit her parents.” I told her.
God, i miss her so much.
Even if she doesn’t have the same b©dy or face or voice again.
She is still the woman I fell in love with. She is my Penelope.
I gr@bb£d her hand and pu-ll-ed her to myself.
I placed myl-ips on hers and kssed her slowly.
I wasnt in a rush, I have her now.
Kendall/Penny’s POV:
Tonight was probably the best night since 8 months ago , he accepted me for me.
I never believed it, I am here in his arm kssing him·
It wasn’t just a kss it pas-ses a message throu-gh it, a message that as-sures me that he will always protect me.
I love this man so much.
I dont know the good deed I’ve done in my past life to have a brilliant man like this in my life but having him in my life is one of the best thing that ever happened to me in my 24 years of existence.
He broke the kss and smiled at me.
“You’re beautiful, very beautiful my love.” He said to me.
He still find me beautiful.
“Tomorrow morning the first thing we gon’ do is re-move your picture and that of Chris from the cemetery.” He told me and I nodded.
“I can’t let you out of my sight now Penny because I don’t even know if this is real, stay withe tonight, plea-se.” He begged. I thought about it.
I should s£nd Marcus a text to inform him.
“Okay, I’ll.” I told him.
After taking my bath I wore his robe and tied my hair in a ponytail.
“Bryce what do I wear now?” I asked him when I walk inside the room, he was sitting on the be-d working on his l@pt©p.
“Wear one of my shi-ts.” He told me, his eyes raking all over my b0dy.
“Pe.rvert.” I told him and he chuckled.
“A pe.rvert huh?” He asked and dropped his l@pt©p then slowly got out of the b.ed.
I slowly began to back away, the expression in his eyes was er0t1c.
“Get away from me.” I told him
“I’ll show you what a pe.rvert I can be to you.” He said and rushed me.
Episode 51☔
Penny’s POV:
I ran away from him and ran across to the fire place,the heat from the fire warmed my b©dy ma-king me to slow down a bit.
When I look back I saw Bryce watching me intently.
“What?” I asked, self_conscious at the moment.
“Which ever mother you take, it suits you.” He told me and I found myself blu-shing ha-rd .
I walk towards him and wra-pped my hands around his n£¢k.
“I’m very happy to have you back in my life Bryce, you don’t know how important you are to me.” I told him and ca-ress the stumbles on his jaw.
My breath hitched and I g@sped when he pu-ll-ed me to him that our b©dy cl@pped together.
“I cry almost everyday, for a second I really thought that I’ve lost you forever, but I was still hoping that one day you’ll be back and here you are,” he breathed out and brushed his l1ps against my forehead. “My sweet bunny.”
“Is that how you shun women? I was very surprised when you told me all that last night.” I said and he chuckled.
“Women tend to get away quic-kly when you tell them off immediately, I don’t give chances if I don’t want something.” He replied causing me to smile wi-dely.
I couldn’t just st©p smiling.
He kssed my forehead again and I closed my eyes, soon his mouth landed on my eyes then my nose and finally my muth.
He broke the kss and held my gaze for some minutes.
“I don’t know how I would have lived without you Penny, my life for the past eight months was a mess, I buried myself to work trying to forget everything.
Trying to act like nothing happened but still the little time I’ve got for myself I end up thinking about you.” He said and tears roll down my cheeks.
I can’t believe that Bryce love me this much.
I never doubted his love for me but I also didn’t rate it high either.
But now I know just how much he loves me as much as I do.
“Thank you for coming back to me.” He whispered and kssed me again.
“Thank you for waiting for me as well.” I told him.
He slowly untied my robe which pool down on my feet lazily.
He watch my b©dy with admiration in his eyes.
His eyes sparkles with love when he saw my b©dy.
I gaze down on my toes as he stared at me shamelessly.
“You’re beautiful Penny, your b©dy is beautiful.” He told me and I chuckled.
“The b©dy my doctor gave me.” I replied, he gr@bb£d my chin and make me look at him in the eyes.
“I’m sure your old b©dy look cry attrac-tive too, you’re a beautiful woman Penny both your natural one and the current one.” He told me.
I squee-zed my eyes shut and smiled.
“What did I do to deserve you Bryce.” I asked him.
“The other way round sweetheart, what did I do to deserve a precious queen like you.” He whispered and bite my ear-lobe then pushed me on the be-d causing me to g@sp.
“I want to have that b©dy Penny, I can’t wait no more.” He said and slowly walk towards me.
I couldn’t believe the fact that we never did this, we never got more int1mate then kssing.
“I’m all yours Bryce.” I whispered…