She’s is my twin episode 30 & 31


Final chapter 30



Derek’s POV continues

I was still seated waiting for the news. my head buried in my

Palm. How did the fire even…

“Derek” someone called bringing back from my quic-k reverie. I

looked towards the direction only to find Alexis running

towards me. her parents trailed behind her. she held the hem

of my shi-t, her eyes were red and swollen, probably from

crying too much.

“where is she D?”

“She’s inside. they’re attending to her” I tried to sound more

normal at the situation.

“have you seen the doctor?”

“no. he’s inside as well”

“what exactly happened to her” her dad asked, his voice

almost breaking down

“I don’t know how or when it started. I just heard her

screaming from inside and… ” I narrated the everything to

them exactly the way I saw it

“Oh my baby.” Her mom said wailing the more drawing the

attention of other patients and visitors. Her dad patted her

back slowly telling her to calm down.

“shh it’s okay Audrey”

“but why Ben. why does it have to be Alexa? I thought that

after the surgery, we would never have a reason to come here

and now this…?” she asked sobbing more

“Alexa would be fine trust me”

the doctor c@m£ out minutes later from the room. we all

rushed to meet him. I nee-d good news now not a bad one.

“How is she doc?” Alexis asked. hands clasped together

waiting for a positive reply

“she’s okay but still unconscious. we’ll have to wait till she

wakes up” he smiled

“thank goodness” we all heaved a sigh of relief

“can we see her” Her Mom asked

“yes of course” he replied and walked away


*****Alexa’s POV*****

I opened my eyes and scanned throu-gh the entire room. my

head was aching so badly. I turned to see mom seated next to

me. What is, she doing here?

Alexis ran towards me and hvgged me

“you’re awake. you’re finally awake” she was crying I could tell.

she looked at me and I gave a weak smile

mom looked at me and k!$$£d my f!ngers. she’s acting weird.

Dad c@m£ in smiling. somehow I felt Not so alone anymore.

Days later *******

it’s been two days since I was admitted into the hospital. I

was alre-ady wishing to leave this place and thank goodness

the doctor said I’ll be discharged this evening. mom sat next

to me, she was spoon feeding me like she’s been doing since

I woke up.

“mom I don’t wanna eat anymore” I said seating up.

“come on Alexa Just one more”

“mom I’m gonna puke.” I made Disgusting faces.

“Alright rest. I’m gonna go get you some water okay?” she

asked and I nodded yes

she left the room and some minutes later, the door flew open.

he walked up and sat at the edge of the be-d.

“Hi babe” he k!$$£d my head

“how are you feeling now”

“a bit better. The doctor said I could go home soon” I smiled

but he wasn’t smiling

“what’s wrong” I asked tilting my head to angle my face and

match his.

“you gave me quite a scare. I thought I was gonna loose you”

his voice felt so down. I t©uçhed his cheeks

“I’m fine Derek. I really am and thanks for being there when it

happened. if it weren’t for you then maybe… ” he interrupted by


“I would never let anything happen to you”

You know that feeling when someone considers you to be his

everything and you don’t have to do anything in return… that’s

what I’m feeling right now.

“thanks you are indeed my knight in shining armor”

“yeah cause you’re the princess” he tea-sed and I giggled


******fast forward******

it’s finally time to go. I was now finally discharged.

“stay at home with us Alexa, don’t go anywhere” mom held my

hand. I could almost see the hurt in her eyes

“plea-se mom…”

“plea-se I’m begging you Alexa. I just want to be next to you

and see if you’re okay plea-se”

She looks like she was finally regretting everything. I wanted to

turn her down but sadly I couldn’t.

“ok mom I’ll stay”

she gave me a quic-k hvg and packed the few stuff I c@m£

with into a bad and we all left the hospital.

we walked to the parking lot. mom in front and Derek beside


“thanks for finally going back home with your mom”

“I just felt like it was the right thing to do” I hunged my head


“of course princess. it is” he gave me a light k!sson thel-ip. I

smiled knowing that we’re going somewhere.

“I’ll visit you as soon as I can OK” I nodded and hvgged him.

his hands engulfing my w@!st ti-ghtly. I never want to let go

“Hey your mom is waiting for you”

“I don’t want to go with her. I want to be with you” I sounded

so child-like. he raised my jaw with his f!ngersand k!$$£d me

again. His k!sses are so intoxicating. I always want more

“I’m coming for you promise” he said and I nodded. he helped

me get into the car and we drove off. we arrived home, the

place was exactly the way I left it. the house where all my

troubles began. the place where I lost my childhood. I stepped

down. mom carried my bag and held my hand.

“come on. slowly OK”

“mom I can walk. I’m completely fine”

dad c@m£ out with Alexis. both watching the drama

“and what if you fall and break something? I can’t let that

happen” she shrugged

“mom you’re being too over protective.”

“whatever. I’m just glad we’re back” she ca-ressed my hair with

her f!ngers. “let’s go inside”

we walked in and dad hvgged me followed by Alexis.

“welcome home sis”she said and I returned the hvg

Mom set up the table and we ate dinner. I went up to my room

to have some rest. it was still the exact same way I left it.

everything’s unt©uçhed unless for my be-d spre-ad that got

changed. After having my shower, I wore a pair of shorts and

singlet and lied down to sleep. mom c@m£ in afterwards.

” Alexa are you asleep?”

I shut my eyes. didn’t respond. she sat down next to me and

stro-ked my hair.

“you have no idea how much I’ve missed you baby” she

continued “I’m glad you’re back. my home is finally complete.

you’re here right here you belong and I promise to be a more

un-derstanding mother from now on. I can’t erase the

memories of your childhood but I’ll try to create new ones. I

love you my child” she k!$$£d my hair. covered me the

blankets, switched off the lights and closed the door. I opened

my eyes and a trace of tear slide down my cheeks.

I was thinking about what mom had said when I heard a light

tap on the door. I tried to ignore but it continued.

“who is it?” I was f0rç£d to ask

“it’s me sis… ” she opened the door slightly and peeked inside

“what do you want?”

“I was wondering if I could spend the night with you. my room

is pretty messy”

“Ok come in”

she c@m£ inside quietly shutting the door behind her. she

brou-ght her slee-ping bag and pillow

“what’s that for?” I asked

“to sleep in the floor, I don’t want to get your be-d messed up…

“no nee-d for that. you can sleep on my be-d”

she stared at me surprised

“are you sure sis”

“yeah sure”

she scuttled round and jumped on my be-d. we sle-pt , our

backs on the be-d and eyes on the ceiling

“sorry” he stated

“for what?”

“for obviously stealing your childhood. I didn’t mean to and I

tried to reach out to you… ”

“it wasn’t your fault Alexis. sorry for always blaming you for my

miserable life. you know right there in that fire, my whole life

flashed before my eyes, and then I realized how terrible I was

to everyone. Derek was right, I didn’t gain anything. being mad

at the world changed nothing cause it’s still the same” i sighed

“and speaking of Derek, we never had a ro-mantic

relationsh!p… it was just a… ”

“I know. you guys were trying to get me jealous” I giggled

“You knew”

“obviously cause Derek and I… ”

“are you guys together now?”

“not together per say but there’s something. and you? why

didn’t you tell me that you were in love with ken”

“I wanted to but I was scared you won’t pay attention to any of


“that Alexa is gone. the new Alexa is here now” I said. I saw a

smile cross herl-ips

“Yay… ” she hvgged me

“not a hvgger”


“but you can cuddle”

we chucked. she hvgged me pretty ti-ght.

“good to have you back sis”

“good to be back… sis”


The end