She’s a slut batch 4

😏 She’s a slut 😏
Chapter 10 🌻🌻
🌷 Andrea’s P. O. V🌷
I couldn’t help but notice the cab man glance at the car mirror at short intervals.
“is something wrong ” I asked.
“ma’am, I think that black car is following us ” he said and I looked back to see a black car.
I couldn’t tell who it was cuz I could ba-rely see it.
“uhm is there an hospital around here ” I asked the cab man.
“yes ma’am ” he replied
“OK just take me to the hospital instead ” I said and he nodded
We got to the hospital, I paid him and went in while he drove off.
🌷 Sam’s P. O. V🌷
She c@m£ to an hospital?
So I’ve been wasting my time thinking she was heading home only to end up at a hospital?
But why? Is she sick?
I’ll just wait till she comes out.
I’ve been waiting for mins now and she’s not yet out.
My phone rang and I picked it up cuz it was Bryan.
“where the hell are you, you’re suppose to be here by now ” Bryan yelled over the phone.
“I followed Andrea man, I wanted to know where she lives but she c@m£ to an hospital instead ” I said, filled with disappointment
“yeah she’s sick”
“really ”
“yeah so get your as-s back here, you wanna know where she lives? Then be a gentle man and ask her ” he said.
“yeah you’re right, I’ll be there soon ” I said and hung up.
I started my car, revised and drove off.
🌷 Andrea’s P. O. V🌷
Finally he/she left!
I thought the person will never leave.
But why was the person following me?
I c@m£ outta the hospital, hailed a cab straight to the mansion.
I reached, went to my room and freshened up.
I wore my wig and smiled at myself in the mirror.
The only reason they don’t recognise me is because the wig I’m wearing covers my forehead fully while my real hair just st©pped at my scalp.
Whenever I wear it, my face changes cuz it covers my forehead, almost covering all my face..
I remembered the first day I wore it, Lillie couldn’t even recognise me..
The wig is the only thing saving my bu-tt from shame.
I la-id in the be-d inhaling and exhaling.
Thank God I disconnected all the CCTV c@m£ras and wipes off the videos.
I don’t have to worry about being caught.
I closed my eyes and dosed off.
🌷 Lillie’s P. O. V🌷
I just got back from work..
Now I have to go to Mr Torillo’s mansion to meet Andrea.
I str!pped off my clothes and went into the shower.
I c@m£ out mins later and dressed up then went out to hail a cab..
I hailed a cab and told him to take me to Mr Torillo’s mansion and he looked at me weirdly but said nothing and drove off.
🌷 Bryan’s P. O. V🌷
“so is this Eva so h0t that you let her live in your house ” Sam asked and I chuckled.
“I don’t know, all I know is that she mess up my head, she makes me go gaga ” I said truthfully and he laughed.
“I will love to see her ” he said and I shrugged.
“I have a feeling that she’s hiding something from me ” I said and he arched an eyebrow.
“she disconnected all the CCTV c@m£ras in my house ” I said and he bur-st out laughing while I gave him a “what’s funny ” look.
“how can you put CCTV c@m£ras in a house a slut lives and besides, most women wouldn’t want that cuz its invading their privacy ” he said and I kinda flared up coz he called Eva a slut..
“do you have to call her a slut ” I asked angrily.
“but that’s what she is ” he said sarcastically.
“she is not a slut ” I remarked sternly and he looked at me awkwardly.
“let me tell you something man, you’re in love ” he said and I scoffed.
“yeah I am ” I said with sarcasm.
“so let’s go ” he asked as he stood up.
“yeah ” I stood up and followed
Sam wants to see Eva so I’m bringing him home with me.
He boarded his car and I boarded mine and we drove off.
I pu-ll-ed into the drive way and Sam did too.
We got out and went to the porch.
I opened the door and we went in.
Sam st©pped on his track, his mouth slightly open
I trailed his eyes to see Eva coming down the stairs.
I nudged Sam and he blinked ra-pidly.
Eva walked pas-sed us and sat on a one person couch staring at her toes as if we were invisible.
“hi ” Sam said and sat opposite her.
“hi ” she replied without looking up at him.
“Eva can you plea-se get Sam something to drink ” I asked nicely and she scoffed.
“I’m just here to satisfy your S-xual urges not here as a maid or house wife ” she remarked rudely and I looked at Sam who’s trying so ha-rd to hold in his laughter.
The door bell rang and our heads snapped at the door then looked at ourselves.
“I’ll get it ” Sam said smiling and went to the door.
“Lillie ” he called and Eva and I looked up to see a very beautiful young girl.
I looked at Eva to see her frozen on her sp©t with wi-de eyes and slightly opened mouth.
😏 She’s a slut 😏
Chapter 11 🌻🌻
“Lillie ” Sam called and my head snapped at the door.
I froze on my sp©t as Lillie stood at the door.
What’s she doing here?
“who’s she “Bryan asked as Sam stepped aside for Lillie to come in.
“I met her at the restaurant where I ate but I don’t know what she’s doing here ” Sam said, looking at Lillie for an answer.
“well I ” she paused and looked at me then looked away.
“I’m Andrea’s sister ” she blurted out and my heart skipped.
“Andrea ” Bryan asked and Lillie nodded.
“well Andrea went to the hospital coz she was sick so what are you doing here ” Bryan asked as Lillie stared in confusion.
🌹 Lillie’s P. O. V🌹
What are they saying?
I just told them I’m Andrea’s sister and they’re telling me Andrea went to the hospital when she’s right in front of me.
I looked to Andrea’s direction and saw her nodding negatively at me, like giving me a sign not to talk
I stared in confusion until I noticed she was wearing a wig.
If she’s wearing a wig, it means she’s hiding her identity.
But if they don’t know her as Andrea then which Andrea went to the hospital?
Wait! Is Andrea pla-ying them?
Ah! I don’t know.
“so what are you doing here ” Sam asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.
“oh I c@m£ to know why she wasn’t home yet but since you said she went to the hospital then it’s fine ” I said smiling.
“she should have gotten home by now ” Sam said.
“why don’t you call her ” Mr Torillo suggested and I looked at Andrea but quic-kly looked away so they won’t suspect anything.
If I call Andrea now, the phone in her hand will ring out and they might catch her.
“just give me her number I can’t believe I don’t have my PA phone number ” Mr Torillo said.
“uhm the thing is I left my phone at home and I don’t know her number off hand but don’t worry, she’ll be fine ” I said and they nodded.
“so I’ll take my leave now ” I said and glanced at Andrea to see her staring at me with guilt.
“I’ll drive you home” Sam offered.
“no you don’t have to ” I declined, smiling.
“I insist so come” he said and opened the door then we went out.
“so Andrea, she’s your elder sister ” he asked as he pu-ll-ed out of the drive way and I nodded.
🌷 Andrea’s P. O. V🌷
Jeez! That was close!
“Eva ”
“Eva ” I heard and turned to face Bryan.
“are you alright ” he asked and I nodded.
“OK why did you disconnect all the CCTV c@m£ras in my house and wiped out all the videos ” he asked and I bit my lowerl-ip.
“uhm I… It was invading my privacy and I couldn’t digest the fact that our S-x scenes are being captured ” I lied and he said nothing but stared at me.
He took his suit that la-id on the headrest of the couch and turned to leave but st©pped and looked back at me.
“how did you know my pas-sword “he asked and I sm-irked.
“well I ”
“how ” he yelled in anger and I flin-ched.
OK, what angered him now?
“speak up ” he yelled again.
His eyes now red, filled with anger.
“I saw you inputting it last night so I memorised it ” I said as my eyes welled up in tears..
His eyes softened a bit maybe because of the tears in my eyes.
He nodded and went upstairs.
🌷 Bryan’s P. O. V🌷
I opened the second room which look like an office in my room and went in..
This door is always locked cuz it contains past memories.
Memories of Esmeralda.
I went to the table and took the scattered ph0tos of Esmeralda.
She’s so beautiful.
I looked at the ph0to with tears in my eyes.
I dropped the ph0to on the table and wiped the tear that slid down my cheek.
I turned to leave but froze on my sp©t as Eva stood in front of me..
Has she been there all along?
😏 She’s a slut😏
Chapter 12 🌻🌻
💖 Bryan’s P. O. V💖
I froze as I turned to see Eva.
Like seriously? What’s with her?
Hasn’t she heard of the word privacy?
I could feel anger flowing throu-gh me and I almost yelled at her but I kept my cool cuz I don’t wanna hurt her.
I yelled at her few minutes ago ma-king her cry and I don’t wanna make her cry again.
I felt my b©dy relax as I stared de-ep into her angel eyes.
“what is it “I asked calmly.
“I… I just…. I ” she stuttered and I sighed.
“it’s OK ” I said and walked pas-s her then opened the door wi-de for her to go out.
She looked at me sadly and went out.
Ah! What’s wrong with me?
I can’t believe she’s sad because of me.
I pu-ll-ed off my clothes and went into the shower to call off.
💖 Andrea’s P. O. V💖
I wanted to go apologize for operating his PC without permission but I saw him enter into another room in his room and I trusted behind him.
I watched as he picked up some ph0tos of a woman.
He dropped it back and turned to see me and he stood frozen at his sp©t.
He flared up for a sec then relaxed.
“what is it ” he asked calmly.
“I… I just… I” I stuttered and he sighed.
“it’s OK ” he said and walked pas-s me then opened the door wi-de for me to leave
I looked at him sadly and left.
I c@m£ to my room and la-id on my be-d..
What an attitude he’s got!
“ah” I g@s or do and sprung up at the roaring of the thun-der.
I watched from my window as the thun-der roar louder.
Drop by drop, the rain started..
I wra-pped my arms around myself as I started to shiver a little.
It’s so cold.
Soon the rain stared and I closed my windows and la-id on my be-d with the duvet covering my head to toe.
A soft knock c@m£ on my door and it flew open and Bryan c@m£ in carrying a tray I know contains cu-ps of coffee.
I used the duvet to cover back my face as he walked closer
I felt the be-d de-epen, meaning he sat on the be-d.
“hey ” I heard his voice softly but I didn’t bulge.
I felt his hand gently re-moved the blanket from my face and our eyes met.
“Eva ” he called softly as he ca-ressed my cheeks with his thumb.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you” he said softly.
Wow, what c@m£ over him that he’s even apologising?
“I didn’t mean to hurt you not make you cry, I’m sorry ” he said and myl-ips curved into a smile.
“you amuse me you know ” I said smiling and he chuckled.
“here ” he said stretching a cu-p of coffee to me.
I sat up and took it.
I sipped it all and gave him back the cu-p.
I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes kept wandering over my b©dy.
“seriously ” I said and he laughed when he noticed I caught him.
“I can’t help it ” he said and crashed hisl-ips on mine causing me to l@ydown.
He c@m£ on t©p of me trailing k!sses down my n£¢k to my cleavages with his hands c@r£ss!ngmy h!ps.
Exactly what I nee-d in this weather.
💖 Lillie’s P. O. V💖
I stretched my hand out throu-gh the window, feeling the rain drops on my palm.
I remember when it rains and Andrea and I will pl@yand dance in the rain.
It was so fun!
I smiled as a tear skid down my cheek.
I really thought she has quit str!pping but I was wrong.
She’s being a personal slut to Mr Torillo and I’m sure of it.
If she isn’t there has a slut then she wouldn’t disguise herself with the wig.
I just want her to have a perfect life.
A complete life where she’ll have her Prince Charming and kids.
God plea-se help my sister.
I j£rked up when I heard an aggressive knock on the door.
Who could that be?
Insisted a little and the knock c@m£ again.
I walked to the door to open it but I st©pped and moved back.
What if they’re robbers or worse, kidnappers?
I jumped up in fear as the knock c@m£ louder as if the person is trying to break the door.
Oh God save my soul.
I brou-ght out my phone to call the cops at least but there was no signal.
I kept on trying and trying but my phone fell off my hand as the door creaked open.
T. B. C