Sheba episode 19


Episode 19 (Unedited)

Sheba’s POV

He fell asleep so early, we were cudd-ling after a second ban-g when he sle-pt.

I love my new life, my love life, my marriage, the home I’d be looking after soon.

I ordered that dinner be brou-ght to me upstairs.

After food, I held onto him and sle-pt.

I didn’t know exactly what time it was but Laiza woke me, frightening hell out of me.

I look around, I saw nothing and I went back to sleep.

She c@mĀ£ again, this time h0tter “Sheba, stand up”

I was going to sh0t out of be-d but I found myself elsewhere.

Somewhere I have been to few times.

“Laiza” I called out softly, walking on the sea.

I saw the ti-p of her flowing go-wn then I traced it until I was sitting in front of her, right in her chambers.

“Laiza” I called out softly, she stared at her overflowing go-wn.

I wonder why she had brou-ght me here after a very long time.

“I thought you were going to get pregnant for him” She started, looking in my eyes.

Her eyes blazing with bluish glitter.

“Who? My husband?’ I frowned.

She nodded.

I opened my mouth and was about to say something when she stĀ©pped me.

“Sheba, you’ve really failed me” She said sadly.

I threw my head back, what was she saying? My marriage wasn’t even up to two months and she was expecting me to get pregnant when I and Edward just started ma-king love?

“Laiza, I don’t………”

“You never un-derstand” She brou-ght the words out of my mouth.

I sniffed.

“If you un-derstood, if anger hadn’t blinded you, you’d have seen that I was only being fair” She insisted.

I was impatient, she spoke in too much parables.

“Come” She outstretched her right hand and I took it.

She walked me into clouds and smokes, then she pointed in front of us.

“Look at that woman, I tra-pped her here all because of you”

I dimmed my eyes, trying to look throu-gh thick flames, I saw an older woman on the other side of the flame.

“She’d leave before midnight” She announced.

I hissed, what exactly was Laiza trying to say? That I should get pregnant in a given period?

“Sheba, I have a story to tell you”

She turned, I turned too and we walked together, slowly.

“Your mother in law was born a princess and she’s a native of Ogon” She started, I frowned.

“Years back, when you were still not born, Ogon was in trouble, men selfishly fought for kingsh!pand it lead to war” She paused. “Your mother in law was a princess, her family was entitled to the throne but other royal family had fought them really ha-rd . About four families faced each other in this war those years. Out of seven children, it was only your mother in law that survived the war, all of her parent’s children were killed” She paused as we took longer walk.

“She found herself in Lagos as a house maid, she was only seven when she left home”

“Where were you when all this was going on?” The words flung out before I could hold it back.

“I was right here but I had no way of communicating foreseen troubles to them because it took special powers to see and hear me. And, that was why I began to choose an Eswa to represĀ£nt me in the face of the people so that the war that happened over 50 years ago wouldn’t repeat itself” She paused, I nodded.

I have never heard any of such history.

“The killings was so much that I couldn’t do much, I was handicapped at some point when I realized that my actions were also killing innocent people, I paused and watch”

“Uhmmm” She breathed.

Those four families were destroyed completely. None bec@mĀ£ king.

“Ogon took about 20years to stand again, those times there was no King, I simply ruled. Your late mother in law mother was a powerful witch who ha-rd ly do evil. But after her death, she refused to die as she pu-ll-ed your mother in law into witchcraft”

I made sure I ingested every word, maybe I had an upcoming as-signment.

“She bec@mĀ£ a black witch and her only mission was returning to Ogon to become the Queen. Her mother had instructed her to kill if that was what it takes to see that the Kingsh!pin their lineage never dies.

She married the presĀ£nt king and had two kids, your husband and Maya” She gulped.

“Her husband was just a civil servant, he had no connection with the throne, he never knew she was from Ogon because no one could recognise her again. The few people that might know her died alre-ady. With black magics, she secured the throne for him and you remember you crowned him right?” She looked in my direction, flashing smiles.

I nodded.

“And, that was the beginning of everything. Maya is a witch, a white witch” She announced.

“I know” I reminded.

“Your mother in law was to make a sacrifice to her people in appreciation of the throne they returned to her family and that sacrifice then demanded for was Edward”

My leg stĀ©pped, I remained motionless.

She laughed hysterically.

“You love him so much yet you fail to see the dangers surrounding him, foolish girl” She spat.

“Look” She turned to face me, her index f!nger pointed at me “Thank Maya, she have been protecting him until I noticed she could no longer do it”

She walked, I followed behind, my heart pounding.

“They possessed Edward, he never knew he was ra-ping all those ladies and that was why I refused to tĀ©uƧh him, he was innocent. The more he misbehaved, the more powers that woman’ She paused, turning slightly, Her index f!nger pointing back at the woman in the clouds “Get” she completely.

“Who’s she?” I asked.

“Head of your mother in law coven” She announced.

I nodded.

“Maya’s mother knew she was a witch so she insisted that Edward schooled abroad. Maya was interfering with their evils, age loved Edward so much that, she fought her mother’s group almost every night in her dream.

Maya never knew who she was, she was suppose to be extremely powerful if only she had remained a v!rg!ntil 21”

“Her group have some rules which include turning a v!rg!nmember into a full witch once she was 21. But Maya got disvir-gined long before 21 and she lost the chance of full initiation. When she was 21 and the Queen saw that she was no longer a vir-gin, she called Edward to return home but he never did until he was deported three years later. The witches were only using Edward in their market while waiting for him to turn 30”

At the mention of 30, I jumped in front of her wondering what they would do to him in few hours.

“What happens when he turns 30?”

She sm-irked.

“They make him completely useless’ She broke, Her back turned on me as she walked back to our previous destination.

“When he was younger, the King realise that his Queen was a witch and trading the stars of their only son for the throne. He threatened to raise an alarm and also divorce her. She captured him and put him un-der a strong spell which can only be broken when Edward receives freedom” She continued.

I was shivering, was she trying to say he would die in few hours?

“When he was abroad Maya’s powers couldn’t reach him because she was weak and she even did those things unconsciously.

Then, when he returned home, he continued to defile our maidens and I was really disturbe-d, his freedom wasn’t an easy one, he nee-ded someone who had three things to save him”

She turned to look at me slightly, I was sweating. She smiled as she pu-ll-ed a curtain for me to step in and I did.



S-x” She cleared her throat as we sat in front of a big fire.

“Maya c@mĀ£ to the mountain to ask for my intervention and, I saw you. It was only you who could help him out since he was also very much in love with you” She paused, staring in the face of the fire as if she was re-ading her words from it.

Now, I un-derstood why she pushed me into this marriage, she was not wicked to me afterall.

“You had powers, you had your vir-ginity intact and that vir-ginity was the beginning of his freedom” She love to take brief stĀ©ps so that her words would sink.

“When you refused to sleep with him, I was so upset that I had to possess him so that he could over power you and have S-x with you, remember I was at the palace few days before the r@pĀ£ and the three of you pas-sed out. You all had the same dream and everyone saw the role they would be pla-ying when the time comes in reality. That very day and also in her dreams, I activated Maya’s powers so that she could fight this battle with you when the time comes. But, it still upset me to see that my chosĀ£n ones are blinded by anger, hatred and jealous. Maya has been used by the Queen to harm your husband” She broke.

I flin-ched.

She didn’t look in my direction.

“He has done the last ritual which you were suppose to stĀ©p him from doing”

“The first time he held you in your room, remember I was there to appreciate a job well done?” She asked, I tried to recollect and I nodded.

“That morning, his mother had placed a seed in his car but because you held on to him from the bo-ttomof your heart, the seed had no effect on him.

Not until, you allowed them take him from you, Edward have crossed that seed and he has limited time on earth” She announced.

A tear escaped my eyes, I have been foolish.

“But, she got him a new wife” I spoke softly as I allowed the tears to flow.

“Remi? Well, the Queen doesn’t want her son dead and there was only one way to revive him on her side, that was for him to impregnate a complete human before he turns 30. That was why she pushed Remi into it, that child would be used in place of Edward.

Your marriage to Edward annoyed the Queen, she knew you were going to expo-se her, she knew that her cu-p would be too full to sip from without leaking if someone as powerful as yourself got pregnant for him”

I sat with my legs folded.

“What happens if I get pregnant for him?”

“Well, it would have just eased the stress of this war you’re about to fight, if you got pregnant and the Queen sees your bu-mp more than twice, she would spit out everything and Edward would be free.

Your blood alone annoys witches, you’re not human, I am sure you know?”

“I was born human” I cried.

She looked at me, eyes red.

“Edward isn’t human either, having a baby together means freedom for him. His mother is using his stars, he’s a bright child, he has been possessed by the 1000 demons of the sea, I was able to cast out a large p@rt of them the day all of you coll@psed and that’s why he can’t remember all those r@pĀ£s and atrocities. Moreover, you’ve served me for fourteen years and every year, you possess new powers, you’re not human but you can birth human”

I bite my lowerl-ips, thick mucus formed in my nose.

“What happens to him now? I love him, I want to spend the rest of my life with him, if he dies, everyone would hold me responsible thinking I did it”

“Them, save him” She grinned.

“I don’t have powers, how can I save him? You took all of them” I cried.

She shook her head.

“You still don’t know who you are, your powers aren’t with me because you have grown beyond what I can easily handle, you were made to believe I took it so that you’d concentrate. I knew you’d have misbehaved if you knew that your powers were just miles away from you” She smiled.

I was lost, I frowned.

She stood up, I did same and we took a walk back to the old woman who was tra-pped in the clouds.

“She’d leave in few minutes, once she leaves, you have limited time to save him because she’d not waste time to butcher him, Sheba, go” She looked in my eyes.

“No powers” I bur-sted out crying.

She was furious, she gr@bbĀ£d me by the shoulder and shook me violently “Your powers are inside you, the moment you start behaving like who you are, they would crawl out”

“Who am I?” I murmured like a fool.

She clenched her tooth and shook me really ha-rd , her f!ngersdigging into my skin.

“Tigress šŸÆ, that’s what you’re.

Go Sheba, make me proud”


