S-xy high school girls Episode 16 & 17

Episode 16/17
The Evil Schemers
[RECAP: A new Female teacher c@m£ to the school and began as-sociating with Millson. Dzifa wrote a letter warming Bansah Lovelace, the new teacher to stay off Millson ]
{Dzifa’s Narration}
It looked like miss Bansah was not intimid@t£d by my letter. The more I saw them together,the more I felt unhappy and moody. I felt like the saddest human being on Earth.
My parents were very worried about my moodiness.I shut the door. Tears streamed down My face.
I could still hear my father’s voice ramming with my mum’s.
Solemnly, she strode into my room with an air of anxiety. I crept into my be-d with my hands folded across my legs and my chin placed carefully on my knees. I stared into the blank space for some minutes before my face started welling up with tears .
With a blink, the tears fell down my beautiful face like a torrent of an angry rain which was withheld for some couple of years.
Judging by the pres£nt state of my face, one would think I was more than a 17 year old secondary school girl.
My skin had lost its beauty and
my short dazzling soft natural hair suddenly lost its lvstre.
I hit my legs several times to get rid of the mosquitoes buzzing in my ears as if to lure me to sleep with their irritating lullaby. I wiped my dried face, repositioned myself by straightening my legs and rested my back against the wall.
“Dzifa !.. Dzifa!!!. Come and eat your meal, it will get cold”.
My mother Mrs Agbenyega maud walked slowly to my room when she didn’t hear any response from me. She j£rked with fear when she heard the sound of the door opened.
My mother was surprised to see me moody.”
“Come and eat your food, dear, “she said, “what happened to you at school?”I was quiet.
Dear re-ader,You don’t expect me to tell my parents I had a crush on a male teacher who was not simply interested in me. Do you?” Mama I am not hungry. I want to sleep”.
I la-id down and pretended to sleep.
“Okay, goodnight,”my mother said without further hesitation and covered me with a wra-pper to keep me warm and to wade off the notorious mosquitoes hunting for my fresh blood.When I woke up the next day, I felt worried and nervous. I couldn’t sleep well throu-ghout the night. I got up, had my bath and left for school.
That evening I met six girls and we drew a strategic plan.
It was around 7 o’clock. The moon was slowly announcing its pres£nce. Most of the village’s natural beauty was lost, hidden un-der the thick canvas of darkness. The nocturnal creatures were becoming quite active. Darkness was beginning to emanate from the evening sky.
The changing dynamics of the weather seemed to convey a hidden message to us. Nothing is permanent un-der the sun.
Evil operates un-der the cover of darkness. The moon begin to glimmer the blue planet. The giant blanket of darkness that blocked out the sky completely was broken. Moonlit trickled in in enough quantity to temporarily convert the night into day but more darkness
emanated from the evening sky as if it was a battle of supremacy.
~@ 7.10 p.m~
I met the six girls who were also disappointed and heartbroken when Sir Millson decided to ignore their love letters in an isolated hut.
I’m talking about Dima, Evelyn, Vivian, Irene,Lucy and Sylvia.
Me: You are all welcome.
The D.E.V.I.L.S : Thank you.
Me: I have a problem that I believe you can help me solve since it concerns you too.
Evelyn: What is it?
Me: Our new Female teacher Bansah seemed to be interested in our ” R0m-n Father “. At first I do not want to take the issue seriously because I knew sir Millson does not like girls. Later on I realised miss Bansah’s intention was to d@t£ Millson or to be in a relationsh!pwith our crush. I’m sure that’s what she wanted to achieve. The most painful p@rt is ” our R0m-n Father seems to like her too. He’s tolerating her too much to my liking. I wrote a letter to warn her about her relationsh!pwith our “R0m-n Father” but she was still nonchalant. Now is action time.
Sylvia: So what do you want us to do to help you?
Vivian : Yea, how can we help you?
Me: I want you to help me gang beat her. As I’m speaking to you now, she’s still with Millson chatting and laughing.
Dima : Like seriously?
Evelyn: Hmmmm.
Irene: This woman wan come take our bobo away. Abi?
Evelyn: Na so.
Me: Girls, as I suggested early on, let’s gang up and beat her so that next time she sees a nice guy, she will be careful how to relate with him.
Slyvia: but….do you think beating our teacher is the right thing to do? Are we not going to bring a curse upon ourselves?
Dima: hmmm. Maybe….
Irene: Shut up, you idiot. We are not interested in your sermon. Do you think writing a love letter to your teacher is good?
Slyvia: N…..No.
Irene : Yet you wrote it.
Sylvia: ..Yea , I did but love is not the same as aggression.
Irene: We nee-d a realistic approach to this problem, not your righteousness nons-en-se.
Slyvia: Look. I think we are missing the point. Sir Millson is just like any other male teacher. He also has feelings. What make him different from the other teachers is self control. If Sir Millson likes miss Bansah, its because miss Bansah is not a student. Remember school rules forbid teacher- student relationsh!ps. He’s just trying to be obe-dient.
Evelyn: Slyvia, I swear, if you talk again, I will sl@p you.
Slyvia: Try it and see. Your mother won’t recognise you when you go home this evening.
Me: plea-se let’s not quarrel. We are here to unite and deal with a common enemy who want to snatch our lover boy.
Sylvia: Dzifa, let me give you this candid advice. If you attack miss Bansah, you will lose Sir Millson forever.
Me: Why?
Sylvia: You see. The moment you attack her , Millson’s attention will be drawn to her. He will want to help her recover. He will console her ,sympathise with her and throu-gh his efforts, their love will grow naturally.
Dima: I think Slyvia is right.
Irene : ( Laughing ) Since when did you become an aficionado of love.
Evelyn: Let’s ignore this talking cricket. What is our final decision?
Me : Ok. Those who want us to beat Miss Bansah Lovelace raise up your hand. All the girls raised up their hands except Dima and Sylvia. That’s 4:2.
Majority decision.
We planned to ambush miss Bansah on her way home after she finished chatting with Millson.
Around 8.00 p.m Millson saw her off. We waited for Millson to return home. When he pas-sed by , we captured miss Bansah un-der the cover of darkness and began hitting her with series of punches. She screamed and fought back with venom. We were surprised at her reaction but we had an advantage. 5 against 1. Dima and Sylvia went home. They refused to p@rtake in the as-sault on miss Bansah.
We beat her, pu-ll-ed her hair, sl@pped her severally on the face and kicked her in the stomach.
Of course, we also sustain some degrees of injuries as she fought back in fury.
Evelyn went a bit extreme. Using a stone nearby which she chanced on, she used it to hit her head.
She fell down and didn’t wake up.
Out of fear, we all ran away to our various homes.
Is Miss Bansah Lovelace dead.
Episode 17
Rescue and sickness!
RECAP ?: Miss Bansah was unperturbe-d by Dzifa’s warning letter. Consequently, the school girls met,schemed and beat her up because of her refusal to leave their crush- Millson.
[ Dzifa’s Point of view ]
I got home a bit worried about what we have done. I didn’t know that Evelyn girl would go to the extreme. I guessed I was too annoyed to think rationally.
Before my decision to meet the girls to help me gang beat miss Bansah, something else happened a week ago prior to my warning letter to miss Bansah.
I was returning home from church one Sunday when I saw Miss Bansah and Millson moving towards the latter’s house. I saw them at church a few hours ago.
Instinctively,I followed them until they reach the house. I got nearer to Millson’s room and eavedropped on their conversation.
?‍?Miss Bansah: Do you love today’s sermon?
?‍?Mr. Millson: Yes, especially the p@rt that the pastor said we must be role models for the unbelievers to follow. He cited the example of the apostles of Christ. When people saw how the apostles were behaving,they said ,”these people were behaving like Christ,thus the name ” Christian”
?‍?Miss Bansah: You perfectly sound like a pastor. I never realised you have a Ph.D in theology.
?‍?Mr.Lamptey : Hahaha. Sometimes,I wish I’m a preacher instead of a teacher.I just want to cut myself out from the rest of the people who have a mand@t£ to effect change and solve the problem of society but have become problems themselves.
?‍?Miss Bansah: Who exactly are you referring to?
?‍?Mr. Lamptey: Some of my colleague teachers are disgracing themselves by having S-xual relationsh!pwith these teenage girls who are still learning about personal and menstrual hygiene.
I wonder what exactly they find plea-surable between the th!ghs of these adventurous female students. It breaks my heart when I saw them preying on the young girls instead of ______”
?‍?Miss Bansah : Preacher. So you have never tasted their ” honey” before.
?‍?Miss Bansah: I like your determination to maintain your chastity. Keep it up.
When Sir Millson said he will never sleep with any student ,my mind went back to an encounter I had with him. He had refused to d@t£ me because I was a student and it is inappropriate for a teacher to d@t£ a student.
I told him that law was not applicable to me since I was of legal age to d@t£ .
Besides what is more important was the love I felt for him which I’m sure he also felt for me.
Sir Millson responded that It was not that simple. He said, “Laws are there for a reason.”
I told him his colleagues were doing it. I also asked him why he was trying to be different.
Sir Millson gave me a resounding response, “I’m not my colleagues. I just want to do what is right. You can be my friend but not my girlfriend. Even the friendsh!pwill have limitations.
My mind was abruptly brou-ght back to the conversation between The two teachers.
?‍?Miss Bansah: Do you have a girlfriend?”
?‍?Millson: (laughing) No,I don’t have a girlfriend.
?‍⚖Miss Bansah: I don’t believe you.
?‍?Millson: I am not lying to you. I used to have a girlfriend but she left me for two reasons. One I’m not rich so I couldn’t cater for her unlimited wants.
?‍?Miss Bansah : …and what was the second season?
?‍?Mr. Lamptey: I told her we would have to abide by the bible’s moral standard of “NO S-x BEFORE MARRIAGE.” The moment I told her that ,she said I’m an antiquatedℹ man and left. I never saw her again.
?‍?Miss Bansah: “Hmm, modern ladies and their love for material things . They chase men with cars and mansions instead of men with virtues.
?‍?Millson: Yea. That’s modern ladies for you.
They then switched the t©pic to academic issues and how the females were misbehaving.
Miss Bansah: I heard some spoilt girls have been trying to f0rç£ themselves on you.
Millson: uhuu. Where do you hear that stuff from?
Miss Bansah: hahaha. It wasn’t exactly a secret. In fact it was an open secret in the village.
Millson: I see.
Miss Bansah: Now that I’m around You, they wouldn’t dare try that again.
Millson: hmmm. If I were you, I will be careful. Those girls can go to the extreme. You nee-d to act wisely in this village if you want to remain save.
Miss Bansah: Why? Are you afraid of them?
Millson: No. But I’m careful of them. They nearly gang R@p£d me.
Miss Bansah : What? Such insolence. How can school going girls be behaving like a bunch of Devils?
Millson : I hope I have a good answer to your question but I don’t.
Miss Bansah: I like you. I want our friendsh!pto have a purpose. Ever since I c@m£ to this school, I never heard anything bad about you. In fact you are famous for bouncing those lascivious girls who have made your colleagues their S-x mates.
Miss Bansah’s comment infuriated me. I decided to write a letter to warn him to stay off Millson. But she ignored my letter.
I then decided to show her the stuff I was made of. After taking my lover from Me, she was also haughty.
They also about other things
I lost interest in the rest of the t©pics and c@m£ back home.
It was then that I decided to team up with the D.E.V.I.L.S so that we can deal with miss Bansah.
[Millson’s Point of view ]
I was still on my way home when I had an intuition that something was wrong with my new found friend, miss Bansah. I returned quic-kly and headed towards her house.
A few metres to her house, I heard someone gro-an ing and writhing in pain. I surged forward and saw a feminine figure by the roadside.
It was my friend’s figure. Miss Bansah was lying in pain. My adrenalin sh0t up. I picked her up quic-kly and rushed to the village’s herbalist. Her head was g@shed with a stone. The wound was de-ep.
“plea-se help her for me,” I told the herbalist whom I later got to know was called Mawufemor.
She was later transferred to a hospital in the city. I followed her there.
For two weeks , I was preoccu-pied with taking care of her. I saw it as a personal responsibility.
The question bothering my mind was , who would have attacked Miss Bansah and hurt her like that.
From my past experiences in the village I suspected Dzifa. She might have gotten jealous because I was free with miss Bansah.
I couldn’t think of any other logical explanation. Yes. That must be Dzifa’s handiwork.
In the course of helping Miss Bansah, something else happened to me. The more I helped her and wished she recu-perated, the more my feelings for her de-epened.
I began to feel whatever happened to her was my responsibility. I knew what I was feeling for miss Bansah was not ordinary. It was love.
In the third week, miss Bansah healed completely. I was very happy. I asked her what exactly happened to her. She said she was attacked by a group of girls numbering about five. I knew it .Those girls may have been the same girls who planned to gang r@p£ me. They may be the same girls who wrote me the love letters. Yes, those girls were Dzifa’s hitgirls.
My joy of seeing Miss Bansah healed from her wound was short-lived. One weeks later, I began having fever, headaches, and flu-like symptoms and was cranky.
I went to Dambai Health Centre for treatment where I was diagnosed with flu, and so-re throat and treated with antibiotics and discharged.
Three days later, I realised my eyes were becoming yellowish. I went back to the local hospital, where the doctors examined my blood and suspected it was malaria. They promptly transferred me to Ridge Hospital in Accra for more specialized diagnosis and treatment.
It was found that malaria parasites were in my blood. Examined un-der the microscope, four red blood cells (marked “P”) are infected with Plasmodium falciparumℹ parasites, the type that can cause severe, potentially fatal disease, even death.
The malaria had made me severely ill. My blood was too acidic (lactic acidosis) and had too little sugar (hypoglycemia). I was very anemic and also had low blood pressure.
The doctors admitted me to the intensive care unit (ICU) and connected me to a breathing machine. They administered intravenous fluids to correct my acidosisℹ and hypoglycemia.ℹ
The doctor also administered intravenous drugs to destroy the malaria parasites.
Most fortunately, I recovered from that extraordinary ordeal. After two weeks of intensive treatment, I was well enough for the doctors to disconnect me from the breathing machine.
In all my sickness,Miss Bansah Lovelace had shown real concern by volunteering to come all the way from Tutukpene to Accra just to help me recu-perate.
She was my support line at the hospital,giving me the medicines,
food,as-sisting my parents to bath for me and even praying with me.
One observing her from afar will find it very difficult to believe that Lovelace was not biologically related to me,let alone being my wife.
My parents were very thankful and appreciative of her indefatigableℹ support. Later, my mum told me she wished to have Lovelace as her daughter -in-law.
After those two incidences,the bond between Lovelace and I bec@m£ stronger and almost inseparable.