S-xual de-sire Episode 29 & 30

( A night with my best friend 🛌)
Rated 🔞+
✍️ Chapter Twenty-Nine✍️
I woke up smiling, disoriented but happy.
I was expecting to be tangled in Kyle’s arms, so it was weird to feel the cold sipping un-der the slee-ping bag. I opened one eye and that’s when I realised I’ve been snuggling a pillow all along. Confused, I sat up to find that I was all alone in the tent. No Kyle and no Sav.
Did I oversleep? There was no way of knowing since my phone was switched off somewhere de-ep in my bags.
Waking up like this somehow had me doubting about last night. Were Kyle and I in a relationsh!pnow or had I just dreamt it all? I couldn’t know for sure and this worried me.
I stood up, intending to change into something pres£ntable.
Where exactly where we supposed to wash and brush our teeth? The water we had were two big gallons for drinking water. We couldn’t use that to wash. So taking the only small bottle of water I had, I got out of the tent to brush my teeth.
Once I was done, I began investigating my missing friends. The fact that birds were still singing their morning songs and the fact the sun was just rising on the horizon proved it was still too early.
The quiescence of the camp was unnerving; everyone was still de-ep in their slumber.
So where was Kyle?
Just as I wh!paround from where I stood, I saw a figure emerging from de-ep within the woods.
My heart st©pped as I recognised the way the figure walked and soon enough it was hammering in my che-st when Kyle appeared in view.
He was still clad in shorts and t-shi-t from last night. The messy just-fv¢ked hair on t©p of his head was S-xy as hell.
When he saw me he grinned and increa-sed his pace.
I was nervous because I still doubted last night happened. But, when he reached me, he surprised me by taking my face in his hands and pu-lling me into a k!ss.
I responded instantly as I pressed myself flat unto his front, my hands reaching for his n£¢k.
I was breathless and speechless by the time we st©pped.
“Morning, girlfriend.” His voice was sultry as he pressed his forehead with mine.
“Morning.” A grin unleashed itself from myl-ips.
So it had been real. I thought as I tried calming my pulsating heart.
He grinned too as he saw me smile, k!$$£d the corner ofl-ips before hvgging me. “I wanna show you something.” He whispered below my ears.
I bit myl-ips.fu-ck! How could be so turned on by his breath tickling my ear?
“What?” I asked my voice equally husky.
“Not telling…showing.” He re-leased me and couldn’t help but press hisl-ips upon mine again in a soft pe-ck. I wanted more than a pe-ck but we both knew if we were to de-epen the k!ss, we would end up doing more than just k!ssing.
“Wait here, I’m gonna—” He didn’t finish his s£ntence when he suddenly left my side and ran for my tent.
I frowned at his sudden movement, but it wasn’t long until he c@m£ out carrying my big towel and shower jell in his hands.
“C’mon.” He took my hand and our f!ngers£ntwined together as he led me de-ep into the forest where he had emerged.
Okay, now I was curious. Where exactly is he taking me?
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” His thumb ru-bbe-d lazy circles on the palm of our entwined hands. That action s£nt heat coiling beneath my stomach.
We walked de-ep into the woods, navigating our way into the bushes until at one point he told me to close my eyes.
I trusted him with my life at that moment. I let him lead me wherever he wanted to take me. It was after a while of walking absolute blind that we st©pped.
The trickle and splashing sound of water was the first thing I heard before he said, “Okay, open your eyes.”
My first reaction was to g@sp. At first I couldn’t take it all in because of the blinding light, but as soon as my eyes adjusted to the colours around me, my breath caught.
There was a waterfall in front us, big enough that I had to crane my n£¢k in order to see where the water was coming from. The rocks where water was t©ppling down into a pool-like river were dR@p£d in green moss, the shades similar to the bushes near the river. The sight before me was simply breath-taking.
“Wow.” Was the first word I let out.
“Right?” Kyle agreed as he squee-zed my hand.
I looked at him in amazement. “Where did you find this place?”
“Google maps?” He said looking down at his feet. I caught his lie immediately.
I c0cked my head to one side, my face telling him fully well how I didn’t believe that.
“Okay, maybe I got lost.”
“Fine.” He held his hands in surrender. “I got lost in the woods when I nee-ded to pee, so I stumbled upon this place.”
I sm-irked. “Never thought the Kyle Reyes ever got lost.”
“Hey.” He chastised. “We are in the middle of the woods. Google doesn’t know this place exists.”
I looked around me, and the trees surrounding the waterfall acted like a cocoon, encasing the river along with the waterfall.
“I’m glad they don’t.” I mumbled. “Do you think this river connects to the lake?”
“Maybe.” He shrugged as he moved closer towards me and putting the towel and shower jell un-der his armpit, he placed his hands around me. His whole face was beaming with his grin.
“What?” I asked wary, not trusting that look.
“Do you wanna take a shower?”
“Where? There?” I frowned, pointing at the relentless waterfall.
He nodded, his boyish grin still plastered on his face.
I stared at water which now seemed threatening to my eyes. Kyle caught my reluctance.
“C’mon. There’s more I wanna show you.” He dragged me to edge of the river, cautiously stepping on the rocks.
“Isn’t the water cold?” I asked, imagining the spooling water freezing me into ice.
“You’ll see.” He said, helping me climb the jagged rocks.
“And won’t it be sli-ppery? How de-ep is the pit of this river?” I asked.
He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. “You’re worrying too much.”
“I have to!” I sh0t back.
We were now un-der the edge of the waterfall, it was hemmed with white-wh!pped lines and although the water wasn’t anyway near my skin, it didn’t st©p me from feeling catacomb cold. However, this wasn’t where Kyle wanted to take me. There was a cave un-der the waterfall and he was dragging me de-ep into it.
The soon we entered it, the blue light reflecting upon the rocks told me there was water nearby. As Kyle led me de-ep into the cave, the view bec@m£ luminous.
I g@sped, yet again awed by the sight. Somehow there’s was water trick-ling down in what seemed like a mini pool of blue. The light from the sun bathed the whole place, shinning down into the small pit of blue water.
“Holy $h!t in hell!” I exclaimed. “Did you stumbled upon this place too?” I asked him, thinking that he may have tr!pp£dfrom the t©p, which was highly unlikely.
“No.” He shook his head.
“Then how the—”
“Shh.” He shushed me. “Just take it in.”
And I did. I breathed in the smell of the cave, the smell of earth mixed with the water spooling down in a shower-like manner. It was breathtaking.
Kyle looked at the water and then turned to face me with his relentless grin.
“Nuh-uh.” I held a warning f!nger at him.
But that didn’t st©p him from stalking closer to me, I moved backwards until my back hit a rock wall. His grin increa-sed and my breath caught.
“You’re cute when you’re scared.” He told me, sm-irking as he trailed a f!nger from my n£¢k all the way down to between my br**sts.
“Am not scared!” I protested while shivering at his t©uçh.
“Oh yeah?” He arched an eyebrow, his b©dy seeming to draw closer toward me.
I bit myl-ip, feeling his heat. Somehow I couldn’t feel the cold any longer.
His gr0@nwas muffled as his eyes landed upon myl-ips, the orbs burning an emerald fire.
My breath hitched again as his eyes entra-pped mine once he leaned down. I couldn’t help it as I welcomed hisl-ips.
Whatever disagreement we were having earlier was soon forgotten when ourl-ips locked.
His ton-gue darted inside my mouth instantly and my b©dy responded in many ways than one; my arms sn-ked around him, hands gripping his t-shi-t and legs entangling on his w@!st.
“Gosh, you’re so s3xy!” His h0t breath fanned against my n£¢k and soon enough he was nipping on the skin.
My f!ngersfisted on his t-shi-t as I titled my n£¢k for him to give him better access. Below, my h!ps were alre-ady gyrating against his front and the throb of his erection was unmistakable.
“Kyle, plea-se.” I begged him. I ha-rd ly ever begged him for anything, but at that moment, I just wanted to feel him everywhere like how he dominated my b©dy last night.
“I like the sound of you begging.” I felt his smile at the nape of my n£¢k. His hands moved un-der my t-shi-t, the f!ngersbrushing my skin and leaving a quivering s-en-sation de-ep below my stomach.
However as soon as he k!$$£d me, he leaped away suddenly, leaving me protesting at the lack heat from his b©dy. His eyes grilled mine, his fiery green pu-lling mine into a trance.
His hands were twitching to t©uçh me but he refrained as he chose staring at me. I squirmed on the sp©t, I wanted to k!sshim and more.
I made a movement to t©uçh him but he side-tracked. I frowned while he shook his head.
“I want to see you str!p.” He sm-irked.
“You heard me. Take your clothes off. Slowly.” His grin stretched.
“Kyle.” I gro-an ed out of frustration.
He chuckled but chose to fold his arms across his che-st instead of acting out on his de-sires like I wanted.
He waited patiently, sm-irking and b!tt!g hisl-ips until I relented.
Slowly with my eyes trained on his, I began pu-lling my shi-t off me; revea-ling to him how just n-ked I was un-der it. I watched as his eyes glazed with heat when they landed upon my br**sts. This gave me a new confidence as I started str!pping down in front of him.
I sm-irked, watching his Adams apple bob as he swallowed and with cautious steps, I walked closer to him.
He seemed breathless and aware of my movements. Teasing him, I trailed a f!nger on his arm while my other hand went un-der his t-shi-t and trailed the line of his abs.
He looked like he was in a trance too when he leaned down abs£ntmindedly, intending to k!ssme.
As much as I wanted to k!sshim too, I wasn’t going to give in that easily. It was his turn to be tea-sed and pay back was a b!tch.
I backed away from him and he gro-an ed below his throat. With my eyes still trained on his, I slowly walked backwards toward the pool.
“Your turn to str!p.” I hid my sm-irk by b!tt!g my lowerl-ip. At this point I was at the edge of the pool; I could feel the water below my heels. I turned away from him to slowly immerse myself into the pool.
The water wasn’t cold as I expected. It was lukewarm and the pool wasn’t as de-ep, it reached my upper che-st. I could still see my n-ked flesh un-der the blue pool and I turned to Kyle with a grin.
“You still have your clothes on?” I arched an eyebrow while leaning at the edge of the pool, pronouncing my br**sts at the process.
“fuc-k!” Kyle gro-an ed, and in a rush, he was str!pping himself from his clothes. He didn’t give me time to savour his b©dy as he dived into the pool.
I gave him an unsatisfied pout when he emerged in front of me. He grinned before leaning forward, entra-pping me as he pinned his hands at other side of me.
I was about to say something before he caught myl-ips into a k!ss. After that, words were meaningless, everything bec@m£ meaningless except for how I was feeling. I clung onto him as I k!$$£d him back. He pu-ll-ed me closer, his hands roaming all over my back.
My arms were around his shoulders and I couldn’t help but giggle when he began k!ss!ngthe nape of my n£¢k, while his f!ngerstickled my sides.
“I want in you so bad.” He murmured.
“I want you in me so bad.” I copied his tone.
I felt him grin before gr-abbing un-der my th!ghs effectively p@rting them as he moved in between my legs.
I k!$$£d him on thel-ips, wra-pping my arms around his n£¢k. He positioned himself at my entrance before sinking into me.
We both g@sped, more from plea-sure than surprise and after that, we bec@m£ lost in each other.
Kyle buried his face on my n£¢k, impaled his hands on my h!ps as he pounded into me, slowly, like never before. I ignored the discomfort my b©dy was feeling while pressed into the rou-gh edge of the pool, added to how ti-ght he was gripping me that I was in a risk of bruising. I ignored it all and welcomed his every thrû-st instead.
Our noises echoed pas-sionately around the caves. We were ma-king love in the water and it was the mostly S-xiest thing I’ve ever done.
“You. Are. So. Beautiful. Keya.” His said with each movement.
I gro-an ed and fisted my hand on the mane on t©p of his head while the other roamed all over his back.
He dug his hand un-der my th!gh, increasing his pace and each movement he made brou-ght me even more closer to my cli-max.
“Oh god, Kyle!” I screamed. My inner walls squee-zed him ti-ghtly, my b©dy bowing and just like that, I detonated. Kyle pounded ha-rd into me, gr-unting breathlessly before erupting inside me. We were too engrossed with our activity and what we were doing to each other to realise that we hadn’t used a c0nd0m.
Kyle pu-ll-ed out of me, his laboured breaths matching mine. We were both grinning recklessly.
He k!$$£d myl-ips before pu-lling himself out of the pool. I frowned as I watched him but he only got out to retrieve my shower jell.
Without any words spoken, he dragged me to where the water was falling, although the temperature of it differed from the pool, we couldn’t care less when we began showering un-der the falling water.
Kyle never took his hands off me, he couldn’t help it. I couldn’t blame him though. I mean, just seeing him so we-t and n-ked with foam suds running down his b©dy enhancing that S-xy effect, I wanted nothing more than to t©uçh and savour every inch of him.
We washed ourselves, our conversation limited to the k!sses we shared. Every time I giggled, I was punished by Kyle’s k!sses and they were always on myl-ips. The heat of our bodies made us oblivious of the cold water running down. We were entangled again; k!ssing; tou-ching and soon enough we found ourselves having s3x un-der the small waterfall.
The cave was abused by our gro-an s and m0@n s. I knew I would never forget that cave, not after what we did in it. And I was pretty damn sure the cave would never forget us either
✍️ Chapter Thirty✍️
“Do you hear that?” I asked Kyle.
We were walking back to camp, two hours later, when we heard shouting voices echoing around the woods.
“Sounds like fighting.” Kyle frowned, instantly pu-lling me towards the direction where the noise was coming from.
We emerged behind the tents and they hid the scene where there was an eruption of voices.
Kyle re-leased my hands the soon we reached the group. He was alre-ady running to the scene while I was rooted to the ground in shock. I wasn’t the only one in this state because all the girls–excluding Sav–were staring at scene in horror too.
Ned and Ryland were fighting. The hatred and anger pouring throu-gh their faces was unmistakable. It took Dave, James, Sav and Kyle—who just got the scene—to prevent the two from tearing each other ap@rt.
The profanities spewing from both of them almost made my ears bleed. It brou-ght me out of my shock.
“Just calm down—” Sav’s voice was a small siren throu-gh the chaos unfolding between the two.
Ryland struggled out of James’s grasp, “Don’t fv¢king tell me to calm.”
I stepped in front of Sav before Ryland could reach her. I held my hands in front me, a gesture to make him st©p.
Ryland looked past me as he addressed Sav, “This is your fault.” He glowered.
“Don’t fv¢king talk to her like that!” Ned’s voice was deadly as he sprang in front of Ryland, punching Ryland in the nose, completely taking him off guard.
I felt’s Sav’s hands gripping my arm behind me. Ryland retaliated as he pounced at Ned and both of them tumbled in a heap on the gras-s. I watched helplessly as the guys tried to break the fight. Both Ryland and Ned were a bloody mess once Dave, James and Kyle managed to break them ap@rt.
Ryland was forming a black eye and he pinched his bleeding nose, while Ned was sporting a purple bruise on his jaw and cheek. Even throu-gh their p@n-ting, they were still struggling against the guys who held them back.
While they were having a cussing competition, the guys tried to calm both of them, I turned to Sav accusingly.
“What happened?”
She was pale, looking ghost-like as she watched the fight between the boys. “Ryland found out.”
“Found what out?” I gr!pp£dher shoulders, trying to get her to look at me.
When she did she scowled at me. “About me and Ned.” She said this as if it was the most obvious thing in world.
I pressed myl-ips together. “Sav, I did warn you that it would get ugly. Is that what you wanted?” I asked, c0cking my head toward the scene. The boys had managed to calm both Ryland and Ned, but the glares between them were unfailing.
“No!” Herl-ips trembled.
“You nee-d to speak to Ryland.” I told her firmly.
“But—” Her frown marred her features.
I shook my head. “You cheated on him Sav. You could’ve just broken up with him first. But no you had to go on and open up your legs for Ned.”
She glared. “You have no right to judge me.”
“Oh I don’t?” I arched an eyebrow, my tone full of sarcastic derision.
Herl-ips curled in an ugly smile. “You of all people Keya, I thought you’d un-derstand.”
“For fv¢ksake, Sav.” I re-leased her shoulders. “You nee-d to apologise to him. Despite what you think he’s feeling right now, he’s obviously hurting.”
“I don’t care.” She frowned towards Ryland.
“What? Why? Did he do something to you?” I asked, for the first time I was worried that he’d hurt her in some way.
She inhaled, “No, he didn’t do anything.”
“Then why don’t you want to talk to him.” I folded my hands across my che-st.
“Because I don’t want to.” She sounded petulant.
I frowned. “Sav you’re being a total immature bitxh right now.”
“Thanks for pointing out the obvious.” She laughed sarcastically.
“What the fv¢k is wrong with you? I’m trying to help here. I’m trying to tell you that the best thing to do is talk to Ryland. If you don’t see that, then I really don’t know what you’ve been smoking.”
“Look, I didn’t ask for your help. Okay. This isn’t your business.” She lashed out.
I shook my head. “No it isn’t, but you made of my business by confiding in me in the first place.
“Just leave me alone.”
“You know what. Forget it. Fine I’ll leave you alone. I hope you get into your s-en-se that what you did was wrong. Ryland deserves an apology from you.”
After telling her this I stomped off where James was trying to calm Ryland. My pace faltered as I approached them.
“Look if you’re here to ru-b more salt in the wound, now is not the time.” James glared at me.
I frowned at him for one second before turning my attention to Ryland.
“Are you okay?” I asked him. His nose had st©pped bleeding, the bruise on his eye had it closed and he had a few scratches that nee-ded healing attention.
“He’s fine.” James replied, gr-abbing my arm to st©p me from reaching Ryland.
I was about to shrug my hand off but Kyle was there in a flash, prying James’s hand from my arm.
“Don’t t©uçh her.” He hissed, clenching his jaw.
James frowned at Kyle before holding both his hands out. He moved besides Ryland protectively, but his glare on us was unfailing.
Kyle placed a possessive hand around my w@!st; I tried to ignore him as I focused on Ryland.
“I’m just here on behalf of Sav to say—”
“She couldn’t come and speak to me herself?” Ryland’s voice full of contempt. “Busy tending to her lover, right.”
I looked back and indeed Sav was busy with Ned. I frowned at them for a moment before turning back to him.
“Ryland, I’m sorry.” I told him, wholeheartedly.
“Are you?”
I pressed myl-ips. “I have a First-Aid kit in the tent. Those scratches might get an infection.” I told him.
I felt Kyle squee-zing the skin on my w@!st. “You don’t have to do this.” I felt him whisper near my ear.
I shook my head, looking up at him. “I do.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes before k!ss!ngmy temple.
James was glaring daggers at us while Ryland just looked oblivious, busy trying to nurse his injuries.
“I’ll be back.” I told them as I re-leased myself from Kyle’s hold.
I ran toward the tent and retrieved the First-Aid kit my mother packed for an emergency. I guess this was an emergency. When I got back, Kyle was checking Ned while James was leading Ryland to their tent.
I frowned but followed them anyhow. Their tent was big enough to stand up, and as I got inside Ryland was sitting in one of their makeshift chairs with James staring worriedly at him.
“I got it.” I made my pres£nce known.
When I reached Ryland I began to examine his face. James got out of the tent, but I didn’t pay attention to him as I concentrated on healing Ryland.
I cleaned the scratches, plastering them before giving him an ice-pack for his eye.
He winced all the way throu-gh but I didn’t relent.
“You’ll be fine.” I told him once I finished.
Hisl-ips curled into a reluctant smile. “Thanks.” He looked up at me. Suddenly I was aware how we were too close for comfort, I back away instantly.
“So you going to him now?” His tone was res£ntful.
“No, Keya. Save it, I don’t want to hear it.” He grimaced. “Just tell me, how long has it been going on?”
“What?” I frowned in confusion.
He got up, his eyes never leaving mine. “How long?”
“Tell me!” His outbur-st had me flin-ching. He inhaled calmly when he saw my reaction. “Just tell me.” His voice was lowered.
I shook my head.
“You knew all along didn’t you?” He frowned.
“Ryland, as far as I know, Sav sle-pt with Ned last night.” I told him earnestly.
He surprised me by letting out an empty laugh.
“Look, I know you’re hurting but—”
“Hurting?” He cut me off once again as he shook his head. “Keya I’m not in love with her. I just can’t believe she beat me to my own game.”
Wait…st©p, pause and rewind. “What?”
“I just didn’t think she would be the one to do it first. I mean I was faithful to her, but damn, some days it was just too ha-rd .” He continued like I hadn’t interrupted.
I shook my head. “Ryland st©p for sec… what the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t you know?” He arched an eyebrow, stalking closer toward me.
My heart sank as I backed away, not trusting his moves. “Know what?”
“Me and Sav…we were a means to end, Keya.” He explained.
“What do you mean; you were a means to an end?” I still couldn’t un-derstand what exactly he was talking about.
“Too long to explain…I cared about her though, but they were other girls I wanted. I couldn’t have them though, cos I was shackled with her and we agreed.” He told me.
My face must have been a scowling mess.
“Look, let’s just say that we were both using each other. I guess it kind of hurt when I found she cheated with Ned…of all people. It had to be him; I mean what exactly does he have that I don’t, huh?” I knew his question was rhetorical so I kept quiet.
So this whole fight was all because his ego was bruised?
“I though you loved—”
He shook his head, cutting me off. “I don’t do love, Keya… But I do want to hurt her back.”
I don’t know how my face looked to him but he seemed to get humour out if it. By this point he was standing before me, hisl-ips curved into small sm-irk.
“What are doing you doing?” I leaned back when he gr@bb£d my arms pu-lling me toward him.
“Help me get back at her.” He looked serious. His blue eyes fli-ckering down toward myl-ips.
“No, st©p.” I wrenched myself away from her. “Ryland that won’t fix things.”
“I know that.” He seemed intent on his actions when he gr@bb£d me again. I struggled against his hold.
“St©p it. I can’t do this with you.” I blocked him from leaning down.
“Cos I’m with someone.”
He frowned for a fleeting moment before smiling. “C’mon Keya. I know you’re single. Just plea-se help me out.”
“No I’m serious. I’ve got a b©yfri£nd.” The moment he freed me was when I backed away.
“Since when?” He arched an eyebrow.
“That doesn’t matter.” I glared. “So whatever you are trying to do right now won’t work with me.”
He looked suspicious. “You are a bad liar, Keya.”
“I’m not lying. I’m seriously with someone.”
“Who?” He was genuinely interested now. I guess I was glad because it distracted him from his earlier intentions.
To think that he was going to k!ssme? I shuddered.
“Kyle.” I replied him, straight up. So much for “keep them guessing”.
He bur-st out laughing for a full minute once what I said registered. “What?”
I gave him a look that sobered his expression.
“Wait, you’re actually with Kyle now?” He couldn’t believe it.
“Oh wow. I guess we all saw it coming.” He laughed again.
I didn’t falter my look so he held his hands up in defeat. “Okay, okay. Fine. You’re off limits.”
“You nee-d to talk to Sav and sort it out with her. I’m done trying to fix things, I should never have been involved in this mess in the first place.” My patience with him had ran out.
“Ouch.” He held a hand on his heart in mock misery, but he was smiling.
I rolled my eyes. “I can’t believe I wasted my time with this.” I muttered un-der breath as I headed for the exit.
“Wait.” He gr@bb£d my hand, halting me.
“What—” Just as I wh!pped around, my s£ntence was cut off when he launched hisl-ips to mine, completely knocking me off guard by his k!ss.
I g@sped out of shock and shoved him off me. I sl@pped him sma-ck-ha-rd on his jaw.
Ow. That hurt my hand more than it hurt him.
He was sm-irking.
“—how dare you!”
“—I can’t believe this!”
“—Dude, what the fv¢k!”
These s£ntences were said, respectively, at the exact same time by me, Sav and Kyle. I wh!pped around to the front entrance and Sav was standing next to Kyle, both of their faces mirroring each other.
Seconds pas-sed in my utter shock and mortification before Kyle reacted as he lunged for Ryland. A crunching sound echoed in the tent from the punch.
I snapped out of my shock as I gr@bb£d Kyle’s arm, preventing him from ruining more of Ryland’s face.
“If you ever l@yyour filthy hands on her again.” His voice was deadly menacing, his face pu-ll-ed into an ugly glare. This was the exact side of Kyle I always avoided seeing.
“Kyle, st©p!” I managed to put space between him and Ryland. He struggled against me, intent to reach Ryland and mare more than just his face.
“Kyle!” I reached up and gr@bb£d his face with both of my hands. “Look at me!” I implored.
He was breathing heavily when grudgingly looked down at me. His fiery eyes impaled mine, searing with anger I’ve never seen before.
My eyes bulged as I stared at him, willing him to calm down. Before I knew it, he gathered me into his arms as he hvgged me ti-ghtly.
“It’s okay.” I ru-bbe-d his back, ignoring the fact that I could ha-rd ly breathe from his constricting arms.
With his face buried de-ep in my n£¢k I looked over at Ryland, whose right cheek was smeared with blood. An unlikely bruise was alre-ady forming, ma-king his face swollen.
He caught my eye. ‘Go.’ I mouthed at him.
He frowned an ugly frown, his stubbornness preventing him from moving.
“Just go.” I breathed out loud. That brou-ght Kyle back up as he re-leased me. I looked at him and he seemed calm enough.
I moved toward Ryland and took his arm as I dragged him to the tent exit where Sav was still nursing her shock. On the way there, I dragged her too and led them both outside, beyond the tents where it was remote and pri-vate.
“You two nee-d to sort your $h!t out. I really don’t care what you do to yourselves anymore.” I told them both.
“Yeah right.” Was Sav’s sarcastic laugh. “Why would you k!sshim if you didn’t care?”
I glared at her, before turning to Ryland.
“You knew they were at the door didn’t you?” My accusation brou-ght a sm-irk from hisl-ips.
I couldn’t help but sl@p him ha-rd again, and this time my hand stung.
I clenched the pain away as I turned to Sav. “Believe what you want to believe, Sav. I’m not gonna waste my breath by trying to explain myself when the person that nee-ds to explain is you both. I’m really done caring. You both deserve each other.” And with that I left them to it as I went back to Kyle.
He was waiting for me by their tent and I rushed to him, hvgging him the instant I reached him.
“You okay?” He asked, ru-bbing my back.
“M’fine.” I muffled against his che-st.
I looked up at him. “Are you okay?” I asked worried.
“I heard everything. What you guys talked about. I just didn’t think he would—” He st©pped himself, his jaw clenched at the thought of it.
“I’m sorry.” I buried my face un-der his n£¢k breathing in his scent.
“Hey,” he k!$$£d my forehead before taking my hands. “It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t be apologising.”
I looked at our feet. “I know but I just thought—”
He titled my chin up, ma-king me look at him. “No, I wasn’t angry at you. Just at him. I know you’d never do that to me, Key.”
I gave him a small smile. He returned it with his lazy but S-xy smile, the one that crinkled his eyes.
“Good.” I told him, my smile full b!own now.
“Good?” He asked, grinning.
“Good.” I nodded.
He chuckled low on his throat before pu-lling me un-der his arms and k!ss!ngthe t©p of my head. We stayed this way for a while, with my eyes closed, my face buried de-ep in che-st.
It took a while to realise that the camp was quiet. I broke our embr@ce, frowning around me.
“Where’s everyone?” I asked.
“They went to the lake. They didn’t want to get involved in the…you know, drama.” He smiled wryly.
“I don’t blame them.” I shook my head but I frowned afterward. “What about Ned? Is he alright?” It was then that I realised I hadn’t even spoken to him.
“He’s fine. He’s in our tent, eating.”
“Oh.” Suddenly the thought of eating had my stomach growling awkwardly.
Kyle chuckled before leaning down to pe-ck myl-ips. “Hungry?”
“Starving.” I replied even though now I was craving something more than just food.
He caught my look and his eyes heated briefly with de-sire before pu-lling me into a rou-gh but heart shattering k!ss. I melted in his arms, breathless for more when pu-ll-ed away.
“Come on, let’s go an find you something to eat.” He sm-irked, tea-singly.
“Gah. You’re such a tease.” I sma-cked him on his stomach. Damn, it was like hitting a solid wall of flesh.
“But you love me for it.” He laughed and tucked me un-der his arms before k!ss!ngmy forehead as we walked toward where the leftover food was.
“In your dreams.”
“Yes you are in my dreams, all the time.” His look turned serious.
I gulped down a ha-rd lump of lvst and hid un-der his arm, my heart doing somersaults. “You better st©p being ro-mantic now. I can’t stand it.” I lied.
He shook his head. “But I’ve been told being ro-mantic was one of best traits.”
I snorted. “Gee, who lied to you?”
He narrowed his eyes before reaching out with his other hand to tickle my sides.
I sprang away in a yelp, the images of him tickling me to death springing into my mind.
“What?” He asked all-so-innocent, while waggling his f!ngers.
“Don’t you dare!” I yelped again when he reached me. I twisted myself so I was out of his reach.
His eyes gleamed with a new motive. I bit myl-ips and before he could lunge for me, I bolted.
It wasn’t long when he caught me and we tumbled on the gras-s with him torturing my poor armpits and sides with his f!ngers.
My lungs burned for air, my eyes crinkling with tears of laughter as I tried to breathe un-der him.
He grinned down at me before taking both of my hands and pinning them on t©p of my head.
“I love your laugh.” He admitted.
“Well, I hate it. I sound like a tortured donkey.”
He chuckled before leaning down, rendering my attempts to breath.
“I love your how your curls are tangled with the gras-s.” He told me.
“What?” I was horrified. I tried freeing my hands so I could fix my hair but he wasn’t nudging.
“Be still a moment.” He st©pped my trashing.
I st©pped breathing; his eyes were pu-lling mine into another trance. He leaned down suddenly; shifting his weight off me as k!$$£d me ha-rd , b!tt!g my lower l!pand everything.
My m0@n was muffled, the sound getting lost when he darted his ton-gue into my mouth. We made out in the gras-s ceaselessly, forgetting time and setting as we got lost into each other. When we st©pped, he l@ydown beside me and we both faced the endless blue sky blanketed with sheets of white clouds.
He held my hand, our f!ngers£ntwining together and soon enough I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment. It was until my stomach growled that he laughed and pu-ll-ed me up to fetch for some food.
I watched him the whole time. I just couldn’t believe that he was mine and I was his. It was too good to be true but studying him for that moment and watching how he grinned at me every time, I un-derstood then that us being together was meant to be.
I was dangerously falling for my best friend and it frightened me because I’ve never been in love before.