S-xual de-sire Episode 16 to 18

( A night with my best friend 🛌)
Rated 🔞+
✍️ Chapter Sixteen✍️
A shrilling noise wrou-ght me awake, instantly setting my head into a pounding throb that blurred my vision when I tried to blink at the light scorching my vision.
“Ughn!” I gro-an ed croakily, because of my dry throat.
I blinked fervently until I could slightly make out my surroundings but my head was still aching. I was in a be-droom, but not just any be-droom. The familiar stale whitish cream and poster-free walls where enough for me realise that I was in Kyle’s room.
And where was the resident of this be-droom, I had no idea because it seemed that I was the only person that had sle-pt in this be-d. As I shifted, the movement was enough to make my head ache even more.
I let out another pain-filled gro-an .
I was having the mother of all hangovers.
ru-bbing my eyes to clear them, I pu-ll-ed myself up into a sitting position, just in time to hear a soft knock ra-pping against the door. This was followed by Kyle entering his den. In his hands, he held a tray that contained what looked like breakfast and a glas-s of orange jui-ce.
He seemed wary as he approached me, but that might have been the scowl that impaired my features since my headache was getting worse by each minute.
“Morning.” He said softly, but it felt like he had shouted.
I gro-an ed, ru-bbing the sp©t in my temple where it was aching the most. As if by soothing it, would less£n its pounding.
“Hangover?” He was trying to hide his amusement as he placed the tray in front of me in the be-d.
“The worse. How much did I drink last night?”
“Enough to make an elephant dance.” He twisted hisl-ips to hide his smile.
I scowled at him but I wasn’t intending to seem menacing, it was just that I couldn’t for a moment longer bear this pain.
“Don’t worry; I have something to fix your headache. Here,” He said as he handed me pain killers and the glas-s of orange jui-ce. I greedily gr@bb£d the contents from him. I swallowed the pain killers and drained the oranges jui-ce instantly.
The effect was immediate as my pounding less£ned to a steady beat. “Now you nee-d something oily, I think this bacon, sausages and eggs sandwich shall do nicely.” He said, indicating to the sandwiched breakfast in front of me. I hesitantly took it in my mouth. However, the instant I bit into, the sandwich tasted so good I had to gobble some more bites.
Kyle just stared at me as if I was entertainment, “Good?”
I nodded eagerly at him. I st©pped instantly, wincing when that motion s£nt waves of pain in my head. “Really, good.”
He flopped on the be-d next to me, folding his arms behind his head and watched me eat.
“Aren’t you having any?” I asked throu-gh a mouthful.
“Alre-ady ate.” He replied.
“Oh.” I shrugged and then chewed my last bite.
“Is…he home?” I asked hesitantly, staring expectantly at him.
“The last time I checked, his room hasn’t been occu-pied since two days ago.” He shrugged.
I frowned. Although, it was usual behaviour for Kyle’s father to disappear without any explanation. It was still odd. But I knew Kyle had st©pped caring about his whereabouts long ago.
I swallowed my last bite and Kyle was still staring at me, his expression impas-sive.
“So how did I get here last night, I mean, I was meant to sleep over at Sav’s, but I don’t remember how the night went out.”
“You don’t remember anything?” He asked me, incredulity printed in his face.
I lacked any expression except from my confused frown as I shook my head.
“Anything at all?”
“Really? So you’re saying you don’t remember k!ss!ngJames and throwing yourself all over him.” His eyebrows were quirking up in a grim line.
Brief flashes of scenes similar to what he had just pres£nted made their way to my cognitive vision. I remembered Kyle and I having a brief argument over giving myself to James and then after that I drank three sh0ts and k!$$£d James just to ru-b into Kyle’s face that it was my decision to make.
“I remember k!ss!nghim. But not throwing myself all over him?” I said.
“Oh really? Explain to me exactly how of much of last night you remember.” He sat up from the be-d leaning his b©dy on the headboard as he folded his arms across his che-st. His eyes were filled with curiosity.
I sort of didn’t want talk about it, it meant that I would rehash that argument, but I wanted to prove it to him that I didn’t throw myself at him. Just that I simply took the initiative.
“Well I remember our argument and then drinking vodka and k!ss!ngJames. After that…nada.” I told him.
He shook his head and smiled. “You did more than just k!sshim.”
He had that tables-have-turned kind of smile as he said, “What? You don’t remember almost having se-x with him?”
“WHAT?” I bellowed. I was trying to remember that p@rt of the night but my memory was redundant. I didn’t remember a snitch of anything.
“It was kind of embarras-sing to watch, the way you were throwing yourself at him. I had to intervene before you did something I knew you were going to regret.” He had a satisfied sm-irk on his face.
“Wait, you intervened?”
“You don’t remember do you?” It seemed like he was finally accepting the truth of my words.
“I st©pped both of you. I took you here, though it took a lot of effort. You couldn’t st©p m0@n ing and laughing. It was like there were two sides of you.” He frowned at the memory.
I cringed as I tried remembering that p@rt of the night, but nothing seemed to recall itself.
“You puked in my car.” He said.
“Oh god!” I hid my face in my hands, imagining that vile image. “I’m so sorry! How is your car?”
“It was only in the mat, I managed to clean it, but you owe me a car wash.”
“Sure. Is there anything else embarras-sing that I did last night?” I asked him, taking the courage to stare at him.
He only looked at me for long moment as if contemplating something, but at the same time he was studying me. I felt like cowering away from his inspection into the blankets, but I managed to hold my steady gaze.
“No, that’s all.” He said.
I breathed a sigh of relief because I felt pretty certain that I must have done or said something to him to make him stare at me that long.
After a while of as-sessing all that he told me, I finally realised that I was still a vir-gin.
“So I didn’t do it with him?” I asked, I felt more relieved from the fact, considering I was set on doing it last night.
“Is that all you’re care about? Whether you lost your vir-ginity or not?” He shouted exasperatedly out of a sudden.
“No, of course not!” I frowned at his outbur-st.
He was scowling at me, “Because, something could have happened to you, Key, whether you care about it or not, someone could have taken advantage of you.” He ranted.
“You think losing my vir-ginity is all I care about?” I asked.
He just stared at me in a glower, “Well, it seems like it. But, what if you did lose it last night? You just said you didn’t remember most of the night. So what if say, you lost your vir-ginity and you didn’t remember anything. I thought girls treasured something like that!”
“But I didn’t so I don’t know what your problem is. Yes, we do treasure something like that. But, you don’t un-derstand, Kyle. When all of what everyone is talking about is se-x, I’ll be just sitting there lame and unresponsive, contributing nothing to the subject.” I said, trying to make him see my point.
“It makes me wonder what point of keeping my vir-ginity is.” I continued.
He shook his head. “Maybe, love? No? Don’t you want to give it to someone you truly love?”
I snorted. “Love? You and I both know I could never find love amongst the guys in my school. If I’m going to fall in love, I’m probably going to be thirty or something and how embarras-sing would it be, to still be a v!rg!nat that age.”
“It wouldn’t be embarras-sing if the guy loved you back. I’m sure if it didn’t matter to him, it wouldn’t matter to you.” He explained, looking at me as if I had no idea at all about the works of the world.
I shrugged. “Maybe it would, maybe it won’t. But I’m not staying a v!rg!nuntil I’m thirty!” I said in my tone of finality.
“Keya, losing your vir-ginity is a big deal, mentally and physically. You will forever remember that person.”
I snorted again. “Do you remember your first?”
“Yes.” He answered quic-kly.
Oh. I didn’t expect that at all. Boy was this conversation getting way out of hand. We never ventured to this territory before. It was unsettling and kind of…inti-mate?
“Well, I’m sure I will forget the mental p@rt. Right now I just want to concentrate on the physical p@rt. That’s all I want.”
He was still staring at me as if I was just a child who had no idea what I was talking about. But I knew exactly what I wanted and there was nothing he or anyone could say to change my mind.
“Look, let’s just st©p with this alre-ady, it won’t change my mind.”
He took a de-ep calming breath and shrugged as he said, “Whatever.”
I could tell he was annoyed at something whether it was at me and my stubbornness or something else; I just wanted to get him out of it and forget our conversation, period.
“Hey,” I nudged his hand. “Thanks for bringing back here. I don’t know what or where I would have ended up last night if it wasn’t for you.” I smiled at him, trying to get him out of his brooding.
He let out a reluctant smile.
“And thanks for the breakfast and for taking care of me.” I was now ma-king a puppy dog face, the face I knew he couldn’t resist.
He was genuinely smiling now, “Sure.”
I grinned, satisfied. I moved off the be-d intent of going downstairs to discard the plate but that was when my phone rang, the ringtone indicating it was Sav.
I fumbled in my small purse taking all the contents out until I found my phone.
“Hey.” I greeted her.
“Oh thank God you’re alive!” She sounded relieved.
“Yeah, I am. No thanks to you.” I said but I was secretly smiling.
“Don’t guilt trip me, I did warn that Ryland wanted me. Anyway, I’m so sorry I abandoned you.”
“Are you Sav?” I asked. “Are you really?”
Both of us knew that she wasn’t that sorry.
“I am though, even when I had such an amazing time last night.”
“Ugh…I don’t want to hear about it.”
She giggled girlishly and it scared me because I ha-rd ly ever heard her giggle like that.
“So, where are you? How are you? Your dad called twice by the way. I had to make my mom lie.”
“I’m fine, I’m at Kyle’s.”
“Oh. Okay…So…did you do it last night?” She asked.
I rolled my eyes. “Sorry to disappoint you but some of us aren’t promiscuous!”
“What does that suppose to mean. You know what? It doesn’t matter, I know you and your shrewd comments that you’re always trying to degrade me,” She said.
“He-he-he.” I faked an innocent giggle.
I could feel her rolling her eyes throu-gh the phone. “So what do I do with your bag?”
“Don’t worry I’ll come over and get it.”
“Okay… when you do I have loads to tell you.” She said.
“Didn’t you hear me say that I didn’t want to hear it?” I said exasperatedly.
“Gosh Key, calm down. I’m not going to go in full detail. I just want hang out with, you know, girls time. I feel like we haven’t talked much in a while.”
“Says the person who’s been chasing a guy for the past few days.”
“Degrade me all you want. I’m still seeing you later.”
“Sure. Do you want me to lie and say that I’m looking forward to it?” I asked.
“B!tch! I’m seeing you later whether you like it or not.”
I laughed for a while until she joined in too. “Okay I gotta go…my sister is running away to snitch on me because I said a bad word.”
I laughed. “Laters.”
She hung up and I was revived back to the pres£nt situation. I stared at Kyle who had an amused look on his face but what had me staring at him was because he was holding up the two foil packet of c0nd0ms Sav had dispatched into my purse yesterday.
“What?” I asked, feigning ignorant.
He sm-irked. “It’s funny how prepared you were.” He laughed.
I threw the object I was holding at him. It was my phone and boy was I glad when he caught it before it bounced off him to smash itself on the ground.
“You’re lucky I caught it.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “You made your point, now give me my phone back.”
“Come and get it.” He said twirling it in the air as he sat up from the be-d.
I glared at him, trying to seize him up and before he expected it, I lunged for it. In the process, I landed on t©p of him. My shin pressed on his midriff and the rest of my b©dy was squashing him as my hands gr@bb£d his arm where my phone was.
I managed gr@bb£d it successful. I shifted so that I ended up sitting astride of him with a triumphal grin on my face. I was flexing my muscles in the way weight lifters did to show their strength and I was laughing boldly in the process.
Then suddenly, in a swift movement, tables turned as I found myself being pressed on the be-d and Kyle hovered on t©p of me.
I st©pped breathing instantly and he was sm-irking. That sm-irk was soon wiped off his face when our eyes met.
The S-xual tension lying in the air was thick between us and we both didn’t do anything but stare at each. It felt as if my whole being was drowning his pale green eyes. The smell of his scent hitting my nostril added to the heat of his b©dy pressed against mine, bec@m£ too much for me to bear. This time around, I was the one that broke the gaze as I closed my eyes, trying to find my bearings again.
He got the hint as he swiftly moved off me, clearing his throat on the other side of the be-d where he was now lying.
I opened my eyes and gazed upon the ceiling and in my head I was trying to ascertain this sudden attra-ction that was increasing slowly and slowly each day I was around him.
All that talk about keeping vir-ginity for someone that I loved. Did he say it as a double meaning? I loved Kyle as friend and now that I was attra-cted to him, I was pretty certain these feelings weren’t only just me. This tension between was a results from both of us.
So was I wrong, or had he been implying that he may be one I could do it with? Or was I just really confusing myself by trying define the meaning of love?
I had no answers yet but I promised myself that whatever this was between me and Kyle, I better not ruin it by ma-king actions I would later regret.
I sat up from the be-d and Kyle was lying with his eyes closed, one of his arms dR@p£d over his face.
“Hey.” I shook him, trying get him out of his thoughts, I knew he was contemplating our earlier moment. “How about that car-wash I owe you?.
✍️ Chapter 17—18 ✍️
“Where are you going?” Kyle asked me when I moved from his chair where I have been sitting with one foot up watching him pl@ygames in his Xbox.
He didn’t look away from his game when he replied, “Oh…you know where the towels are right?”
“Uh…yeah.” I said, ma-king my way towards his bathroom.
Once in there, I began foraging for a spare toothbrush and a spare towel which he sto-red in one of the cu-pboards. Finding the contents, I began cleaning myself from yesterday’s sweat and grime, the result of p@rtying and drinking excessively.
After finishing, I planned to dress in Kyle’s sweats and t-shi-t since my dress was inappropriate for casual outing. But, I couldn’t do this without relieving my skin from being uncomfortably dry. Kyle never sto-red his skin cream in the bathroom. I knew, I had to go back in there, somehow.
So, tying the towel firmly around my b©dy, I walked towards the bathroom door.
Opening the door, I peaked in to see what he was doing. He was still absorbe-d in his game. I smiled because I knew he wasn’t going to re-move his eyes from that game no matter what.
So, with light and tentative steps, I made my way towards one of his side be-d drawer where I gr@bb£d the skin cream successfully.
I was about to dash backwards to the bathroom, when I heard his voice.
“What are you doing?” It was so sudden and unexpected. The fact that he was behind me startled me so much that I lost grip of my towel and the lotion I carried.
It happened like a flash. One minute, I had a towel to cover my n-ked b©dy. The next, I was standing there, in front of him, shamefully ba-re.
Our g@sps echoed each other’s and while his eyes were raking all over my b©dy, I was busy trying to snap out of my shock so that I would use my arms to cover my modesty.
$h!t! I thought as I bit my lowerl-ip, trying to avoid those boring eyes that were gleaming mischievously with the help of his sm-irk.
He li-cked hisl-ips unconsciously and I wished he hadn’t because it was that action that made me imagine how his ton-gue would feel like, doing amorous things to me.
I averted my eyes, shamefully staring at the floor. He didn’t help my situation when he boldly approached me, moving so close, I ended up feeling heat radiating from his b©dy.
My heart was pummelling my che-st and I wondered if he could hear it.
But, he did something unimaginable.
One of his hands moved to tilt my chin up so that I was f0rç£d to look at him. The thumb stro-king my chin burned the skin there.
“Why are you ashamed, Keya?” He asked, shocking me once more by his boldness.
Well if you haven’t noticed my whole b©dy is expo-sed for you to see! I answered him in my mind.
“You shouldn’t be,” he continued, when I didn’t reply his inquiry
He re-leased my chin only for both of his hands to start at the base of my n£¢k, slowly tracing down to my shoulders and arms. His t©uçh seemed to leave sizzling tingles in their wake.
“Ky—” My voice was ba-rely audible as I protested. He shushed me before I could continue.
He then took hold of both of my arms that were shielding where I didn’t want him see. He tugged on them so that I was f0rç£d to expo-se myself to him. I looked away when I felt his eyes boring unto my che-st, his emeralds scorching me from head to toe.
“Hey,” He suddenly re-leased one of my arms to grip my chin again. It felt like I was being submerged by the depth of his eyes.
“You’re beautiful.”
I was trying to get a hold of myself, trying to process the situation that was currently occurring. My best friend was watching my n-ked form with hungry eyes. The look he was giving me was enough to make me even feel hungry…but for what?
“I want to try something… do you trust me?” He suddenly asked, his eyes piercing unto mine but I could tell that he was struggling to not look at my protruding n!ppl!s.
I nodded because I trusted him with my whole being.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said and I admit, it’s been bugging me for quite a while now.” He moved backwards to study me fully. I breathed out suddenly, not realising I’ve been holding a breath from his proximity.
“I say a lot of things…you have to specific.” I found my voice even though it was croaky and dry.
“When you said you’ve never had an Orgasm… I just can’t get my head around it.” He said, his eyes br@zenly fli-ckering down to that anatomy between my th!ghs. It was ha-rd trying to repress the urge to shield this from his view. It took a lot of will just to keep still.
When his words registered in my br@in, I gaped at him in shock. I tried to speak, but I only ended up opening and closing my mouth as a result from my astonishment. I was rendered completely speechless.
“I mean, that’s the crucial p@rt of why people have S-x in the first place. Haven’t you ever wondered what having one will feel like?” He asked moving towards me again.
“Well, I…um…hmm.”
One of his eyebrows arched in response to my incoherent s£ntence. At this point he was alre-ady inches away from reaching me.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about how much I want to change that.” He declared. In a flash he was before me, his breath fanning against me as he leaned down to my level.
My head angled sideways, accepting his advance as if re-ady to be k!$$£d. I could ha-rd ly contain myself. My mind was going haywire and my b©dy was reacting willingly to his clos£ness. With my eyes both closed, I could feel hisl-ips just inches from mines. But he didn’t k!ssme.
“But…” I felt him draw away slightly. “I can’t only want that. You have to want it too.” His voice seemed strangled, his tone a lot S-xier and huskier.
I swallowed my alre-ady dry throat as if I was getting re-ady to say something. I knew I wouldn’t though. I could ha-rd ly think of anything to say.
All I seemed to do was just to nod my head, and even though my eyes were closed I could feel his grin. I didn’t want to open my eyes because to open them, meant being swallowed whole by his pool of green orbs.
“Open your eyes.” He seemed to demand.
I shook my head, refusing.
“Keya…” He t©uçhed my n£¢k, his other hand at my back, holding me flush against him.
I was compelled to open my eyes, just to see his reaction. When I did, the lvst I saw printed there was enough to drive me even crazier than I was alre-ady feeling.
“Do you want this?” He asked me, the hand at my back burned me as he stro-ked my spine. “You have to say it.”
I want to scream it.
“Yes. I want this.”
“Want what?” His tone was afflicted.
To have se-x with you./( Can’t believe she just said that😒)
“I want to have my first Orgasm.” Gone was reason, all my br@in seemed to imagine at this moment was him doing all sorts to my b©dy.
He grinned. “This is not about my plea-sure, nor is it about me having permission to t©uçh you.” He re-leased his hands from me.
“It’s about your plea-sure…”
I squirmed, my b©dy not sure how react to this overwhelming emotions.
“And in order to get to that, I have to turn you on, first.” He continued.
“So, tell me…” His face moved down to my ears and he began ni-bbling on my lobe. All the while, his f!ngerswere slowly trailing downwards to my n£¢k, my collarbone and eventually in between my brea-sts. “Does this feel good?”
“Hmm…” It was the only response I could give him. What did he want me to say? That yes, it felt more than good? That in fact, it was such a turn on, because his f!ngerstou-ching me like that left heat boiling my blood in the process of burning me to the core.
“Good.” He said, pu-lling flash against him.
The soon he pu-ll-ed me towards him was when hisl-ips descended on the skin of my n£¢k. His hands were roaming everywhere, tou-ching everywhere around my b©dy. And throu-gh it all, I was wondering when he was going to k!ssme.
However, this thought didn’t linger in my mind for long because his hands were suddenly cu-pping my br**sts, his l@pping mouth searing downwards to my n***les. I made gro-an ing noises as I held on to him for support. What he was doing, it was turning my legs into jelly.
I think he wanted more leverage because he picked me up swiftly by my w@!st and moved us to his be-d.
It was there that his roaming hands began to slow, his f!ngerstrailing down to that certain territory. Even though I anticipated it, it was still a shock to feel him tou-ching me there.
His h0t breath was laboured against my n£¢k when he g@sped. “You’re so we-t alre-ady.”
I mewled when I felt him begin to stro-ke me there, that sudden movement made everything go hazy.
I don’t remember how it happened, but I remembered that it was the feel of his hands ru-bbing and circling me there; driving both my b©dy and mind so crazy it was inevitable.
It tried to hold it, but when he inser-ted his middle f!nger inside me, stro-king me in and out, triggered it. I finally reached my unavoidable cli-max. It could only be describe-d as an out of b©dy experience when I felt waves after waves of plea-sure completely swallowing me whole. All I could do was m0@n out loudly as I let it wash over me.
Kyle on the other hand, ba-rely contained himself. His breathing was rou-gh and ragged against my throat. His b©dy, pressed so closely towards me made me feel more than the contours of his jeans pressing against me. It was after I found my bearings when I realised that it was his arou-salthat was protruding from his jeans.
A moment pas-sed before he re-moved his hands from me, shifting his b©dy away to lie facing the ceiling, both of us breathing in laboured breaths.
When I felt it safe to open my eyes, the first thing I saw was the bridge between Kyle’s jeans. He had one his arm dR@p£d around his face, his other hand—the one that he used—lying dormant on t©p of his stomach.
It hadn’t hit me yet—what we just done—but I knew right then and there that this was a turning point of our relationsh!p. When this realisation dawned, I knew I couldn’t face confrontation or regret because all I kept thinking of, was that intense plea-sure I just felt.
I had told him that I wanted it. It was the truth. But the embarras-sment I was feeling now was so unbearable; I had to leave before we faced each other.
So, I ran to his bathroom where I left his clothes. In there, I began cleaning the oozing jui-ces that were dripping from between my th!ghs as result of my Orgasms. I wore my p@n-ties from yesterday along with Kyle’s t-shi-t and sweats and then dashed back to his room to get my purse.
I only glanced at him and he looked like he was still mopping, he hadn’t changed his position. He still had one of his arms over his face, the other hand on his stomach. I watched the hand on his stomach and he was ru-bbing his f!ngerstogether as if ru-bbing off the feeling of me.
I darted my eyes away and concentrated on leaving. I took some cash out—the money I owed him for the car wash—and placed it on t©p of his drawer. Without words spoken from neither of us, I left his be-droom and ran down the stairs to his front door.
A s-en-se of foreboding for what this will mean for our friendsh!pcompletely took toll on me. I buried the feeling because it was useless and because all I kept thinking of, was what I had just experienced. It was crazy because I could still feel his f!ngersthere between my th!ghs, as if it was an after feeling.
When I reached my car, I discarded my red dress and shoes at the backseat and began driving away from his house.
I took the road that will lead me to Sav’s house. I just wanted to get my bag from there and then go home—to ponder over what had happened—but I knew Sav was going to make me stay for more than necessary.
Getting into Sav’s house, I greeted Mrs Beirs and Lily again. Sav’s father was still out of town on a business trip. When I asked them where Sav was, they pointed upwards indicating that she was still upstairs in her room. I made my way there.
Sav was nodding to some music pla-ying in her iPod stereo whilst she did her nails.
I knocked at her door before letting myself inside. Her face lit up as she saw me, but then she began staring at me in that derogatory way, as if I had done something she didn’t like.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing.” She feigned ignorant I narrowed my eyes at her. “No. It’s got to be something for you to stare at me like that.”
She shrugged as she continued painting her nails. “Just wondering why James has been asking for you all morning.”
I froze as I sat on her spinning chair next to her desk and faced her. “James has been asking for me?”
“Yes. Apparently you guys were inseparable last night. He doesn’t know what happened to you. He said one minute you guys were in his be-droom and the next he woke in the morning to find you gone.” She was giving me that curious shrewd look.
“Oh.” I muttered low to myself.
“Oh?” She let out an outbur-st. “Is that what you can only say, Oh?”
I shrugged, confused by her annoyance.
“Keya, I can’t believe you lied to me.” She told me.
“Lied to you? Exactly what did I lie to you about?”
“Losing your vir-ginity. What didn’t you just tell me it was with James? Was he rou-gh or something? You can’t keep something like this from me.”
“Whoa-whoa…wait, hold up for one second.” I gestured with my palms for her to st©p. I was shaking my head at this whole ridiculous misun-derstanding.
“Who said that I lost my vir-ginity last night? Did James say we did anything?” I asked.
“No, but obviously you guys must have for him to seem so worried about you the next morning.” She said.
I scowled in mid air. She was jumping into conclusions. “We didn’t do anything.” I confirmed.
She frowned. “Are you sure?”
I just gave a look that said, do I look like I’m kidding.
She backed right off from that look. “Okay…anyway…did he call you?”
“James, of course.” She exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing.
“James? Why would he call me? He doesn’t have my number.” I frowned at her.
It was that small shift of her eyes that told me of her guilt. “Sav, is there something you want to tell me?” I asked tentatively.
She held on to herself for a moment before she bur-st out, saying, “Okay, fine. I gave him your number.”
“What? Why? When?”
“He looked worried, okay. Plus he was hangover, he seemed off it. So I thought I’ll just give him your number. Though, I had thought he was going to call you instantly. Are you sure he hasn’t?” She rambled, finishing off her last nail before looking up at me.
I shook my head, frowning de-eply. I was confused by what she said. Why would James be worried about me? What did I do with him? Didn’t he remember Kyle st©pping us before we actually did what I had intended to do last night?.
I knew in order to get these answers; I would have to wait for James call, if he was even going to call me in the first place. I doubted he would.
“He must care about you.” Sav commented after a while of my silence.
“Who? James?” I asked.
“Yeah…” She trailed.
I snorted, “Right, of course.”
“I’m serious, Key, I mean what guy wouldn’t. You have this aura about you that just makes them want to care about you.”
I stared at her. “Where is this coming from?” I was refraining from laughing at her ridiculous statement.
She just shook her. “You just have no idea…anyway, what happened to you last night?”
“I told you… Kyle took me to his house.” I replied. My b©dy seemed to respond at the mention of Kyle. Another weird notion because the p@rt where he had t©uçhed me seemed to suddenly burn.
Sav scowled in confusion. “Why though? I mean, the last time I saw him, he was busy with Mandy br@xton.”
“What?” A pang of something hit my che-st.
“Yeah, she looked like she was into whatever he was saying. I think he’s getting throu-gh her like he said.” She commented uncaring for a moment before bur-sting out with laughter. “Poor, Ned. He might get b!tch sl@pped tomorrow.”
“Oh.” It was the only thing I could say. I didn’t know what think, not yet anyway. I was still thinking about what it felt like finally having my first Orgasm. To be honest just thinking about it, made me want to experience it again. The feeling was swimming in my head, ma-king my thoughts incoherent.
But another feeling was resurfacing at the mention of Kyle with Mandy. I don’t why I should feel jealous but at that moment I sort of did.
I knew I shouldn’t though, because whatever it was that I had shared with Kyle was temporary; it wasn’t going to repeat itself. Our friendsh!pwas alre-ady at stake by that one action. Plus, he was mopping over it.
Although, I was feeling awkward about it, I didn’t regret what he did, not when I had felt like that. But this didn’t mean that tomorrow things would be normal. No, Kyle and I just crossed a line that shouldn’t have been crossed in the first place.
I couldn’t stay with Sav for long while I was thinking these things. I was off my head and she could tell. I didn’t want her suspecting anything so I had to go home.
Sav, tried guilt tripping me to stay but I refused. In the end she had no choice my let me go. I said my goodbyes to her mother and sister and then I drove home.
My parents weren’t inside and I knew they had went off to church, so I went upstairs to my be-droom where the instant I entered it, I had a phone call from an unknown number.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hi, this is Keya right?” I recognised that voice. It was James.
“Yeah, this is her.”
“Oh Good…she gave me the right number…” He said this as if talking to himself. “Ah sorry I’m forgetting my manners. This is James.” He rambled.
“Yeah I know. Sav warned that you would call.”
He laughed nervously for a moment. “She did.”
“What else did she say?” He asked me, his tone wary but I could tell he was smiling.
So I decided to tease him. “Oh, you know, just that you’re we over your head, missing me so much.” I giggled.
He chuckled. “I was.” He admitted. “So…what happened to you? You sli-pped from me again, like you’d been doing the the whole night.”
“I didn’t.” I protested.
“You did…you kept running away from me, why? Do I scare people that much? I usually think my good looks only drew people in.”
I laughed at his boldness. “Your vanity never ceases to amaze me.”
“Hey, I can’t help it. I’m just so darn h0t.” He made a girly swooning noise which made me laugh even more.
I decided to use his phrase against him.
He laughed at my mocking. “But seriously, where did you go?”
“Kyle took me home. Apparently I was too drun!k.”
“He did? You seemed perfectly fine to me.”
“Not in Kyle’s judgment.”
“Hmm…You and Kyle are pretty close right?” He asked suddenly, the teasing in his tone gone.
I sobered for a moment at his question. My mind was picturing what Kyle did to me this morning.
“Yeah, quite close.”
“Right-right.” He said and then he laughed as if finding something funny.
“Do you think he would mind if I took you out?”
What? Did he just ask me out?
“It’s not up to him, James.” I replied.
What? Did I just really say that?
“I know, but, I wouldn’t want to disrespect him since you guys are close and all.”
This made me angry for a sudden. Why did he think the choice was up to Kyle?
“We are close, James, but he’s not my brother. It’s not like he owns me or something.” Jeez, I should tune down the hostility.
“Right-right.” He laughed it off. “So, would you mind if I take you out sometime?”
It was at that point when he asked if I minded that I realised I hadn’t even thought about the question in the first place. All I had concentrated on was the mention of Kyle in the matter. Now that what he just asked me registered, I didn’t know how to reply him. I didn’t want to refuse him; I did want him to take me out. But at this right moment, I didn’t think I was re-ady to d@t£.
Are you out of your blooming mind! A p@rt of me seemed to think. Take this freaking chance right now! Use it to get to know him!
“Keya? You there?” He seemed worried about my silence.
“Yeah…I’m here,” I said.
“Okay… So, what do you say” He asked me.
“Um…I don’t mind at all.”
I could s-en-se his grin. “So you’d go out on a d@t£ with me?”
“Great! Can we make it Saturday? I’m quite busy this week?”
I was worried about these one worded answers I was giving him.
“Good, we’ll talk more about the details during the week…do you have Skype?” He asked.
“Yeah I do.” Then I told him my Skype name.
He told me he was going to add me on his other social networks etc. So I should be prepared to accept him. He seemed excited for some reasons and throu-ghout the conversation; I only wondered why I was so disconcerted.
When he finally hanged up, I began to ponder the events that have just occurred since morning. First, I lost my first Orgasm to Kyle. Second, Sav tells me about James caring about me and now, I had a d@t£ on Saturday with very said person.
What was next? I wondered.
But the most disturbing thing was that throu-gh this excitement, all I seemed to think about—no, daydream—was not my impending d@t£ which I lacked excitement over. Instead, I thought of Kyle’s f!ngerson me, ru-bbing circles on me, burning me until I cli-maxed.