Secret princess episode 18 – 20


(I nee-d to be a maid to find true love)

Episode 18







Michael POV

I c@m£ to kings area to see a friend of mine, not that much of a close friend but close enough.

I didn’t meet him at home so I decided to go to Adrian’s house to torment him a little.

As I walk to my car I was surprised at who I saw.

“Tori!!what’s she doing here?” I asked no one in p@rticular

She was talking to a maid, and after their talk the maid bow down

“Wait, why would a maid bow to a maid?” I asked myself

“Tori” I called and she turn to my direction, it was obvious she was surprised to see me

“Sir… Mi.. Michael” she sturter

“Why is she scared? “I asked myself

” What are you doing here? “I asked her as she got closer to me

” Umm… Actually I c@m£ to see” she paused for a while as if she was thinking of what to say”a sick friend”

“Ohh, does Adrian know?” I asked

” Yeah, I got his permission before leaving”she replied

” Alright, let me drop you home” I said and she nodded

As we drove home, she kept looking outside, I jo-lted her out of her though when I asked her a question”how did you get into kings palace”

“Uh, oh that, my friend is a maid and she’s sick”she replied

” I know what I meant is how did they let you in?” I asked

“Oh I just told them I want to see my sick friend and they called her out”she replied

” I’ve been living in New York almost all my life no once did I step into kings palace”I said and her eyes wi-de-ned in surprise

” Really sir”she asked and I nodded

“Did you see the princess,I heard she’s a beauty”I said and she coughed

” No I didn’t”she said between her cough

“Why was that maid bowing to you?” I asked

“She was just grateful that I c@m£ to check on her”she replied

I decided to st©p asking questions when I saw that she was uncomfortable,I mean she went to see her sick friend so it must be uncomfortable for her to answer my question, but I really want to see that princess,no one has ever seen her ever since she grows up,she doesn’t show herself to public.


Adrian POV

It been hours since Tori left,I kind of miss her.

“Wait I can’t miss her, she’s just a maid I should keep that in mind,gosh I hate the word maid.

I was contemplating on whether to call her or not when Michael car drove in.

“Good I’ll ask Michael” I thought within myself.

But that thought changed when I saw Tori coming out of his car.

They both walk in holding hands,I got furious at the sight of that.

I walk to them and took Tori hand from Michael’s angrily




Episode 19




Victoria POV

As I and Michael got to Adrian’s house, he held my hand because I almost fell down,I tried to let go but he held it ti-ght,saying I might fall again,when we got inside Adrian got angry at the sight of us.

I thought I took too long but I didn’t, before I knew it, he took my hand from Michael’s.

“Why are you too together?” He asked holding my hand now

“Umm, we ran into each other” I replied but he ignore me

“Go and prepare lunch” he said not looking at me

“I alre-ady did” I replied

“Then ho set the table I’m hungry” he said and I went to the kitchen

After a while I c@m£ back with food, I set the table for two, as Adrian sit down he looked at me, I alre-ady know why..

“I didn’t prepare sir Michael’s food and since he’s here he can have mine”I said

” Wow I never knew you can be kind hearted”he said sitting down

” Thank you”he said in Korea

” You are welcome”I replied in Korea

“How did you know Korea?” He asked

“Umm, where I used to work as a maid their daughter takes korea lessons so I learned there”I replied

” Why am I so good with lies”I thought within myself

“Eat with me” Adrian said and I nodded

“Since when did you too started eating together”Michael asked

” It”I tried to say but Adrian beat me to it

“Why do you care” Adrian said

“It just ha-rd to see boss and employee eat together, even couples don’t eat together”Michael said

” I own her and I decide who she eats with”Adrian replied

At the sound of that I got angry and stood up.

“What wrong?” Michael ask

“I have some chores in the kitchen” I said with a fake smile


Adrian POV

Tori went to the kitchen, I didn’t call her back I don’t know why I didn’t, I just let her be

After lunch I and Michael went to my room.

“I saw Tori at kings palace” Michael said and my eyes wi-de-ned

” What!!? She told me she was going to see a sick friend”I replied

” Yeah, her friend is a maid at kings palace, I guess she couldn’t afford hospital bills”he replied and I nodded

We chart for a while, I told him about my plans of buying a restaurant and he agreed after much talk I walk him out.

I went to the kitchen in search of Tori but she’s no where to be found, I decided to go to my room when I saw her coming from upstairs but looks sad

“Are you okay?” I asked and she nodded avoiding my gaze and she was about to walk away

“I asked you a question” I half yell holding her wrist

“And I answered you” she yell

With that I knew I did something wrong but what exactly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked calmly

“You want to know fine, I just want to make one thing clear I don’t belong to anyone, just because I work as a maid doesn’t mean I belong to you”she said yelling, with that I knew I did wrong

Unconsciously I hvgged her and pat her back, she tried to push me but I hvgged her ti-ght.

When I saw that she has calm down, I dis£ngage the hvg and look straight into her eyes

“I’m sorry” I said without waiting for reply, I put myl-ips on hers.



(I nee-d to be a maid to find true love)

Episode 20🌿







Victoria POV

I went to the kitchen right after what Adrian said, I went to my room in order for us not to run into each other,he asked what was wrong and I told him, I was really angry, I’m not some sort of property to be claim by people.

He hvgged me and I tried to push him away but whenever I did he only ti-ght£ñ the hvg, I finally let him have his way, he dis£ngage from the hvg and apologize before I could respond he k!$$£d me right on myl-ips.

I pushed him and sl@p him.

“How dare you?” I half yell

“I… I… I’m” he sturter

“You think I’m one of those crazy slut, huh?” I asked and he nodded no

“Well I’m not, I’m not some cheap slut so don’t try this ever again”I yell and ran to my room.

” Who does he think he is?” I mutter as I walk into my room

I took a shower and went to sleep.


The next day


I started with cleaning of my room and I cleaned the whole house, after that I prepare breakfast.

I was doing that when Adrian c@m£ downstairs he was prepared for work.

“Good morning” he said and I ignore him

I set the table for only him and went back to the kitchen, he didn’t eat, he stared at the food.

When I noticed him I went to him and ask”don’t you like the food?”

“No, I like it” he replied

” Then why aren’t you eating?” I asked again and he stood up I moved back a bit back, to my surprise he knelt down

“I’m sorry for what I did yesterday, I took advantage of the situation when I shouldn’t, I’m really sorry”he said kneeling down

” You shouldn’t kneel down, I’m just a maid”I replied looking away

” I know but I did what I shouldn’t have”he replied and I sigh

” It fine you can stand up”I said

“Are you sure?” He asked and I nodded, he stood up and smile

“Let eat together” he said and I smile

“I don’t think so, we shouldn’t eat together, it improper”I replied

” Are you still angry? “He asked

“No it just that, sir Michael was right it wrong” I replied looking away

” Since when do you take Michael’s word seriously?” He asked

“Since he said the truth”I replied

” Alright, I’m going to work and there’s no nee-d for you to bring my lunch” he said and walk out of the house

” Did I do something wrong? Maybe I should have just accept his apology, what if he fires me, gosh Tori you take things too far”I speak to myself


Prince Dan POV

I storm out of the palace since I just had a fight with my father he wants me to look over some stupid affairs, I don’t like works, which is why I’m going out to do what I like fv¢king bit-ches.

“Drive me to a nearby h0tel” I said to the driver as I entered the car.

” Alright my prince”he replied, starting the engine

We got to the h0tel and the receptionist have me a sweet smile.

“Good day prince Dan” she said smiling

” Thank you, regular”I said and walk away, she alre-ady un-derstand what I meant.

“Hey handsome” the girl said as I walk into a room

“Hey” I replied and moved towards her, I k!ssher hungrily, it been a while since I had se-x

I undressed her in no time, I f!nger her w*t pu-ssy, I brou-ght out my di-ck and in-sert it into her, she m0@n ed loudly, I s*ck her ni**les as if my life depended on it

I fv¢k her real ha-rd and after a while I c-um, I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

When I c@m£ back she was still, na**ed when I c@m£ out of the bathroom.

“You trying to get more?” I asked and she sm-irk

As I k!ssher, I said between the k!ss”I love you Tori” she broke the k!ssand stared at me.

“What?” I asked and she smiled

I did my normal again and I liked her

“What your name?” I asked as she was dressing up

” Lia”she replied

” I’ll nee-d you another day”I said and she nodded



What do you think, is tori wrong for getting angry