Second chance episode 27 & 28


{ Switched…how’s that possible!!! }

🍁Episode 27🍁


By Chidimma Mirabel ✍🏻📚

Jackson drove into the mansion and parked his car. He looked at Angela and she alre-ady asleep.

He c@m£ out of the car and walked to the side of her car. He opened the door and picked her up before walking in the mansion.

“Make sure you guard this mansion well” He said to one of his b©dyguard before entering the mansion.

Jackson entered their room and placed her on the be-d. He sat down beside her and stared at her slee-ping face.

“I’m sorry I didn’t arrive earlier” He said and tugged her hair behind her ear.

He leaned forward and k!$$£d her forehead. That seemed to wake her up.

Angela slowly opened her eyes and what she saw first was Jackson handsome face.

“Jackson?” She called.

Jackson smiled at her.

“It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll protect you till my last breath.” Jackson said.

Angela smiled and k!$$£d and k!$$£d him. He k!$$£d her back with his hands resting on her sides supporting his weight.

Angela suddenly pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.

Jackson stood up with a confused expression. He walked up to her and saw her throwing up.

He held her hair up as she threw up.

After some minutes she washed her face and faced him.

“What’s wrong Angel? You’ve been acting different lately” Jackson asked worriedly.

“I don’t know. All I know is I’ve been very tired lately and also I eat alot plus nausea” Angela said confused.

Jackson hvgged her ti-ghtly.

“Don’t worry, tomorrow we’re going to meet a physician” Jackson said.

Angela nodded. They broke the hvg and she walked up to the wardrobe in order to change her tattered dress.

She str!pped and rummaged throu-gh her dresses in order to see something to wear.

She g@sped as she felt someone arms round her belly. Only her and Jackson was in the room so it was definitely Jackson.

He k!$$£d her ba-re shoulder and then her n£¢k which made Angela close her eyes as her knees was beginning to weaken.

She turned to him and k!$$£d him de-eply. He picked her up and walked to the be-d with her.

** Next morning **

Angela woke up and yawned lightly. She looked at her hands, shoulder. They were all filled with hic-keys.

She looked at Jackson and shook her head unbelievably.

She straddled him and k!$$£d his forehead.

“Come on wake up, you nee-d to go to work” Angela said.

“Just some minutes won’t hurt plea-se?” He said his eyes closed.

“Nope, wake up!!” Angela said.

He opened his eyes and sat up while staring at her. Angela gulped down as she drooled at his abs and tattoo.

Jackson chuckled as he caught her staring. He sn-ked his hands round her w@!st and k!$$£d her ba-re che-st.

“I love you so much Angel and no man that was born from a mother can stand in between us” He said.

Angela hvgged him.

“Me too jack” She replied.

“They broke the hvg and then went and took their bath together. Angela cooked breakfast as usual and they ate it happily while feeding each other.

After breakfast, Jackson went to work. He told Angela to stay at home for today, should in case William comes looking for her at the mansion.

“What will I do in this boring house alone” She whined.

An idea c@m£ up in her mind.

“I have an idea, I’ll go for the check up I told Jackson about.”

She quic-kly got dressed and took a guard with her before driving to the hospital.


After getting his wounds treated at the nearest hospital, William went back home in his car that morning.

He arrived and entered the mansion. It was usually calm.

Paulina c@m£ out of nowhere and walked up to him.

“Have you seen Mindy, I c@m£ back home yesterday and she’s nowhere to be found” Paulina said worriedly.

“I don’t know and I don’t care” He said ans walked to his room.

Paulina stood there, surprised by the sudden change in William’s attitude.

William entered his room and received the shock of his life. He saw his father lying lifelessly on the ground on his own pool of blood.

He closed his nose as the odor emananting from his b©dy. Looks like he’s been dead for hours.

William smiled evilly…

“I’m sure it’s Mindy who killed him that’s the reason she escaped. Wherever you are Mindy, I want to thank you for this hvge favor you did for me. Now that this old man is gone, no one will stand on my way, no more evidence to threaten me with. Don’t worry dad, I’ll take over your business for you. What are son for?” He said and walked out of the room.

He went downstairs and the TV was on

*Breaking news, the popular Mr William Perry was accused of attem-pted r@p£ over Jackson Peterson wife. And arrest warrant was issued for him. plea-se if you see him anywhere, do inform the police* The journalist said

Paulina who was also watching the TV looked at William in horror.

“Don’t tell me you did this?” Paulina asked.

“Yes I..

He was interrupted by a message on his phone. He opened them message and an unknown number s£nt a video to him.

He opened the video and ached his brow as he watched it. It was a video of Paulina and Mindy. They were seen in the living room, discussing something. On the video Paulina said that she is the reason why Kaila was killed. She even explained everything to Mindy. At the end they laughed loudly….

William looked up at Paulina with rage filled eyes.

“You killed the love of my life, how dare you” He said slowly approaching her.

Paulina took steps back. Right now William looked like some possessed man.

“You’ll pay for that” He said with a smile on his face.



Angela was sitting on a chair at the waiting room.

After some minutes the doctor called for her. She walked in the office feeling nervous

The doctor had a smile on her face…

“Congratulations, Mrs Peterson. You’re three weeks pregnant” The doctor said.

“Three weeks!!!” Angela exclaimed loudly.

The doctor nodded with a smile.

Right now she felt overwhelmingly happy. Carrying Jackson baby in her was so so…in fact words couldn’t explain how happy she was.

“Make sure you eat healthy and also plea-se avoid stressing too much and things that could harm the baby”

Angela nodded while ru-bbing her stomach.

She shook hands with the doctor and walked out of the hospital. She boarded the car and the driver drove them home.

She alighted the car with a smile and went in.

*Can’t wait for jack to come back home* She said inwardly.


The police arrived at William house to arrest him. The commander knocked on the door but no one answered.

They knocked again, still nothing…

Following the commander orders they broke the door and c@m£ in with their guns aimed at all directions.

One of the policemen who was searching round the house froze at what he saw.

“Boss, you nee-d to see this” He communicated throu-gh the earbud.

The commander rushed to where he was and also froze at what he saw

Paulina’s head was detached from her b©dy, blood everywhere. Her b©dy was cut into tiny pieces and beside her head was a phone.

The commander walked in a took the phone. He put it on and what popped in was video showing the discussion between paulina and Mindy.

He sighed and turned to his colleagues.

“Let’s leave William Perry isn’t here. Also issue an arrest warrant for Madeline Perry” He said.

The cops wore hand gloves and nose masks. There gathered Paulina b©dy pieces and also took Jordan b©dy before leaving the area.


William was seated on a chair in his father hideout while watching the c@m£ra he planted at his house.

“Good, now that an arrest warrant was issued for Mindy, I’ll just wait for the cops to catch her for me and I’ll kill her” He said with a smile.

He picked his phone and called one of his men.

“Execute plan B right now” He said and hung up.

“Now time to go and see my queen” He said and stood up heading outside.


Jackson exhaled loudly as he leaned on his chair. Thank goodness that the time pas-sed quic-kly.

He stood up and parked his things in his suitcase before walking out of the office.

He boarded his car and began his drive home.

*Can’t believe that William turned to this monster* He thought.

He saw the news about his arrest warrant.

Memories of the different things they did when they were young c@m£ hitting ha-rd . He quic-kly shrugged the feeling away.

Suddenly a hvge truck appeared infront of him.

His eyes wi-de-ned and he made to make a U turn but it was too late.

The truck hit his car and it turned crashing in a nearby tree.

Jackson was seen with his head lying on the steering with blood cascading down his face

The truck driver c@m£ out of his truck and made a call.

“The job is done boss” He said and hung up. He boarded the truck and left the scene before being noticed.


( Door bells )

Angela spranged up from the couch she was sitting. She has eagerly been waiting for Jackson to come back home.

She rushed to attend to the door. As she opened the door, her eyes wi-de-ned in horror.

“We meet again my queen” William said with a smile.


{ Switched…how’s that possible!!! }

🍁Episode 28🍁


By Chidimma Mirabel✍🏻📚

“We meet again my queen” William said with a smile on his face.

Angela took a step back still staring at him.

“Will…William?” She stuttered.

“Why are you so surprised. You’re mine, why are you so scared” William said walking closer to her.

“What’s gotten into you William, you’re not the same person I knew” Angela said still talking steps back.

“Oh well I don’t know who told you about me but that person was greatly mistaken about me. Don’t you see this is the real me, this is how I am when I don’t get what I want…I still remember, when I asked Mindy if she was involved in Kaila’s death, she said no. I warned her that if I ever find out that she was involved she’ll pay dearly for it…I’m a very kind and compas-sionate person, but I go berserk when I find out that you’re abusing of my kindness. Also I hate sharing what’s mine, you’re mine Angela and I won’t share you with any one not even Jackson…oh speaking of Jackson why don’t you watch the news” William said and walked up to the television, he picked up the remote controller and put on the TV. A news popped up.

*Breaking news!! 20 minutes ago, a car was seen by the road side. The car was damaged beyond repair. The driver was the car was rushed to the hospital and he’s right now fighting for his life. The victim is none other than Mr Jackson Peterson, CEO of SWN corporation* The journalist said throu-gh the TV.

Angela knees gave up and she sat on the floor still staring at the TV as they showed the different images of the damaged car.

Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she wept bitterly.

“It’s okay Angela, don’t worry you’ll soon forget about him. I’m here for you” William said and crouched to her level as he ru-bbe-d her back.

Angela turned and face him and what followed was a resounding sl@p.

Angela stood up in tears.

“You monster, you’re nothing but a monster. How dare you do this to Jackson, your best friend!!! I hate you, I’ll never love you!! Not in life, not in death…You here me I’ll never love you!!” She yelled at him as more tears cascaded down her eyes.

William face changed. He was now furious…

He gr@bb£d her hair harshly and f0rç£fully k!$$£d her, he broke the k!ssafter some minutes.

“Listen you’re gonna love me whether you like it or not, you’re mine!!” He growled.

“Let me go, you’re hurting me!” Angela cried.

“Come here” He said and dragged her to the exit.

Angela marched his foot. He re-leased her hair, she then gave him a kick on his s-en-sitive p@rt before running out of the house.

She ran out of the house heading to the gate. As she arrived there, the gate was locked.

“Oh no!!!” She said as she struggled to open the gate.

“No nee-d to run my love, we’re the only ones in this house. Come out, come out, wherever you are!!” He said as he slowly walked to the gate.

Angela heard his footsteps approaching so she quic-kly ran and hid in a bush.

She re-moved her phone from the pocket of her trou-ser.

“Who should I call?” She thought while panicking

A name popped up in her head, she quic-kly dialed the number.


“Hazel, plea-se I nee-d your help he’s after me. He wants to harm me, I’m scared” Angela said in a hushed sound while crying.

“Angela who? Where are you?” Hazel said as she picked her jacket walking out of her house.

“It’s Will….

“Found you!!” William exclaimed.

“Ahh!!” Angela screamed.

“Come here” He said and gr@bb£d her hand

“No, help Hazel plea-se!!” Angela screamed before the call disconnected as the phone smashed on the floor.

“Let me go William!! plea-se?” Angela struggled to get out of his grip.

“Will you stay quiet for some minutes” He said and injected her.

Angela struggled and after some minutes she st©pped as she feel limp in his arms.

“Good girl” He said and pe-cked herl-ips before carrying her.

He opened the gate and walked out of the house pas-sing all the dead bodies lying on the ground. He poisoned all the guards.

He placed her in his car and drove off.


“Sh*t!!!” Hazel cursed as the call disconnected.

“What’s wrong?” Someone said.

“hvge problems. I don’t know why this girl always have the talent of getting herself into trouble” Hazel said as she rushed to her computer.

She began typing furiously on it…

The man walked up to her and ru-bbe-d her back which seemed to calm her down.

“Calm down hunny, we’ll find her” He said and k!$$£d her on the cheek.

Hazel looked at him and smiled.

“Thanks Ray” She replied.

“Anything for you my love” Raymond replied.

“Bingo!” Hazel exclaimed as she was done typing.

A red dot was showing on the computer and it was moving.

“I planted a tracker in her br@celet. It’s a matter of time before the tracker disconnects. We nee-d to act fast” Hazel said.

“I guess you have no other choice right?” Raymond said.

“Yeah. I guess I’ll contact the G empire in Korea for help” Hazel said removing her phone.

She dialed a number.

“Agent V, it’s me agent H. I nee-d your help it’s an emergency. The life of an important person is at stake.” Hazel said.

“Alright we’re on our way to the US, just give us one and a half hour. I’ll s£nd the ROSY girls and Shadow to your aid” Victoria said.

“Good thanks boss” Hazel said and hung up..

She turned to Raymond.

“She said they’re on their way. They’ll arrive in the next hour.” Hazel said and sat back down in front of the computer.

*I hope they won’t be late* She thought while staring at the red dot.

She doesn’t know how but she’s grew fond of Angela. Like a sister to her.


Jackson was lying on the hospital be-d with tubes all over his b©dy. The doctor was there and he dressed his wound.

“How’s his condition” One of the doctor asked.

“He’s stable right now. Looks like he is in God’s favor, he got minor wounds. Alot of blood loss. I’m sure he’ll be fine” The doctor said as he bandaged his head.

As the doctors were discussing, someone was standing by the door eavesdropping on their conversation.

After the doctors finished discussing, he stylishly walked away.

He re-move the nose mask and made a call.

“Hello boss? The target is alive, says he’ll be okay” He said discreetly.

“Really? Looks like he has nine lifes” William said with a smile.

“What should I do? Should I poison him?” He asked.

“No, don’t poison him. I will personally kill him, just make sure he doesn’t leave the hospital, kidnap him by sunrise and bring him” William said.

** 30 minutes later **

Angela slowly opened her eyes. She looked round the area with a confused expression.

She sat up and surprisingly, she was in a beautiful room laying on a comfortable be-d.

She climbe-d down the be-d and walked to the door but it was locked.

“Where I’m I?” She thought

She then remembered all what happened. Maybe William sed@t£d her and brou-ght her to this place.

She walked to the window but it was locked too.

The door then opened and William walked in smiling happily.

“Good thing you’re awake my princess” William said.

Angela glared at him with anger in her eyes.

“Don’t come near me” She threatened.

William chuckled like it was some joke…

“What will you do huh? Will you kill me? Hate me? Oh plea-se, I’ve alre-ady heard all of those. They mean nothing to me” He said while walking towards her.

*I can’t let him find out that I’m carrying Jackson baby, I fear he will harm my baby* Angela though, taking steps back.

He stood in front of her and leaned towards her. He brushed hisl-ips across her ears.

Angela swallowed in disgust.

“Don’t worry, I’m letting you rest for tonight. Tomorrow I’m ma-king you mine whether you like it or not” He said and smiled before walking out of the room, locking the door behind him.

Angela sat down on the floor and cried bitterly….

“I’m scared. Someone save me from this monster” Angela cried.

She ru-bbe-d her stomach and a glint of hope shone in her heart.

“I nee-d to protect my baby” She thought.

** An hour later **

“Love, they’ve arrived” Raymond said.

“Good let them in” Hazel said while calculating the exact location of Angela. The red dot st©pped moving so it means Angela is at that location.

The door opened and five people walked in four ladies and one man.

“We’re here agent H” Ronald said.

Hazel turned to them.

“Good, the target has st©pped moving which means she’s at this location. We nee-d to get there before tomorrow or else it’ll be too late” Hazel said.

“Cool, that means we have enough time to make some plans. I mean this is the song of Jordan Perry we’re talking about. The most dangerous drug lord in US.” Suzy said.

“Yeah you’re right so what’s the plan” Olivia asked.

Roxanna rested her hands on the table.

“I think I have a plan” She said.


“Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! I’m in some serious mess right now. What do I do mom is dead, I’m on the wanted list and I’m sure William us after me” Mindy said while panicking.

She was currently in a small house that she rented and payed the man handsomely so that he keeps quiet.

After some minutes of thinking she stood up with a determined look on her face.

“I guess I’ll surrender to the police f0rç£. I’m tired of all these” She said and wiped off her tears.

“I hope I’ll have the chance to speak to Kaila. I badly nee-d to ask for forgiveness even though I know she’ll never forgive me” She said and dialed a number.

“Hello, I’m Madeline Perry. I plead guilty. I’m responsible for the death of Kaila Morgan and Jordan Perry” She said in tears.

Mindy, I feel sorry for you sha. You’re indirectly going to death.