second chance episode 24 & 25


{ Switched…how’s that possible!!! }

šŸEpisode 24šŸ


By Chidimma Mirabel āœšŸ»šŸ“š

Angela parked her car infront of William mansion. She looked out of the car then breathed loudly before coming out of the car.

She walked up to the entrance and rang the bell. A maid c@mĀ£ and opened and g@sped at her beauty.

“Excuse me, can I see Mrs Madeline?” Angela asked with a smile.

“Sure” The maid replied and let her in.

She walked in and was guided to the living room where she sat down with her eyes scanning round the area.

*If all this didn’t happened, I could have been here. I couldn’t have met my heartbeat* Angela thought.

Minutes after someone walked in the living room.

Angela looked up and smiled…

“Madeline” She exclaimed.

Mindy looked at her suspiciously.

“What are you doing here?” Mindy asked.

“Nothing just decided to drop by, we’re friends remember?” Angela said.

Mindy smiled pretentiously and nodded.

“Let’s take a walk” Mindy said.

“Thanks Madeline” Angela said and stood up.

“You can call me Mindy, we’re friends” Mindy said.

“Yeah” Angela said and rolled her eyes…

They began walking round the house with Mindy boasting about all the company her husband had and also how she was aware the most prettiest of the year.

Angela yawned silently as her eyes scanned round the area. She wasn’t here to hear all her literature…She was here to look for her dad.

“Mindy, can I meet your family. Want to know who’s the parents of such a beauty like you” Angela said.

Mindy tugged her hair behind, happy with the compliment.

*Maybe she’s not kaila* Mindy thought.

“Okay, let me presĀ£nt to you my mom and dad” Mindy said and led the way.

A maid called for Paulina and another wheeled Evaristo into the room. They both entered and as they saw Angela face, they both froze…

“Wow she really looks so much like Kaila” Paulina thought.

*Angela!!…How come?!* Evaristo thought.

As soon as her gaze landed on that of Evaristo, Angela wanted to bur-st into tears and hvgs him ti-ghtly but refrained herself.

“Angela, here’s my mom Paulina Morgan and my dad Evaristo Morgan” Mindy said.

“Cool you look just like them” Angela said.

“Thanks” Mindy said.

“Can I hvg you guys” Angela said.

They both nodded…

Angela walked up to Paulina and hvgged her. Paulina quic-kly broke the hvg as if she felt the hatred emanating from Angela.

Angela then hvgged Evaristo she hvgged him ti-ghtly. Evaristo hvgged her back too…

She discreetly sli-pped a paper in his hand and then broke the hvg.

Evaristo looked at her confusedly…

“I think I’ll have to go now, see you tomorrow” Angela said and walked to the exit.

She made to open the door but someone opened it, she bu-mped into the person.

Luckily the person caught her by the w@!st before she could fall. She looked up and g@sped as she saw William and their faces where just inches ap@rt.

William stared at her pretty face and his gaze landed on her k!ssablel-ips. He was tem-pted to k!ssher but he restrained himself.

He quic-kly re-leased her and took one step back.

“Uh sorry” Angela said awkwardly.

“No problem” He replied.

“I’ll be leaving now” Angela said.

She smiled shortly and walked out of the house to her car.

She boarded her car and drive off. She left her phone in the car, she remembered it and stĀ©pped the car then put it on…

Her eyes almost popped open as she saw 25 missed calls, 12 messages from Jackson.

She looked at the time and it was 11pm…

“I’m so dead” She muttered and continued her drive home…

The gate opened for her. She drove in and parked at the garage

She c@mĀ£ out of the car and walked in the house….

The house was alre-ady dark with no noise. Sge slowly walked to their room since she wasn’t hungry. She opened the door and met Jackson slee-ping on the be-d. His phone was in his hands, probably waiting for when Angela will call.

She walked up to her wardrobe and changed into her nightie before walking back to the be-d.

She stared at Jackson face and smiled

“I’m sorry I made you worry this much” She whispered.

She made to pat his hair but Jackson caught her hand midway. He opened his eyes and looked at her…

“Where were you?” He asked.

“Uhm I went to Mindy’s house” Angela said

Jackson sat up on the be-d.

“What? Do you realize how dangerous it was?” Jackson scolded her

“I know, I just wanted to see my dad besides there’s something I nee-ded to know” Angela said.

“What was it?”

“I don’t know, I guess I’ll know tomorrow” Angela said.

“So I’m I forgiven?” Angela asked ma-king her best puppy face.

Jackson sm-irked and shook his head negatively.

“Nope, do you realize how worried I was for you? I almost grew white hairs out of worry” Jackson said.

Angela sat down on his l@ps and and ca-ressed his che-st while b!tt!g herl-ips S-xily.

“I’m sorry okay? I promise I’ll tell you next time” She said while staring in his eyes…

He wra-pped his hand round her w@!st and pu-ll-ed her down on be-d.

“It’s okay, you know I can never stay mad at you for long. Come on let’s sleep, it’s late” He said and k!$$Ā£d her forehead.

“But I’m not feeling sleepy” Angela said and she snuggled with his che-st.

Jackson sm-irked and c@mĀ£ on tĀ©p of her. He pinned her hands on the be-d.

“Alright, then we’ll stay awake all night long” He said and claimed herl-ips

** Next morning **

Mindy was in the kitchen, brewing herself some coffee to drink when someone walked in the kitchen.

She didn’t bother to turn back as she knew it was alre-ady William.

Suddenly she felt a presĀ£nce really close to her…

“I don’t know if my son has ever told you this but you’re really beautiful” He whispered in her ears.

Mindy caught the goosebu-mps as she knew alre-ady who it was.

“What are you trying to say?” Mindy asked.

“I mean just one night with me and I’ll make you feel what my son has never made you feel” Jordan said.

Mindy quic-kly picked a knife that was close to her and turned to him. She aimed at his face but luckily he dodged ma-king the knife to grasp throu-gh his jaw.

“Who do you think you are? Don’t you have any shame. I’m warning you, stay away from me if you want me to still see you like a father in law. I love my husband very much” Mindy said and walked out of the kitchen.

Yes, the marriage was all a trick to get rich but in the long run she fell de-eply in love with William…

Jordan smiled and tĀ©uƧhed the blood that was on his jaw.

“She’s quiet feisty. I love that!!” He said to himself and walked out of the kitchen too.

( 09:00 am )

Angela was standing at the park waiting for someone, it’s her father of course. She wrote on the paper she gave him that he should meet up with her here.

A car stĀ©pped in front of her. A guard c@mĀ£ out of the car and opened the pas-sĀ£nger seat. He carried Evaristo out of the car and placed him on his wheelchair.

Evaristo wheeled up to her with a curious look….

“Who are you? Why did you ask us to meet” Evaristo said.

Angela smiled as she let out the tears of joy she held last night.

“Its me dad, Kaila” She said with a smile and tears on her face.

Evaristo froze…

“Kaila?” He stuttered.

Angela nodded she told him everything. About the br@celet, how she was sold, how she died and ressurected into Angela’s bĀ©dy, how she met and got married to Jackson…everything!!!

By that time Evaristo was in tears…

“I’m sorry Kaila, it’s all my fault. I’m the one to be blamed.” He cried.

Angela kneeled in front of him and held his hand.

“It’s okay dad. I nee-d to know why I am in this bĀ©dy and will the real Angela come back?” Angela asked.

“I don’t know but there’s something you nee-d to know” Evaristo said and looked down.

“What is it dad?” Angela asked curiously.

“You and the real Angela…are…sisters”

Angela froze.


{ Switched…how’s that possible!!! }

šŸEpisode 25šŸ


By Chidimma Mirabel āœšŸ»šŸ“š

“We’re sisters!!” Angela exclaimed loudly…

Evaristo sighed and looked up at her. He took her hand and gently ru-bbe-d it…

“It was 25 years ago. I got married to Paulina, of course it was an arranged marriage between our family. I never loved her, the woman I loved was Leah, your mother. Our family were strongly against our love, they did everything to keep us away from each other but our love still prevailed. We escaped and traveled to Denmark. By that time I was alre-ady married to Paulina. We lived our love life there….We gave birth to cute triplets, a boy and two girls. Raymond, Angela and you Kaila. Leah died while giving birth to you three. I took it all on me and raised you three. After some two months or three, my family suddenly c@mĀ£ to Denmark and kidnapped Raymond, they sĀ£nt him to another country in which I don’t know. They threatened me to come back and resume my marriage with Paulina or they’ll kill my son…I pleaded on them and they told me to bring one out of you two. With a heavy and pained heart, I took Angela to the orphanage, and then I went back to the US with you. And that’s were my miserable life began” Evaristo narrated and wiped off his tears. It pained his heart to remember all those things that happened to him.

Angela wiped off her tears too. She didn’t know what to feel. Whether its sadness, joy, happiness or anger…

“I’m sorry Kaila, it wasn’t my intention to abandon Angela, I didn’t have a choice back then” Evaristo said in tears.

Angela hvgged him ti-ghtly.

“It’s okay dad, it’s not your fault. You had no choice” Angela said.

“Can I ask you a favor?” Evaristo said.

“What is it dad?” Angela said.

“Can I see Angela for one last time?” Evaristo asked pleadingly.

Angela stared at him confusedly. She didn’t know how to make Angela take possession of her bĀ©dy.

She stared at the br@celet on her wrist and then re-moved it. She closed her eyes and meditated.

Her head began spinning and sge felt her soul leave the bĀ©dy.

Angela opened back her eyes and stared at the environment. She was surprised to see that she’s back again in her bĀ©dy.

She looked at the man in front of him and smiled as tears welled up her eyes.

“Father?” Angela called.

“Yes, it’s me. Your father” Evaristo said and hvgged her ti-ghtly. The joy he felt at that time was so much.

Meeting his two daughters at the same day was so overwhelming. The only thing missing was his son.

“Dad, how long I’ve wished to call someone that. I forgive you for everything” Angela said as they hvgged each other.

“Thanks so much” Evaristo said as they broke the hvg.

Angela head began aching and her head began spinning.

“Dad, I have to leave you right now. Don’t worry about me I’m fine where I am. I’ll always be with you and Kaila till the end…We’re gonna fight for what is rightfully ours. I love you dad, don’t worry I’ll stay with mom forever. Goodbye” Angela said and her head went down.

After some minutes Angela g@sped and opened her eyes.

She looked back at her father..

“Did you two get to talk?” Angela asked as she wore her br@celet back.

“Yeah she says she wants to stay back with your mother, in the other world” Evaristo said with a smile.

“Does that mean she won’t come back on her bĀ©dy?” Angela asked.

“Yeah, I think so” Evaristo said.

Angela sighed a sigh of relief and also guilt. She felt happy that she won’t get to leave Jackson behind and she felt guilty coz she’s enjoying all what Angela was supposed to enjoy.

“Dad, I nee-d to go to work. Don’t worry I’ll do everything possible to find out missing brother” Angela said.

“Okay, I’ll also help you with your revenge. It’s time I act like a man. I’ll be your eyes and ears at that mansion” Evaristo said.

“Thanks dad, be careful. I love you bye” She said and k!$$Ā£d his forehead before entering the car, she drove to her company.

As she parked her car, she received a call from Hazel.


“Mrs Peterson, the brothel has been successfully tracked” Hazel said.

“Good, give me two hours. I’ll be on my way there, we’ll burn that place down. Just like what they did to me” Angela said and hung up.

She kept her phone in her bag and c@mĀ£ out of her car then walked to her office while smiling at those who greeted her…Her company is slowly progressing.


“What!!! What do you mean that our company is slowly dieing down” Mindy yelled as she was in her office.

“That’s the repost we got ma’am” Kaila James said with her head down.

“Sh*t, that stupid company is stealing all our prominent clients!! fu-ck!!” She yelled and threw the papers at Kaila James face.

Kaila James picked it up and walked out of the office fighting back her tears. Just because of money, she betrayed her best friend now look where it landed her…She’s been treated like a dog.


“Is the job well done?” Jackson asked throu-gh the phone

“Yeah, her company is slowly dieing down.” Someone said throu-gh the phone.

“Good, that’ll teach her a lesson not to mess with my angel” Jackson said and hung up.

He smiled as he successfully achieved what he wanted.

Yeah…he’s the one behind Mindy’s company going bankrupt. He decided to help his baby out.


Angela sat down on her seat while working. She suddenly felt dizzy but ignored the feeling.

Two hours suceesfully pas-sed without problem. It was time for her break, that’ll be enough to do what she plans to do.

She stood up and walked out of her office and out of her company.

Hazel was alre-ady outside with some men around 7. Looks like they come from same company with Hazel.

“Let’s go” Angela said.

“Sure, follow us” Hazel said.

They boarded their respective cars and drove off to the location.

After close to 40 minutes they arrived the location. It was a hvge mansion in the middle of an isolated area.

“I called the cops, I’m sure by the time that they’ll arrive here we’ll be done with what we have to do” Hazel said putting back her phone.

“Good, let’s go” Angela said.

The men who c@mĀ£ with them just bombarded the gate, it turned to p@rticles.

“What’s going on?”

“Did someone c@mĀ£ to save us”

“What’s happening, I’m scared”

“Someone save me”

Those were the words they heard coming from the building

Minutes after some men c@mĀ£ out and sutrou the house then aimed the gun at Hazel men. Hazel just smiled and shook her head..

“Who are you to enter my territory without permission?” Flora asked still looking as beautiful as before with her cigarette in her hand.

“Well we’re the ones who’ll lead you to your downfall. You face is pasted all around the country as wanted. If they catch you is life imprisonment so I prefer to kill you on the spĀ©t” Hazel said smoking, standing with that usual cold expression on her face.

Flora chuckled..

“You seriously think you could kill me?”

She turned to one of her men…

“Come on shoot her, what are you waiting for?” Flora said.

The man made to pu-ll the trigger but a gunsh0t was heard. The man who wanted to shoot Hazel fell on the floor as pool of blood began acĀ¢v-mulating beneath him.

Flora stared at his dead bĀ©dy, surprised… She looked back at Hazel.

Hazel had a smile on herl-ips.

“I told you, you’ll die here right? You thought I was joking? My men have surrounded this area, every of your move are in their gaze” Hazel said.

Flora began to feel scared. Her eyes darted round the area but she could see no one.

Suddenly a laughter was heard. Flora was even more confused.

“Well, well, well my dear Flora…You seriously thought you could kill me?” Someone said.

Flora eyes wi-de-ned as Angela c@mĀ£ out of her hiding, looking more beautiful.

“Kaila?” Flora said.

“Good to see you still remember my name. Did you miss me?” Angela asked.

“No, it can’t be. I made sure you were burnt to ashes, how come you’re in front of me?” Flora asked, slightly trembling.

“Not enough for you to know but enough for you to shut up” Angela said.

“Shoot her!” Flora screamed.

Her men began shooting at Hazel men and a shooting session began.

After close to 15 minutes, the shooting died down with only Flora standing up, the rest of her men where all dead

“No,,I can’t loose like this” She said as her knees gave up, she sat down on the ground.

Hazel men went in and evacuated the women who were inside as for some of the men who were also inside like politicians, they were all tied up…waiting for the police to arrest them.

Angela walked in front of Flora and gave her two resounding sl@ps. She pu-ll-ed her up by the hair and dragged her into the building.

By that time, the rest of Hazel men where sprinkling petrol round the house.

Angela personally tied Flora up. She sl@pped her again with tears glistering in her eyes.

“You ruined my life!” Angela said in tears. Being here is greatly reminding her of all what she’s being throu-gh…

The match box was handed to her. Flora eyes wi-de-ned in horror…

“plea-se have mercy, I’m sorry plea-se…Don’t let me die like this, just shoot me” Flora begged…

Angela ti-ghtĀ£Ć±ed ger grip on the matchbox.

“No, I cant forgive you…You ruined the lives of so much women, I can’t let you continue like this. Besides I begged you to spare my life but you turned a deaf ear to it…The society doesn’t nee-d monster like you so it’s preferable you die. Die!!” Angela yelled and she lighted up the match. She threw it at Flora and walked out of the house with Hazel and the rest behind.

“No it hurt argh!! It hurt!!” Flora screamed in agony as she was being consumed in the flames…

Angela stared at the building which was burning down. She still remembered vividly all the pains she went throu-gh…

She heard the police sirens approaching.

“I’ll leave the rest to you. I don’t want to be seen here, it’ll b!ow up my cover” Angela said and Hazel nodded.

“Can we be friends?” Hazel suddenly said which took Angela by surprise.

“Sure” Angela replied.

She walkes up to her car and made to enter.

“I hope I’ll meet your husband, he must be lucky to have such a badas-s like you as wife” Angela said and entered the car

She drove off….


William was seated on a couch in his house de-ep in thought. Ever since his father arrived, he didn’t say a word to him.

“What’s wrong son?” Jordan said.

He looked up at him and stayed quiet.

“What’s wrong son? I’m asking you for the last time” Jordan said.

William looked at him and sighed.

“There’s this girl I really love. Unfortunately things lead to another and I got married to her sister which is Mindy. After some months, someone who looks exactly like her c@mĀ£ back…All the feelings I thought was long forgotten suddenly c@mĀ£ back into me. My thoughts are now occu-pied by her,,,the problem now is she’s married to my best friend” William said sadly.

Jordan laughed and sat down beside him…

“That’s it? Because of a woman you’re re-ady to die because of over thinking? Like Ariana grande sang…I see it, I like it, I want it, I gat it. If you like her go for her son…You’re not my son for nothing” Jordan said patting his back.

William glanced at him…

“Maybe you’re right dad”

Hmm, that’s how it’s starting. William!!